#stranger things


request: Okay so imagine this.. the reader is a Henderson and she helps Steve and the kids in their adventure from season 2. Steve and the reader have been friends for so long but this experience brought them closer and now steve see’s her in a different way something like “this is really good mom material” (as we call him daddy steve) so he finds out he loves her and I’ll let you finish it as you like. (If you write smut, I’d love for you to add some, if not make it as cute as posible, thank you)            

“Dustin!”, I yelled as we were all running through the tunnels deep under the earth. I looked over my shoulder and was revealed when I saw my brother Dustin and Steve right behind me, the other kids in front of me, Mike leading the way.
“Run run run.”, I heard Steve and finally we arrived at the hole that we entered half an hour ago. Me and Steve pushed the kids up the hole. “Max, you can do it okay I’ll push you up, I’ll help you.”, I said to Max, who was worrying for a second but then she nodded. “Alright.”, I said,  lifting her up with Steves help until she made it out.
Now there was only me and Steve left. “What?”, I asked in hurry when he was just looking at me for a second. Steve shook his head. “Nothing.”, he said with a hint of a smile on his face. “Alright, let’s go.”, he said, then lifting me up, the kids helping me, and finally I made it out of that damn hole. One minute later Steve was out as well and we all needed a moment to catch our breath.
“Oh shit.”, I mumbled, still feeling the adrenaline in my body. “You’re alright?”, Steve asked as he walked over to me. I nodded. Then he slung his arms around me and suddenly that was all I needed in that moment. I slung my arms around his neck, pressing his body against mine and we stood there like that for a few seconds.
“Y/n?”, then suddenly I heard my brother Dustin asking. “Yeah?”, I asked when me and Steve separated.  “It’s Max.”, he said, all of the boys looking at me. I looked over to the little red haired girl, sitting on the ground, breathing heavily.
I rushed over to her, kneeing on the ground, resting a hand on her back. “Max? What’s up?”, I asked quietly. Max looked up to me, and I saw fear in her eyes.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe now okay? We’re all save now.”, I said, rubbing my hand over her back. “It’s alright.”, I said again.

10 minutest later we we’re on our way back to the Byers house. Steve was now driving the car, and I sat next to him. I looked over to him, checking if the boy I was secretly in love with, my best friend, was okay. I saw him slightly smiling. “What are you smiling about?”, I asked quietly, wanting to let the kids getting some rest in the backseats.
Steve shrug his shoulders. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just happy nobody got hurt.”, he said, focused on the street. “Yeah me too.”, I said as I looked at the kids in the backseats looking exhausted.
When we arrived at the Byers House, we all were happy that all of it was over and that Eleven had closed the gate. We all gave each other hugs, then Hopper gave us the order to go home and get some rest.
Steve and I managed to get all the kids in the car and we dropped them off at their houses.

Half an hour later we arrived in front of my house. “Thanks for dropping me off.”, I said to Steve as we got out of the car.
“Thank you for taking care of us all.”, Steve said grinning. I made a face. “You were the one taking care of everyone.”, I said smiling as well.
“No seriously.”, Steve said, leaning against the hood of his car.
“This was really good mom material.” I had to laugh at his words, but deep inside my stomach flipped. “Thanks Harrington. You would be a really good dad as well I guess.”, I said blushing.
For a second no one said a word. Steve was just looking at me, smiling like he was in a different world. Then he stretched out his hand and took mine in his. He tug me closer to him and grabbed my other hand with his other hand.
He just looked into my eyes and in this moment I felt special, like I was something special to him, like I was someone special. My heart was racing and my head was empty.
Steve brushed some hair behind my ear, then his hand rested on my cheek and all I wanted to do was kissing his beautiful lips. It was like he had read my mind, because one second later his lips touched mine. I closed my eyes when Steves lips were starting to move on my lips, and tug him closer to me, holding onto the collar of his shirt.
When his lips left mine, I started to smile and opened my eyes. Steve was looking at me, a smile on his lips.
“I wanted to do this since I saw you fighting those monsters.”, he said, his hand still resting on my cheek.
And there I was, with the boy I was madly in love with and he liked me back, and I felt like nothing could ever harm me, because I had him.

