

Sorry guys, this one is on the shorter side cause I just lost inspiration for it but I hope you like what I have of it :)

⚠️WARNINGS⚠️:sub!chanyeol, sub!sehun, dom!reader, voyeurism, rimming, oral (male recieving), mentions of handcuffs, threesome, pwp, mommy kink

Helping Hands

“Oh fuck!” Sehun cried out, his hands darting down to tangle in your hair as your tongue swirled around his tip yet again. Internally, you let out a small huff while glaring up at him. A whine forced its way past your boyfriend’s lips as you pulled away, another escaping as you grabbed his wrists and forced his hands down to be pinned on either side of his head. 

     "C'mon baby boy, we talked about this. Keep your hands to yourself or I’ll have to bring out the cuffs.“ You lightened up your hold on his wrists at the look that crossed his face.

     "I’m sorry mommy, I’m really trying not to touch you- I promise I am!” You smiled down at him as his puppy dog eyes came into play, leaning down to press a light kiss to his pouty lips. Normally, you would have already brought out the cuffs, rope, or anything else you had in your toybox to restrain him, but he had been in a subby mood all day today which made him all the more sensitive. When he’s in the mood to become your mindless baby boy in the bedroom he complains and complains about the bruises that inevitably end up around his wrists, almost bringing him to tears. While you didn’t want to deal with that mess later, sometimes you just didn’t have a choice.

     "This is your last warning sweetheart.“ He violently nodded, gripping the sheets as hard as he could while you started to lower your mouth back down on his cock. The moan that ripped from his throat could be heard clear as day from your living room, where, unbeknownst to either of you, a friend had dropped by to return Sehun’s phone charger he had accidentally left in the practice room. 

     Chanyeol had stopped in his tracks as the cry echoed through the house, his face slowly heating up as he realized what it was. He was conflicted. One half of his brain was telling him to sprint out the door and forget this had ever happened while the other half was suddenly reminding how attractive his younger bandmates’s girlfriend was. The poor boy hadn’t even realized he had climbed the stairs until he was suddenly standing outside your bedroom door, hand outstretched for the doorknob in front of him.

     His hands were shaking as the nerves almost swallowed him whole. What was he doing?! Chanyeol took a small step back, cradling his hand to his chest as he shook his head. Just as his back turned to the door, however, another loud moan ripped through the air. He spun back around, telling himself over and over that a small peek wouldn’t hurt. The door opened just a crack, letting the perverted boy’s eye scan the small room. His breath hitched in his throat as he took in the scene before him.

     Sehun’s back was arched off the bed as his fingernails dug into the pillow beneath his thrashing head, trying his damndest to keep his hands from reaching for you. Chanyeol saw your head between your boyfriend’s thighs and assumed you were sucking him off, but upon closer inspection realized that you had traveled lower to trace your tongue around the younger’s entrance. A low groan vibrated through Sehun’s chest as he bit his lip, head tilting in a way that gave Chanyeol a full view of his pleasure filled expression.

     The sight was almost too much to bear as Chanyeol’s bulge strained against the fabric of his pants. His trembling hand shyly rubbed at the area between his legs, hoping to find some relief as the other flew up to his mouth to block his lewd sounds. It didn’t take long before he decided it wasn’t enough, instead unbuttoning his pants to grab ahold of his fully erect cock and pump it at a rather quick pace.

     Sehun’s eyes slowly fluttered open, his vision still a little blurry with pleasure as he turned his head to nuzzle his cheek into the pillow. Through his pleasure haze, however, he saw a crack in the door. Hadn’t you closed it after you pushed him to the bed? It was hard for his mind to fully comprehend what was happening until his eyes had locked onto the pair that he recognized instantly. His face flushed red as he squeezed his eyes shut.

     "M-mommy!” He whined, his thighs unintentionally crushing your head in between them. The action made you look up to his face with a grunt before following his gaze to the door. You smirked as your eyes locked with a pair of dark brown ones.

     "Oh?“ Chanyeol froze up as he realized he had been spotted, the dark look in your eyes making a violent shiver shoot down his spine. He hurriedly pulled up his pants as you made a beckoning movement with your hand, clumsily entering the room. "Well what do we have here? I didn’t realize your friend was such a little pervert, baby.” You chuckled, glancing over to Sehun to make sure he was okay with this. 

