#sun in 10th


may come off as cheery, and warm. might also come off as full of themselves. resembles father very much, and may be very attached to him. father may have been quick to anger, childish, or athletic. father may have aries in chart. you probably have great skin, and your hair may be your trademark. average-tall height.you may have aries traits/vibes. people may be able to tell what your sign is with ease. may come off as too strong for some.

celebrities:Scarlett Johansson, Zooey Deschanel, Bradley Cooper, Bruce Lee

probably buys expensive things. likes things of high quality. father may have been stable, and spent money a lot. father may have taurus in chart. you may love or hate “healthy” food, pastries or spicy foods. might be great at acting, dancing, or being funny. stingy. you may have taurus traits/vibes. probably loves strong perfumes. sexual. work ethic is great. pragmatic

celebrities:Paris Hilton, Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, Robert De Niro

can probably debate without stuttering/confident during debates.learns rapidly. great conversationalists. attention span is brief. might have more brothers, than sisters. siblings may have sun/leo energy. you may have gemini traits/vibes. voice is full of confidence. father may have been talkative, but emotionally afar. father may have gemini im chart. you probably hate or get annoyed when getting anything below an A at school lmao. probably popular at school.

celebrities:Elizabeth Taylor, Britney Spears, Jim Carrey, Drake

may prefer a house of lighter colors(esp yellow or orange). cinnamon candles may lay around the house. popular among the fam. may have had deep pressure from family to be something special. might be the favorite child. may have cancer traits/vibes. taught to be self reliant from a young age. father may be overprotective, and nurturing. father may have cancer in chart. you might’ve been bossy, sassy, and over dramatic as a kid lmao. attention lover, feeling like nobody pays attention to them makes them depressed. affectionate heart fr. very caring.

celebrities:Tina Turner, Megan Fox, Pablo Picasso, Tim Burton

has a variety of music taste/likes multiple genres. first child is most likely gonna be male and/or have leo/sun in chart. kids may love being around you in general. your kids may be in plays at school. you may have leo traits/vibes. may love to party. most likely extroverted. fun lovers. attracts ppl w/leo traits or may have leo traits in the dating scene (confident, melodramatic, etc). father was full of pride, and warm but probably controlling. your hobbies range from shopping, singing, art, etc. has a knack for social events. charismatic

celebrities:Katie Holmes, Dolly Parton, Will Smith, Marilyn Manson

productive. may have a daily routine lol. may have virgo traits/vibes. healthy, and nourishing lifestyle. probably exercises, counts calories, etc. father may be over critical, and have high expectations but also well put. father may have virgo in his chart. you prefer pets that are loving, and loyal, so a dog, or horse are ideal. probably like to dress their pets up, or always make sure they’re clean. may want to work somewhere where they can shine or be generous.

celebrities:Ariana Grande, Rita Hayworth, Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain

has a love/hate relationship w/leo’s. you’re enchanting. you may be popular. relationships mean a lot to you, romantic or platonic. you attract leos or ppl with leo in their chart. you attract fun loving, demanding, warm, and arrogant ppl. you may have libra traits/vibes. you’re very romantic, and makes lover a priority. may be gullible in love. father may have been the peace maker in the house growing up, but also distant. father may have libra in his chart. you’re rarely single, bc you probably don’t even know how to be single lmao. social.

celebrities:Kendall Jenner, Zendaya, Sylvester Stallone, Dwayne Johnston

intensity is a main theme in your life. death may be heart related (heart attack, etc). most likely will live for a long time. you might be scared of doing presentations or anything in front of many ppl. father may have passed or been absent during childhood. father may have been overprotective and sarcastic. father may have scorpio in chart. you crave power, and sex. probably has a lot of stamina in bed. also may get an inheritance. very passionate in the bedroom. might like it rough/dominanting. may like to do taboo things from time to time. emotional. you may have scorpio traits/vibes. secretive/keeps to self.

celebrities:Kylie Jenner, Demi Moore, Matt Damon, Bruno Mars

open minded. traveling is a favorite. might watch videos on other countries on youtube. intelligent. funny. proud of their ancestry. may have sagittarius traits/vibes. real/authentic. father may have been funny, but detached, and not want any responsibilities. father may have sagittarius in chart. you have luck in life. can be inconsiderate sometimes, maybe even selfish. forgetful. gives out advice like it’s candy. full of wisdom and sincerity. cares abt others/humanitarian.

celebrities:Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jennifer Lawrence, MLK, Robin Williams

you’re reliable. your reputation might be warm, and sociable. you’re well known, and most likely respected. relationship w/father may have affected your outlook on life. father was hard working, and made plans but also strict, and not affectionate. father may have capricorn in his chart. you won’t let anything get in the way of your goals, full of ambition and focus. loyal, and sensible. may have capricorn traits/vibes. you may look up to ppl with capricorn in their chart including celebrities. you may become/want to be an actor, singer, influencer, comedian, entertainer in general, social worker, lawyer, etc.

