#mad science



Halloween is a really busy time for mad scientists, reanimating the dead and creating monsters is in high demand so remember to be kind to any mad scientists you might know! Offer limbs you don’t need for their projects (I mean really? Do you need that fingers?), or perhaps suggest a fun night out grave robbing!


How can I be the mad scientist and the lab rat at the same time? Asking for a friend

Allow me to introduce you to my friend Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde



name a more important character archetype than a scientist who is bisexual. You can’t

I stand corrected!








They did tissue recellularization on a grape

Please watch this guy’s YouTube

He is a real life mad scientist

be altered his genome so he won’t be lactose intolerant anymore

he made bioluminescent living Christmas tree ornaments

he made a cold torch just to feel fire with his handd

he made gecko hand pads in an attempt to climb walls

this man.. He tried to make spider silk out of beer

All of that was done by ONE GUY!?


I’m sorry, did you say he curedhisown lactose intolerance on a cellularlevel??


“i LOVEE mad scientists and sciencecore!” says person who got a B on their science final

Designations: Dr. Dashley and Ferin

Alignments: Villains

Dr.Dashley’s Powers: Mechanical and scientific genius

Ferin’s Powers: Animal control and organic enhancement

Dr.Dashley © Himself

Ferin © Maros_Volk

Art © Me

Be the mad scientist who sees potential in every rotten thing.

Be the scientist who screams ITS ALIVE! when you look in the mirror.

Be your OWN spark for resurrecting your mangled corpse of a life.




“Can we not talk about this? I don’t like to think too much about how I’m going to outlive everyone I know and care about.”

Just listed a couple more multicolor glow in the dark resin crystal clusters to my Etsy (link in bio)

You know you need one for your mad science lair to power all the devices (disclaimer they don’t power anything they just glow and look pretty)

newyorkthegoldenage:The Empire State Building’s 86th floor observatory, May 22, 1947.Photo: Getty Im


The Empire State Building’s 86th floor observatory, May 22, 1947.

Photo: Getty Images via the NY Times

Telescope, or coin-op pintle-mount anti-aircraft laser cannon?

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a scientist will see a mouse and say put that beast in a situation

using titration to determine the concentration of your mom’s breast milk

two scientists are getting married in the lab…

girlie his big test tube is making up for the size of something else if you know what im sayin

[image description: A watercolor portrait of a smiling young strawberry blond in wide wire-rimmed ov

[image description: A watercolor portrait of a smiling young strawberry blond in wide wire-rimmed oval glasses and a yellow t-shirt with a black biohazard symbol on it. Behind Cooper, a group of dark robot silhouettes with glowing eyes. Behind them, huge high-tech towers. And behind those, the starry night sky. Text reads, “191, COOPER • THE SMALL GOD OF MAD SCIENCE”]

• • • • •

Children are full of questions.  It’s their natural state.  What they aren’t full of is limitations.  To a child, turning off gravity or repealing the square/cube law seems just as reasonable as a game of tag or a baloney sandwich.  It’s just that for most of them, the games and the sandwiches are easier to come by than the death rays or the massive revisions to the laws of physics.

And then there are the outliers.  The smart kids with the stars in their eyes and the static in their heads and no real concept of the line between “can” and “should.”

Those are the ones he adores.  Those are the ones who adore HIM, the ones who whisper his name in the night, or a name that he recognizes as his own—he’s Cooper, yes, but he’s also Raj, and Shinji, and Jordan, and Marie.  He is whatever his faithful need him to be, as fluid as thought, as mutable as the ideas he represents.  He comes to the frustrated and the furious, and he makes them better, and he encourages them to change the world.

Some of them outgrow him, shift into the service of other small gods of science, pledge themselves to OSHI, small god of lab safety, or Grant Grant, small god of proper funding.  Some of them abandon science entirely.  But others will remain his forever, dreaming of dinosaurs and science without limits, dreaming of changing the world.

Some of them will do it.  And in the end, that’s all Cooper wants.  Science unfettered, science running wild and free and unrestrained.

He wouldn’t mind a few dinosaurs, if you’re taking requests.

And he’ll be there the whole time, death ray by his side and not a safety light in view, ready to change the world as soon as he can figure out a reliable power source.

• • • • •

Join Lee Moyer (Icon) and Seanan McGuire (Story) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a guide to the many small deities who manage our modern world:





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