#supernatural michael


Pairing: Matt Cohen x Reader
Reader Gender:Female
Word Count:2k
Warnings: fluff (is that a warning?), swearing, reader has self-confidence issues, mentions of anxiety/depression

A/N: Hi, everyone! Sorry this took so long. I first want to thank everyone who liked or followed this story and for everyone who still is reading it despite my absence. It means so much to me. I hope you enjoy this next chapter! (Internal thoughts are in italics)

Summary: You had long dreamt of meeting your hero Matt Cohen and thanking him for changing your life. But now with SPNCon rolling around, you finally get your chance, and it’s more than you could have ever imagined.

Tagging:@angel-fireand@matt-o-holic (If you wish to be tagged for this series, let me know!)

Part 1


Your name: What is this?

You checked yourself in the mirror for the umpteenth time. You didn’t have anything to wear for a day out with your hero so you asked your friend Cecelia, who, just like friends do, let you borrow a cute sundress she brought. But not without the price of grilling you on the details.

“Come on! At least show me a picture of your mystery date!” She pouted.

“It’s not a date, Cece.” You insisted.

She snorted, “Yeah right. What kind of guy asks you on a whim to eat lunch with him alone and tells you how special you are? Not to mention he just met you. Face it, Y/N. He totally asked you out.” She sighed as she flopped onto the hotel bed. “God, why don’t these kinds of things happen to me?”

You hesitated for a moment, fiddling with your hands. “Cece, what if it’s not all it’s cracked up to be?” You asked, your voice low and hands shaking. “What if this is just a game? What if he’s just using me?”

Cecilia frowned, “You know he’s not.” But your unconvinced expression told her otherwise. “Y/N, you’ve gotta be a little more hopeful about this. This is someone new, this mysterious and probably hot and handsome stranger asking you out on a friggin’ date for god sakes! It’s like a dream!”

“And what if that’s all this’ll be? Just some stupid dream that ends up being a complete nightmare?”

“I don’t think that’ll happen.” She replied. “Not everyone is like Barron, you know.”

You sucked in a deep breath, knowing that what she said was true but the doubt still lingered in your mind. You weren’t one for fairy tales and happy endings. They just didn’t happen to you. And you weren’t going to start believing in them now just because some gorgeous guy supposedly asked you out.

You turned away from the mirror to face her, changing the subject. “How do I look?” Truthfully, whatever your friend said, you felt a little strange. You never dressed up for anything really and it was one the first times in your life you ever put that much effort into make up and hair. Your reflection almost made it seem like you were a completely different person.

Cece gave you a wink, “Rawr.” She made a sound similar to a purring cat. “Trust me. He won’t be able to resist.” You grabbed a nearby pillow and threw it into her face.

“Hey! What the hell?”

“You’re crazy.” You snorted.

She smirked and kicked at your heels, “Yeah but you love it. Now get going or you’re gonna be late for Prince Charming!”

Matt fiddled with his collared shirt and tried combing his unruly hair once more before turning back to his friends, Richard and Rob. “There. How do I look?”

“Like a friggin’ archangel.” Richard snickered and pinched Matt’s cheeks. Matt swatted his hand away and Richard’s snickers turned into full on guffaws.

Rob shook his head, “I still say it’s a little weird. You met her yesterday, right?” Matt nodded his head and he continued, “So what – do you like her or something? I mean, it’s not like you to wanna just pick girls up on a whim.”

“Um no. Girls wanna pick him up. I mean, have you seen the ass on this guy? He’s fucking blessed.” Rich snorted.

Matt rolled his eyes and ignored his friend. “It’s hard to explain. It was… It was a feeling, you know?” He paused for a moment, biting his lip to help collect his thoughts but they all traced back to your smiling face. “It was like God was opening this door of opportunity and I had to take it – seriously, you’re a fucking perv, Rich.” He scoffed as he watched his friend collapse in tears.

  “Face it. You walked right into that one though, dude.” Rob smirked.

