#star wars parenting


So, my son is playing with his Star Wars Lego, which happens to include a bantha, tuskans, Mando and the Child. But he also watched Avatar - The Last Airbender lately, and so he just told me this:

“So, Mom, the tuskans have Banthas, and this guy here called his bantha Appa. And right now, Mando and Grogu are visiting, and Grogu loves the banthas, of course. So, he climbed up on Appa’s back and pretended to be a Jawa and said ‘Appa, yipp, yipp’ and now they are flying.”

And in some very weird Crossover AU, this makes perfekt sense…


Kids can imprison Darth Maul in the vault.

And believe me, they do

My son is watching the TCW episode “Corruption” right now.

Satine to Padmé: “We are a people of tradition.”

My son: “You’re a people of too much crazy!”

I have nothing left to teach him

What I need during the holidays: several days of sleep, silence and heavenly peace.

What I get: My two children, running around the house screaming, swinging their toy lightsabres, and pointing the lasertag guns, re-enacting several battles from TCW while I step into Legos.

My son recently got into Star Wars and we (binge) watched our way through Rebels, the OT, and the first two PTmovies, and are currently watching TCW.

All the while, my son keeps asking me a million questions (where I would mostly be lost without our lore mistress @gffa) and realizes that it is easier to be a SW fan if you don’t take it too seriously (thank you @forcearama).

Here is an excerpt of my son’s revelations so far:

  • Anakin was a cute kid
  • Anakin is a whiny teenager
  • Anakin is the coolest Jedi ever
  • But Obi-Wan is a close runner-up
  • But maybe Ahsoka is even cooler than Anakin
  • Those three are the coolest together. (THE TEAM!)
  • Scratch that, Rex is the coolest of them all.
  • So: Yoda was Dooku’s master, Dooku was Qui-Gon’s master, Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan’s master, Obi-Wan was Anakin’s master, and Anakin is Ahsoka’s master. Oh boy, what a mess… (DISASTER LINEAGE!!!)
  • In this household, we stan clones
  • Mandalorians are crazy. But they are also the coolest.
  • Son: So, Anakin and Padmé were in love so they got married.
    Me: Yes.
    Son: Against the rules.
    Me: Yes.
    Son *dreamy eyed*: So, then Obi-Wan will marry Satine, Hera is going to marry Kanan, Sabine finds Ezra and they get married, the crazy Mandalorians marry (Bo-Katan and Fenn Rau), and Ahsoka marries Rex and they all live happily ever after!
    Me: Oh, my sweet summer child… 
  • Mom, when I’m a dad, I’ll watch all of Star Wars with my kids, too.

I’m telling you, watching Star Wars with your kids is a funny, enlightening, and sometimes very sad experience, and totally worth it.

What I thought: My kids will watch the first two episodes of Rebels and that’ll be it.

The reality: All four seasons of Rebels, five movies and three episodes of TCW later, I stand corrected
