#spyral gear drone


What’s up Yugioh nerds, sorry I didn’t post much in the lead up nor during my YCS this past weekend. I’ll admit, I was a liiitttllee bummed out about my performance, but it could’ve been worse I suppose~

I’ll do a breakdown of the whole day below the cut, but, as you’ve likely noticed, I managed to get a feature match at this YCS! I was 3 wins and 1 loss at this stage of the day, so feeling pretty good but alas, things went downhill from here on. I hate to attribute my losses to bad luck, but you’ll see in the video that I definitely got dealt a sub-optimal hand twice in a row and, it’s worth noting also that, throughout the day, I OPENED Gem-Knight Lazuli ten times and DREW Brilliant Fusion twice. I unfortunately, didn’t get to showcase the potential of the SPYRAL deck on stream, but had a bunch of other good games throughout the day that did. Here’s hoping that RATE gives us some really excellent cards to work with that’ll mean I don’t have to run cards like Brilliant Fusion to supplement the deck and can finally be a meta contender. 

Until then, he’s how my deck went: I went 4 wins 3 losses, which is the worst I’ve done at a YCS so far, but the day before I had won 3-0 in a win a mat, which was fun. I think I made my deck the best I could, so I’m not disappointed in that respect and I have RATE to look forward to. Match breakdowns below!

Round 1 vs Paleozoic Frogs

Game 1: I went first and had a very grindy game. I believe my opening board was something decent, enough to ensure he couldn’t make a Toad. The duration of the game was sniping away resources with Agent and Drone while maintaining tempo with Resort until I summoned Trishula, had it returned to the deck with Drowning Mirror Force, then summoned Trishula AGAIN and wiped away all of his resources and took the game.

Game 2: He opens Toad and a bunch of backrow and I know my hand isn’t strong enough to challenge that let alone deal with it, so I go to game 3.

Game 3: Similar to the first game, I won when I summoned Trishula and blew away all their resources and also sniped away their other cards with Agent and PSY-Framelord Omega.

Round 2 vs Darklords

Game 1: My opponent had lost his deck last round and didn’t find it until five minutes into the round, meaning he got a game loss.

Game 2: He opens pretty meh with nothing but a lot of draw power and a Terrortop, when he finally goes to make a play I use D.D. Crow and stop his plays. On my turn, I make Omega + Drone and Agent and start looping Drone to ensure he doesn’t get any cards that can bring him out of the simplified gamestate and win.

Round 3 vs Atlantean/Mermails (played against a friend, never fun to do that)

Game 1: I bricked this game, and he OTKed with Diva and stuff.

Game 2: I think I open double Omega or something that good and then turn 2 resolve Trishula and the game’s over.

Game 3: A really intense game, my friend went first and opened Gaios and Toad and a couple other cards. I had the resources to get around the Gaios and Toad, but not without losing a bunch of my own resources. A combination of Book of Eclipse, Fairy Tail Snow, Brilliant Fusion and I think Raigeki managed to do it and also establish a rudimentary field that kept me in the game for a little longer, but because I had to use Eclipse on the board and couldn’t clear ALL of the monsters, my friend got out another two cards, including Dimensional Barrier. I had a Trishula play the next turn that would’ve probably won me the game, but the Dimensional Barrier sealed the game in a loss for me.

Round 4 vs ABC

Game 1: My opponent makes a mistake by setting a Union Hangar to his spell/trap zone instead of field zone before using Tsukuyomi which resulted in a judge having to fix the gamestate and alter a bunch of things, severely impeded my opponent’s focus for the remainder of the duel. I outed his board and made my own consisting of Omega, Hi-Speedroid Hagoita and used Omega to put a Fairy Tail Snow I’d banished off Desires into the graveyard. He had no way to out the board nor any resources left so went to game 2.

Game 2: My opponent opened Anti-Spell Fragrance, but I used D.D. Crow to stop a Buster Dragon. Despite Anti-Spell locking down a bunch of my plays, I was able to make some plays anyway and clear away some of the backrow. He start assembling some pieces of ABC but he made a disappointed face after using Pot of Desires, making me think he’d banished some of his pieces. I flipped a set System Down the next turn to clear out 2 Bs and 2 Cs he had in grave and one of his As I had hit with D.D. Crow earlier, so I was pretty confident he wouldn’t be able to make Buster this game. His Anti-Spell also started to work against him as he drew Hangar later in the duel but couldn’t play it. Eventually, I got out Omega and used Agent and Drone to clear out the rest of his field and stack his deck, which was when he then conceded.

Round 5 vs ABC

You can watch this in the video! Drawing Lazuli sucks, but I also drew virtually the same hand both games which was pretty frustrating, coupled with the fact that my opponent drew the stones both games.

Round 6 vs Paleozoics

Forgot to write this one down, but I went 1-2 a loss, I’m sure there was a Lazuli hand here somewhere that contributed to the loss.

Round 7 vs Odd-Eyes Magicians

Game 1: He lets me go first but, surprise surprise, I open Lazuli and it contributes to a bricky hand and I lose.

Game 2: I go first, open Omega and Dimensional Barrier with Resort on the field so winning is no problem.

Game 3: I Twin Twister his scales and use Drone and Agent so he has no plays for a quick win.

So after a difficult time trying to find Scrap Recyclers anywhere, I’ve finally finished my SPYRAL dSo after a difficult time trying to find Scrap Recyclers anywhere, I’ve finally finished my SPYRAL d

So after a difficult time trying to find Scrap Recyclers anywhere, I’ve finally finished my SPYRAL deck IRL! All that I think I want to add are Dimensional Barriers in place of the Solemns in the side deck, but otherwise it’s looking good to go! I’ll be taking it to locals on Saturday, so I’ll let’cha all know how it goes!

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