#spn fics


The Best Valentine’s Day Ever by me, Dodger_Sister
Dean/Cas, AU - Middle School, First Kiss, Valentine’s, Wee!chesters, Gen+, 4.5k
Dean wants to buy something special for someone special for Valentine’s Day. First he needs to figure out what to buy, where to get the money and which special classmate to give it to.


Works In Progress

  • Dean x Vampire!OC: Dean meets the reader on a hunt and doesnt know they’re a vampire. They work together on multiple cases, will the truth ever be discovered? What happens when they meet Cas?
  • Castiel x Dean: Based on the song Carry You by Ruelle. Plot is still being fully outlined, but listen to the song and you’ll know its perfect for them

If you want to be tagged in any of these, let me know


My fills for @spnovember 2021! Check the warnings on each fic but there’s a lot of angst in here and I had a fucking fantastic time writing every one of these. Enjoy!

Day 1: graveyard - In the Shadow of a Church(AO3) - Mature, Sam-centric, Pre-Canon, Post-15x20, Canonical Character Death

Day 2: witchcraft & wonder - Candlelight(AO3) - Gen, Weechesters, Pre-Canon

Day 3: blood calls to blood - Sanguis(AO3) - Teen, Hurt!Sam, Kidnapped!Sam, Canon-Typical Violence, Witchcraft

Day 4: shadows - Unchanged(AO3) - Teen, Platonic Cuddling, Late Seasons

Day 5: no-tell motel - The Peacock Inn(AO3) - Teen, Hurt!Sam, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence

Day 6: cherry pie - Sticky(AO3) - Gen, Weechesters, Pre-Canon

Day 7: scars &/or sigils - Blood(AO3) - Mature, Self-Harm, Hurt!Sam, Season 5

Day 8: “Did you hear that?” - Wide Eyes in the Moonlight(AO3) - Teen, Hurt!Sam, Sequel to “Sanguis”

Day 9: Storms a'brewin’… - One Mississippi(AO3) - Gen, Weechesters, Pre-Canon

Day 10: the thing you should not have forgotten - Grilled Cheese(AO3) - Mature, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt!Sam, PTSD

Day 11: road rage - Hangry(AO3) - Teen, grumpy!Dean

Day 12: buried (secrets) - Content(AO3) - Mature, Past Sam/Jess, Past Sam/Piper, Past Sam/Amelia, Past Sam/OFC, Referenced Non-con, PTSD, Implied Sexual Content

Day 13: emerald orbs - Amulet(AO3) - Mature, Sam/Rowena, Implied Sexual Content

Day 14: highways & low ways - Roads(AO3) - Teen, Hurt!Sam, Sequel to “Wide Eyes in the Moonlight”

Day 15: outsider POV - $20(AO3) - Mature, Outsider POV, Hurt!Dean, Mistaken for Being in a Relationship

Day 16: hair of the dog - Morning After(AO3) - Mature, Hungover!Dean, Hungover!Sam, Vomiting

Day 17: empty diner at midnight - autumn closin’ in(AO3) - Teen, POst-15x20, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dean Lives, Retired Winchesters

Day 18: It’s curtain for us - A Damn Good Ride(AO3) - Mature, Major Character Death, Hurt!Dean, Hurt!Sam, Suicide, Episode Rewrite: 15x20

Day 19: breakdown - Follow(AO3) - Teen, Post-15x20, Mental Instability

Day 20: fangs for the memories - Nightmares or Memories?(AO3) - Teen, Nightmares, Post-Purgatory

Day 21: guilt or guilty pleasures - A Matched Set(AO3) - Mature, Sam/Dean, Always Female Sam, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Showering Together

Day 22: Cryptidpalooza - In the Deep, Deep Woods(AO3) - Teen, Cryptid Encounter

Day 23: daydreams/nightmares - the beast under your bed (in your closet, in your head)(AO3) - Mature, PTSD, Sam Winchester Has Nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort

Day 24: mercy - take my hand, save your soul(AO3) - Explicit, Sam/Castiel, Dom!Cas, Sub!Sam, Bondage, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Orgasm Control, Hand Jobs

Day 25: Americana - honky tonk angels (with their wings on fire)(AO3) - Teen, Post-15x20, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning

Day 26: the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out. - Let the Dead Bear Witness(AO3) - Explicit, Sam/Dean, Top!Dean, Bottom!Sam, Topping from the Bottom, Graveyard Sex, Public Sex, Sex Magic, Soul Sex, Soul Magic, Soulmates

Day 27: mirrors/reflections - tell no more lies (of who we are)(AO3) - Mature, Sam/Castiel, PTSD, Hurt!Sam, Consent Issues, Aftermath of Possession, Post-9x10

Day 28: bad coffee on a cold day - Burnt Coffee(AO3) - Teen, Stanford Era, Stanford!Sam, Sam’s Friends at Stanford

Day 29: Holy smokes! - fire burns brighter in the darkness(AO3) - Mature, PTSD, Fire, Season 1

Day 30: They were never, in fact, homeless - it’s just the place that changes (the rest is still the same)(AO3) - Teen, Autistic!Sam, John Winchester Neutral, Pre-Canon, Stanford Erd, Season 14, Time Skips, POV Changes

Holy frijoles, you did the whole month! WHAT A CHAMP!