Sometimes Matt wondered why he was best friends with those psychos but he couldn’t help but love them. He sighed and glanced at his watch and his eyes widened, “Shit! I’m gonna be late!”

As he bolted out the door, he heard Richard holler, “Use protection, Matty!” And he flipped him off.

You couldn’t stop the thrumming in your heart as you waited in the lobby. You tapped your toes on the ground and checked your phone to try to calm yourself down but it still didn’t seem real. Matt had asked you to lunch and half of you thought it was a dream you were more than excited to experience and the other half thought it was too good to be true.

Maybe I was just dreaming it all up. You thought as your heart sank but just as it had, it lifted and raced as you spotted the all too familiar face enter the lobby.

Several heads turned as they saw him and some folks who had gone to the convention gasped and squealed upon seeing him but once he spotted you, yours was the only face he saw. He dashed to you, bypassing the spectators nearby and that was when you realized you hadn’t dreamt it at all. It was a reality and you were about to live it and you didn’t know whether you were bursting from excitement or trembling from that nagging fear that you would mess it up.

“Y/N, hey. Sorry for being late.” Matt remarked, giving you a quick hug. “Rich and Rob kept me but hopefully you didn’t wait too long.”

You shook your head, “No I didn’t.”

Matt’s nervous expression turned to one of relief as he sighed with a grin, “That’s good. I would’ve hated it if I worried you.”

“Truthfully I’m surprised you remembered.” You admitted.

His eyes grew wide before he frowned, “And forget about you and our special day together? Keep dreaming, Y/N.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “Speaking of that, I made us a reservation in an hour so shall we go, m'lady?” He drawled in a fake British accent, holding his arm out.

You hooked your arm in his and nodded. He squeezed your arm against his as you both headed for the parking lot.

You were dreaming. You had to be. There was just no other explanation as to why Matt not only asked you to have lunch with him but followed through with his plans and took you to the quaintest restaurant you’d ever seen. It was like a little slice of Italy with pictures of olive groves and Tuscan villas decorating the walls and the sweet smell of garlic and tomatoes wafting through the air. They had the sweetest staff and you both wound up in a corner booth a ways away from the other customers.

“Any friend of Rob’s is a friend of ours.” The owner, a tiny Italian woman who looked like a grandma grinned at you as she took your orders.

“I’ll have the special.” Matt remarked before turning to you, “What would you like, sweetheart?”

You blushed at the nickname but Matt didn’t seem to notice the effect he had on you. Nevertheless, the waitress was awaiting the response and you didn’t want to keep her waiting. You glanced at the menu, hiding behind its pages before ordering the same thing and the woman left you both alone.

“I don’t think I said this yet but you look beautiful.”  Matt grinned.

You almost thought it was his goal that day to make you blush constantly. You fiddled with your sleeves as heat rose into your cheeks, “You’re just saying that –”

“Trust me. I’m not. You really do look great today, Y/N.”

You ducked your head, feeling even warmer, “Thanks. You – you look great today too –not that you don’t look great everyday! Im sure you look amazing everyday – oh God, I’m digging myself in a hole aren’t I?”

  Matt chuckled, amused. “I’m glad you think so, sweetheart.” He winked.

You were pretty sure your face was now officially on fire so you hid your face behind your hands. “I just need to shut up. I’m such an idiot.”

“Hey, no, Y/N.” Matt frowned, “Look at me.”

You shook you head and he sighed. “Y/N, please.” His voice grew serious and you peeked behind your hands for the briefest moment before relenting and letting them drop. Then you lifted your gaze and met his green orbs as he replied, “Thank you.”

You nodded, feeling your throat run dry as he continued. “You’re not an idiot, okay? I know we don’t know each other much but trust me when I say you aren’t. And for the record, I didn’t mind the rambling. I thought it was adorable.”

You flinched, reliving the words that made you feel humiliated. “Sorry about that…”

“You don’t have to apologize, you know, for anything. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“But –”

He put his hand out and placed it over yours which easily shut you up. “Y/N, it’s okay. You have nothing to apologize for. Alright?”

