#yugioh ycs


What’s up Yugioh nerds, sorry I didn’t post much in the lead up nor during my YCS this past weekend. I’ll admit, I was a liiitttllee bummed out about my performance, but it could’ve been worse I suppose~

I’ll do a breakdown of the whole day below the cut, but, as you’ve likely noticed, I managed to get a feature match at this YCS! I was 3 wins and 1 loss at this stage of the day, so feeling pretty good but alas, things went downhill from here on. I hate to attribute my losses to bad luck, but you’ll see in the video that I definitely got dealt a sub-optimal hand twice in a row and, it’s worth noting also that, throughout the day, I OPENED Gem-Knight Lazuli ten times and DREW Brilliant Fusion twice. I unfortunately, didn’t get to showcase the potential of the SPYRAL deck on stream, but had a bunch of other good games throughout the day that did. Here’s hoping that RATE gives us some really excellent cards to work with that’ll mean I don’t have to run cards like Brilliant Fusion to supplement the deck and can finally be a meta contender. 

Until then, he’s how my deck went: I went 4 wins 3 losses, which is the worst I’ve done at a YCS so far, but the day before I had won 3-0 in a win a mat, which was fun. I think I made my deck the best I could, so I’m not disappointed in that respect and I have RATE to look forward to. Match breakdowns below!

Round 1 vs Paleozoic Frogs

Game 1: I went first and had a very grindy game. I believe my opening board was something decent, enough to ensure he couldn’t make a Toad. The duration of the game was sniping away resources with Agent and Drone while maintaining tempo with Resort until I summoned Trishula, had it returned to the deck with Drowning Mirror Force, then summoned Trishula AGAIN and wiped away all of his resources and took the game.

Game 2: He opens Toad and a bunch of backrow and I know my hand isn’t strong enough to challenge that let alone deal with it, so I go to game 3.

Game 3: Similar to the first game, I won when I summoned Trishula and blew away all their resources and also sniped away their other cards with Agent and PSY-Framelord Omega.

Round 2 vs Darklords

Game 1: My opponent had lost his deck last round and didn’t find it until five minutes into the round, meaning he got a game loss.

Game 2: He opens pretty meh with nothing but a lot of draw power and a Terrortop, when he finally goes to make a play I use D.D. Crow and stop his plays. On my turn, I make Omega + Drone and Agent and start looping Drone to ensure he doesn’t get any cards that can bring him out of the simplified gamestate and win.

Round 3 vs Atlantean/Mermails (played against a friend, never fun to do that)

Game 1: I bricked this game, and he OTKed with Diva and stuff.

Game 2: I think I open double Omega or something that good and then turn 2 resolve Trishula and the game’s over.

Game 3: A really intense game, my friend went first and opened Gaios and Toad and a couple other cards. I had the resources to get around the Gaios and Toad, but not without losing a bunch of my own resources. A combination of Book of Eclipse, Fairy Tail Snow, Brilliant Fusion and I think Raigeki managed to do it and also establish a rudimentary field that kept me in the game for a little longer, but because I had to use Eclipse on the board and couldn’t clear ALL of the monsters, my friend got out another two cards, including Dimensional Barrier. I had a Trishula play the next turn that would’ve probably won me the game, but the Dimensional Barrier sealed the game in a loss for me.

Round 4 vs ABC

Game 1: My opponent makes a mistake by setting a Union Hangar to his spell/trap zone instead of field zone before using Tsukuyomi which resulted in a judge having to fix the gamestate and alter a bunch of things, severely impeded my opponent’s focus for the remainder of the duel. I outed his board and made my own consisting of Omega, Hi-Speedroid Hagoita and used Omega to put a Fairy Tail Snow I’d banished off Desires into the graveyard. He had no way to out the board nor any resources left so went to game 2.

Game 2: My opponent opened Anti-Spell Fragrance, but I used D.D. Crow to stop a Buster Dragon. Despite Anti-Spell locking down a bunch of my plays, I was able to make some plays anyway and clear away some of the backrow. He start assembling some pieces of ABC but he made a disappointed face after using Pot of Desires, making me think he’d banished some of his pieces. I flipped a set System Down the next turn to clear out 2 Bs and 2 Cs he had in grave and one of his As I had hit with D.D. Crow earlier, so I was pretty confident he wouldn’t be able to make Buster this game. His Anti-Spell also started to work against him as he drew Hangar later in the duel but couldn’t play it. Eventually, I got out Omega and used Agent and Drone to clear out the rest of his field and stack his deck, which was when he then conceded.

Round 5 vs ABC

You can watch this in the video! Drawing Lazuli sucks, but I also drew virtually the same hand both games which was pretty frustrating, coupled with the fact that my opponent drew the stones both games.

Round 6 vs Paleozoics

Forgot to write this one down, but I went 1-2 a loss, I’m sure there was a Lazuli hand here somewhere that contributed to the loss.

Round 7 vs Odd-Eyes Magicians

Game 1: He lets me go first but, surprise surprise, I open Lazuli and it contributes to a bricky hand and I lose.

Game 2: I go first, open Omega and Dimensional Barrier with Resort on the field so winning is no problem.

Game 3: I Twin Twister his scales and use Drone and Agent so he has no plays for a quick win.
