#stenny sp



This is my entry to @blame-canada​‘s@spdrabblebomb​ - Decade prompt! I also wanted to thank @rect-boo​ for the inspiration on this drabble, and @krmr-rkgk​ for they wanted more Stenny! Enjoy you guys!

Words: 1527

AO3 Link

Title: “Tracing Roots”

“We’ve grown to such a great family, Stan. Couldn’t have done it without you.”

It has been 10 years after Kenny decided to leave his parents’ house with Karen and Kevin on-check after the mentioned parents, Stuart and Carol, got arrested for a major crime. Because of this, they were left behind and without something to stay on, they needed help.. fast. Kenny, out of desperation, managed to talk to someone who can help. That person is none other than Stan Marsh and when he visited his house (they were 15 years old), Kenny wanted to start a new family. He wanted to start over the right way.

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I love reflection pieces, because I love to see all the different ideas people come up with to fill in the past of their characters. This one was sad because of how young they were, but I’m glad it had a happy ending! Making Karen an artist was a very cute touch and a nice idea I hadn’t considered before. Thank you for writing!

Today’s prompt is: Decade
