
I’ve heard of a border collie, but a bantha collie? Now I’ve heard everything

I’ve heard of a border collie, but a bantha collie? Now I’ve heard everything

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It’s still Star Wars Day, and I’ve had quite the bug to make some Star Wars OCs of my own! Bios undeIt’s still Star Wars Day, and I’ve had quite the bug to make some Star Wars OCs of my own! Bios undeIt’s still Star Wars Day, and I’ve had quite the bug to make some Star Wars OCs of my own! Bios unde

It’s still Star Wars Day, and I’ve had quite the bug to make some Star Wars OCs of my own! Bios under the read more.

Keelaniis a Jawa from a clan on Tattooine, as many Jawas are. The niece of the clan’s shaman, she’s primed to be the next shaman, thus helping her escape the “second class” living of being a female Jawa. She’s lucky there, because she’s only very much tolerated by most of her clan. Rather than tinkering and refurbishing items to trade, she prefers the creativity side, something that unfortunately most customers, along with the Jawas of the other clans during the swap meets, don’t care for as much. Keelani recently had her “vision illness”, with a vision that’s hard to piece together. However, once her vision slowly starts to come true, she’s going to have to prove herself and go offworld. Thankfully, she has a few new friends on her journey going on.

Divotis a young Scurrier that follows Keelani’s clan around a lot. Eventually relenting, Keelani made him her pet, giving him his name after his eye marking that resembled a die pip for the titular game. Tenacious and curious, Divot doesn’t know the term “stay here”, often following anyone wherever they’re going. Annoying sure, but he’s so cute that sometimes you can’t be bothered with that!

K'Rikhas had quite some tribulations with his tribe. They were entirely fine with his transition. They’re a bit unsure, but accepting, of him deciding to go mostly pacifist. They’re pretty weirded out that he chooses to be friends with that Jawa girl. But if they found out that he just learned he’s force sensitive? He doesn’t want to know what they’d think there! Thankfully, being friends with Keelani might have its benefits! She’s going offworld to figure out her vision, so maybe he could follow her to figure out his new abilities? As long as he doesn’t have to fight…at least, unless push comes to shove, or they insult his friends.

Pallieis K'Rik’s bantha, and she is a very very good girl! She’s very sweet, if a bit slobbery with her licks, and sure, she stinks, but that’s to be expected with a bantha! While others might think of her as a “roadblock” or “an obnoxious odor in a gigantic fuzzball”, K'Rik is devoted to his companion. In fact, threatening her is the easiest way to make K'Rik forget all about that “being a pacifist” thing.

Dendara, as to be almost stereotypically expected of her Rodian culture, was raised in bounty hunter training. However, she decided to twist her ideas up. Also a talented tinkerer, she’s done quite a few things: got a ship running, got a droid running, and most importantly, managed to supplement her bounty hunter career with remote controlled drones and bombs. Because of her hidden bounty skills compared to confronting her targets, she’s surprisingly awkward and geeky, something that shocks her targets…along with Keelani and K'Rik, two unexpected passengers that she’s made a deal with to bring to a specific location. Aside from her bounty hunter skills, she’s a huge fangirl of the band Halyx and is very driven in creature rights, earning her a membership in the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts.

BD-3L, AKA Beetle,is a BD Unit explorer droid under the ownership of Dendara. Found abandoned on one of Dendara’s missions, the Rodian fixed him up to her best ability, and he has proven a very useful ally on her bounties. Being able to handle multiple terrains, he can easily keep up with his owner and help her to access her targets easily. He’s a bit shaken by her drones’ abilities, but he’s kept that to himself. His olfactory sensor is also broken, which is probably a blessing with the cocktail of scents coming from the ship passengers!

Catteris a Kowakian Monkey-Lizard and Dendara’s co-pilot. Don’t let her toxic neon color schemes fool you: Catter is not harmful. But she’s also not joyful like other monkey-lizards. She’s surprisingly dour and quiet. Rescued during a raid of a testing lab by Dendara, her optimism has been sapped away. However, she’s content to be left to pick at things, making her a convenient mechanic and secondary help for Dendara. Warm up enough to see her smile somewhat, and you’re sure to be on her good side, though!

Filiis Dendara’s pet Tooka. Adopted from a shelter, Fili proves to be more of a nuisance than anything else to others. He sleeps where he wants to, he eats what he wants to, and he climbs where he wants to, anyone else around be darned. However, he’s wonderful pest control for the ship, and if he’s in the right mood, he’s a great companion. He learned the hard way that Divot isn’t a pest on his menu, a few hearty kicks managed to prove that to him.

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Baby Ani with baby bantha

Baby Ani with baby bantha

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Bantha.(happy new year, btw)Bantha.(happy new year, btw)Bantha.(happy new year, btw)Bantha.(happy new year, btw)


(happy new year, btw)

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So, my son is playing with his Star Wars Lego, which happens to include a bantha, tuskans, Mando and the Child. But he also watched Avatar - The Last Airbender lately, and so he just told me this:

“So, Mom, the tuskans have Banthas, and this guy here called his bantha Appa. And right now, Mando and Grogu are visiting, and Grogu loves the banthas, of course. So, he climbed up on Appa’s back and pretended to be a Jawa and said ‘Appa, yipp, yipp’ and now they are flying.”

And in some very weird Crossover AU, this makes perfekt sense…

With this movie we got a chance to expand the universe a bit, see more Banthas than just one or two,

With this movie we got a chance to expand the universe a bit, see more Banthas than just one or two, see them in their natural environment.

There’s so little time in these movies to show the environments because we’re really pushing the story all the time. It’s always great when you get another opportunity to push the camera over here and say, “Oh, look what’s over there.”

― George Lucas

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