


@safeforwomenplace has stalked me through 4 asks and 8 different posts lying her ass off. She needs to stop humping  my ankle like a desperate for attention femcel.

Glaivewraith StalkersA friend had some extra miniatures, so I had a chance to take a second run at tGlaivewraith StalkersA friend had some extra miniatures, so I had a chance to take a second run at tGlaivewraith StalkersA friend had some extra miniatures, so I had a chance to take a second run at tGlaivewraith StalkersA friend had some extra miniatures, so I had a chance to take a second run at t

Glaivewraith Stalkers

A friend had some extra miniatures, so I had a chance to take a second run at these same sculpts and it’s so gratifying to see how much I’ve improved in a year. This is my first attempt here: https://paintedmenagerie.tumblr.com/post/186685684482/i-got-a-little-light-studio-today-so-i-can-take

Post link

Dear everyone:

I am making a brief return to Tumblr to warn whoever is left on this hellsite about this dude.

This is a person (he calls himself @blackcur-rants on here) who I tried to cut out of my social circle two years ago because after I asked his racist, faux-woke, Jew-fetishizing ass to leave me alone for a while, he completely refused to respect this and kept bothering me. I explicitly told him multiple times that his refusal to respect this wish is why I was breaking off contact, PERMANENTLY and not to contact me ever again. And I blocked him on (I thought) all social media platforms. Well, this creepy fuck decided to pop up again because for all his posturing about caring about women, he sure doesn’t give a fuck about their boundaries. Textbook male faux “feminist” cliche, I know, but here we are. It’s a stereotype for a reason.

I originally kept this private since we were once friends, but since he has decided to pop up again, I’m done. Fuck off, John. LEAVE ME ALONE. I told you to LEAVE ME ALONE multiple times.

(PS: I wish I still had screen shots of this, but on Twitter he once argued quite passionately that our current era is a worse period of time than: the Manifest Destiny years, the Atlantic slave trade eras, the Holocaust, Jim Crowe, the witch trials, [insert historical human atrocity here because this dipshit literally said this was the cruelest and worst time period for humanity ever, ever, and when multiple women and PoC tried to explain to him that this was a dipshit take, he whined and dug his heels in.] There was also that time he talked down to a trans woman about trans history in a way that so disgusted her that she blocked him. I have been so inactive on Tumblr the last few years that I don’t know if this sort of thing is still what is needed to get people to pay attention to creeps, but there it is. I should have archived all this but I thought I’d successfully blocked him everywhere after a year of silence and now I feel like an idiot.)

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