#suffering-hardened cock


I was wanting something sweet and cuddly. Or, at least, that’s what I thought I wanted.

Instead I Skyped with The Super Sadist and got beating on my tits with a lighter and choking myself with a dildo down my throat. He timed me and told me to “Keep it in there, bitch” and “This is what you’re for” and “Don’t you dare take it out,” andwhen I fucked up, I had to slap my tits or my cunt. He stroked his cock while he watched.

I kept it in my throat for 20, 30, then 40 seconds, just a short break between each attmpt. I held it in with my hand as I listened to the barrage of verbal abuse. I teared up. I drooled on myself because he likes it, no matter how I feel about it. I threw up in my mouth a bit during play for the first time. After that happened the third time, I had to take the dildo out early because I couldn’t breathe and there was too much vomit in my mouth and nose.Then I really started to cry in earnest. 

I curled up a bit and cried hard into a pillow until I heard him say “Look at me.” I moved to look at him, and he told me to watch how hard he was getting off to watching me suffer. I watched him and thought about what he was masturbating to. The pain, suffering, humiliation, degradation. Soon my whimpers of suffering turned into whines of arousal as he stroked himself, finally cumming from all the suffering he’d watched me inflict on myself at his instruction and all the tears that had resulted.

I earned a “Mildly impressed,” which is high praise coming from him.

Sweet and cuddly are fine and good. But this is the treatment I need.
I started waking up around 7:30 because kitties. When my alarm went off about fifteen minutes later, I was already half awake. Legolas seemed to have been up for a little while, and we talked for a minute before he said he was going to go get granola to put in the oatmeal he was making both of us for breakfast. He got dressed and, before he headed out the door, he leaned over me, put his hand around my throat and played with my cunt. Sigh. He’s great.
He went out and then came back and told me that if I got permission from someone to orgasm and wanted to use his vibrator, I should put a condom on it. You’ll note that he did not give me permission. :P I rubbed my clit for a little while, but then started fiddling around with my phone and got distracted by tumblr.
When he came back, we went downstairs and he started making breakfast. I offered to help, and he told me I should just “sit there and look pretty” since he’d lowered his expectations for me after I was running late the day before. I feel bad about that because I don’t want to have lowered expectations. I can and should do better.
We talked and listen to music while he was making the food. At one point I interrupted him and he said “Why did you interrupt me?” in a tone. I immediately felt terrible and also turned on. Sometimes I have problems interrupting, and I definitely shouldn’t interrupt men. He finished cooking and then we headed upstairs to watch TED talks while we ate. Damn liberals.
We cuddled up a bit after we’d finished eating, and at one point he looked at me and said “I like you.” That was really good to hear because I still have a problem where I don’t think anyone actually likes me, even when they do things that clearly indicate that, such as spending time with me, talking to me, and in MLAM’s case, it took me a long time to believe it even after he literally told me “I really like you.” Having Legolas tell me that felt great, and it made what happened next even worse/better.
He reached over and started groping my tits, telling me that he was objectifying me while I was sitting there. I love it when he just starts groping me.  I especially love it when he does it while we’re sitting at red lights. My tits aren’t usually very sensitive, so it isn’t about the feeling, exactly. It’s more about the clear sense that he is well aware he has a right to my body. Any time, any place. 
Then he started hurting my tits. Slapping them, punching them, pinching my nipples. I started moaning and squirming because damn I do like that. Then he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me over to the bed. He started fucking my face from above and doing it hard. I couldn’t breathe through my nose very well and tried to scoot back, but of course that did no good. Eventually he grabbed me and pulled my head over the side of the bed.
“Are you ready to take this for me?” he asked, and I told him that yes, I was. He pushed his cock into my throat, all the way, it felt like. It blocked my airflow and I picked my hands up, not to do anything, but out of fear. He pulled out for a moment and pushed right back in. It hurt my throat and scared me. I loved it. He did that several more times, holding it in longer, and at one point grabbing my hands so there was nothing I could do except take it. Whenever he would stop for a moment to let me breathe, he would hit my face hard with his cock until I got back in the proper position for him to fuck my throat Eventually he pulled out and I curled up a little, coughing and tearing up.
He went around to the to the other side of the bed and told me to spread my legs. I complied, still a little freaked out by the throatfucking. He pulled me closer and started fucking my cunt. While he did that he was slapping me in the face, hitting my tits hard (hard enough that I considered saying “yellow”), and saying half-heard mean things to me. He was going deep, and I know I can’t take all of him because I have a small cunt. He knows it too. I was making pained noises and whimpering and he made fun of me for it. 
Then, he spit in my face. I hate spit. I started feeling like I was going to cry, and I saw no point in holding back. After another minute or so of the painful fucking I was receiving, I started crying a little, and, as he rubbed his spit around my face, I started crying more. He opened my mouth and spit right into it. So fucking degrading, and something that is something he knows I really didn’t like the idea of.  I was crying enough for him to tell by this point, and I heard him laugh at my tears. That only made me cry more, which I’m sure just turned him on more.  It was mean and hot and I’m pathetic for loving it.
He stopped fucking me and laid down, pulling me around for me to suck his cock. I started doing it, although the crying made it hard (*rimshot*). I stopped at one point to breathe because I couldn’t breathe through my nose well because I was crying. He said “No.” and grabbed my hair and forced me back down onto his cock. Finally, he pushed me off and told me to give him something to cum on. I got on my back and he pulled my mouth to his balls while he stroked his cock. He came all over my face as I shivered and tried to stop crying. He got up and tossed a towel at me.
I wiped the cum off my face, and then started sobbing into the towel. Everything was just so much and I’d loved the fuck out of it but I just couldn’t stop crying. He came back around to the bed and I rolled over to look at him and he started stroking my head, telling me what a good job I did, that he was proud of me.
He sat down and motioned for me to put my head in his lap, which I did. We talked for a little while and I calmed down. Enough to ask a silly question about if he would go down on me. It was half a real question about if he would and half because I was curious what he would say. He asked “Why?” and my answer was that no one had done it in a while, which was not exactly a good reason. He kind of laughed and asked why I’d asked him of all people. It made me feel kind of bad in the moment, but later I realized that it really isn’t that important to me. I have weird leftover feminist feelings about reciprocation, but honestly, I get a hell of a lot more out of experiences like being throatfucked, spat on, and having my cunt destroyed than I do from some sweet pussy licking.  We talked about what we’d just done, and he told me again that I’d done a good job taking everything. And that he’d enjoyed it a great deal. He especially enjoyed when he spit in my face and I started crying.
Eventually we both got cleaned up and watched a TED talk about data visualization, and really, aren’t TED talks the best kind of aftercare? As I headed out the door, we talked about the whipping, and I expressed my enthusiasm again. He mentioned how great the part where he was hitting me hard and fast was, and just thinking about it left me walking to my car with my cunt wet, feeling tingly all over.

I just had an orgasm at work, sitting at my desk. I was talking to Marxman and he mentioned enjoying choking before sex, followed by a throw to the ground and then using whatever hole is most accessible based on how a bitch lands. Then he said it was usually her ass, and his previous partner didn’t get lube.

I started rubbing my cunt, and, after I got permission and sent him the requested picture, I came hard and fast, thinking about being choked, tossed around like a doll, and having my ass painfully fucked, no lube, my suffering only making him harder.

While I was sitting in my office at work, door open, visible if anyone had walked past. I’m a pathetic, desperate slut.
