#source oversimplified


HWS France: Hey, Austria! You’ll never guess what we just did.

HWS Austria: What’s that, France?

HWS France: I got 2 words for ya. REVO. LUTION! We totally just socked it to our monarchy!

HWS Austria: …wwwwhat?!? Dude! The rest of us are monarchies! You’ve just totally threatened the balance of power in Europe. Now we have to worry about our stinky peasants rising up against us! I mean, holy Hell! Your queen is Austrian… *Austria keeps ranting as France starts thinking*

HWS France’s Brain: OK, France. This is pretty awkward. And the rest of Europe is probably itchin’ to give you a wedgie! But you’re not ready for a war yet. So you’ve gotta be cool, man. It’s absolutely crucial that you say something to diffuse the situation. Right now.

HWS Austria: *finishing the rant* …preposterous!


HWS France: I declare war.

HWS France’s Brain: SACRE BLEUUUUU!!!!

“Wanna fight me because you hate me? There’s a tax for that”

- Steven to Aquamarine and Eyeball