     Sure enough as you gave your boyfriend a once-over you could see his cock twitch against his stomach. The both of you had talked about a situation like this before, having someone else join you in the bedroom that is, but now that it was finally happening you realized it was much more exhilarating than you could have ever imagined. Chanyeol, on the other hand, was much too busy thinking about every worst case scenario as his eyes burned holes into the floor. Surely you would never want to talk to him again, and Sehun would be too grossed out by him to ever hang out the way they used to. What if you told everyone else what happened, just to warn everyone about the disgusting pervert they’d been unknowingly spending time with? What if-

     "Chanyeol!“ The boy’s head snapped up, the confused puppy dog eyes he was giving you made you forgive him right away. "Did you hear what I said?” He slowly shook his head. You had turned to face him by now, gesturing for him to come even closer from your place on the bed. He hesitantly stepped forward, hands clenched into fists between his legs in a poor attempt to cover up his hard-on. 

     "I asked if you’d like to join us. There’s a little lesson I need to teach Sehun that he just can’t seem to learn, so a little help would be very much appreciated.“ You said, seduction dripping in your voice as you ran your fingers along his inner thigh once he had sat down next to you. His breath hitched in his throat, a fire burning in his lower abdomen from your touches as well as the whimper that came from the boy behind him. He slowly nodded his head, mind already foggy from your words as he looked up at you with the prettiest puppy dog eyes you had ever seen.

     "Alright, how about you go ahead and take off your clothes, then you can go and sit behind Sehun. Is that alright with you sweetheart?” All he could do was dumbly nod his head again, your sweet voice and gentle touches the only thing he could seem to focus on. “Use your words.”

     "Y-yes mommy, I can do that.“

     "Alright then darling, go ahead.” The words had barely left your mouth before he shot to his feet and began sloppily tugging off his clothes. Jeez, you’d barely done anything and the sweet boy was putty in your hands. You couldn’t help the wicked smirk that crossed your face.

     Oh this was gonna be fun.


Main masterlist

angst = ♠ | fluff = ♥ | smut = ♣
female reader = ♀ | male reader = ♂ | gender neutral = ○ | No reader insert = ☼ 


Exo reaction to their sassy and independent s/o


Coming soon!


Coming soon!


♣○Learn Your Place (Chanyeol x reader) - sin  ← don’t read pls, I’ll be rewriting this


♀A Lesson for the Both of Us (Sehun x reader)-Prologue|Chapter 1ON HOLD

↑ also don’t read this, actual garbage

Also, there won’t be any more Chen posts since I don’t write fanfics for married men lmao 


Oneshot - Smut

Sub!Park Chanyeol x reader

Summary:You and Chanyeol have been together for about a year. Everything was amazing, except for just one thing. Chanyeol was always the top. While you loved that side of him, sometimes you’d like to change things up. And that’s exactly what you did.

Your p.o.v.

It was about 8 am when you woke up. You looked to the right to see your boyfriend Chanyeol sleeping soundly next to you. You sighed. Today was the day you were going to talk to him about what’s been on your mind for what feels like forever. It was a Saturday morning and you both had free time for the day, so you figured this was the best time. You decided to get up and get dressed.

As you were making breakfast for yourself, you heard rustling in the bedroom and knew Chanyeol was awake as well. You waited for a little while until you heard the door to the bathroom click. That’s when you ran quietly from your kitchen back to the bedroom and opened your closet as silently as possible. Under a small pile of clothes was a small box you were looking for. Taking everything out of the box, you tiptoed to your nightstand and opened the top drawer to hide everything inside. Because Chanyeol sometimes accidentally went to your nightstand instead of his, you decided it was best to hide everything in the morning, just to make sure he won’t find anything.

Just as you returned to the kitchen, you heard your bathroom door click and Chanyeol walked out. It gave you a small rush of excitement, knowing that your little plan was succeeding so far. 

You were snapped out of your daydreaming when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and a head resting on your shoulder. “Why didn’t you make something for me as well?” You could hear the pout in his voice. “Well, you usually wake up around noon on Saturdays, so I didn’t really expect you to be up this early.” Instead of a reply, Chanyeol just nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. This didn’t surprise you too much, as Chanyeol always acted like a big baby whenever he woke up. You didn’t mind though, because it was absolutely adorable. 

