#strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde




jekyll: gonna make m'self a new body to fuck dudes in without repercussions

jekyll, after creation of hyde: mmM Fuck… No Ones Gonna Wanta Fuck This

jekyll, at the stunning revelation that lots of guys actually do want to fuck hyde: what the FUCK 

((courtesy of @hypohypodiegetic and myself))

henry im sorry fr dragging this back outta the grave but this is still the funniest tfucking thing to me

jekyll, crossing his legs and staring out the window of his Grand Estate: what… is wrong. with the tastes of London Men

utterson, casually reading a book in the same room: hm what was that u just said my beautiful lovely kissable dr jekyll?

jekyll: what

utterson: what


true victor frankenstein isn’t legally a doctor… its all henry jekyll’s fault; the guy took all the medical suffixes before anyone else had a turn


Colors: Neon

Motifs: Test tubes, scientific equipment, protective clothing, magnified images, mad science, glowing beakers

Values: Curiosity, cleanliness, studying, appreciation of science