celebrities:Drew Barrymore, Dua Lipa, Jeffrey Bezos, Albert Einstein

either basic or unique. friendly. may be fake. might be popular. erratic. may have aquarius vibes/traits. attracts leo’s. many leo’s may have a crush on you. many of your friends may also be leo or have leo placements. father may have been an odd ball. father may have been talkative, but distant. he may also had bizarre beliefs. father may have aquarius in his chart. may be a leader of a group of friends, or the center of attention in the friend group. helpful.

celebrities:Marilyn Monroe, Cher, Johnny Depp, Michael Jackson

creative. chill, and kind hearted. might prefer alone time. introverted. you need to listen to your own advice that you give out to others. spiritual. may have pisces traits/vibes. you may lack an identity. don’t let others take advantage of you. father may have been lighthearted and sweet, but private. father may have had an addiction to something(alcohol, drugs, etc). father may have pisces in his chart. you’re intuitive, and probably have a heart of gold, but also you might be hard-headed. you’re probably a dreamer.

celebrities:Madonna, Selena Gomez, Keanu Reeves, Hugh Grant

10th House☀️

in this post i’ll be going over:relationship with authority, the father figure, potential career interests, reputation, what you may be attracted to and whatever random shit i pick up on lmao. i hope you like the post :)

Aries/Mars/10h ruler conjunct Mars/In 1st

may be annoyed by authority figures. may not respect or really care for authorities. challenging relationship with father figure, and probably didn’t rlly get along with him. may see each other as competition, and may try to outdo each other? but on the bright side, he may have helped you become independent and active. can’t work somewhere that requires a lot of sitting or repetitiveness, needs an energy filled career. being an emergency surgeon, firefighter, military, athlete, law/judge, construction worker, personal trainer, etc may interest you. may be known as brash, determined, self sufficient, cold, full of passion, and hostile. finds confidence in others sexy. loves a good challenge, not something easy.

Taurus/Venus/10h ruler conjunct Venus/In 2nd

persuades those in authority, and may not really care for them lmao. relationship with father figure may be peaceful, and he may be stubborn, maybe even strict but reliable. probably had a father that rarely owned up to his shit and apologized, always had to have the last word ugh. careers such as modeling, chief, owning a bakery, agriculture, landscaping, rating food, designing, at a spa, etc may catch your eye. your reputation may be that you’re laidback, kind, loyal, shallow, and honest. you may also be known for your looks and/or charm. attracted to people that’ll spoil them, and treat them like their royalty. has a love for beauty and embraces all types of aesthetics. has good taste in luxurious things. usually sensible people

Gemini/Mercury/10h ruler conjunct Mercury/In 3rd

respects authority. your parents probably always expected good grades from you and strongly encouraged you in education. father may strongly influence you in your beliefs and decisions. your father may have been irresponsible/childish. he also probably lied to lot, and displayed sneaky behavior, probably thought he could do whatever he wanted bc he’s your parent(so probably never respected your wishes and privacy). will want a career where they can spread information, and knowledge. where they can express themselves and be heard. also experimental career wise, may try out many careers. may want to be a youtuber, author, influencer, professor/teacher, journalist, entertainer(music, acting), etc. a lot of celebs that have this are contentious. you may be the talk of the town. may be known as smart, talkative, opinionated, crazy/chaotic, and funny. intelligence and someone with the same sense of humor is a turn on and won’t be with someone that doesn’t like to have debates/intellectual convos, someone that’s serious all the time. someone that has their priorities straight, has the same mentality, and doesn’t lie are things you like. loves to teach others and give them different perspectives.

Cancer/Moon/10h ruler conjunct Moon/In 4th

feels unsafe near authority. may be closer to mother than father. she may have been the provider and main parent. father may be strict, and not allowed you to do much and be your own person. as a result, you may have been a rebel. but if positive he may have been very warm, and protective. wants to be something that connects emotionally and involves being nurturing like a doctor, nurse, teacher, at a daycare, psychology, etc. may also like to cook/bake. real estate may also be an interest since cancer rules home. photography, likes to look back on memories. finances(opposite of capricorn/saturn). may be known as emotional/sensitive, quiet, romantic, moody, shy, and caring. reputation may deal with or be associated with a family member. may be attracted to power, and someone with a lot of masculine/dominant energy. emotionally connects to career.

