#success magic


This charm is perfect for long trips and big risks. If you’re about to embark on a life changing odyssey then this charm is for you. 


  • Light yellow drawstring bag - Improves activity, creativity, and unity. Good for concentration and imagination. 
  • Ginger root -  Money, Success, Power
  • Amethyst - Keeps practitioner free from excessive behavior. Relives stress and pain. Helps you focus on whatever skill you are learning. 
  • Mugwort - Strength, Protection 
  • Rose petals - Luck, Protection


  1. Gather, cleanse, and charge all materials
  2. Place ginger, amethyst, mugwort, and rose petals in the bag
  3. Visualize success and easy travel during your adventure
  4. Tie 3 knots in the bag, each knot visualizing what you are already successful in and how easy it’s been to travel in the past
  5. Carry charm with you for entire trip and during the time you’re trying to be successful.