Throughout the day you couldn’t really focus, your worries always in the back of your head. When were you going to ask him? Will he like the idea or not? You tried to push these thoughts away, thinking that it’s worth a try and Chanyeol would never judge you for wanting to try something new, but doubts still crept into your mind every now and then. 

Other than that, the day went smoothly. Now, as the sun was setting, you found yourself on the couch, body draped over your boyfriend’s as you two watched a Christmas movie even though it was the second week of November. Halfway through the movie, you felt two hands on your back slowly move lower and lower. This didn’t really fit your idea, where it should be you doing this to him. 

The hands were now dangerously low, so you decided to speak up. “Chanyeol?” You heard a hum in response, but the hands were still lowering. “Chanyeol.” “Yes?” Still moving. “Chanyeol!” You spoke a little too loud and felt Chanyeol jump a bit as his hands stopped immediately. He looked you in the eyes, his eyebrows raised in confusion. 

You got up to sit on the other side of the couch, looking at him. “Did I do something wrong? What is it?” Chanyeol asked, slightly worried. You shook your head. “No, I just wanted to ask you something.” As you said this, you saw Chanyeol tense up just a little, so you placed your hand on his arm. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad, I was just wondering if you would like to.. try something new?” As you said this, you swore you saw a small fire light up in his eyes. “What do you have in mind?” He looked like a child, waiting for a present their parents promised them. 

“I was thinking that maybe I could be on top just this once? What do you think?” You said, feeling the nervousness in your chest once again. “Like, ride me? But didn’t we do that like three days ago?” Chanyeol asked, confused once again. “No, that’s different, because you still control everything even if you’re under me..” You said as you felt your cheeks heating up and started regretting bringing this whole thing up. “So you just want to be the one in control? Is that all?” The way he put it so simply made you want to cry out in frustration. But hey, at least he knew what you meant now. “Well, it sounds a lot more boring when you say it like that, but yes..” 

What followed was just silence. Maybe he thinks it’s boring? Maybe he only wants to top? You were starting to feel embarrassed and wanted to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. “It’s fine if you don’t want to do this,” You said, standing up. “I’m sorry for bring-” but before you could rush out like you wanted to, you felt a hand grab your wrist. “No no no, we’re doing this. I was just caught up in my thoughts, I’m sorry. It sounds quite nice actually. When do you want to try it?” He said, his words a little rushed as if he was worried you would run away before he could finish his sentence. You turned around, noticing the blush creeping onto his cheeks. Just this sight of him sitting under you, avoiding your eyes, blushing, was making you excited. 

“How about we start right now?” You said, feeling a little more confident in your actions now. “Sounds great.” He grinned and followed you to the bedroom. You stopped next to the bed and looked at him. He was standing there awkwardly, clearly not knowing what to do, so you decided to help him out a little.

“Lay down on the bed and take off your shirt, so it won’t be in the way later.” He complied, shuffling over to the bed and laying down on it, taking his shirt off. “So, what now?” He asked, still a bit lost. “Just relax and let me take care of you, ok? While I get everything ready, you can think about what safeword you want in the meantime.” You said smoothly, starting to get into your role more. “What should the safeword be?” You heard him ask as you rummaged through the drawer for the right things. There was a lot of them, but you needed just a few for today. “Whatever you want it to be, preferably something not associated with sex, so you won’t say it accidentally without meaning it as the safeword.” “How about..puppies?” You chuckled at his safeword of choice because you knew he thought of it while looking at your bed with puppies on the covers. “Sure.” Finally, you were fully prepared and turned back to Chanyeol. “ Give me your left hand.” Click. “And your right.” Click. Feeling the cold metal on his wrists, Chanyeol looked up to see he was now tied to the bed.

“Now close your eyes and lift your head for me.” He obliged, already suspecting what was going to happen. He knew he was right when he felt the smooth fabric over his eyes being tied in a knot behind his head as you slowly lowered his head back on the pillow. To his surprise, he was actually feeling relaxed like you wanted him to. That was until he heard you shuffling and got slightly nervous again, now that he couldn’t see what was happening. Chanyeol was normally on the quieter side when it came to sex, so your goal for today was to change that. Oh, how you dreamed about the whimpers that could be spilling out of his mouth. And now, that your dream was about to become a reality, you almost couldn’t contain yourself from all the excitement. 

