#study mode


To start off I would like to apologize for how absent i’ve been from this blog. I have been very busy with this year and I’m doing the best I can to keep up. (more content to come!) Furthermore, that’s the reason I want to write this post. It is to remind you guys to keep going. I know sometimes it seems hard and you may feel defeated by everything around, but keep going. Some days it may seem like the whole word is against you and the only person that cares is yourself…keep going. Keep moving forward. Do not let that one quiz, test, or even class bring you down. Keep moving forward towards your goal. Someone once told me there are many ways to achieve a goal. Try a different way, and keep going. Remember you are loved, you are brilliant, you can do things even you don’t know you’re capable of. That’s why you should keep going. Know that I’m always here to provide advice and support if you need it. Keep going.

-Kathy xoxo

15.10.2018 when the pic does no justice to the wonderful experience, you know it was an excellent evening ✨so motivated to get back to the study life!!

08.10.2018 soo i promised to write an about me post, then procrastinated it for weeks, but finally i08.10.2018 soo i promised to write an about me post, then procrastinated it for weeks, but finally i

08.10.2018 soo i promised to write an about me post, then procrastinated it for weeks, but finally i did!! i created a studygram where you can:

- get to know me

- get study techniques and organizing tips + where to find cosy coffee spots and where to shop cute stationery

- more original content from my daily life

- lots of friendship and cute stuff and happiness included!!

two more things: 1. i will not stop to post my content here 2. i feel like instagram is a more personal platform, so i will share a bit more of me there (art, food, outfits,…)

let me know what you think! X.

Post link

Here are recent podcasts I have discovered that I think are suitable for intermediate learners. They are 100% or 99% in Chinese and are suitable to listen when you are on the bus, cleaning your room or eating your dinner (basically, great for studying in that ‘fragmented time’)

Additionally, if you find the RSS code for each podcast you can add it into the Feedly app so you can easily organise in one place and listen on your phone. I can do a tutorial on this if you’d like?

左右汉语 Intermediate Chinese

This podcast is presented by a single host and discusses a new phrase or chengyu in a natural way with many example sentences. It’s good for easy listening whilst learning something useful along the way.



This has resources for beginner to lower advanced. It has great dialogues with explanations and new vocab for the intermediate classes. The lower advanced podcasts are in the format of slow news segments, and the transcripts are available. The news segment resource is invaluable and something I’ve not seen elsewhere.


Speak Chinese Naturally

This podcast is also in the format with one host and is essentially all in Chinese. Its an ongoing podcast and is updated regularly.


World Languages - discussions on Australia

I podcast that is no longer active, there are about 6 episodes discussing Australian culture in slow Chinese. It perfect for us who already are familiar with western culture but hearing it discussed in Chinese. It is easy to follow and a discussion between two hosts


Bonus resource for lower intermediate learners:

Mandarin / English

This is a bilingual podcast (an English native speaks English and a Chinese speaks Chinese). The discussions are interesting and not so ‘boring beginner’ topics that all podcasts discuss and become very samey. For example, one episode discusses Investing. Because there is one host speaking English you can keep up with the more difficult content and makes for easy listening. To be honest, I’d prefer if the Chinese host spoke more but it’s about even, but otherwise its a great podcast all in all.


since most of us have to stay indoors due to the coronavirus, how about we share pictures of our study spaces at home to get to known each other, and how we are dealing with the situation? they don’t have to be pretty, just real!

: #studyfromhome

«It’s starting to rain, and the light coming through my window is soft and limpid. My room is clean and quiet. A cup of tea in my hand. I have very tight deadlines, but they have not managed to stress me out. What a pleasure to work like this, I could get used to it.»