Leo/Sun/10h ruler conjunct Sun/In 5th

pleases authority, and leaves them impressed. father may be proud of you, but may not show it often. one parent may have been absent, mentally or physically. father may have had expectations that were unrealistic and too high. he may have been full of himself, and didn’t give you much/may have been greedy with items. but if positive, may have been warm, fun, and supportive. wants career where the eyes are all on them and they can ✨shine✨. news anchor, model, influencer, comedian, actor, artist, singer, voice actor, entertainer in general, etc are career options that may catch your eye. may be known as passionate, confident, warm hearted, arrogant, and charismatic. honestly this has milf and young boy vibes, like you may be attracted to that. like there might be an age gap and you’re attracted to that. attracted to people that have nice hair too lmao. i think it’s so funny how doja cat has this, and literally everyone talks abt how she radiates confidence on stage and has amazing stage presence.

Virgo/Mercury/10h ruler conjunct Mercury/In 6th

respects those in authority. one parent may be loving, sensitive, and a dreamer but may abuse substances and the other one may be anxious, but reliable, and hardworking, and may have unrealistically high expectations from you. this parent(most likely the father) may be exhausting and hurt your confidence if you don’t reach their expectations. wants to do something that helps society like a health inspector, someone that does research on illnesses, doctor, nurse, etc. also something that helps them express themselves like author, journalist maybe, artist, etc. also veterinarian. reserved, helpful, nice, aloof, and judgmental may be what your reputation would be described as. attracted to someone that’s hard working and has their shit together, who has a great income and is intelligent. having a realistic mindset will get you far

Libra/Venus/10h ruler conjunct Venus/In 7th

flirts with those in authority or just doesn’t really care for them. father may have been fair, level headed, and well mannered. he also may have been distant, and might not have stuck up for you when others were coming at your neck. careers that include beauty/luxury like someone that picks out clothes for models, modeling in general, MUA, fashion/shoe designer, artist in general, etc. lawyer, judge, social worker, anything that brings justice and deals with fairness. also dating coach or a couples therapist may interest you. another placement that may be known for their looks and/or charm. flirty, superficial, social, fake, nice, and level headed may be what your reputation is described as. wants someone that will do romantic, cute things even if it’s viewed as silly. picnics, taking pics together, facemasks together, fancy dinner dates, etc. will fight for equality. your style may make you popular too and you may be a trendsetter.

Scorpio/Pluto/10h ruler conjunct Pluto/In 8th

may resent/dislike authority, knows how corrupt they are. father may have been controlling, had power, mafia dad vibez lmao. he may have taught you to stand up for yourself, and be strong. one parent may have been absent, emotionally or physically. interested in the unknown may want to be an investigator, or something that deals with talking to the dead lol. interested in crime so yeah may be a detective or FBI. psychology, mortician, research, medicine, surgeon, and maybe even law. can also indicate being a midwife/having a career that deals with birth. “taboo” jobs such as sex working(stripping, etc) and selling drugs. sex guru/therapist lol, or sexologist. reputation may have a lot of rumors surrounding it but nobody knows you better than you, yourself. may be known as mysterious, sexy, quiet, rude/aloof, and charming. just like libra, wants romance but keeps it low key and wants to know that they can trust and rely on their person fs. a lot of ppl watching your every move. many may be jealous of you, even when you didn’t do any wrong.

Sagittarius/Jupiter/10h ruler conjunct Jupiter/In 9th

doesn’t respect authority, fights for what’s right. father may have been wise, laidback, funny, and wild/all over the place on the bright side. but on the negative he may have been irresponsible, childish, not consistent, and maybe even absent. parents may have expected you to be a straight A student. you want your wisdom and smarts to be acknowledged, so you may choose career paths such as professor/teacher, tutor, etc. may also love the world so may want to be a flight attendant, travel agent, archaeologist, tour guide, etc. you be known as smart/nerdy, funny, and open minded. may be known for their mentality. you want someone that you can do whatever with when it first pops up in your head, someone open to try new things and adventurous, someone you can travel with. wants someone to make special moments with. in tune with their spiritual side, or will try to find a way to be.

Capricorn/Saturn/10h ruler conjunct Saturn/In 10th

respects authority or ignores them.

attached to their mother, she may have been warm, emotional, loving and overall maternal but on the negative side may have been overbearing, and maybe even possessive of you. father may have been strict, and criticized you on every little thing. you may have not been really taught abt sex and stuff, natural things that may be seen as “taboo” bc your parents may have sheltered you. you may also lack social skills thanks to your parents. if you had a positive relationship with father, you may view him as reliable, and loyal and caring but in a “fatherly” way and probably had dad humor lol. will make sure that your success and ambition is acknowledged. may want to be a banker, manager, real estate agent, CEO, boss, secretary, entrepreneur, accountant, etc. reputation may be described as talented, down to earth, rude, reserved/someone that minds their own business, boring, loyal, blunt, reliable, bossy/dominant and smart. wants someone that has dominant/masculine energy, is the boss/has power, is stable and smart, and maybe someone that’s romantic. may stress abt the future, bc you may be scared to be a failure(i feel you)