Your throat seemed to swell and your eyes sting from the unshed tears that always seemed to appear at the drop of a hat. But Matt didn’t seem to mind. He tilted your chin up, allowing you to gaze once more at his handsome face. His eyes searched yours, awaiting a response so you nodded your head.

He beamed and his whole face lit up. “Well alright.”

Before you could say anything, the waitress returned, bringing over your plates of food. Upon seeing you both, she rushed with placing the plates in front of you before disappearing with a knowing wink. And just like that, you were blushing all over again.

“Man, Rob wasn’t kidding when he said this place was good.” Matt sighed, patting his belly as the both of you walked out of the restaurant.

You nodded, “I don’t think I can even eat dinner.”

“Tell me about it. I’m not even sure I could eat breakfast tomorrow, but do you know what sounds pretty good right now?” He asked and you shook your head. “A nice, cold pint. I could go for a pale ale or something to cool down after all that chow.”

You gestured in front of you. “I saw a bar a few blocks down if you wanna check it out.”

  Matt’s eyes sparkled as he turned to you, “Only if you check it out with me.”

  You wrinkled your nose in displeasure, “Okay, but… I’m not much of a beer person.”

  “You’re kidding.” He deadpanned.

“It tastes like piss.”

He snorted, “Only if you haven’t tried the good stuff.” You didn’t look convinced and he smirked, “That’s fine. I’m up for the challenge. I’ll school you on good beer and in return, I’d like you to do something for me.”

  “What’s that?”

“I want you to stop speaking so negatively about yourself.” He replied and though you opened your mouth to object, he continued. “I know it’s hard and I know you don’t want to do it, but it would make me really happy if you stopped criticizing yourself when you’re a strong and beautiful woman. Okay? So can you do it? Please? For me?” He batted his lashes at you and you turned to mush.

  You bit your lip, wishing you could not only refuse him but stop yourself from turning scarlet again but it was as though your mouth betrayed your mind. “So you really think I’m strong?”

He nodded, “And beautiful.”

“… Fine.”

Matt grinned and his eyes twinkled with glee. “Perfect! And for every negative comment you say about yourself, you gotta find five things you like about yourself.”

Your eyes widened, “Hey! Wait a minute! I didn’t sign up for that!” You hollered but he was already bounding ahead of you, skipping like a child.

“You’re not gonna regret this! I promise.” He called out as you chased him into the bar.

lucifers-perfect-angel: this-darkness-light: lucifer-s-emoji: Drawing some luci at work, Sadly I img




Drawing some luci at work,
Sadly I imgined luci’s death but the important thing is that his eyes finally glowed in blue, instead of red

How dare you break my heart like this?!

That said, I love the idea that his grave would be redeemed

This was it and Lucifer knew it. He’d lived for eons, seen the universe be created, and watched as it was tested time and time again. He’d seen the start and end of planets, stars, galaxies, even almost the end of god himself. Everything had its time, even for immortals.

It was Lucifer’s time.

Lucifer had always prided himself on being a good fighter, on being skilled enough to at least escape a battle alive. But not this time. No. This time he had to finish it. He had to keep fighting. He had to protect his son.

The Michael from another universe had found his way to their world, easily tracking Jack down in an attempt to force him to open another portal. Lucifer couldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t let Michael hurt his son! It didn’t matter to him if the Winchesters were their, if he inadvertently protected them too. He had no time to be happy at seeing Gabriel alive. At seeing the baby brother who’s death Lucifer grieved. Lucifer fought with everything he had, every trick and power and skill he could scrap together from his weakened grace and millions of years of training.

It wasn’t enough. Lucifer knew that. He knew he would be fighting Michael alone. Sam and Dean had no desire to help Lucifer. The only two who might were Gabriel and Castiel and both couldn’t step up. Dean refused to let Castiel get close and possibly die, and Gabriel was still too shaken up and weakened from Asmodeus to do any fighting.

