#stranger things



Fandoms you can request: The Originals, The Vampire Dairies, The Walking Dead, Riverdale, Once Up On a Time, Stranger Things, Shadow hunters and Criminal Minds.  

I know it’s been a while since I posted, I am still working on the series, but I wanted to try writing other things as well. I hope you like the prompts.

PS: You can request crossovers as well. :)  

1 “Seriously this is what you wanted to talk about.”

2 “I think you overdramatising.”

3 “You must be joking.”

4 “Really, this is why you woke me up?”

5 “Look around, you are surrounded by people who love you.”

6 “Keep it up, and there will be nothing left.”

7 “I don’t need this.”

8 “this moment is definitely on top of my list of favourite moments.”

9 “I’ll never forget.”

10 “the more you push me away, the more I want you.”

11 “My favourite drinking buddy.”

12 “I don’t know what to say?”

13 “You never stop surprising me.”

14 “Are you jealous?”

15 “When you ready come and get it nana, nana, or not, do whatever.”

16 “Was that so difficult?”

17 “What’s so funny?”

18 “We are breaking all the rules right now.”

19 “Please tell me you are seeing what am seeing?”

20 “We both know you don’t regret it.”

21 “(Character or reader) may be arrogant, manipulative, bossy, annoying, with anger and self-control issues, but deep down he/she can be charming.” “Very deep down, like the bottom of the ocean deep down.”  

22 “I think you are exaggerating.”

23 “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” “Or a little broken.”

24 “We are not in an army, and you are not a general so don’t give me orders.”

25 “Can you, please shut the door?”

26 “You know, this isn’t going to end well” “For who?”

27 “Fucking hell, this can’t be true.”

28 “Can you please obey for once?”

29 “Nope, still doesn’t work.”

30 “The vow doesn’t mean anything to you.”

31 “This wasn’t the promise we made.”

32 “You meant the world to me.”

33 “I am just passing by, I’ll be gone before you can count to three.”

34 “This is really your favourite movie?

35 “You do realise this is fiction?”

36 “I want to trust you (Character’s name).

37 “I am not a child, I can take care of myself.”

38 “I’m busy.”

39 “Would you do something for me?” “For you anything.” “Great, would you go to the store and get me ice-cream?”

40 “this is not a date. It is two people meeting after they haven’t seen each other for a while.” “So, it’s a date.”

41 “Me falling in love, with you, nonsense.”

42 “Not everything can be repaired.”

43 “It’s a party, at least pretend you have a good time.”

44 “I want answers, and I want them now!”

45 “It’s either me orherorthemorit, your choice.”

46 “You are not going anywhere.” “Yeah, and who ‘s gonna stop me? You?” “Challenge accepted.”

47 “Don’t look at me like that, I’m still angry.”

48 “What are you hiding?” “Nothing.” “Fine, don’t tell me I’ll find out myself.”

49 “I know what I’m doing.’

50 “It can’t be that difficult.”

51 “Are you nuts?”

I’m not quite finished the current eps yet but currently a bit Concerned that strangethings s4 is using the Satanic Panic as a backdrop but is ALSO using its extremely close relative - the epidemic of irresponsible and dangerous ‘memory recovery’ therapy which literally (almost always unintentionally) implanted false memories of abuse (inc. sexual) in impressionable children to back up the claims of satan worship and force bizarre evangelical narratives, leaving the victims with lifelong trauma that never actually happened but had all the same mental impact… but is doing so in a way which at least thus far is not being presented as illegitimate quackery.

Like if Eleven’s 'recovered memories’ don’t turn out to be manipulative fabrications to forward an agenda then the writers have once again charged headfirst into some 80s contemporary event nostalgia without any real nuance or critical thought. Which would be… Unsurprising but still disappointing.