I really really hope you like it! And thanks for sending me this request!

- my masterlist-

Make sure to check out my other imagines if you haven’t already, and thanks to anyone who is reading my stuff, it means a lot! xx

The music was loud and there were people everywhere.
“Nance, have you seen Steve?”, I asked my best friend, who was just about to take a shot with her boyfriend Jonathan. She shook her head. “No, sorry, but maybe he’s outside with the rest of the boys.”, she said, then pointing to the front door. “Thanks.”, I said quickly, then leaving them alone in the kitchen and rushing to the front door. As soon as I saw a group of boys standing outside the house I knew what was up. I didn’t had to search for Steve, my eyes immediately landed on my boyfriend. He stood in front of Billy and I knew that could only mean trouble.
I didn’t care about all the other boys standing around them and walked towards Steve and Billy. “Steve, what are you doing?”, I questioned. Steve didn’t look at me but Billy did. “Look who’s here? We were just talking about you and how Steve will never give you what you deserve, Y/n, you know that right?”, Billy said, grinning and licking his lips.
“The fuck are you talking about?”, I said, looking at him with disgust.
The moment he made his first move towards me I saw Steve moving, but Steve didn’t had a chance. The boys standing around them were Billys friends, not Steves or mine. Two of them held Steve back, who was now looking at me. I didn’t know what to do. Billy now stood right in front of me, looking down at me, still grinning. “What?”, I said, but my voice was shaking.
“You’re better off with me.”, Billy said, now touching my face with his hands. I heard Steve groaning and saw that he tried to get to me.
“Leave her the fuck alone Billy. I swear if you touch her, if you hurt her..”, I heard him yell.
“Then what?”, Billy asked, now facing Steve again. The two boys who were holding his arms now let go of him.
“I will beat the shit out of you.”, Steve said. I know how Steve could get when he was angry, and he quickly got into fights, but I never saw him like this. I never saw him this angry and I believed every word he said. He would beat the shit out of him.
“Steve, come on, let’s go inside okay?”, I said, trying to distract him and trying to deescalate the situation.
“Yes Steve, go inside. Or.. you could stay and do what you said. Beat the shit out of me.”, Billy said, opening his arms and grinning at Steve. I saw Steve clenching his fists and in that moment I felt my heart dropping.
“Steve please.”, I said once again. But he didn’t look at me.
“Do it. Hit me.”, Billy said and I knew it was too late. The moment Billy made one step towards me, he had Steves fist in his face. There was nothing I could do.
Billy stumbled back, holding his nose that was bleeding, then started laughing like a psychopath. “Well done, Harrington.”, he said, and without warning he hit Steve in the face. It knocked Steve from his feet and one second later Billy was sitting on Steves chest beating his face. I felt my eyes filling with tears being unable to do anything. “Please stop.”, I cried out seeing blood all over Steves face. I didn’t know what happened but the next second Steve was able to push Billy away and now Steve was pinning Billy down just before hitting his face stronger than ever. He was beating the shit out of him. Billys eyes were almost shut and I knew that Steve wouldn’t stop hitting him. I looked around the crowd that slowly was formed around us hoping someone would help.
“Steve stop it.”, I screamed, tears streaming down my face. I was in shock, I wasn’t able to move and I had never ever seen Steve like that and it frightened me.
