#stranger things


vaguetweeting stranger things 4 ep 5: “the nina project”

(originally at my twitter @girls_are_weird)

  • is this, like… area 51?
  • “you’re frightened of me” YEAH NO SHIT, SHERLOCK
  • owens, you’re canceled. #ByeBoi
  • i miss karen. where’s karen?
  • KAREN! ❤️️❤️️❤️️
  • listen, i’m just gonna need all the dustin-max scenes okay? i don’t care that it’s never gonna happen, i just like seeing them interact. please keep it going.
  • …this is a dream, right?
  • LOL look at JCB
  • mike finally getting his genius moment. FIGURE IT OUT, BABY, YOU CAN DO IT. ❤️️
  • “he comes from money. old money.” lol he lived in a trailer, man.
  • HOPPER, BABY, LET ME GIVE YOU A HUG. damn, harbour. you’re killing me here.
  • why is this fred jones knock-off basically gaston
  • so is there like a jif tie-in marketing thing or…?
  • isn’t 202 like… new york or something?
  • i live for dustin quoting sherlock holmes.
  • “of course it’s an attic.” these genre-savvy moments are my favorite
  • yep, i knew she was gonna do that
  • “remarkable”
    no, fuck off
  • ugh, i hate this.

vaguetweeting stranger things 4 ep 4: “dear billy”

(originally at my twitter @girls_are_weird)

  • oh, i just saw that this episode and the previous one were directed by shawn levy. yeah, it shows.
  • steve and his weird-ass improvised weapons, man
  • TFW steve is the only one making sense.
  • i love robin so much hahahahaha
  • okay, but they’re taking argyle with them, aren’t they? aren’t they???
  • MAX, MY QUEEN ❤️️
  • christ, is he running around shoeless?
  • okay, of all the scary things that have happened in the season so far, the scratching on the desk was the WORST.
  • seriously? they’ve got semi-autos and not ONE bullet hits him?? worse than stormtroopers, for frick’s sake
  • oh, i hope they don’t kill him, i like him
  • this flashback is *chef’s kiss*, as is robert englund in the role of creel
  • listen… it’s the dark (as in the netflix show dark) theory of cursed fictional towns: if something strange is happening, even if you think it’s related to some weird facility that popped up in your town a definite number of years ago… it actually started way, way before that.
  • it’s survivor’s guilt, is what it is. survivor’s guilt and PTSD. i like this. this makes sense.
  • also, sadie is definitely the MVP the season. oh my god.
  • oh god. and with cassettes? it will take FOREVER to find the right song, jfc #FeelingAncient
  • okay. that montage of memories. MY FEELS. #MyChildren
  • oh, that ending. ❤️️
  • LOL, i figured they’d do the sneaky end credits casting reveal, but i thought they’d do it for you-know-who, not for robert englund.

vaguetweeting stranger things 4 ep 3: “the monster and the superhero”

(originally at my twitter @girls_are_weird)

  • …he has a WIFE?
  • i love that he didn’t tell them. ❤️️
  • joyce. c'mon, mama. you know.
  • cerebro lives! niceeeeeee
  • i don’t mind so much that they keep saying the town is cursed, because at least now it REALLY looks like it’s cursed.
  • omg I TOTALLY CALLED POLICE ACADEMY. (though it was PA2, because it was a rental. BUT I’LL TAKE THE W REGARDLESS).
  • i love this argument between them. it’s so important omg. I LOVE IT. SO MUCH. #MyBABIES #Mileven
  • uuuuhhhhhh, can they do that? isn’t she like fifteen or something?
  • i knew there was something about the trailer park!
  • “i can drive” “NO. NO! never again!” omg i just laughed so loud.
  • okay, so… this dude is like cerebro. and by that i mean ACTUAL cerebro, not the stranger things cerebro. huh.
  • lucas, c'mon.
  • same response as when i watch any digimon adventure interrogation scene: CAN THEY DO THIS? she’s a CHILD.
  • i feel you, joyce.
  • godDAMN, hopper.
  • LOLing at the “just say no” poster in the back
  • he is LITERALLY a less-awesome, assholish knock-off of freddy jones, omg.
  • “this evil, it’s like a virus. each time it returns, it comes back stronger, smarter, deadlier.” TOO SOON, MAN. TOO SOON.
  • bless you, lucas. i knew you’d do the right thing.
  • he’s going to use… a computer program? i mean, i know it’s the ‘80s but… come on, now…
  • …is the score for this season already out? because it’s amazing and i never notice the score on the first go so that’s saying something
  • NO
  • i just screamed “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” at my tv guys omg please don’t

vaguetweeting stranger things 4 ep 2: “vecna’s curse”

(originally at my twitter @girls_are_weird)

