

September 26th—

It’s officially Day 7ofStonegrot Week! Today’s theme is ‘The Future’. We’re looking forward to seeing your submissions!

It is the last day of Stonegrot Week (Year 3!) and we’ve had such a wonderful time seeing all the phenomenal creations from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance fandom. Thank you to everyone who participated, whether you have created a piece for the week or if you’ve been supporting the fans by reblogging/liking their posts. It means a lot to us and to The Dark Crystal fandom as a whole that we still care so deeply about these characters and its fictional universe. The celebration still continues as we will still be accepting late submissions after today until next week, October 3rd. Be sure to continue following this page… there may be a Stonegrot Week (Year 4!) in the future.

September 24th—

It’s officially Day 5ofStonegrot Week! Today’s theme is ‘Yesterday’s Feeling’. We’re looking forward to seeing your submissions!

September 23rd—

It’s officially Day 4ofStonegrot Week! Today’s theme is ‘The Morning After’. We’re looking forward to seeing your submissions!

Just a reminder that it is acceptable to participate in a theme for Stonegrot Week a few days after the specific date has passed. Late submissions are acceptable. We understand creativity takes time. Throughout this entire week will be sharing the tagged submitted work. If you came up with something for Day 1’s theme when it’s Day 6, we would still be delighted to reblog it! We just don’t want any work released prior to the scheduled theme i.e. we don’t want to see work for Day 7 when it’s only Day 3. We want to be surprised. Submitting a piece of work for only one of the Stonegrot Week days is acceptable as well. You are not required to participate in all 7 days. Thank you! Happy shipping.

Sweet lil dance, because everyone needs a break

Day 2, where Rian and Deet take a break from the rebellion. Deet would love the beach.

Was tagged in a post about it, so I figured why not participate?

She has a sparkling personality.

Another wip, and I want to color this one eventually…

Her wings were supposed to take center stage

Brea being a clever girl.

It a wip

Stonegrot Week Day 7 - The Future

Last year, I did some fluff for @stonegrotweek … Now, time for sadness! We all know how things will end for our beloved Gelfling friends…

“Two attempts to save the Crystal. One too soon, a life lost in both.”

I always thought that if season two happens in a way or another, Rian would not witness someone he loves dying…again! It would be his turn to lose his life saving a loved one and of course, it would be for his precious Deet. In her vision, we can see Rian trying to restore the Crystal but it doesn’t work. Certainly because it’s not the Great Conjunction yet? In my theory, that attempt makes the Crystal save Deet from the Darkening consuming her, but Rian is very soon circled by the Skeksis and Deet can’t save him…

…Like what happens to Jen and Kira in the end of the movie. Their existence parallels Rian, Deet and the rest of the resistance. Jen is maybe a Stonegrot son, or Kira, but one thing is for sure: they are the hope that couldn’t exist without them, without their love for each other and for Thra. A love that ended up saving the Gelfling race.