“Please.”, I cried out, Steve still punching Billys face.
Then suddenly I felt two arms around me. Nancy. Then I saw Jonathan. He walked over to Steve, trying to separate him from Billy. And finally two other boys came over, pulling Steve away from Billy who was now laying on the ground, his face full with blood. I looked over to Steve who was still facing Billy, but Jonathan held him back. I couldn’t stop crying. “It’s okay now.”, I heard Nancy softly speaking.
The other boys lifted Billy up and carried him inside the house then everyone went back inside. Except for Jonathan, Nancy, Steve and me.
“I’ll drive you guys home.”, Jonathan said, then dragging Steve, who was also bleeding all over his face to his car. “Thank you.”, I said to Nancy, then she gave me a hug and I followed the boys to the car.
Steve was laying on the backseat and I sat next to him. We didn’t talk for the whole ride. I was still shocked from what I saw.
Arriving at Steves parents house, Jonathan helped me dragging Steve out of the car. “Are his parents home?”, Jonathan asked. I shook my head. “Good.”, he answered.
“I’ll take him from here.”, I said when we arrived at the front door.
“Thanks Jonathan. I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened if you didn’t..”
“It’s fine.”, he said, then squeezed my arm, before getting back to the car and driving away. Steve and I didn’t say a word while I searched for his keys. I finally found them, opened the door then leading him to the kitchen.
“I’m sorry.”, was the first thing Steve said after I told him to sit down.
I didn’t say a word. I took a cloth, holding it under the water, then I sat down next to Steve. I looked at his wounds while he was looking in my eyes.
I carefully started to wash away the blood. Steve groaned.
After I got rid of all the blood I took the first-aid box and started to clean the wounds.
“You scared me.”, I said quietly, now looking into his eyes for the first time.
“I’m sorry.”, he said again. I put down the antiseptic, now taking his cheeks in my hand, carefully. “You really scared me Steve.”, I said, but I only felt love for this boy. “Why did you do it? Why did you let him provocate you?”
Steve looked away for a second, then looking back into my eyes. “He said some stuff about you. Some bad stuff and I just couldn’t bear with it. I love you Y/n. I would do anything for you.” I sighted, then placed a light kiss on his swollen lips.
“I’d kill for you.”, Steve then said, leaving me speechless.
“Steve..”, I said taking his hand in mine.
“I love you so much Y/n.”, Steve said, almost desperate. 
“I love you too Steve Harrington, you idiot.”
I saw a little smile on his face and couldn’t help but kissed him again, now by mistake, with more force.
“Ouch.”, Steve said after pulling away. “Sorry.”, I said, but still smiling at him.
I finished cleaning his wounds, then I took some ice from the fridge.
We went upstairs, getting ready, then we laid down in his big bed.
“Thanks for taking care of me.”, Steve said, softly smiling at me, still holing the ice pack against the corner of his eye. I smiled at him.
“I look terrible right?”, Steve then asked also smiling at me.
“No.”, I said, but he did look terrible. I grinned at him.
“Okay, I look more than terrible.”, Steve sighted.
“Nothing could ever destroy your beauty. I mean look at your hair.”, I joked which made Steve laugh but then he pulled a face, in pain. “Laughing hurts.”
“Ohhh poor boy.”, I said grinning at him. But then I remembered him on top of Billy punching the shit out of him. Steve laid one hand on my cheek.
“I’m sorry.”, he said. I nodded. “I know.” 

