#arc readers


Sign up here!

✨Wanted: ARC readers and street team! You can be one or both. See the link above for the sign up sheet!

✨WHEN I MET YOU comes out this fall, and I’m looking for ARC readers. You’ll get a free copy of this enemies to lovers romance about two Broadway stars to review.

✨ My street team: You will receive all the info on cover reveal, pre-order date, etc. and post on your pages. You will also be entered to win a full set of the the Hearts of Broadway books in paperback.

✨ NOTE: This is the third in a series, but they are standalone. It’s the same world with brand new characters, so you don’t need to have read the first two to understand it.

✨ Open until Friday, June 10th! I’m so excited to have you on the team!

ashen-crest:[ID: a book cover. The cover has a red and yellow lute at the center, with blue flowers


[ID: a book cover. The cover has a red and yellow lute at the center, with blue flowers at the center, all against a black background. The title reads “The Stray Spirit, Lutesong Book One.” The author name is R.K. Ashwick. The translucent text overlaid at the top of the cover reads “Advanced Reader Copy.” end ID]

Calling ARC Readers for The Stray Spirit!

Do you like anxious bards?

How about forest spirits?

How about anxious bards with a forest spirit trapped in his lute, where he’s forced to work with his ex-girlfriend to get out of this mess, only to uncover a major magical threat no one is prepared for?

Hey, then you might like my book!

If you want to be an ARC reader for The Stray Spirit, and get a free copy of the book in exchange for leaving a (voluntary!) review:

 ⭐✨⭐ sign up here! ⭐✨⭐

But Ash! What if I don’t wanna leave a review? What if I wanna just buy the book?

That’s great! I’ll be announcing pre-order info & goodies in July!!

If you pre-order, you’ll get:

  • the first three chapters as a sneak peek
  • a sticker I drew myself
  • a bookmark I painted myself


[ID: a photo of a sticker and a bookmark against a wooden background. The sticker is of a lute with flowers and vines growing out of the sound hole. The bookmark is a watercolor of blue and purple flowers, with the script text “The Stray Spirit” at the top. end ID]


Sign up to be an ARC reader now, or get pre-order info & gifts in July!

Or do neither. You do you.

(TSS taglist below the cut, ask to be +/-):

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I’ve signed up to ARC read <3

You might have seen some of my Book Reviews around, but I tend to post my review here, instagram, facebook, and on my website, in addition to amazon, goodreads, and any other platform I can find that the book is for sale on. (Including Barnes and Noble, Waterstones, Bookbub, Kobo, etc)

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