Aquarius/Uranus/10h ruler conjunct Uranus/In 11th

doesn’t respect authority bc they know that they are not worth respecting and doesn’t treat everyone equally. influenced and looks up to their mother. mother may have liked to party a lot, was funny, warm, and independent. she encouraged your dreams. i have this and my mom is the strongest person ik. father may have been absent, emotionally or physically or both. father may have been funny, and a little bit odd/eccentric. he’s also friendly and intelligent. but he may have not prioritized your emotions, and may have been more of your friend than a father. may want a career that lets everyone know that you’re a star that’ll twinkle the best like acting, singing, youtube, influencer, etc. also wants to help the world so more than likely a humanitarian, and social rights activist and most likely believes in recycling/helping the planet, i hate when ppl liter. also tech savvy may be an computer hardware engineer, IT specialist, game designer, etc. also the MC to most likely be a scientist. may be known as chaotic, friendly/a social butterfly, fake, funny, intelligent, detached/distant, unique/original, rude, and talented. someone that is laid back, and down to do anything and feeds us attention and compliments is our cup of tea, someone who understands us but isn’t too much like us. makes friends easily, irl and/or online. reputation may be associated with friend group/who you hangout with.

Pisces/Neptune/10h ruler conjunct Neptune/In 12th

tricks those in authority, and doesn’t really care for them. mother may have been reliable, hard working, a neat freak, and a worrywart. she cares abt you and wants the best for you. but if negative, she may be nitpicky, nonchalant/distant, and overly anxious. she encouraged you to be good at education. the father may be loving, but may also use substances that make them act terribly and impacts their health. on the positive side, he may be creative, artsy, and in tune with spiritual stuff. if negative, he may have an sickness and mental health may not be the best. he may have also treated you like a 5yo for too long, and never seen you as responsible. wants a career that helps then express how they feel like painting, art in general, song writing, singing, writing in general, poems, etc. may also want to help ppl so may have interest in being a nurse, dealing with medicine, donating to charity, therapist, etc. also may want to be an actor, or write plays/movies/shows. may be known as soft hearted, detached, romantic/dreamy, lazy, caring, quiet, and creative/inventive. wants someone that will love all up on you, will make you feel like you’re in a fantasy✨‍♀️. empathetic, and loves to help those in need.


Your ego according to your Sun in houses

[Vedic astrology edition]

Sun represents our ego as individuality. When the house of our Sun is realised - we feel satisfied, and when we don’t work with this house, our ego suffers.

1st house

1st house summarises our horoscope and symbolizes our personality, so your ego might suffer if haven’t realised a wholesome personality and haven’t found your life purpose. Also, you might care about your physical appearance.

2nd house

Personal earnings and material possessions feed your ego. Feel bad when don’t earn their OWN money.

3rd house

Making decisions on your own, communications, and actions make you confident. Also, your ability to do something with your hands (driving a car, playing tennis, playing the piano) boosts your ego. Ego suffers when they don’t have an extensive network, or when someone makes decisions for them.

4th house

A clean and comfortable home, a big family, and teamwork bring confidence. Ego might feel bad if there are bad relationships with family or teammates, no own housing, or the home is dirty.

5th house

Creative endeavours, a lot of children, successful projects, flirts, and a successful dating life make the native confident. Poor dating life or inability to make own projects make ego suffer. Also, if someone calls them uncreative, these people are foes to those with the Sun in the 5th house…

6th house

Bringing service or being useful to people is essential to Sun in the 6th house. If smb calls them useless, it’s a catastrophe for them.

7th house

Having a partner and happy relationships is of paramount importance. The ego feels bad when not in relationships or when relationships are not stable. Also, Sun in 7th wants a super fancy partner.

8th house

Sex life is very important to the Sun in the 8th. These people wanna be the best sex partner in the world. If you wanna hurt them, tell them that they’re mediocre in bad.

9th house

Education and high qualifications are essential. Feel dissatisfied when lacking knowledge in their profession. Also, good relationships with their father and authorities are important for their confidence.

10th house

Career and social life are important. No job promotion or lack of social gatherings suppresses their ego.

11th house

Fame, public image, and luxuries feed their ego. Feel unsatisfied when don’t have attention from the society. Reputation IS SUPER IMPORTANT TO THEM.

12th house

Feel good when creating smth innovative. When being a pioneer. Feel bad in the birthplace and when life is stagnant.

Find out more about your Sun and its role in your life purpose on saturn.love