I snuggled up against him, now realizing how tired I was. I closed my eyes after Steve turned off the lights.
“Goodnight.”, he said, kissing my hair. “Goodnight, I love you Steve.”, I said softly and almost already sleeping.

My second Steve Harrington imagine! Please leave a comment and tell me what you think. xx

My requests are still open so feel free to send them in! xx

why can’t I be born in the 80ies in Hawkins, helping some kids fighting a monster from another dimension and falling in love with their babysitter?

This is my first Steve Harrington imagine and the first imagine I ever posted on tumblr. Please be nice and please ignore if I make any mistakes, english is not my first language. But let’s get staaarted.

You heard the loud music from inside of Tina’s house but you didn’t bother. Your friends were inside partying but you just weren’t able to get all of those picturest from last night out of your head. All the demogorgons, the kids almost getting hurt and Steve. Steve Harrington. Over the year you and Steve became close friends, best friends but you felt like there was something more between the two of you. The way he looked at you, the way he touched you. It made you feel special. He made you feel special and he was special to you but non of you ever admitted it.

Now you were sitting outside your friends house thinking about all of it. Steve was home, you knew that. After what happened, after you guys fought the demogorgons he didn’t feel good and stayed home. Right now all of the pictures came back. You had to admit that you’re weren’t that strong and brave girl but you always acted like that. But deep inside all the pictures of last night did frighten you and you just couldn’t help but think about all of that.
“Y/n are you coming back inside?”, Becky, one of your friends, yelled from the door. You stood up and walked over to her. “I think I’m going home. I don’t really feel good.”, you said and Becky gave you a look that said that she believed you. “Alright then. See you in school okay? Get home safe.” She gave you a long hug and then went back inside.
You really wanted to go home, but somehow you ended up right in front of Steves house. You knew his parents were barely at home and you saw the light in his room so you didn’t bother but rang the doorbell.
You waited a few seconds then he opened the door.
“Y/n? Why aren’t you at the party?”, Steve asked in confusion but he smiled.
You just shrug your shoulders.
“I guess I’m just not into partying right now.”
Steve nodded. He knew exactly how you felt.
“Do you wanna… talk about last night?”, he asked and you nodded.
The two of you sat on the stairs in front of the house an for a moment no one said a word. You felt Steves shoulder touching yours and it only took this little touch to relax. Again you thought about last night. You never experenced anything like that before and you didn’t knew how to deal with it. You knew that it wasn’t new to Steve because he told you all about the upside down thing and how he fought a damogorgon for the first time.
“Is it getting easier? All of this? All the memories?”, you asked and Steve looked you straight in the eyes. He sighted.
“Yes it does. With time. And good company.”, he said and suddently you had to smile. You knew what you needed to be able to deal with it.
“I can’t deal with it alone.”
“You don’t have to. You got me. Remember?”, Steve said and then he took your hand in his. His hands were warm. You nodded.
“What would I do without you.”, you said and lightly smiled at him.
You rested your head on his shoulder and for a moment no one said a thing.
“I know all of it is really hard to believe and it’s confusing and stuff.”, Steve said after a while and you nodded.
You guys sat there for a while until you felt how tired you were.
“I’ll drive you home.” Steve said and you weren’t even able to protest.
10 minutes later you arrived in front of your house. You opened the door of the car and stepped outside. Steve came around the car and leaned against it.
“Thanks for bringing me home Steve.”, you said and smile at him. He just nodded and smiled back.
Looking at this beautiful boy, who probably saved your life the night before and the boy who always made you laugh and feel happy you couldn’t help but made a step in his direction. He didn’t move as you stood in front of him. You rested your hands on his hips, then looking up into his eyes. You saw a smirk on his lips and then  his hands landed on both of your cheecks. They were soft and warm and you never felt better than in that moment.
Finally Steve closed the distance between your lips and his lips. You closed your eyes and Steve smoothly moved his lips. You tug at his shirt to bring him closer to you than he already was and feeling his lips on yours just felt right.
“I wanted to do this for such a long time now.”, Steve said as he rested his forhead on yours. You smiled at him. “Well, me too.”, you said an Steve once againg pressed his lips against yours. Your hands went in his hair and you slightly pulled his hair. He rested his hands on your hips and quietly moaned into the kiss.
You two seperated but Steve still held onto your hips. “I should go inside.”, you said with a big grin on your face. Steve just nodded.
“See you in school then.”, you said, giving him a little kiss on his lips. Then you turned around and started walking up to your door. “I know that you’re staring.”, you said as you reached the door. You once again turned around and saw Steve smiling at you. “Goodnight.”, you said, then entering the house, only to hear him quielty saying his “Goodnight”.
Inside you couldn’t help but smile. Steve Harrington liked you back and it was the best thing ever.

I really hope you enjoyed it, I really gave my best. Still I notice that it’s not that easy for me to write imagines in english and not german which is my first language. I hope with time it’s getting better.

Just send your requests and I’ll write you an imagine! xx


Billy possessed by the Mind Flayer but still working as a lifeguard

started s4 of stranger things and episode 4 “Dear Billy” was so intense it had me on the edge of my seat one of the best episodes of this show

tripped and fell and spent my entire Sunday rewatching Stranger Things 1-3 (abridged) and now I am drowning in Max Mayfield feelings

i love all the children i really do and like deep down if i’m honest Dustin will always be my favorite but Max is SO MANY ENTIRE MOODS and also where is Sadie Sink’s emmy where is it

i don’t have a favourite song

i listen to the same songs repetitively until i grow sick of it

so i’d be dead DEAD in stranger things