You started off slow, cupping his face in your hands and kissing him on his forehead, nose, cheeks and finally lips. He melted into the kiss, lifting his head to get as close to your lips as possible. You pulled away and went back up, looking at his half-naked form, admiring the sight in front of you. “So, there are three rules, ok baby boy?” When he didn’t answer, you slapped his thigh to get his attention. Not to make it hurt, but with just enough force to help him remember his place. He gasped from surprise. “I said, there are three rules, ok baby boy?” This time, he understood what you wanted from him. “Okay.” You smiled, seeing him already learning. “Would you like me to introduce you to them?” You said, waiting for his response. “Yes.” You slapped his other thigh this time, making him gasp again. “Manners.” He understood, responding almost immediately. “Yes, please.” 

Chanyeol was surprising himself as he started to get into his role a lot more than expected. “Good. Rule number one, you have to respond with words and behave like a good boy. Rule number two, you have to do everything I tell you or there will be consequences. Rule number three, you cannot cum without my permission. Understand?” You heard Chanyeol’s breath hitch at the third rule, making you chuckle. “Yes, I understand.” With that, you were ready to truly start. 

You kissed him again, letting your hands roam his body like he did to you on the couch. Since he was already shirtless, there were no restrictions from your touches. You placed kisses on his chin and down his chest, resting your hands on his nipples. You took them in each of your hands, rolling them between your thumb and index finger. You heard his breathing get heavier, knowing the effect it had on him, even though he would probably never admit to it. You sat on his thighs just below his clothed member, getting yourself comfortable on his legs. Your lips went up to his neck, sucking on his skin, leaving red and purple marks. Your hands started traveling even lower until they reached his jeans. You kneeled back up, removing them and throwing them somewhere behind you, not really caring about where they’ll end up. 

You saw that he was already half-hard and smirked to yourself. “Does my baby boy feel good?” You asked, lifting your eyes to look up at his blinded face, lips parted and cheeks a deep shade of red. “Yes.” You were glad he was enjoying himself, but one-word responses like this were not enough for you. “How good do you feel?” “Really fucking good.” With that, you slapped his thigh again, this time with more force, making him bite his bottom lip to prevent any noises from coming out. “What did I say about manners? Is this the way a good boy should be behaving?” You asked, disappointment evident in your voice. “No, I’m sorry.” Hearing this felt like absolute heaven on earth. You couldn’t have hoped for anything better, feeling really proud of him for taking on the role you wanted. You kissed him again, this time speaking with a much nicer tone. “That’s a good boy.” When you were satisfied with the hickeys all over his neck, you started going lower again.

You poked your tongue out, licking a stripe from his chest to his stomach, stopping a few times to mark him a little more, feeling his chest fall and rise with every breath. Finally, you stopped at his lower stomach, placing small kisses over it. With your chest touching his crotch, you could feel him twitch a little. You went even lower, but instead of going where he wanted you to go, you started kissing his inner thighs, your hands kneading the rest of the muscle. “Please.” You heard him whisper from above. “Please what?” You asked even though you knew exactly what he wanted. “Please touch me.” “But I am touching you, aren’t I?” You heard his breathing get shaky out of frustration and need. “Yes, but not…not where I want you to.” He couldn’t believe what he was saying. While it still felt a little strange to him, being so submissive, it also felt incredibly right. “And where do you want me to touch you?” You asked, sliding your fingers up the smooth flesh of his inner thighs, almost reaching his member, but then going back down. When he saw that you had no intentions of stopping the teasing, he finally spoke up again. “I want you to touch my cock, p-please.” It was adorable that even though he acted so dominant in bed when it came to talking about anything sex-related, he shied away. “Oh, you mean here?” You put your hand on his clothed member, palming him through the fabric of his briefs. “Yes, oh god yes, right there.” He moaned, bucking his hips for more friction. That’s when you pulled away, earning the first but definitely not the last whimper from him.

“Did I allow you to move? Or are you so needy for my touch that you can’t behave yourself like I want you to?” You said sternly, waiting for his response. “No, you didn’t. I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.” He said breathily, praying you would accept his apology and continue. “Since you apologized so nicely, I will forgive you. But this is your last warning, one more time and there will be a punishment.” He shuddered at the threat. But when your hand returned to his member, his worries went quickly away. You could feel that he was fully hard now, waiting for your next move. You hooked your fingers underneath the fabric of his underwear, yanking it down and revealing his aching cock. He tensed up as the cold air hit him, feeling embarrassed as he was the only one with nothing on. Weirdly, though, it only added to the power you had over him, making him more excited.

