#street team

Europe: get involved with the Ninja Tune promo team — now recruiting for label ambassadors for 2015/

Europe: get involved with the Ninja Tune promo team — now recruiting for label ambassadors for 2015/16. Get in touch at [email protected]

Post link

Sign up here!

✨Wanted: ARC readers and street team! You can be one or both. See the link above for the sign up sheet!

✨WHEN I MET YOU comes out this fall, and I’m looking for ARC readers. You’ll get a free copy of this enemies to lovers romance about two Broadway stars to review.

✨ My street team: You will receive all the info on cover reveal, pre-order date, etc. and post on your pages. You will also be entered to win a full set of the the Hearts of Broadway books in paperback.

✨ NOTE: This is the third in a series, but they are standalone. It’s the same world with brand new characters, so you don’t need to have read the first two to understand it.

✨ Open until Friday, June 10th! I’m so excited to have you on the team!




Since an update on my Robin Hood WIP is long overdue, I’ll give you a paragraph or two, before the progress update. Please share your thoughts, I’d love to hear what you think. Enjoy!

T h e   V e i l  -  a  R o b i n  H o o d  W I P  excerpt


He felt the blood leave his head. What on earth did that mean? Was it good? Bad? Was it very good? His heart fluttered, but his heart was stupid and useless, he knew better than to pay attention to it by now. But this girl… This girl was a complete surprise. She never once uttered a phrase he’d expected to hear from her lips. Damn that interfering veil, what he’d give to be able to see her face! He bent his head lower, closer to her mouth, so that he wouldn’t miss a word when she next spoke. 

“Concentrate on what?”

“On anything…On anything except being…”

He stiffened. Don’t say afraid, he thought. Anything but that. Say safe. Say loved. Adored. Say you can’t concentrate on anything but me. She didn’t speak again, however. Her words trailed into silence, and the silence stretched. 

“Do you wish me to leave?”


Robin Hood WIP  © 2018  M.C. Frank

Progress for my Robin Hood Wip so far:

Mood - Feels! The feels have started! I’m so happy and… feely.

Place- Bed.

Music - Everything At Once by Lenka

Drink - What else? Water

Upcoming scene - [SPOILER]’s capture

Favorite written scene so far - The veil scene (read snippet above).


Worst written scene so far - Left a few descriptions out, will add them later. So right now, technically, a certain scene is half-written, only dialogue and action.

Favorite planned scene - Still the tree scene,although that takes place at the end of the book. So before that, favorite planned scene is the Tournament.

Hardest to-write scene - The aftermath of [SPOILER]’s capture. So much pain.

Favorite character so far - J made his first appearance! So it’s J, hands down. Alan appeared too, so he’s a close second:


Outline changes - None this round.

Motivation - Writing a slow-shimmering romance is intoxicating. I can’t get enough of it.

Regrets - Managed to write over 500 words (at least) every single day so none! (yay)

Goals - I need a title. I have a working one, but still figuring things out. Bleh.

Best moments - The cast reveal, check it out here. 

Plans - Robin Hood’s portrait reveal is taking a back seat due to the huge couples’ giveaway coming up! A few gorgeous RH aesthetics are about to be revealed though, so stay tuned!


LAST SENTENCE TAG - Tagged by the lovely @lisa-writing to reveal the last sentence I wrote, and tag as many authors as there are words in the sentence. 

*scans manuscript, trying to find a sentence that isn’t a complete and utter spoiler*

“Who are you?” he murmured again in an almost inaudible tone.

Tagging a ton of people, because rules? pfft! Show me your sentences! @emweaver    @bymeganwithmeraki@brynwrites@bwauthors@charvaughn-writes@authorjoeypaul@elenajohansen@rosecorcoranwrites@ravenreadswrites@ekinsellaauthor@angelaiswriting@an-author-and-his-books@youngsatan 

Please feel free to share a paragraph or two, or a poem or two instead of a sentence, if you like, (some of you are poets) because I’d love to read what you’ve been creating. x

Read all of the Robin Hood WIP diaries


Yay! So glad you liked it @maxgraybooks<3