All of Lucifer’s instincts were screaming at him to protect Jack. He had to. Lucifer would not let Michael take away his son! He wouldn’t let Michael take any more away from him! His family, his freedom, his sanity, his Grace, his reputation. Jack would not be the next on that list!

They fought bloody, dirty, hard. Lucifer put everything he had into their fight. But this Michael was stronger, so much stronger than his Michael ever was. This Michael wouldn’t fight fair. He vanished in front of Lucifer, leaving the fallen archangel on edge, constantly looking around for where he might appear.

It had all happened so fast. Michael appeared behind Jack, blade ready to strike. Lucifer didn’t have enough time to go after Michael but he couldn’t lose Jack! He couldn’t! All Lucifer could think was “protect”. So he did what he had to do, he switched their places.

Lucifer could faintly register someone screaming “No!” But all voices sounded so distant. He could feel the cold blade pass through his back and chest. The cold emptiness that was starting to eat its way through him. Lucifer’s irises were glowing red as he collapsed to his knees, the taste of iron filling his mouth as blood trickled down his lips and jaw. He could see Gabriel and Jack watching in horror, at least I’ll die knowing someone cared. Lucifer thought, his irises fading back to normal tear filled eyes. There was a ringing filling the air, all of Lucifer’s desperate attempts to cling to life were failing. He could hear Michael’s triumphant laughter and his bragging speech about how he killed the serpent again. Lucifer closed his eyes tightly, tears streaming down his face. As the fallen Morning star slowly opened his eyes, they shown for the first time in billions of years, not red, but a brilliant glowing blue.

He slowly closed his eyes again, sending one prayer. One prayer to His father, and to his Michael, and Gabriel and to Jack. One last thing that he needed to get off his chest. “I love you.”

Lucifer’s body surged with an intense blinding light, loud ringing filling the air as a there was a burst of energy. As the light faded, Lucifer lay motionless, two broken wings burned into the ground. Brilliant blue eyes that would never shine again.

Lucifer had been redeemed.

Oh my god, why.

Post link

I still love you

“I love you Michael, please don’t leave me fall.”

The light bringer babbled, watery eyes begged as he clung to his big brother’s torso, to afraid to unfold and trust his own little wings.

“I will never let you fall my little morning star, I shall love you eternally.”

Answered the Holy prince, taking his hand to fly alongside.

“I love you Michael, please… Don’t let me fall.”

The devil muttered, blood came out his lips, watery eyes begged as his hands gripped Michael’s arms desperately.

“ You will fall Lucifer, to an unholy place of torment, you’ve betrayed our father and you’ve betrayed me. I no longer love you.”

Lied God’s viceroy and casted Satan out of heaven.

“…I still love you Michael.. please don’t leave me here!”

Satan cried, mid torture at the mercy of the cage, eyes spilled tears and hands grasped the chains.

Silence then echoed on his head, the commander did not longer answer.

And Lucifer would no longer beg.

AU where: the mark was going to be given to Michael but upon hearing of the consequences it may have, Lucifer volunteers instead to by no means let his brother go through that.

Then when it changes him like it would have changed Michael, he casts him out.

_“it has to be this way, Lucifer, i have to kill you, these are my orders.”

Michael stated, once again, conviction tinted his voice, his tone didn’t once quiver, despite the comander’s own pain, he didn’t want to do it, never truly did, the archangel still loved his little brother, but he couldn’t revel, he couldn’t disobey; the idea had settled on his mind that their father abscence had been his fault as he never completed the one hardest task God had given him, and that he would only be back whenever it was done… he could bring order and peace to heaven, he could give his frightened, fallen and broken siblings their home back, it only rerquired one thing… one mission he hadn’t brought himself to accomplish. kill the little brother he raised, for reasons he never questioned. and yet it seemed too hard, every time he stood before the devil…before the brother he loved the most once upon a time, throught whom he could still see the fledging that didnt want to die. but… it had to be done, and this time would be the one, he would do the right thing.

