#protection magic

sitforaspell: Kitchen Herbs for Protectionfrom WITCH IT GOODAnise - Protection against the evil eye


Kitchen Herbs for Protection


  • Anise-Protection against the evil eye & bad dreams
  • Basil-Protection against spirits and evil
  • Bay Leaf-Protection; Carry, burn, decorate
  • Black Pepper-Protection against negativity, evil, & jealousy
  • Cayenne -Protection against negativity
  • Cloves -Protection FOR babies & against negativity & gossip
  • Coriander - Use fresh for protection against ill health
  • Cumin -Protection against evil & theft
  • Dill -Protection against dark forces
  • Fennel -Protection against evil, curses, & problems
  • Garlic -Protection against magic, negativity, spirits, & envy
  • Leeks -Protection against negativity
  • Lime -Protection against the evil eye, hexes, & ill health
  • Marjoram -Protection against negative energy
  • Rosemary -Protection against negativity
  • Salt -Protection against… pretty much everything
  • Coconut -Protection against negativity & evil spirits
  • Blueberry -Protection against psychic attack

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Intent: To protect a house and property from unwanted intruders.

Timing: Full moon


  • Dragon’s Blood powder or oil
  • Ground sea salt
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Peppermint leaves
  • Bowl of water (at least 2qt size, like a mixing bowl)
  • Optional: red food coloring or hibiscus tea bag

Note: If Dragon’s Blood is not available, you can substitute chili peppers, hot chili powder, or tabasco sauce.


Make an infusion with the cinnamon stick and the peppermint leaves, about a cup’s worth. Combine this with the Dragon’s Blood and ground sea salt in the bowl of water. If desired, add a few drops of red food coloring or swirl the hibiscus tea bag in the water to add red color.

Stir slowly, pouring your will to protect your home and property into the bowl as you do.

Take the bowl outside to your property line. Walk all the way around your property, sprinkling the water along the line. Invoke whatever deities, ancestors, or personal or household spirits you feel are appropriate and ask them to help protect your home, or simply reinforce the casting with your own will. Say whatever words you choose. If it helps, imagine the droplets of water springing up as tongues of fire when they hit the ground.

Reserve some water and use it to wash the thresholds and windowsills. If there is anything left, keep a little bit in a bottle in your kitchen, on your altar, or wherever you feel is appropriate. If you have asked anyone for help, leave them a little thank-you offering. (I find bread or cake and a bit of wine do the trick nicely.)

The idea of this spell is that you place a magical wall of fire around your property and your house. Any intruders coming onto the property may find themselves getting a a hot bite on the foot and should not wish to remain.


  • 2 parts ginger
  • 2 parts garlic
  • 2 parts cinnamon
  • 2 parts cloves
  • 2 parts flaxseed
  • 2 parts anise seed
  • 1 part dill
  • 1 part black pepper

Burn this around your home when you feel uneasy. You can also sprinkle this around the outside of your home or fill a pouch, sachet or vial with some. Be sure to open windows to air out your home before/after burning. Lavender would also be a nice addition.

Found in: Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery by Kris Bradley.

Whitcher’s blade enchantment (Whitcher inspired)


To enchant a blade as a protective talisman

Blue candle
Red candle
Purple candle

Arrange the candles in a triangle around the knife
Light the candles
Sit in front of the knife and focus on all that you might need protection from, and put that energy into the candles
Use the knife to put out the candles so that it can know how to protect you from all your worries


Low Effort Magic

I have a hard time doing something that involves magic every day, even though I’ve been on this path for quite some time.

Practicing magic a lot is by no means mandatory but it does help (in my opinion) to get better at it and it just helps with everyday problems. So here are some low effort activities you can do everyday that will hopefully help those of you with similar problems!

