#super straight


Straight people: why are gay people so obsessed with being gay? Like it’s not a personality trait


Y’all, don’t get me wrong. This transphobic b.s. makes me mad af, right? But I psychically cannot get over the fact that the super straight flag is this

Like when I first saw it, I was like, wait, that color scheme looks familiar… and then I realised it was the same color scheme as PH (I’ve never purposely been on there, but I’m not an idiot. And I have some uh, interesting friends). LIKE BRUH-

So I’ve just found out super straight is a new ‘sexuality’ started by the straggots. Look if they wanna be oppressed so badly, we can easily do that for them.

Anti Straggot protest coming soon

Being judged by my appearance.

There was this church I was introduced to by a former friend of mine. We attended this church together, but I was being judged by what I wore. I think this church was a Catholic Church, but either way, they didn’t like what I was wearing. All I wore was a Slipknot shirt, a black leather jacket with chains and patches on it, Tripp X NYC pants, and black boots. I looked like a rockstar. The priest expects me to dress in a nicer suit, but I don’t have that kind of money to spend at the time. I didn’t feel quite welcome at that church, so I stopped attending.

Later on, I was judged again at a different church that my former friend also introduced me to. The preacher at the time told me the people thinks there was something off about me and they also assumed that I was “homosexual” because of my long hair. At that time I was wearing pretty much the same thing minus the leather jacket, but I did wear a Tripp X NYC long jacket. I attended that church occasionally until the death of my friend Theresa Calvaruso who died of cancer. She was my main reason for going there. Her death is the reason I left.

Both churches judged me without getting to know me. But they sure welcomed my former friend with open arms without realizing that he is a convicted sex offender. Something I didn’t discover until after I stopped being friends with him. If the church knew me, they would stop judging by my appearance.

For example, if they knew me, they would know that I saved a friend from her stepdad, and told her to call the cops. Got him locked up in prison. They would also know that I’m super straight, meaning I only date biological women. The point is that people shouldn’t judge by appearances because you have no clue of what that person has gone through or who that person is on a personal level.