Yourfingers moved onto his member, circling the red tip. Chanyeol moaned quietly, still trying to hold back any sounds. “Don’t be shy, baby boy. Make as much noise as you want, show me how good you’re feeling.” You said with a smooth voice, running your thumb across the slit. He bit his lower lip and sighed quietly, making you disappointed again. You were willing to overlook it though, but with another thrust of his hips into your unmoving hand for more friction, you knew you had no choice. “Baby boy.” You looked at his face, his pursed lips giving away that he knew exactly what he did wrong. “Do you know what you did wrong?” You said, removing your hands from his body completely, leaving him powerless on the bed. “Yes… I moved when you told me not to.” “And do you know what happens to boys who frequently misbehave?” There was a short silence and you could feel Chanyeol’s nervousness mixed with curiosity in the way his breathing got calmer as if he was waiting for what has yet to come. “They.. they get punished.” “Exactly.” You watched his Adam’s apple bob as he only swallowed air, anticipation coursing through his body. You grabbed his member with one hand, firing up the hope inside him, hoping he might make it through the night without a punishment.

That was until he felt something almost uncomfortably tight slip onto his member, making him gasp in surprise. As he was about to ask what kind of punishment this is, the small circle started vibrating, making him arch his back and whine out loud. He tried to put a hand on his mouth to silence himself, but the only thing he got was the metal chain of the handcuffs ringing against the bedpost. When he wanted to bite into the pillow under him to muffle his moans, you grabbed his chin, tugging it back so you could get a good look at the mess he’s being. 

“Don’t be shy, baby. I won’t stop until you’re screaming my name anyways.” You smiled at him, but it was more intimidating than calming. You sat between his legs on the heels of your feet and watched him, loving the sight. From the quick heavy breaths to his arched back and tensed muscles, he was beautiful. You removed your own clothes, leaving on just your shirt, making him unable to see anything under it. Normally, he would have ripped it off of you himself, but now all he could do was whine. But something about the way he was powerless, depending on you and only you, made him even harder if possible. 

Looking at him like this on display was making you aroused as well. You slipped your fingers under the shirt, making yourself feel good as well. Any quiet sounds you made were easily overdrawn by the moans and whimpers flowing out of Chanyeol’s mouth. His eyes were closed, eyebrows furrowed together and mouth wide open. 

As you watched Chanyeol slowly coming apart while helping yourself at the same time, the moment was broken by Chanyeol once again. “(Y/N), I’m- I’m gonna-” At this, your ears perked up and were next to him within seconds, focused on him more than ever. Even though he already had the vibrating ring on him, you made a tight circle with your fingers at the base just to be sure he wouldn’t cum yet. With your other hand, you turned the vibrations off, earning a cry from the male. “Oh honey, did you really think it was going to end this soon? It wouldn’t be a punishment if I just let you cum whenever you wanted, would it?” You said with your fingers still around his girth, feeling his member twitch in need. “(Y/N), please, I-I need to cum. I can’t hold it anymore.” His face was red, sweat all over his burning body. “Okay then. Do it, baby boy.” You said, turning the vibrations back on, this time turning them to a higher level. He screamed, tugging at the handcuffs again. His whole body tensed up as he arched his back from the bed with a silent gasp. But when nothing happened, he fell back down, panic visible in his eyes.

He looked at you with wide eyes, utterly confused. “W-why didn’t I cum? What’s happening?” He asked with a shaky voice from his fake orgasm. “What you just felt, baby, was a dry orgasm. This little thing,” You tapped on the ring, earning a low moan from him, “is preventing you from actually cumming. What do you think?” You said with lidded eyes, still pleasuring yourself under the shirt. “I- I can’t do it. Please, please let me cum, I’ll do anything, I swear.” 

Who knew it would be this easy to get what you want? Well, one thing was for sure, you were not complaining. “Anything, you say? Alright baby boy, I hope you behave yourself well.” And with that, you turned the vibrations on the lowest setting, hoping he would last as long as possible. You moved up until you were sitting on his chest, looking down at him. “Ready? Do a good job and maybe I’ll let you cum.” Without giving him a chance to respond, you positioned yourself so that your core was right above his face.

