#spn rp


“Sammy?” Silence fell between the three in the room, moments before everything had been cheery. Everything had been ‘normal’ or what could be classified as normal. Sam Winchester was no more. Castiel could see as such, his soul had been twisted and stretched until what was left was broken down—turned. “We…We..” The eldest Winchester stepped closer, a hand outstretched, “We can…” ⠀

“Dean, don’t,” Castiel spoke up, grabbing ahold of Dean’s shoulder, shaking his head in disapproval. “It isn’t Sam.” ⠀

A smile cracked on Sam’s face looking down to his feet, shaking his head in amusement. “You’re wrong, Castiel. I’m still Sam. Just the newer better version. The stronger version. And I’d appreciate if you two were to stay out of my way, got that?”

Sammy…don’t do this,” The eldest Winchester gripped his handgun tight, “Don’t make me do this.”

Would anyone care to have a Roleplay with me? I am open to the following: Avengers, Supernatural (usually I am Sam I’m fairly used to being him have been for 6+ years), Lucifer, and The Walking Dead.

I’m fairly bored as of late and just wanted something entertaining to do. And I love writing. :D

I’m advanced literate and write detailed paragraphs.

I’m fine with smut and gay pairings.

I’m fine with sexual themes

I’m fine with gore and blood

I’m fine with mostly everything

The youngest Winchester sneered bringing his hand up to wrap around Dean’s wrist, “Did you think of me when your hand was around my throat? Hm?” He snapped out at the demon whom he knew as his ‘brother’.

Dean, grinning in response to this absurd question, shook his head. Leaning in merely inches away from Sam’s face, “All the time, baby brother.” He whispered pressing two fingers lightly against Sam’s throat.

All the damn time.”

This isn’t wincest related but I have begun to edit again and I’m quite happy how these turned out. Also am still open to any and all wincest roleplays!

Michael knew.

Michael knew his darkest secret.

The eldest Winchester had his regrets in his lifetime, many would never be forgotten, but many could be forgiven. However, this one made his stomach turn. And his heart skip several beats as if it may stop at any moment in time. It was wrong.

“Yet here we are, Dean. You disgusting, pig,” Michael’s voice hissed out in thought, a whirlwind of emotions raced through his skull. Nearly causing him to lose his balance, it was wrong. But he couldn’t change how he felt, those feelings he held for Sam had always been there all these years. “Dean, Dean, Dean,” Michael rang out, clicking his tongue shaking his head from side to side. “How much is it going to take? For you to realize he doesn’t love you? He would never feel the same about you. This…attraction you hold for your little brother is disgusting.” Dean felt himself shrink—to make it worse he felt himself shrink in his own flesh in blood. “That’s what I thought. Stay away in your tidy little room,” The arch-angel sneered adjusting his jacket, gazing at himself in the mirror.

He would never return those feelings.

Remember that, Winchester.

Anyone interested in an 18+ roleplay. I was thinking of something along the lines of Michael!Dean or maybe something with Demon!Dean. I am completely open to any and all NSFW ideas in said roleplay and am fine with any sexual themes. I’m a detailed roleplayer.

Also I roleplay as Sam and usually a submissive.

He was tired of taking orders, tired of acting like he was normal—like he was human. Sam Winchester was done playing the nice game, not that he was ever truly nice when it came to what he was. A monster. A creature they swore to destroy, eradicate. But no, Sam wasn’t going to kill them anymore, no. He was going to be king. As powerful and mighty as he was he could do it. ⠀

“Take it easy, Sam. You..you do you and I’ll do me, alright?” Dean held his hands up in defeat taking a few steps away from his demonic brother, a lump forming in his throat at how nervous he had become. Sam wouldn’t kill him, right? It didn’t seem like he was going to. “You can—“ ⠀

“Shut up,” Sam waved his hand, sending his older brother flying back into the wall, knocking him out cold. “I’m tired of you running your mouth off. I’m tired of acting good because I “should”. I’m done with this, Dean. ALL OF IT.” He hissed clenching his jaw, rolling his head back, inhaling softly. As he opened his eyes they were painted completely black, darker than anything they had ever faced. “It feels so good….being free. Feels so me.” ⠀

Those glistening emerald eyes clouded over with the darkest color Sam had ever seen, Dean wasn’t Dean. He knew the risks, the dangers of having Dean around but still he took them. One wrong move and he knew what COULD happen and was happening.

