#sugawara imagine



haikyuu boys knowing when your at your limits in terms of socializing

FEATURING:(all college/timeskip!versions of them)tsukishima, sugawara

GENRE: fluff, comfort

a/n:this one was a bit self indulgent as a person who can’t handle a lot of social interactions all at once without feeling drained. i also had my friends over for a week and after they left i slept for an entire day just to attempt to recuperate.

it was also supposed to have bokuto, kageyama, and yamaguchi but i wanted to post already so maybe i’ll do a part two






“I’m home!”

You perked up from your spot in bed, hearing the soft footsteps that made its way towards your bedroom.

The door creaked open, Tsukishima sticking his head inside quietly as if to assess whether or not you were awake. When his golden eyes settled on yours, his features softened. He opened the door completely and stepped inside, making his way over to the bed.

You were still laying down, hugging the covers to your body, exhaustion clearly written across your face.

Tsukishima sat down on the side of the bed, running a hand through your hair.

“You look like crap,” he said.

You frowned before pouting, sticking her tongue out at him and swatting his hand away.

“You just got here, and you’re already being mean to me?” you grumbled.

He chuckled and tugged the blanket out of your grasp and letting his lanky form get into the bed next to you.

You laid down on your back and he rested his head in the space between your chest and neck, his hair tickling your chin. You giggled as he wiggled closer, and you turned onto your side towards him. You wrapped your arms around his shoulder, and let one of your hands find a place in his blond hair.

“I told you that you wouldn’t like hosting your little girls’ week here,” Tsukishima muttered, his voice causing vibrations across your body that felt funny.

“I didn’t hateit,” you argued back, twirling a piece of his hair in your pointer finger. “It was just tiring.”

“Yeah, because you can barely handle that much social interaction without pushing yourself past zero,” he scoffed, as if the statement had been common knowledge. “You don’t exactly like sleepovers. You hate it when you can’t go to bed when you want to or when people talk to you late at night.”

“Ilivewith you and deal with that nightly,” you countered.

He scoffed again, wrapping tight arms around your waist.

I’mdifferent,” he grumbled.

“Oh yeah?” you teased, a smile on your face. “How so?”

“You love me,” he said so quietly that you almost didn’t hear.

“I love Yachi and Kiyoko as well,” you added. “So, what makes youspecifically different?”

“You’rein love with me,” he said. “And plus, me staying here with you is different because you don’t have to play host. If you want to go to bed, we go to bed. If you want to talk, we talk. If you’re done for the night, but I want to do things, we don’t have to do them together.”

“Hm,” you hummed, liking his answer. “And how do you know I don’t like sleepovers?”

“Remember training camps or when we’d have overnight trips back in high school?” he asked, and you nodded. “You’d always be just a little bit less perky during them, and you were cranky by the last day.”

“Oh, so you dohave a heart and pay attention to me!” you teased, ruffling his hair. “How cute.”

“Shut up,” he said, tightening his grip on you. “Now, never kick me out of our house for a week again. That was way too much time spent with Tadashi.”

“Sounds like I’m not the only one who has an energy bar on low.”

“You’re probably tired, right? Go to bed already.”

“You just hate that I’m right.”

“Go. To. Bed.”



You knocked on Sugawara’s apartment door, wanting nothing more than to curl up next to him after a three day weekend with your friends. While you were tempted to just go to your own apartment and get some rest, you also wanted to see him and hear about how his weekend had gone.

The gray haired boy opened his door with surprised eyes that were quickly covered with a smile, and he stepped aside to let you in.

“How was your trip?” he asked, taking your luggage from you and placing it against the wall in his living room. “Want to take a nap?”

“A nap sounds wonderful,” you smiled, liking that he was thinking the same as you.

“Okay, go ahead and lay down. I have some papers I need to grade.”

He made his way to his dining room table, where he had papers laid down on top with his laptop open.

“Oh,” you said, pausing. “I can wait until you’re done.”

“Nonsense,” he shook his head. “I know your energy bar has got to be on low, so I’ll join you in about an hour, okay?”

“I want to hear about your weekend, Kō,” you said to him, walking behind him and wrapping your arms around him behind.

“And you will,” he said, patting your hands. “After your nap.”