Without hesitation, Chanyeol began working like his life depended on it. You grabbed the headboard to steady yourself everytime his moans sent vibrations through your core. You grabbed his hair, pulling it slightly as you guided him, earning a grunt from him. When you felt yourself coming close, you pushed his head away, going back to sit on his thighs, watching him lick his lips, tasting you on his tongue. 

He didn’t notice your absence until you grabbed his neglected member with the vibrations still on and positioned yourself above him. You aligned yourself with his member and sat down, getting used to the feeling. You started going up and down, creating your own pace. In the haze of chasing your own high, you closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling. The only sounds in the room were Chanyeol’s whimpers and your heavy breathing. With a head thrown back, you came on Chanyeol’s member, moaning his name and riding out your high. 

What woke you up from your dazed state was a sniffle coming from your boyfriend. You took off his blindfold to see that his eyes were red and puffy, tears streaming down his cheeks. You slid off him and cupped his cheek, looking him into his eyes. “What’s wrong, baby boy?” You asked tenderly, hoping to ease the boy a little. He looked at you, his eyes pleading. But before he could say anything, another dry orgasm shook through his body, making him let out a loud cry, his chest heaving. Breathing shakily, he opened his eyes again, fresh tears streaming down his face. “I can’t handle any more fake orgasms, (Y/N). Please..” He couldn’t finish the sentence because of his loud gasp as he was nearing another orgasm, looking like a tired and worn out mess.

Your heart instantly softened as you looked at him, a whimpering shaking mess with big puppy eyes. You smiled at him, petting his hair with one hand as you turned off the vibrations with the other. Instantly, he closed his eyes, steadying his breaths, finally having time to relax. Deciding to end his suffering, you reached behind you once more, grabbing his hurting member in your hand as he let out a sniffle again. You wiped his tears, kissing his forehead. “Let me help you, honey. You did very good and deserve a reward.” With that, you took off the ring and started to quickly pump his cock, helping him reach the orgasm he was chasing the whole night. When he finally came, he wailed as the orgasm took control of his body, shaking throughout. You looked at his form, fucked inside and out, some of his cum even on his face. 

You rubbed his arm as he looked at you with teary eyes. “You did such a good job today, honey. I’m very proud of you.” You said, kissing his cheek. “Thank you.” He whispered quietly, exhausted. You quickly went to the bathroom for a towel and cleaned you both, all the while looking at him, smiling softly. You cupped his cheek with your right hand, brushing your thumb against it. “I love you.” He said, looking into your eyes. “I love you too.”

And with that, Chanyeol fell asleep and you soon followed. 

The next day, you woke up to find Chanyeol already awake in the kitchen, making breakfast. “Good morning Channy.” You greeted him, slowly walking towards him. When he turned around to face you, you swore you could see him glowing. “Good morning to you too baby.” You sat at the table, waiting for Chanyeol to finish making the food. You sat in silence, but you both knew what the other was thinking about. You decided to break the silence and ask him. “So.. how did you like last night?” You looked at him and he grinned widely. “I loved it. We should do it more often for sure. If you want, that is.” You felt your heart jump with excitement. “I would love to.”


Hi! So this is the first smut I’ve ever written, hope you liked it! I definitely want to make more, so if you have any suggestions, you can always request something! Also, if you want, I would greatly appreciate any form of support from all of you (likes, reblogs, follows, asks, you name it) ♥ This is all for now, goodbye!

Also yes, I might have something for submissive!chanyeol lol. You never know, maybe I’ll do other members in the future ;)

Last updated: 13/12/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Currently writing for Ateez, Stray Kids, and the occasional NCT

Types of writings I do are at the bottom ↓ 


Ateez masterlist (TBA)


EXO masterlist


GOT7 masterlist


Monsta X masterlist


NCT masterlist


Stray Kids masterlist


Other groups/ solo artists masterlist


The types of fics I do:

Reactions - All members (or NCT sub-units)

MTL - All members (or NCT sub-units)

Headcanons - One or more members, short work with minimal story

Series - One or more members, a whole ass novel ig idk

Oneshots - One or more members, longer work with simple plot
