#sun in 3rd house


may come off as cheery, and warm. might also come off as full of themselves. resembles father very much, and may be very attached to him. father may have been quick to anger, childish, or athletic. father may have aries in chart. you probably have great skin, and your hair may be your trademark. average-tall height.you may have aries traits/vibes. people may be able to tell what your sign is with ease. may come off as too strong for some.

celebrities:Scarlett Johansson, Zooey Deschanel, Bradley Cooper, Bruce Lee

probably buys expensive things. likes things of high quality. father may have been stable, and spent money a lot. father may have taurus in chart. you may love or hate “healthy” food, pastries or spicy foods. might be great at acting, dancing, or being funny. stingy. you may have taurus traits/vibes. probably loves strong perfumes. sexual. work ethic is great. pragmatic

celebrities:Paris Hilton, Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, Robert De Niro

can probably debate without stuttering/confident during debates.learns rapidly. great conversationalists. attention span is brief. might have more brothers, than sisters. siblings may have sun/leo energy. you may have gemini traits/vibes. voice is full of confidence. father may have been talkative, but emotionally afar. father may have gemini im chart. you probably hate or get annoyed when getting anything below an A at school lmao. probably popular at school.

celebrities:Elizabeth Taylor, Britney Spears, Jim Carrey, Drake

may prefer a house of lighter colors(esp yellow or orange). cinnamon candles may lay around the house. popular among the fam. may have had deep pressure from family to be something special. might be the favorite child. may have cancer traits/vibes. taught to be self reliant from a young age. father may be overprotective, and nurturing. father may have cancer in chart. you might’ve been bossy, sassy, and over dramatic as a kid lmao. attention lover, feeling like nobody pays attention to them makes them depressed. affectionate heart fr. very caring.

celebrities:Tina Turner, Megan Fox, Pablo Picasso, Tim Burton

has a variety of music taste/likes multiple genres. first child is most likely gonna be male and/or have leo/sun in chart. kids may love being around you in general. your kids may be in plays at school. you may have leo traits/vibes. may love to party. most likely extroverted. fun lovers. attracts ppl w/leo traits or may have leo traits in the dating scene (confident, melodramatic, etc). father was full of pride, and warm but probably controlling. your hobbies range from shopping, singing, art, etc. has a knack for social events. charismatic

celebrities:Katie Holmes, Dolly Parton, Will Smith, Marilyn Manson

productive. may have a daily routine lol. may have virgo traits/vibes. healthy, and nourishing lifestyle. probably exercises, counts calories, etc. father may be over critical, and have high expectations but also well put. father may have virgo in his chart. you prefer pets that are loving, and loyal, so a dog, or horse are ideal. probably like to dress their pets up, or always make sure they’re clean. may want to work somewhere where they can shine or be generous.

celebrities:Ariana Grande, Rita Hayworth, Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain

has a love/hate relationship w/leo’s. you’re enchanting. you may be popular. relationships mean a lot to you, romantic or platonic. you attract leos or ppl with leo in their chart. you attract fun loving, demanding, warm, and arrogant ppl. you may have libra traits/vibes. you’re very romantic, and makes lover a priority. may be gullible in love. father may have been the peace maker in the house growing up, but also distant. father may have libra in his chart. you’re rarely single, bc you probably don’t even know how to be single lmao. social.

celebrities:Kendall Jenner, Zendaya, Sylvester Stallone, Dwayne Johnston

intensity is a main theme in your life. death may be heart related (heart attack, etc). most likely will live for a long time. you might be scared of doing presentations or anything in front of many ppl. father may have passed or been absent during childhood. father may have been overprotective and sarcastic. father may have scorpio in chart. you crave power, and sex. probably has a lot of stamina in bed. also may get an inheritance. very passionate in the bedroom. might like it rough/dominanting. may like to do taboo things from time to time. emotional. you may have scorpio traits/vibes. secretive/keeps to self.

celebrities:Kylie Jenner, Demi Moore, Matt Damon, Bruno Mars

open minded. traveling is a favorite. might watch videos on other countries on youtube. intelligent. funny. proud of their ancestry. may have sagittarius traits/vibes. real/authentic. father may have been funny, but detached, and not want any responsibilities. father may have sagittarius in chart. you have luck in life. can be inconsiderate sometimes, maybe even selfish. forgetful. gives out advice like it’s candy. full of wisdom and sincerity. cares abt others/humanitarian.

celebrities:Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jennifer Lawrence, MLK, Robin Williams

you’re reliable. your reputation might be warm, and sociable. you’re well known, and most likely respected. relationship w/father may have affected your outlook on life. father was hard working, and made plans but also strict, and not affectionate. father may have capricorn in his chart. you won’t let anything get in the way of your goals, full of ambition and focus. loyal, and sensible. may have capricorn traits/vibes. you may look up to ppl with capricorn in their chart including celebrities. you may become/want to be an actor, singer, influencer, comedian, entertainer in general, social worker, lawyer, etc.

celebrities:Drew Barrymore, Dua Lipa, Jeffrey Bezos, Albert Einstein

either basic or unique. friendly. may be fake. might be popular. erratic. may have aquarius vibes/traits. attracts leo’s. many leo’s may have a crush on you. many of your friends may also be leo or have leo placements. father may have been an odd ball. father may have been talkative, but distant. he may also had bizarre beliefs. father may have aquarius in his chart. may be a leader of a group of friends, or the center of attention in the friend group. helpful.

celebrities:Marilyn Monroe, Cher, Johnny Depp, Michael Jackson

creative. chill, and kind hearted. might prefer alone time. introverted. you need to listen to your own advice that you give out to others. spiritual. may have pisces traits/vibes. you may lack an identity. don’t let others take advantage of you. father may have been lighthearted and sweet, but private. father may have had an addiction to something(alcohol, drugs, etc). father may have pisces in his chart. you’re intuitive, and probably have a heart of gold, but also you might be hard-headed. you’re probably a dreamer.

celebrities:Madonna, Selena Gomez, Keanu Reeves, Hugh Grant
