#my personal pimping post


The Best Valentine’s Day Ever by me, Dodger_Sister
Dean/Cas, AU - Middle School, First Kiss, Valentine’s, Wee!chesters, Gen+, 4.5k
Dean wants to buy something special for someone special for Valentine’s Day. First he needs to figure out what to buy, where to get the money and which special classmate to give it to.


My Personal (fanfic) Pimping Post – Post No.1

So I have been on my AO3, cleaning up some formatting & getting my tags set up better. When I got my account about 6yrs ago, I’d just started to get into uploading my fics, sorting out how I wanted things to looks there, when Grandma demanded I write a book for her, so I fell off the AO3 project for that, because…*Grandma*. Hopefully this time I’ll stick with it. I’ve even uploaded a few fics lately. So here’s my pimping post…you’ll find the following fandoms here; Actor RPF, Fake News RPF, Glee, Harry Potter, Law & Order SVU & SPN. Here you go… (copy/paste the links I guess? None of them popped as links )


Try New Things - Freebies Actor RPF, Jensen/Chad, PWP, Explicit, 2k – Chad is waiting for Jared to come home. Jensen is waiting for Chad to go away. They get bored. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3470801

The Name Game Actor RPF, Jensen/Christian, PWP, Explicit, 2k – It’s Christian’s 35th birthday and Jensen has a present for him. Maybe two. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3395747

5X Jensen Thought They Were Dorks and 1X He Knew For Sure Actor RPF, Jared/Misha, Humor, Teen+, 1k – Jensen doesn’t think anything of it. Except, of course, maybe, that Jared and Misha are big giant dorks. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3356708

Misha Collins, The Fangirls’ Devil Actor RPF, Misha & Mark P, Humor, Teen+, Drabble – Mark thinks Misha might have done that on purpose. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3232598

The Transmission Of Dynamic Images Via Electromagnetic Signals Actor RPF, Jensen, Jared, Jeffrey, Misha, Michael, Chad, Humor, Gen+, 1.5k – 5x If the Cast of the CW were a TV Show (Justified, Psych, Glee, Mad Men, SPN). https://archiveofourown.org/works/3206795

He Was Still Just Rosenbaum Actor RPF, Misha/Michael, Jared/Jensen, Hurt/Comfort, Mature, 2k – Jared’s having a bad day. The boys want to help. Michael is an idiot. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3138659

Where The Sidewalk Ends Fake News RPF, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Angst, Gen+, Ficlet – Jon can’t believe he’s aired his last show. He can’t believe those were his last words. He can’t believe he is in a bunker during the actual zombie apocalypse. https://archiveofourown.org/works/28863246

Oil Spills and Poltergeists Fake News RPF, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Fusion-SPN, Hunters, Teen+, Ficlet – Their jobs are hard. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3173038

Not So Bad, After All Glee, Puck/Rachel, Fusion-SPN, Future, Hunters, Teen+, 1k – Ten years in the future and Puck has an unusual job and an unusual family, but he loves it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3162467

Burrowing – The Best Idea Ever Harry Potter, Fred, George, Charlie, Wee!Weasleys, Gen+, 2k – It was the best idea Fred has ever had. So he is not sure how it went so wrong. https://archiveofourown.org/works/28923387

Burrowing – A Simple Case Of The Normal, Human Flu Harry Potter, Ron, Percy, Wee!Weasleys, Gen+, Ficlet – Ron has a case of the normal, human flu. Percy is there to help. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3513350

(Never) Too Late To Apologize Law & Order SVU, Carisi, Benson, Tutuola, Hurt/Comfort, Fix-It, Gen+, 1k – Carisi didn’t like the bitter taste in his mouth. Maybe they just needed to talk it out. https://archiveofourown.org/works/28759296

Doctors Do Date. Sometimes Law & Order SVU, Huang/Beresford aka Cute ER Doc, Flirting, Gen+, Ficlet – It’d been a hard case. But the ER doctor was cute and that was perking Huang up. https://archiveofourown.org/works/28740648

Thanksgiving At Bobby’s Supernatural, Sam, Dean, Bobby, John, Wee!Chesters, Gen+, 4.5k – It’s Thanksgiving at Bobby’s house and there are pretend FBI badges, vegetarians, church clothes and turkey drawings. Also, there is family and brothers and, yes, pie. (Fic art done by me & my then 4yo nephew + art link has Weechester icons) https://archiveofourown.org/works/8630917

Everything Is Just Fine Supernatural, Dean/Cas, FML!Sam, Fallen!Cas, Oblivious!Dean, Mature, 4.5k – Castiel is confused about how to be human. Dean is confused about a lot of things. They’ll figure it out. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3602955

Feel The Wind Supernatural, Dean & Ben, Alt S6, Family, Gen+, Ficlet – Dean is waiting for Ben after school. He has something for him. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3443399

Dude, That’s My Car! Supernatural/CWRPF, Soulless!Sam, Chad Michael Murray as a Campbell cousin, Crack, Teen+, Drabble – Where the hell did Sam even get that car from? https://archiveofourown.org/works/3422894

United Here, Somehow Supernatural, Glee-esque, Dean & Sam, Dean discovers fandom, Teen+, 6k – Dean needs an outlet. He finds “Glee”. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3400856

Nymphs, Fairies and Paranormal Hoochies Supernatural, Dean, Sam, John in flashbacks, Humor, Gen+, Drabble – Sam and Dean have tracked their hunt to a charity auction. Now what? https://archiveofourown.org/works/3279452

When It Comes Down To It Supernatural, The 4400 Fusion/Crossover, John, Bobby, Sam & Dean adjacent, Drama, Gen+, 1.5k – Sammy is too close to that giant freaking ball of light hovering over the northern part of Washington State and way too far away from John for any father’s peace of mind. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3245402