His older brother was gone, corrupted by the mark of Cain, his soul twisted into the very thing they swore to kill. A demon. Dean’s hand tightened around Sam’s throat slamming him back and lifted him up off the floor. Cocking his head to the side gritting his teeth, “How’s it feel to be on the other side of this blade? Hm? Not too shabby I should say myself.” Sam held his breath sneering in response trying his hardest to bring his leg up to attempt to break free. “I don’t think so.”

“D-Dean this isn’t you. This is the mark, this is the mark, it—“

“Shut up,” Dean roared in anger bringing the blade up, the thick material slid through Sam’s skin and clothes with ease. Piercing him fatally, he held the sharp blade there pushing hard until his knuckles turned white, fresh warm blood coating the side of his hand and knuckles. Then, and only then did reality snapped back, his eyes fading back to forest green. “S-Sammy…oh god…Sammy. I’m…I-I’m sorry…Sam. Look at me.” He let go of the blade to cup Sam’s face smacking it gently, “Sam? Sammy!”

“What the hell happened? I left and came back and now there are two of you!” Dean was scratching his head in confusion, his eyes scanning over the two Sam’s standing before him. Both looking at one another like they were staring at a ghost—that would be if ghosts confused any of the Winchesters. But most likely they wouldn’t. Both looked to be around the same age, maybe from another dimension. But what was odd about it was how the suit wearing Sam seemed incredibly calm. Like this was all normal. “Well..?”

“We..we don’t know,” Spoke the suit wearing Sam, a frown appearing on his lips as he looked around, Dean raised an eyebrow clearing his throat to grab their attention. “You’re alive…?”

“Of course I’m alive I’m standing right here. Why wouldn’t I be alive?” This rose a bit of an alarm in the back of Dean’s head, he was standing there breathing and talking. What happened to the other Dean then? Something bad, he assumed.

The suited Sam lowered his head swallowing hard. “The other Dean..”

“Yeah, well, what about the other me? Speak up.”

“He’s dead. I’ve been working alone.” Dean frowned looking to his feet, his heart skipping a few beats, wondering if the other him died a warriors death. Deep down he didn’t want to ask, but that small part of him poked at him to do so. But before he could suit Sam began to speak once more. “We were trapped—we were lead into a trap. A large house inhabited by demons, neither of us thought it was that. We thought it was a vampire nest because of all the blood draining activity and well…the vampires that hung around outside. We went inside, and the hounds were released..”

Dean shuddered in discomfort, just thinking about being torn apart by hounds made him sick. It was one of the very things that would make the color drain from his face, make his heart skip a few beats, and create that sick feeling deep in his gut.

“So, I was dog food?”

“Bet you think this is real funny Michael, don’t you?” Sam sneered licking the fresh blood from his lip, his eyes never left the angel that stood before him. If anyone was to kidnap him of course it would be Michael wearing Dean to the prom. Because Michael knew he wouldn’t hurt him, not when Sam knew Dean was hidden away deep under. “You’re just gonna keep me here? Locked away in a dark room?”

Michael’s lips quirked into a small smirk, “I don’t want to kill you, Sam. You’re the only one able to keep Dean game. That meaning, if he acts up I could always just snip a finger off here and there. Keeping you locked up will be a blessing in the long run, how you say?” The angel slowly stepped closer his hands at his side. “I don’t have to worry about you coming after your brother. Plans will resume as they were before.”

“Cas will find me eventually.”

“Oh don’t you worry about Castiel. I will take care of him.” Michael shook his head circling around the chair Sam sat upon, his hands ran up resting on the youngest Winchester’s shoulders. He slowly leaned down, “Did you know…Dean still has his secrets. Ones he would never speak a word to you about? You’re not curious, are you?” He squeezed Sam’s shoulder softly.

As curious as Sam was he knew better than to fall for one of michael’s tricks, Dean had his secrets and Sam had his own as well. That’s why they were secrets, no one needed to know. It would be disrespectful to Dean. “It’s…” Sam’s head shot up glaring at Michael, “Dean does love you, Sam. But do you really know how much he lovesyou?”

And with that, the questions began to flow in.
