
A brisk hike along Boundary Bog Trail, Prince Albert National Park. #boundarybog #waskesiu #princeal

A brisk hike along Boundary Bog Trail, Prince Albert National Park. #boundarybog #waskesiu #princealbertnationalpark #panp #Saskatchewan #winter #hiking #stayactive #getoutside #exploresask #winterwonderland #boreal forest #blueskies (at Boundary Bog)

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Not much has changed, except that spring has just arrived here. It makes working out a lot more pleasant, compared to having to fight the cold of the past weeks, so I hope it stays that way. I become increasingly more grateful to be able to go outside and to exercise as if nothing is going on here. It helps to clear my mind.

I am also increasingly more thankful to have such a loving and caring community. I really could not thank you enough for all the support, even for just the likes and comments. I was so certain that there would be a lot of hate and distastefulness, especially with this being the internet and there being a lot of that elsewhere or even on my usual posts. Instead, I could count such remarks, all of them, on just three fingers, which truly warms my heart. ❤️

Another Sunday well spent. #monkeybusiness #teachmonkeytoclimb #activekids #stayactive (at NO GRAVIT

Another Sunday well spent. #monkeybusiness #teachmonkeytoclimb #activekids #stayactive (at NO GRAVITY - Finest Indoor Climbing)

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Voilà! It does taste gooooooood. Also the yellow tomatoes do. Have a sweet weekend peeps #staygold #

Voilà! It does taste gooooooood. Also the yellow tomatoes do. Have a sweet weekend peeps #staygold #stayactive

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Fun and crazy-busy weekend. Hitting CrossFit workout 19.3, watching my @crossfitwicked peeps getting

Fun and crazy-busy weekend. Hitting CrossFit workout 19.3, watching my @crossfitwicked peeps getting their workout on and skiing with the #Nuggets at @patspeakskiarea. So much fun. Awesome memories being made. #fun #memories #stayactive #keepmoving #constantlyvaried #crossfit #crossfitwicked (at CrossFit Wicked)

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