#son of a bitch


Well, fuck. I was heavy into fandom many years ago, but got caught up in one of those really brutal fandom conflicts in which a certain fansite decided they would kick the shit out of me. The savaging went on for literally hundreds of posts; I left, traumatised. But today I found myself missing the fun and being bored with the fogies (many beloved) on Facebook. I thought, “Hey, why not go dip into Tumblr and restart the joy?” I’ve been scrolling for about 20 minutes, getting more and more and more anxious, and now I think I need to throw down this phone and go for a run or something. Adrenaline urge to ESCAPE. Don’t know if I can take it; bloody isolating disappointment. Fuck. If you don’t think fandom PTSD is a thing, honey, it is.

Got nostalgic about the DA-20 the other day, but then I compared these photos

-Snodgrass, March 2021