  • Write words like “protection”, “healing” or whatever you want into your drink with a straw or spoon before you drink it. Or draw sigils in it.
  • If you feel super exhausted for no apparent reason, open a window and scream or, if you like it, put on some angry punk or metal music to banish whatever is feeding on your energy. While you’re doing that, keep in mind that you want to banish. Otherwise you’re just playing angry music. Yelling “Fuck off” also does the trick.
  • When you eat or drink something, try to pinpoint at least one magical property of each ingredient in your drink/food. It can also be one that has no historical evidence but is personal to you. That will help keep you in the magic mindset and also helps you to get all if that info into your long-term memory.
  • Open the window, stand in front of it and breathe in the air deeply with your eyes closed while you remind yourself that tge wind is part of nature and that you’re connected to it. It doesn’t have to be a half hour meditation, 5 seconds get the job done as well.
  • Offer everyday activities to your deities. For example: cooking for Hestia, standing up for yourself for Loki, practicing magic or **self care time** for Freyja, disposing of trash the correct way to your local nature spirits, etc
  • Take a shower or a bath, or just wash your face or brush your teeth with the intent of cleansing yourself from all that negative energy that has built up over the day.

That’s all for this time. If you like it I’ll do another one. :)

Large sleep thorn candle with a protection rune to make sure they are safe when burning. I also anoiLarge sleep thorn candle with a protection rune to make sure they are safe when burning. I also anoi

Large sleep thorn candle with a protection rune to make sure they are safe when burning. I also anointed it with lavender oil and placed selenite fragments in it and sealed it with black wax. The smaller one worked for my friend so she asked for a larger one.

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How to make and use Four thieves vinegar Lavender for healing, banishing, protection and cleansing. How to make and use Four thieves vinegar Lavender for healing, banishing, protection and cleansing.

How to make and use Four thieves vinegar

Lavender for healing, banishing, protection and cleansing. History suggests it was burned on bonfires to banish the plague in England).
Garlic is for healing, banishing, powerful protection and is also anti theft.
Peppermint for protection and healing.
Sage for protection, banishing, purification and healing.
Rosemary is for healing, protection, purification, and when placed at doorways and windows, acts to deter thieves.
Thyme for protection and healing.
Black pepper for protection and banishing.

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Self Protection JarThis is a throwback to an old spell that uses a lot of sharp items to create a pr

Self Protection Jar

This is a throwback to an old spell that uses a lot of sharp items to create a protection jar. Using sharp objects like thumbtacks, pins or broken pieces of glass is a way to create a ‘psychic fence’ so to speak. That way anything negativity coming towards you will be pushed back or deflected by all the sharp objects surrounding your energy field. 

What you’ll need

  • 1 clean and cleansed jar (see note on this post on how to cleanse your jar)
  • Sharp items (Thumbtacks, pins, opened safety pins, needles. If you’re going to use broke glass PLEASE BE CAREFUL)
  • Add in any protection herbs or crystals if you choose to but I usually skip this step. 
  • Something that binds you to the jar such as fingernail filings or a lock of hair. The original spell asked for drops of blood but that’s a whole different thing if you want to do that. I recommend just using hair because of the risk of infection by cutting yourself.

Cleansing your jar

It’s important to cleanse your jar first and foremost. You can use any jar (Hello salsa and sauce jars!) Clean them out super well. If you are stuck with a smelly jar that has retained a strong odor even after washing out thoroughly you can rinse the jar with vinegar or let it sit overnight. That will usually get rid of any smell. 

Once you have cleaned your jar, I simply cleanse it by using incense. Light your incense and let the smoke thoroughly fill up your jar before releasing it into the air.

What to do

Set up your spell with any provisions you would normally use. Light candles, incense, and have any crystals out that you feel connect you to your magic. Protect your space by imagining a white light in a circle around you encasing the jar and sharp objects inside. 

Place each object inside until your jar is at least ¼ to ½ of the way full. Last, add a lock of hair or item that you chose to bind this jar to you. 

Once everything is inside, close the jar. If you want to seal the jar with wax you can take a candle and drip wax on top of the jar or on the sides letting the wax drop down into the seal. 

Close your spell and release your circle. 