  • well, i thought he’d jump INTO the gate. he didn’t get there. but… at least he tried? i deserve at least half a point, i think!
  • powell and callahan! hi there, boys!
  • i love argyle omg lol
  • i want robin’s clothes
  • omg benny’s burgers ❤️️
  • more max-dustin scenes! yes! feed me, duffers!
  • “i didn’t see a body” – bless a genre savvy QUEEN!
  • omg “you spin me” aka the most eighties song of all time
  • will, bb ️
  • okay, this angela girl has SUCH a punchable face. lemme at her.
  • i appreciate that little scene with lucas.
  • omg his name is JASON. i can’t. ‍♀️
  • so is this neighborhood on like the old lab grounds or something? clearly something’s going on there but then the school hmm.
  • i appreciate this long-distance/what-about-our-future plot with jon and nancy. hopefully it goes right
  • TOM WLASCHIHA! finallyyyyyy
  • sit down, knock-off fred jones.
  • robin being a flippin genius again. we stan.
  • i don’t like nancy’s clothes but i’ll take her boots!
  • lol this other dude’s name is ACTUALLY fred.
  • i mean, i would’ve punched her, but…
  • this is why these children need therapy, man.
  • bye, fred! no one’s gonna miss you
  • i’m scared for max. jesus. i’m really scared for max and i know that’s what they WANT me to feel and it might be a red herring but holy shit do i feel it

vaguetweeting stranger things 4 ep 1: “the hellfire club”

(originally at my twitter @girls_are_weird)

  • is that who i think it is?
  • it iiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssss HA!
  • 10
  • holy crap, i love this
  • ha, they don’t have to hide paul reiser in the credits this time because we already saw him in the trailer
  • “i think there’s someone he likes…” tell me more
  • (she’s probably wrong, because this is stranger things, BUT STILL)
  • march 21st, huh? down south, little carla just turned one.
  • mike focusing so much on el’s latters that he forgets about everything else and gets on nancy’s bad side? pretty sure i called that in a fic, yes.
  • okay, i liked that “reasonable humans” line. you get ONE point, ted. just the one.
  • that dude is entirely too old to be a high school basketball player.
  • this speech is so cringe lol. do they actually do this in US schools?
  • “i always worry” – truer words have never been spoken lmao
  • JANE ❤️️
  • oh they’re GOING there with will, aren’t they?
    okay who is this little b*tch, imma have to have words with her
  • and then “running up that hill.” THE PAIN.
  • why is sadie sink killing me already IT’S BEEN ONE SCENE
  • called the break-up
  • oh god, is this like a pennywise situation? because i’d LOVE that.
  • love how they call college a money pit. IN THE EIGHTIES. ‍♀️
  • can i just point out how hyped it makes me to FINALLY see the two elder wheeler siblings in the same school?
  • bless them for giving me that ONE dustin-max scene, i never get enough of them
  • okay, i ship it.
  • loving this sibling sweetness with el and will. my children! ❤️️
  • no shit! we actually get to see tammy thompson! omggggg
    sinclair sibs bringin’ the fire!
  • max and the puppy though. it’s been a while since we’ve had a puppy around.
  • the cheerleader’s always the first, huh.
  • i have to say, this already feels scarier than the previous season. i think that’s a good thing.

tv shows today featuring the badass scariest looking mf only to have him go through an absolute shitshow to discover he has the softest genuinely pure hearted intents is in itself a winner mentality ngl

Can I just start by saying, I love the Netflix originals. They’re pretty much the only things I watch nowadays. The Umbrella Academy is my all-time favorite show. Some of my other favorites are The Society, Never Have I Ever, I Am Not Okay With This, Anne with an E, Stranger Things, Daybreak, etc. And they’re all great shows with amazing casts and stories. 

But they get cancelled left and right. I was so excited about all of the new series coming out, but now I don’t even want to start anything else, because more than likely it will get cancelled after one or two seasons. And not in a nice way. There will be open plot lines, missing character development, and the whole show will just be blatantly abandoned. Why?

Money. Apparently, the first season or two makes more money than continuing the show. They would rather rake in the big bucks hooking us on quality first seasons and then dropping the show, before they would keep producing us the quality content we want. 

I’m seeing a pattern here, and I don’t like it. Daybreak? Cancelled after 1 season. It ends on a huge cliffhanger, obviously set up to be another season, and very big hints that a dead character will be resurrected. Except not, because the story will never be finished. I Am Not Okay With This? Awesome cast that excited everybody and certainly delivered. Also the first season ended on a huuuge cliffhanger. Then was dropped. The story will never be finished. Anne with an E? We put up billboards in support of this show being continued - when has that ever happened in the history of ever?! Ryan Reynolds publicly supported the show’s continuation!! Still, not continued. I could seriously go on and on, but I think you get the picture, and you can probably add a few of your own. 

We will NOT let ourselves keep falling for this. They’ve figured out a way to play us, and now we will wise up. This is insulting, honestly. How dare they hook us onto good content, then drop it just because they think they can make MORE money hooking us onto ANOTHER show, that they will also be dropping unexpectedly?? 

