#sohma kyo


Thanks for the ask, anon, this was something i would like to talk about before so i am glad you did :)).

There are things that definitely should’ve changed/never happenned in Fruits Basket. Also there are things that could’ve been better and the things i personally would like to change so here we go.


I think we should’ve seen more insight of Tohru. After all, she is the main character. I wish she take the control of her own story and become the narative of it, instead of hearing everything from other characters. We also should explore the side of her that she saw dirty, that she would do anything to feel secure because i think showing characters capable of being dark makes them more real and human. It should’ve happenned with Tohru too. This side of her should’ve been more explored.

Tohru should’ve treated more realistic, not everyone realize her pain and kindness and they shouldnt keep narrate her as if she is angel, its unrealistic. Because not everyone can love everyone, no matter how good you act, most people wont realize it and its okay. So basically that ‘main character’ and ‘shoujo’ power shouldnt happen. She is just a normal girl and she should’ve been treated that way. Tohru’s unhealthy behaours such as toxic positivity and people pleasure should’ve been adressed and she should learn to deal with her feelings better. That she stop smilling always and let her feelings be free.

And i think her parallels with Akito should be one of the biggest focus in story than romance.


Before continue, i would like to erase or at least adress every toxic and exist ideas in story. Just imagine that they all gone. Its a story about invidual’s importance than sacrificing their happiness for everyone, that its both important. Just imagine that they all adressed one by one and characters find the right ways. Because being ‘good’ person doesnt make you less toxic or justifiable. Its about challenging yourself every day so characters also should face consequences of their actions, not just one character.


Tohru’s besties Hana and Uo are still protective of her cause she make them worry but they are not overprotective or at least, later they should realize that they made Tohru more fragile by constantly trying to protect her.


The rivalry between Kyo and Yuki was more dramatic and brutal than comedy relief. Because the tension between them would be more than just comedy and simple fight.


I think Momiji is really cute little boy (kinda reminds me of Misha from Vnc). Foolish traveler story doesnt exist, he just mentions that Tohru’s kindness is not her being stupid to others and he wants them to realize her because in this story, not everyone realize her. He relates Tohru about this cause others dont realize him either in a way.

He is very fond of her and projects her mother issues on her, thats why he feels jeolous of Kyo, he doesnt want to loose his mother figure. He never view her as romantic interest. + Momiji doesnt really change when he become teenager like that.


Kana didnt loose her mind cause of what Akito said because thats ridicilous. Who would care random teenager’s words and loose their minds? Some maids blame on Kana for it, all the pressure around Kana made her give up and lead her to blame herself. Which is the side of story not many zodiac members know about.


Akito didnt try to kill Rin twice, the reason is its simply unnecessary. One time was enough for the plot. And it didnt happen with pushing from the window. (and its also pointless to get Rin hurt pyshically so its unnecessary). When Akito learnt Rin was going out with Haru, she put her to cat house and cut her hair. She put her there as punishment, later she let her go by thinking she understood her lesson. Its obviously traumatized Rin. Later, we met Rin with short hair at the first time. Later in story, we find out why her hair become like that even though it was shown as long in Haru and other zodiac members’s memories.


Kyo rejects Kagura and talk about how much uncomfortable he felt around her, that he doesnt love her cause she never give him a break, that she doesnt respect him as person, calling her out for her abuse. + Arisa never beats Kyo but just tease him as joke.


Ritsu was shown with his boy clothes when he was introcuded. He was seen as shy boy and at the end of story, he was shown in girl clothes as growth cause thats what who he really wants to be, that its okay to be himself, that he can enjoy with what he likes.


Haru had a love triangle type of relationship betwen Yuki and Rin and it actually adressed, instead of treating it as joke.


Rin and Haru never slept but they just kissed each others when they started going out. And actually they were more than just lovers, they were besties who supported each others. Also Rin never saw her body as something she can offer to others.


Ayame had a thing for Hatori and he is just besties with Mine.


Not every zodiac members like each others and they dont do that banquet meeting anymore cause they dont need it, they are free. Story also should’ve adressed other character’s flaws too, not just certain ones. And it shouldnt been treated as comedy relief.


Rin also gets friends outside of Tohru at school and after Tohru and Kyo talk, Rin and Kagura understand each others more and gets closed, like sisters.

And when Haru learnt that what Akito did, thats when he got mad. Also other zodiac members learn it later and feeling bad for not realizing sooner. Not just them, it even make Tohru uncomfortable so her lack of empathy towards Akito increase too.


Kureno always saw Akito as cute younger sister or even like his own daughter so naturally, he never had romantic or sexual desire for her. He witnessed her suffering and he decided that he had to protect her, even it means ignoring other people’s suffering. Because to him, his younger sister’s happiness was more important than anything. He also felt responsible for her.


And Kureno and Uo didnt have some kind of love story. Arisa had one sided crush/interest cause he was looking like male version of Tohru but Kureno never see her that way. Tohru wanted to see him cause she thought he needed to be saved too. The reason why Kureno decided to talk with Tohru because he saw her positive effect on zodiac members and decide to talk about his and Akito’s side of story. At the end, Kureno had a last talk with Akito at hospital. They talked about their feelings and suffering. And Kureno decided to leave for a while. They both wished happiness for each others.


Shigure, just like Kureno never really had romantic or sexual feelings for Akito but he was obsessive with her. At first, it was shown as he was obsessed with Akito, this is why he got jeolous of his secretive relationship with Kureno. He didnt sleep with Ren but he helped her in some authority cases, this is why Akito told him to leave from here. Then Shigure to decide to use zodiacs for his goal and after some time pass in story, we learn that what he was truly obsessive about was the connection between god and zodiac members.