Take your jar and hide it in a dark place where no one will find it. 

SPECIAL SHOT OUT to Obsidian Odyssey for collabing with me and creating the art for this post. Check out her witchy blog! Also she’s an AMAZING artist and has a free coven you can join! 

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Easy black salt recipe

All you need to do, is mix ashes from your incense, charcoal powder, or burned herbs with salt, and there you have it! Black salt!

Black salt has many magical uses. The most notable being, protection. You can place in doorways, windows, or anywhere that needs extra protection. It can also be carried on your person in a vial or jar.


a simple spell bottle to protect yourself mentally, physically and spiritually


  • salt - protection, purification
  • cinnamon - protection, speeds up spells, courage
  • rosemary - protection, purification
  • chilli flakes - ward of unwanted energies
  • bay - protection against hexes and curses
  • basil- peace, protection, drive away evil
  • ginger - make spells more powerful, protection
  • black pepper - protection
  • oak leaves- protection, wisdom
  • egg shells - protection
  • lavender - peace, healing, protection
  • sage (please don’t use white sage) - protection, purification
  • paper
  • pen
  • spell bottle jar
  • candles : i used a white one and the also the wax from my deity candles on my alter


  1. as always, ground yourself and cast a circle in the way you prefer
  2. light all your candles, you can also light some insence if you’d like
  3. in no particular order, add all your herbs into the jar (using a funnel - even if you make one from paper, can be really helpful), focussing on intent
  4. create a sigil with the intent of protection using your own words and method. draw it on a small slip of paper, fold and add to the jar.
  5. speak affirmations into the jar focusing on the protection of yourself ( or whoever will be wearing this). You can also repeat the statement used for the sigil
  6. put the lid on and place the jar on something you can pour the candle wax onto.
  7. pour all the candle wax onto your spell jar, allowing it to run down the sides and even create a pool at the bottom
  8. allow the candle wax to mainly dry and remove the bottle. it is now done. i like to put the left lever wax that’s not attached on a wax melt thingy and melt it for further protection

I hope this will help some of you! As always, change herbs or add herbs to your preferences or what you have available. Blessed be (leave any questions below as well x)


a small mix to protect your home from negative energy, sickness and other harm


  • rain water: cleansing, protection, purification
  • full harvest moon water: purification, blessing, cleansing
  • rosemary (dried and oil): protection, luck, purify, cleanse, remove worries, repel thieves
  • ‘on guard’ oil mix: promote health, heal sickness, protection
  • frankensense oil: purification, luck, protection
  • basil: protection, wealth
  • bay: protection, luck, wishes
  • egg shell: protection
  • sage (i used fresh leaves): protection, purification, cleansing
  • black pepper: protection
  • oak leaves: banishing, protection
  • salt and pink salt: protection, banishing, removing negative energy, love


  1. mix all the ingridents into a bowl and find a clean wash cloth
  2. soak the washcloth in it (don’t worry if some the herbs get on it)
  3. wipe down all your doors or windows that lead into your house focusing on the intent of protecting you, your family and the house itself

What is Warding? 

Warding is considered an energetic field one creates through ritual and other means to protect themselves, their home, and their scared places. Warding is used to keep out negative and malicious intents or things specific to your intentions. 

Do I have to learn how to Ward as a baby or intermediate practitioner? 

You don’t have to learn anything you don’t want to. However, warding is a major staple of protection work. Learning how to protect yourself magically, I believe, is one of the first things someone should learn. I say this because you don’t know who might be unhappy with you and try to throw a curse your way or what malicious spirit might attach to you. Your wards will act as your first defense, as a wall between you whatever negative energy is trying to come to you. 

Do I have to Ward everything I own? 

No. Generally, one ward over your home can protect most within it and protect from things try to come in. However, warding is something that should be kept up with and maintained often. Energy dissipates and those who do not practice energy work often, might struggle with the long term up keep. 

Okay, I’m convinced I need Wards. What now? 