Now, don’t even get me started on The Society. I loved that show, so I’m very angry right now. Season 2 was already officially confirmed, promoted, and in the works! Now, all of the sudden they are dropping it due to Covid?? No. No way. If that were true, then Netflix would be cancelling ALL of its series right now. But there are other series in the works, continuing on without a hitch. They’re making a Kissing Booth 3, which is 2 (or arguably 3) too many. Do you see that being cancelled? Nope. There is absolutely no need for another one of those movies, but they’re braving Covid to make that! The Society purposefully leaves you with so many questions and sets you up for at LEAST another season, but still got cancelled. (skip this next chunk if you haven’t watched it yet but plan to)

We will never know: Who was Becca’s baby daddy? Who was the bus driver? How did they end up in New Ham? Why did they end up in New Ham? What happened to Charlie the dog? What happens after the coup (led by the sociopath) takes over the town? What happens to Allie and Will after being arrested? Do the parents know what happened? What exactly is New Ham? And so many more questions, too. And just characters who haven’t fulfilled their arcs, like Harry Bingham, or Grizz and Sam’s relationship. 

We need to be loud. I will not let this keep happening. In a little bit I will post about how to save our precious shows (especially the society), because I think with enough push back it can be done.

So like… if I hypothetically wrote a multifandom fanfic in which characters from umbrella academy, the society, stranger things, anne with an e, outer banks, and the 100 all randomly got transported to Hogwarts and had an entire complicated plot line in which they all had to stop Voldemort while also dealing with their own personal issues, would anyone be interested?  

Netflix is seriously killing it with the tv shows lately. I mean, come on. Most of them are diverse with many people of different races, beliefs, and sexualities. They have super compelling plots and character arcs and awesome soundtracks. I didn’t expect for all my favorite shows/movies to be Netflix originals but here we are. Here are some of my favorites, along with some thoughts: (absolutely feel free to scroll past this - I dont know why I was so possessed to make this)

- Stranger Things -

The absolute BEST thing about Stranger Things is Steve Harrington, but there are a lot of other great aspects to the show. It’s one of those great shows that really keeps you on your toes, but still has quiet moments and LOTS of character development, which I am a total sucker for. 

- A Series of Unfortunate Events -

This is also a really good show, but I think the reason I like it the most is because of the dark academia vibes that is present through a lot of it. The tone is more aimed towards kids, but I still enjoy it.

- Free Rein -

I’m a sucker for this show. Yeah, it’s not the BEST show on the list, or in general. But I the part of me that’s an equestrian loves it even if some of the horsemanship is bleh. I also have a crush on Gabby? If you want something slightly cringey but light-hearted with a healthy dose of horses, then I recommend this show.

- Greenhouse Academy -

Full honesty: I hate this show. I hate these characters, and the plots, and all the weirdness. It is very cringy. Everyone pictured above is an idiot. But still I binge watch every. season. I don’t know what this sorcery is, but it makes the list simply because despite my hatred, I can’t get enough. 10/10 for the black magic used.

- Chilling Adventures of Sabrina -

It is a bit Riverdale-y, which can be good or bad depending on who you’re talking to. But the storylines are much better and the spoopy vibes are fantastic.


This is my all-time favorite show. I could watch it over and over and over (and I have). It is a cinematic masterpiece. All of the 7 members are relatable and beautiful and really awesome with their respective superpowers (yes, Luther too - he just has a different way of dealing with his trauma. Klaus has drugs, and Luther has being a whiny dipshit with some anger issues). But anyways, this is a FANTASTIC show and I’m going to call in sick when season 2 comes out so I can BINGE.

- The Society -

Want to see a bunch of gen z’s try to form their own society? Yes, you do. There is feelings! There is democracy! There is ~murder~! What more could you want from a show? I have so many cinnamon rolls from this show.

- The Witcher -

The range of this show, I swear. You have a lovable bard singing catchy tunes and cracking jokes, you have a grumpy/smelly/dirty man who just wants to do his job in peace, you have a badass mage obsessed with power, you have a horse who might just have the most braincells of any of them… It’s fantastic.

- Spinning Out -

It was a great show! Very dark. Super dark. But great! I’m sad that it got cancelled :( But the first season is definitely worth a watch. This show is seriously underrated.


This show absolutely deserves all of the hype it’s getting! I’m so happy that people are loving it, because I love it and I NEED more seasons!!! It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time, and I really felt for each of the characters (with some exceptions, of course).

- One Day At A Time -

Probably my favorite sitcom! It’s really funny and also dealt with many important issues that a lot of other sitcoms are too nervous to cover. I wish there were more seasons!

- Daybreak -

It’s certainly a strange show. But there are some good characters, especially including my trash baby, Eli Cardashyan. The plot is also cool. You really have to watch past the first episode to get into it, and then it’s a wild ride.

- I Am Not Okay With This

This is a goood show. Sophia Lillis and Wyatt Olef? A fantastic duo. I can’t wait to see more of all of these characters!

- 6 Underground 

This is very much an action movie. Don’t believe me? The car chase is 16 MINUTES LONG. Yes, I timed it. But somehow, in the midst of all the action, they spared time for lots of feels and character development and a beautiful found family dynamic. This isn’t the type of movie that I usually like, but I watched this one several times.

- Anne With An E

There are literal BILLBOARDS for the renewal of this show. That should tell you enough. Ryan Reynolds himself wants this show renewed.

Your takeaway from this list should be two things: Netflix originals are great and I watch too much tv.

Finishing up this pair of custom Vans, should be done tomorrow

Finishing up this pair of custom Vans, should be done tomorrow

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