#one day at a time

margaretolson:“She’s taught me more about being strong and selfless and true to yourself than I coulmargaretolson:“She’s taught me more about being strong and selfless and true to yourself than I coulmargaretolson:“She’s taught me more about being strong and selfless and true to yourself than I coulmargaretolson:“She’s taught me more about being strong and selfless and true to yourself than I coulmargaretolson:“She’s taught me more about being strong and selfless and true to yourself than I coulmargaretolson:“She’s taught me more about being strong and selfless and true to yourself than I coulmargaretolson:“She’s taught me more about being strong and selfless and true to yourself than I coulmargaretolson:“She’s taught me more about being strong and selfless and true to yourself than I coul


“She’s taught me more about being strong and selfless and true to yourself than I could have ever taught her.”

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one day at a time x wynonna earp

Elena Alvarez from One Day at a Time is a lesbian !

Elena AlvarezfromOne Day at a Time is a lesbian !

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I wrote the following six years ago when I was 15, my dad was abusive and my mom ignored it I just found it in an old notebook. A child should never feel this much pain and fear. Someday I hope I can make this little girl proud.

Yellow Oak Tree:

The sun is hot and burning

The earth is cruel and harming

Fear surrounds the innocent

Can nothing be saved?

But as I lay beneath you shade a cloak of serenity cascades around me

I am safe

Under the yellow oak tree

Free from judgement

Protected from ridicule

Safe from death

Under the yellow oak tree.

I’ve been tossed from the road I once was on

The path before me is paved with uncertainties

My mind is lost in a labyrinth of turmoil

Now all that I know is nothing at all

I keep wanting to live my life in the past while everyone else is heading towards the future.

All the while I miss out on the goods things I have right in front of me in the present.

Why does the sun set?

The night lasts so much longer then the day.

Even though I know the sun will always come back,

The night frightens me.

As the darkens creeps in I lose sight of the future.

This all encompassing darkness hiding me from my loved ones and passions.

Still, at any moment, I know, the sun will rise.

So I will be patient, and have hope knowing that soon sunshine will wash over me again.

Pretty good day of eating if I do say so myself. I earned 4 Fitbit activity points at the gym tonighPretty good day of eating if I do say so myself. I earned 4 Fitbit activity points at the gym tonigh

Pretty good day of eating if I do say so myself. I earned 4 Fitbit activity points at the gym tonight.

My dinner was freaking delicious! Another eMeals success!

I’m in the snacking mood and there are Crispy M&Ms in the apartment so I think I’ll just go to bed instead of eating all of them.

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GET TO KNOW THE MEMBERS | favorite sitcom @evevillanelle: One Day at a Time (2017-2020)GET TO KNOW THE MEMBERS | favorite sitcom @evevillanelle: One Day at a Time (2017-2020)GET TO KNOW THE MEMBERS | favorite sitcom @evevillanelle: One Day at a Time (2017-2020)GET TO KNOW THE MEMBERS | favorite sitcom @evevillanelle: One Day at a Time (2017-2020)GET TO KNOW THE MEMBERS | favorite sitcom @evevillanelle: One Day at a Time (2017-2020)GET TO KNOW THE MEMBERS | favorite sitcom @evevillanelle: One Day at a Time (2017-2020)GET TO KNOW THE MEMBERS | favorite sitcom @evevillanelle: One Day at a Time (2017-2020)

GET TO KNOW THE MEMBERS | favorite sitcom
 @evevillanelle: One Day at a Time (2017-2020)

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andremichaux:One Day at a Time (2017 - 2020)andremichaux:One Day at a Time (2017 - 2020)


One Day at a Time (2017 - 2020)

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“So did you only start watching this show cause it has lesbians”

I need some show recommendations for netflix and hulu with lgtbq+ characters

I stan Syd from One Day At A Time

Giving us the non-binary representation we all need

nota de esclarecimento sobre eu para eu mesma

nem tudo é um mar de rosas

nem tudo é otimismo sempre

então não comece se agora só pensando coisas boas com as expectativas lá em cima

mas também não vá no desânimo

você viveu muita coisa e fez também

precisa reconhecer isso

e continuar fazendo mais

precisa se permitir sentir orgulho de si mesma

e sentir alegria por estar fazendo algo

verbalize tudo isso e mais as pequenas coisas

saiu duas vezes essa semana SOZINHA

não tem nada de errado

não tem nada pendente

não tenho certeza de nada

mas to fazendo algo

vamos um dia de cada vez

pare de pensar tanto

presta atenção aqui fora

não tem pq ficar mal

respira fundo

beba uma água

você tá bem

e fazendo coisas

tem dias que não tem nada de obrigações para fazer

e tá tudo bem ficar apenas descansando e vendo filme/série

ok também se você não quiser sair pra lugar nenhum

pare e perceba-se no ambiente

tentando ser mais sociável

e deixando essa imagem de adolescente antissocial para trás

você está mudando

não tente controlar o futuro

nem o presente

apenas faça o que é necessário fazer

e lembre-se que nunca é tão ruim como sua mente faz parecer ser

tudo bem se sentir mal as vezes

é claro que aqueles pensamentos ruins ainda estão aí

mas é ótimo não me sentir mais confortável quando eles passam na minha mente

respira, presta atenção.

deixe as redes sociais para lá

(vc pode gostar de fazer leituras de qualquer tipo. é bom ler.)

quando os pensamentos ruins voltarem


não os omita

é preciso sentir

mas quando você sentir que fez algo bom

sinta 10x mais forte do que você sentiu aquilo que foi ruim

seja realista

respeite seus limites

tente ser normal


Cute Girl of the Day is Justina Machado!