You start by grounding yourself and your magic. You always want to ground yourself before doing any kind of spell work. Next, you want to cleanse your space, self, or object that you want to protect. You don’t want to trap negative energy or anything you don’t want inside the wards. The next step is to figure out a method that works the best for you. Over time, I’ve taken bits and pieces from different methods and that is what has worked the best for me. This may not be the case for everyone so, please experiment and figure out what works the best for you. 

The method I first started with was Incense Warding. With this, however, I created a sigil that was specific to me and my cause for warding. I drew this sigil by doors, windows, and the main corners of my home to create a ward that would match the shape of my house. I put emphasis on there I needed the wards to be the strongest.  If you cannot use incense, you can use water and essential oils to spray VS walk the smoke around. 

Now, for a small object you’ll want to spray or hold over the smoke of the incense. Reach out and feel the object and try to connect with it. You’ll want to begin to imagine a field of energy incasing the object snugly, protectively. You’ll want to put your energy and intent to protect from XYZ into the ward. Be as specific as you can be - warding from negativity may not necessarily ward you from danger or from mischief. Repeat until you feel your message has gotten through the ward is staying put. 

The method for something larger stays about the same but you walk around and spray or walk the smoke around multiple parts. If you’re warding your home or something large, be sure to ward not only a wall barrier but create a floor and ceiling for it. Completely incase the object. 

Don’t be afraid to do layers! Layers are good and will provide more of a defense.

Does it matter what direction I go in when I Ward? 

Yes. As a preference, I start North, but no matter where you start you want to make sure you move around clock-wise; to the right. By doing this you’re essentially promoting progression and creating things. By going counter clock-wise, you are doing the opposite - destruction and reserval. 

Do I have to ward to keep everything  out?

No. You can ward out whatever you want. You can be as specific as you need or want to be.

What incense, herbs, or essential oils can I use? 

You want to use things that protective properties such as…

Bay leaves
Black Pepper
Mustard Seed
Black Salt (non-ingestible)

Do my Wards last forever? 

Unfourtently, no they do not. Energy dissipates over time and your wards will begin to grow weak before completely going away. However, if someone or something in particular is trying to bring down your wards, this will also weaken them and cause your wards to fade. 

How do I keep my Wards from fading?

Keep an eye on them and do routine maintenance on them. 

All in all, wards are a practitioner’s best friend, next to cleansing and grounding of course. It’s one of the fundamentals everyone starting out should learn to some capacity. There are billions of ways to ward, you just have to begin experimenting with what works best for you! Not everybody’s practice will be the same; as it shouldn’t be. If anyone has any questions about warding or more, please send me an ask

Good vibes to all!


Protection/Warding Black Salt


Not to be confused with volcanic salt/Himalayan black salt/kala namak. Black salt has strong protective properties, especially when combined with other protective/uncrossing herbs (herbs meant to undo a curse or hex). It’s used to absorb negative energy, create wards, and undo curses. It’s also good for banishing and binding. Here’s my recipe: 

What you’ll need

  • Cleansing items, such as smoke, bells, spray, whichever you personally use. 
  • Sea Salt 
  • Charcoal Disk (or charcoal powder) 
  • Black Candle
  • Rosemary 
  • Garlic Powder
  • Chili Powder 
  • Crushed Red Pepper Flakes 
  • Paprika 
  • Black Pepper 
  • Black Candle 
  • Bowl 
  • Mortar & Pestle 
  • Black stones/crystals 
  • Any additional protective items you may have. (Here I gathered dried red peppers, dried chili peppers, lemon, sage, and ashed from a Litha bonfire.) These items are for You to draw some extra energy from, and won’t be directly added to the salt.
  • Frankincense and/or Dragon’s Blood incense. 