Because of his neglective family and his position as zodiac in Sohma Place made him search a reason to live. He thought that he could achieve it by being the ‘special one’ for god so he used everyone for the sake of it. He is still the same jerk. But at the end, after the curse, he felt empty. At the end, he realized that what truly gave meaning to his life was his connection with zodiac members, not the ‘bond’ but it was too late because he used them as tool and in the end, most of them left him too. After all, actions have consequences. He also gets punched.


Katsuya was a few years older than Kyoko, they were in same high school. Katsuya’s father realized that Kyoko needed help so he let her live in their house to become family which lead Katsuya and Kyoko’s falling in love with each others. Then years later, they get married and have Tohru.


Akito never really fall in love with anyone, she was just really confused with her relationship with parents, maids and zodiac. She was acting flirty unconciously cause of Ren. She unciously imitate her mother’s seductive behavours sometimes.


Hana never had any interest on Kyo’s father even as joke but she casually tease him about Tohru. But when she randomly saw Akito at school, she found her hot without knowing who she is.


Kyo never witness Kyoko’s death. We dont need two death story to make it tragic. Its also cliche. Kyo met with Kyoko when he ws young but he never saw her death. When he found out that Tohru was her daughter and she id dead, she felt regret without ever telling her to goodbye.

(Honestly, maybe it would’ve been better if Tohru didnt end up with Kyo, instead they are just very close friends/they just became like that in the end).


I also think there should be another character besides Tohru who can be actually parental figure for zodiac members. Tohru’s taking mother role at young age is unhealthy and it would be very limited so there should be one more character besides her to help them. Maybe Kazuma can be one or another person who can fulfill that role.


Rin should’ve meet with Akito after Akito’s change and Rin lash out and scream about her pain and how she will not forgive Akito. I think they both need this talking at least. Akito also cries too by hearing, it lead her to understand the suffering her actions caused to others. Akito’s crying made Rin surprised. She doesnt forgive her there but now, she understands her change and why others are open minded about Akito. And they both just leave.


Story was longer than it actually was. We saw about the Sohma place people more and Tohru met with them and it actualy broke her, even lead her to act angry sometimes. And actually seeing parents like that made her feel so sad and frustrated.

Also story focus on more actual villains of story, abusive parents and how much it hurts their children. This part of story should’ve been adressed more. And their children should realize this too, that they also dont have to forgive them and they can have life without them too.


We should get more side of Akito. Since she was a character who will eventualy get redemption and the real curse is not just zodiac’s, its also her side, it is important. We get backstory of how she was groomed since her young age, as the lead of that place, as god, as ‘special one’ and how maids take advantage of her. Even after her encounter with Tohru, we get see her struggling and suffering more. Story doesnt end there.

After reaching out to Akito, Tohru request Akito to end the curse and Akito says she doesnt know how. Eventually they all become free, when they let go including Akito herself. It happens later.


At the hospital scene, when Akito asks ‘Why they they help me? Why are they kind to me? Why are you kind to me?’ to Momiji and he answers with ‘Well, you needed help so….isnt it only natural?’ with a smile on his face.

We see how sohma people start blaming on Akito for not being ‘proper’ leader. Even Ren tried to kill her. Which eventually made zodiac members realized that curse wasnt just on them, it also hers too as ‘god’. Because of Ren attempting to kill Akito, they realize that Akito cant stay here cause she cant even protect herself cause of guilt. She stays in mental hospital, gets help and Tohru and Hanajima often visits her. Later, Akito having a normal life with her friends at outside.


Since Tohru meets with Akito a lot, Kyo and Akito see each others a lot, they even become actually friends. Sometimes Kyo tease her by calling her god and her change. It also kinda make Akito embrass about it and smile. After all, cat and god was supposed to be close but Akito and Kyo only become friends after they stopped being cat and god so it was funny too.


Tohru and we audience learn more about the old zodiacs and how much brutal it was even in past. Past gods were even more cruel since it was old times. Tohru doesnt just stay in house and coincidently meeting with zodiacs, she also takes action to look for them and learn more about the curse and of course, she is really curious of them too.

Everyone eventually get to learn actual curse of story.


And maybe this is just me but i would like this story to happenned in fantasy world, idk i think it would be more interesting. With a little more magic, more drama and action, it would be really amazing, i think.

Well, i could write more and more but you get the point. This is my version of it. Its a lot more fun. I imagine something like this, its a lot better, i think. There might be things i forgot to say but for now thats it.




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hadnt drawn these guys in a while.. can’t wait to see their new stuff in the prelude :’)



Kyoru Date ✨

Just a sweet Kyo totally enamored by Tohru’s beautiful smile I’m so happy to complete this piece of one of my fav couples on my birthday! Just know that yes you’ll still be watching all of your favorite things when you’re 38, too

hinamie:kyoru cat cafe date commission for @beesandstrangers !!! they are SO wholesome thank you so


kyoru cat cafe date commission for @beesandstrangers !!! they are SO wholesome thank you so much for coming to me for such a lovely scene <3 <3 <3

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hinamie:here’s the full piece I did for @thezodiaczine last year! lots of cozy slumber party vibes i


here’s the full piece I did for @thezodiaczine last year! lots of cozy slumber party vibes its what my kids deserve 

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rochichan:final season lets go!!! they’ve come so far


final season lets go!!! they’ve come so far

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Stuff I did for the @kyoruzine leftover sales are now officially open!✨
