#sugawara headcanon


A/N: Hey there Everyone, so recently I haven’t been posting like at all and I’d like to post more. Its because of school and this set of headcanons have been sitting for a long time

Since they are also the ones which won in the polls I did awhile ago

This also lines up with my domestic headcanons 



Nishinoya Yuu

  • This boy would love Carnival dates or festival dates so much and you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t
  • All the different foods and games, all the rides too
  • Loves buying sweet treats and other desert foods for you
  • Never let him drink more than one coffee while on a date

Sugawara Koushi

  • Suga loves to go on walks with you
  • He also likes coffee shop dates
  • Ice skating in the winter with hot chocolate after your outing
  • Suga loves to give you his jacket when you’re cold or his scarf if it’s winter and you need a little more warmth

Hinata Shouyou

  • Hinata loves to go on beach dates with you in the summer
  • Loves to throw a volleyball back and forth with you in the sand together
  • He gets sun burnt easily at the beach
  • He’s basically white with sunscreen when he’s at the beach with you

Kageyama Tobio

  • Likes going to the movies and you helping him practice in Volleyball
  • You plan most of your dates
  • Although He will plan the dates for special occasions
  • Hinata was his wing man in High School and he was really good

Kozume Kenma

  • Kenma loves Apple Pie over Birthday Cake so expect bakery dates
  • I feel like Kenma likes expensive restaurants once in a while
  • Small diner with milkshakes and pie
  • Nights spent watching Supernatural
  • Loves to cuddle up before bed for an episode of two of Supernatural
  • Some dates are the two of you playing video games at the park together
  • Under a tree in the shade with the sun shining in spring

Tsukishima Kei

  • Loves taking you to see new exhibits at different museums
  • Like dinosaurs or something else historical
  • One time he saw Nishinoya at a museum and he kissed you so that Nishinoya didn’t see you there
  • Tsukki likes to walk with you just so he can rest his arm on your waist nothing more than that
  • Or his hand in your back pocket off of Sixteen candles
  • Likes it when you steal his scarf in the winter
  • This man loves playing monopoly with you and Tadashi but he gets pouty when you and Tadashi team up to beat him


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Attack on Titan

Hunter Headcanons Attack on Titan

Eren Yeager Imagine parts 3 & 4 & 5 & 6


Hunter Headcanons Demonslayer

Kyojuro Regoku Supernatural Crossover

Kyojuro Rengoku Supernatural Crossover Heat of the Moment


Haikyuu Werewolf Manager (Nekoma and Karasuno) Headcanons

Sleeping Headcanons Haikyuu Boys

Kenma and Kuroo as Texas Rangers Headcanons

Date Headcanons Haikyuu

Watching Game of Thrones Haikyuu

Kenma Kozume Prodigal Son Crossover

Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf and Supernatural Crossover Scott Mccall

My Hero Academia

My Hero Academia and Avatar: The Last Airbender Crossover Shoto Todoroki

Date Headcanons My Hero Academia

Sewer Reader with class 1-A

Hunter Headcanons My Hero Academia

Visiting Ottawa Shoto with a Canadian S/O

Yuri On Ice

Victor Nikiforov Imagine Supernatural crossover

painting your room with the boys

type: headcanons, character x gn reader

characters: oikawa, sugawara, nishinoya, kenma

a/n: i came up with this idea when i painted my wall with my parents lol.. i hope this is entertaining in some way :)) feel free to reblog/comment/share


  • 100% has done it before
  • professional
  • would always be like “sweety, you gotta do it this way“
  • puts paint on his hands to slap your ass and leave hand prints on your pants
  • would blast mozart and bach music in the backround
  • little dance sessions and breaks
  • when he dances, he uses his whole body, snapping, headbanging and stuff
  • swings his hips against yours to make you move as well
  • you end up just vibing together and having a good time


  • would make you little origami-hats out of paper
  • works slow but very precise and tries his best
  • would ask you to let him braid your hair before you get started
  • sometimes he just goes outside of the room, comes back and your phone *plings* :
  • 1 unread message from “suga <3”: ❤️ u look so cute
  • literally uses breaks to spam you with lovely messages


  • would drip paint on the floor THE WHOLE TIME
  • but just giggles when it happens
  • and when you give him that side-eye he rolling thunders to the kitchen to get a tissue so you don‘t step in it
  • puts on music
  • loud
  • probably Metallica, ACDC or Led Zeppelin
  • draws smiley faces and hearts onto the wall before painting on it properly
  • sings and dances to the music the whole time
  • works super fast, wants to impress you


  • you had to force him to help you
  • he gave in when you promised him to play animal crossing together later
  • he works fast and very precisely
  • bc he wants to be done fast
  • but in the middle of painting you take your brush and paint a line on his face
  • he is shocked and looks at you with a wide open mouth
  • but then-
  • revenge
  • he starts tickling you and putting paint all over your body and clothes
  • you both end on the ground giggling and decide to take a shower before going on with painting

They’re the type of…Haikyuu boys edition

Masterlist and rules


He’s the type to touch every time he kiss. He loves to grip the back of the neck and feel the hair in his hand or he would grip the waist…hard


He’s the type to kiss every inch of his partner’s face. He just loves to shower his partner in kisses while he hears their laugh


That type of person who just goes silent for a good minute before going all out to tickle. If you see him in silent mode… RUN


He’s the type to just stand there until you say something to him. He does that every time until he’s comfortable enough to sit on his own(It took him months). He needs his time, okay?


The car guy. You know when guys pull their arm in the passenger seat so that they can see where they’re going with the retro? He thinks he’s super hot while doing it

Masterlist and rules