  • First, cleanse your space using whatever best works for you. 
  • After cleansing, start your frankincense and/or dragon’s blood incense, this will be going for the duration of the spell. 
  • Light your black candle. 
  • Gather your supplies as seen in the picture. 
  • As always, make sure your intention is strong, and continuously draw from it. Return to your intent no matter how often your mind wanders (which it will, that’s ok). 
  • In a bowl, mix the salt with the herbs first. 
  • Remember your other protective items are there for you to use. If needed, refocus on their protective energies and draw from that. 
  • Use a mortar and pestle to crush the charcoal disk separately. This takes a lot of physical energy, and it is very messy. If you prefer to use charcoal powder, that’s ok, though charcoal disks will be cheaper. I like charcoal disks because I feel more energetically involved in/connected to the process. 
  • Mixing counterclockwise, mix the very finely crushed charcoal into the salt. Mix. Use as many charcoal disks needed to get to the level of darkness you want. 
  • Mind wandering? Remember your intent! Refocus! 
  • When you’re done, transfer the black salt into a jar and set the crystals around it in a circle. Let it continue to build and charge this way, until you feel it is ready. If you’re not sure, it can also be until the candle or incense goes out. 

Done! Sprinkle this around the parameter of your wards, such as along doorways and windows. It can also be used during unhexing/curse breaking spells, general protection spells, banishing, and binding. 


Even if you used edible activated charcoal, know that 1. charcoal interacts with many medications by basically absorbing them and rendering them useless, including birth control, diabetes medications, cancer drugs, and more. and 2. I’m not sure this would taste great? 


Simple Wards Away From Home

In a purse, bag, or backpack:

  • In eighth grade, I met a girl who took covered and sewed a bag of salt into the bottom of her purse. I thought that was so clever. It never caused a mess either!
  • Keep salt packets in your bag; it’s discrete and easy to carry.
  • Sachets full of lavender, rosemary, or any other herb you use for protection and cleansing. You can make them for aromatherapy reasons, anyway, so it shouldn’t raise suspicion. I make cloth sachets to fill with lavender and rice most of the time. I dab other essential oils onto them if I feel I need a kick.
  • Draw a sigil for protection on the bottom or side(s) of your bag and charge before using.
  • Take a very small figurine (perhaps one of those green army guys, a polly pocket, a dragon eraser, etc.) and enchant it to hold protection energy, particular defensive protection. If you make thought form spirits, you can use the figure as a spirit vessel.
  • Keep a sphere of dried grass, nettles, weeds, and twigs inside a tiny ranch dressing container or something similar. Compost/break it apart once a week to neutralize energies caught within it, and replenish when done.
  • Keep two paperclips together in the shape of an “X”. This is a small shield charm that you can enchant however you’d like.

In a wallet:

  • A photo of yourself wearing a mask or cosplay outfit to trick malevolent spirits and psychic energies from anyone looking to curse you.
  • A coin, which you probably already have! As a circle, something that shines, and the fact that it bears a figure of authority or protection, I find coins to hold a ton of protection properties. Make sure to cleanse it first!
  • A laminated or otherwise life proof sigil. It can slip right down into a pocket, just like a card!

In (and on) your shoes:

  • If you wear gel inserts, you can place pretty much anything thin and light in your shoes. Coins, herbs, pieces of paper, etc! Just test them out before leaving. Make sure you won’t fall and the shoes are still comfortable!
  • Sigils can be charged as you walk; draw them on your shoes in a like colour or use something such as water so it will fade and become unnoticeable fairly quickly.
  • You can replace laces with ones you find to correspond more with protection. You can also use knot magic each day you wear them.

On your keychain:

  • You can create wards that can be carried on key rings. String dolls immediately come to mind, but you can make it out of whatever you have. Simply enchant it and you’re golden.
  • I know many pop culture/fandom inspired witches use symbols from their favourite shows, books, etc.. Use the protection emblems and symbols from these fandoms to discretely add a ward to your keychain. You might have some already. Enchant as you wish.

On your body:

  • Create a bracelet using knot magic, patterns with a meaning to you, or with morse code in seedbeads.
  • Draw a sigil on the underside of your watch, or take the functioning pieces out, place a thin slip of paper with your sigil behind it, and replace everything. I know this doesn’t work all the time, but it’s worth a shot. You can also open the back and draw on the metal plate that keeps it all together.
  • You can enchant any piece of jewelry you like, but my personal favourites are bold rings and necklaces that open and close, such as lockets and diffusers.
  • I use lavender essential oil as a perfume; it acts as a ritual in and of itself. If you want to do the same with perfumes that make you feel strong, I highly recommend it!


Home Warding

I recently moved into a new flat, so now seems a good time to share my personal methods of warding!✨

DISCLAIMER - warding is a deeply personal thing - although these are my preferred methods there is no single ‘right’ way to ward - do whatever works best for you!✨


Always a good idea, particularly if you’re moving into rented or shared accommodation. Normally I would have used incense smoke but as I didn’t have any to hand I did an energy cleanse.

✨The First Layer✨

My first layer of warding is an energy ward designed to Shield My Space From Unwelcome Eyes - to create this I gathered my energy and focused it on constructing a barrier (I visualise it as solid white glow) which follows the contours of my room.

✨Side note - when creating your wards, don’t forget to cover all bases - you don’t want to put all your energy into a ward that leaves gaps such as corners or the floor and ceiling ✨

✨The Second Layer✨

My second layer of warding is another, more powerful energy ward, constructed the same way but imbued with much more energy (PLEASE be very careful not to exhaust yourself) designed to Rebound Physical or Emotional Pain Aimed At Me Onto Those Who Would Cause It - this is a slightly more offensive ward and should deter malicious entities by reflecting their negative intentions back into themselves.

✨The Third Layer✨

Instead of creating a third energy ward, I reinforce my protection using a protective ‘potion’ (the ingredients can be found below) with which I annointed the doors and windows, added a range of specific sigils for protection to various spots and sprayed the perimeter.

I may add further layers of energy warding in the future but I find it best not to expend too much strength in any single session.

✨Home Protection Water✨

  • Rose Water
  • Witch hazel
  • Cinnamon
  • Salt
  • Rosemary
  • Dill


This is all based on my research, path, opinion & experiences!
I really was holding out on doing this post because it’s such a big, important topic to cover and I really don’t want to mess it up or get anything wrong. This post needs to be done though, people have asked if I have such a post and an anon suggested it. So finally, here it is. 
What Is Warding?
Warding is a type of magick, it is the act of creating an energetic barrier around you, your home, an object, ect. They can be temporary or permanent, although typically they are cast with the long term in mind. They can banish or turn away whatever you choose. Warding is an excellent skill to have because it can keep you, and even others safe and with practice you can do it anytime with just about whatever you have on hand. 

When Should I Ward?
Whenever you want an energetic barrier around you, most people consistently ward their home, themselves or their place of practice. Some people even ward their space every time they prepare for a spell. It should be done consistently in any area you want protected, but exactly where and how often is entirely up to the practitioner. 

What Should I Do Before?
Cleanse, a ward is a barrier of energy and in the same way that it keeps things out it also keeps things in. You don’t want to trap anything inside of it. Cleanse yourself before you ward yourself. Cleanse your space before you ward your space! 

Tips Before You Ward-

Keep the phrasing in mind! You don’t want to keep anything out that you want in, or let something in that you want out. If you’re chanting or using sigils ect keep in mind exactly what you want to keep out both in your methods and in your mind.

Covering everything
Make sure to cover everything, a ward is useless if there’s a weakness in it or if the ceiling & floor aren’t probably covered. Be super thorough! 

Layering Your Wards
One small little wimpy barrier? Ha, the spirits say as they scramble into your home to wreak havoc! You need to layer your wards, don’t just use one method one time, there’s no such thing as too much warding. 

What Are Some Ways That I Can Ward?
Now we’ll get right down to the methods you can use to ward yourself and your space! Remember that warding is important and needs to be effective, don’t try anything that you don’t have experience with for warding. At first, focus on the stuff you know. If you like sigils, use sigils at first and slowly work your way into using other more complex methods or methods that solely rely on your abilities.

Circle Casting
You cast a circle by summoning the four elements to protect & energize what is in the circle. 
-Here’s my post about circles & how to cast them 

Come up with a protective chant you can use to ward your space. This chant could be someone else’s or your own as long as you feel it’s effective. Speak it aloud and visualize a layer of energy protecting your space. 

Burn a protective incense in the space you’d like to ward and visualize a barrier protecting your space.

Draw out the line of your ward with your athame, visualize the wall appearing, covering everything with a thick layer of energy. 

Spray a mix of blessed/magickal waters and or herbs with protective properties in the space you want to ward. 

Create a sigil using your favorite method with the intent to “ward” or “protect/protection.” Then charge and activate it as a layer of protection!
Here’s my post on sigils if you’re interested in that:
-Sigil Post

Jar Spells
You could mix up a jar spell for warding, set it in your house and forget it as a layer of warding. 
-My protective jar spell post

Anoint the doorways of your space, you could also anoint the ceiling, floor, walls, corners, honestly go for it. 

Sprinkle salt all around the edge of your home or space. Make sure to sprinkle salt on the INSIDE of your harm as salt can harm plants & wildlife if used outside. If you’d like to make a barrier on the outside of your home, you can use dried & crushed eggshells in place of salt. - Post on how to make eggshell powder here - 

Hag stones
Hag stones are stones with holes in them that have been corroded into the stone because of rushing water. It is believed rushing water is protective & cleansing so if you wear a stone that sat in it long enough to have parts corroded away, that the stone will maintain and keep those properties with it. It’s a great way to personally ward yourself, and an excuse to go out in nature. 

They look like this! 


Energy Manipulation
If you’ve got a knack for manipulating energy, you can create a barrier through work and visualization that surrounds yourself or your space. This isn’t recommended for beginners though!

-Horse Warding CharmBy@anothersusurrus
- House Warding Spritz Mixture By @seleneblackwell

Both of these are great if you’re looking for specific spells, types of magick, correspondences, sigils, ect!
-Protection Magic Masterpost Part 1By@auricwitch
-Protection Magic Masterpost Part 2By@auricwitch

Personal Wards
Also remember not just to ward your space but yourself, if you layer your home with wards, what happens when you leave? Exactly. Keep yourself safe too! Circle casting & hag stones are great methods I mentioned above that are good for personal warding. 

Can I Ward Specific Things And Not Others?

Absolutely! I mentioned this in the phrasing section of this post, keep in mind exactly what you want to keep out when you’re warding. I like words like “negative” or “harmful” or “with ill intent” because they don’t necessarily keep out the Fae or positive/neutral spirits but it does keep out anything that wants to harm you in general. Just think about it ahead of time, find wording or a phrase you like and keep that in mind as you ward. 

What If I Live With People?

If you’re out of the broom closet, explain to your family/roommates what you’re doing and why you’re doing it and make sure they’re cool with it and are aware of what’s going on. If you’re not out of the broom closet, you may have to resort to only warding yourself/your room, & that’s okay! 

I hope this helps someone or teaches them something new!
Have a lovely day

~~~~~Items Needed~~~~~

1.Black or white Pillar candle,
2.a Mirror,
3,Slip of paper
4.Black ink, Marker, Ink pen, paint…

Step 1.) First, you’re going to write the name of the person that is believed to be attacking you
Step 2.) Place Mirror facing up and the paper on it with the Pillar candle on top of the paper
Step3.) Light the candle and then say the following Below.

“Send this curse back,
To once it came.
To the one that tried to gain.
Revers it and times it by Nine.
So they know their own Pain.
With these words thus spell to be cast.”

once done let the candle burn halfway then wait 3 days and then do this again, and now everything should be fixed if it was the right person. If a person is unknown you can Write on paper Unknown and it sends it back to whomever it was,
Side Note: Casting a circle is not necessary but always a good idea when doing these types of workings, All spells can be written to make you more comfortable as well feel free to do so with this, 