Lucifer’s head shook with sigh that hid his heartbreak, he had grown tired of the speech he knew by memory, …all those times in the cage, a part of him ignited by anger, hatred that ran through his veins, and the other… shattered with pain, even while he hated him. he still loved him deeply, he never wanted to fight, he never wanted this- the morning start just wanted his brother, above all, wanted him to stand with him. but tired of asking, tired of resiting it didn’t have to be that way- his choice of words changed, nothing of what he could say would change God’s viceroy’s conviction eitherway, so- what was the point?

_“you see- Michael, I’d like to spend a moment not being reminded that my beloved brother’s life mission is to stab my heart. that’d be y’know.. great”

The words flew from his lips with too little care about the amout of truth they held, it didnt matter anymore did it? his arms folded over his chest and his eyes landed on Michael, locking on his. his annoyed tone accompanied by another sigh likewise.

Suddenly, it seemed like the air became heavier, colder even, causing a shiver to ran down the archangel’s spine.. these vessels, they could bring so many sensations, Their hearts could feel too strongly, too deeply and their celestial host could easily feel through them.
Michael fists loosened gradually, softening not only his features but his voice tone, these words weren’t at all what he expected to hear, not even close, and they manged to daze him, and hurt him; all these doubts, hesitation and painful anguish, that perhaps Lucifer never knew of, seemed to settle down on his heart once again, causing a knot on his throat which attempted to drown him, and yet, the commander didn’t quiver in his composure, didn’t break as he very much wanted to.


Michael uttered, letting his head fall momentarily, clenching his teeth just by the thought, for what he was going to do to his own little fledging.

__“I don’t want to do it either, you don’t understand, I love you, little brother but–..”

His speech was interrupted by Lucifer’s voice, louder and angrier this time.

-“Love me my ass! I’m done with your lies! you know what, big bro, just kill me already.”

__“these are not lies, little brother, why is that you don’t believe me?”

Dropping his ward, the oldest archangel walked a couple of slow steps closer to the younger, whose eyes were near lighting up by the rage fed by heartbreak,

-“C'mon really?!”
The devil chuckled, sarcastical and
“right! Because wanting to kill me is the sheer definition of love, sure- forgot that, you know what? All the time in the cage, after you stopped your hourly threats, I thought maybe, just m a y b e, we could get past this…
so what ‘bout you shut your fucking mouth and get to it already.”__

Heaving out a sigh, Michael’s gaze wandered away before it traveled back to his brother’s eyes.
__“I am trying to reach out to you, Lucifer, I don’t want to fight you.“

The holy prince spoke words the morning star didn’t think he would hear either, a frown settled on his face, staring in confusion to his older sibling, but hope wouldn’t arise the easily, he wouldn’t allow it.

-“Yeah? Well, you’re the one who keeps trying to pick a fight.”

Lucifer’s voice was softer now, observing his brother’s every move, he knew Michael, he grew looking up to him, idolising him, he could quickly detect any changes, any oscillation on his behavior-.. was he trying to… disobey?

-“Look i don’t know what’s gotten into you bro but I-…”

__“I love you Lucifer, I don’t lie, and I won’t fight you.”

a stern voice that lingered on the surroundings like an echo to Satan’s ears,
/And I won’t fight you/
Words he wished to hear with burning desire pierced his heart like the Lance was supposed to, for once fool enough to let them take hold of him, and arise blind belief, only because he wanted to believe it. unable to find a proper answer or reaction he simple stared, a little perplexed as the older kept walking closer, and closer… and closer.
-“I’m sorry what?.”
Lucifer could only mutter then, after few seconds that seemed eternal, still unable to fully wrap his mind around it, he kept quiet, bliss grew within the archangel and wrestled with the rest of the confusing emotions he momentarily couldn’t stop.

-“What’s wrong with you Michael?”

Suddenly, as a reason didn’t become clear, everything turned into concern, for him, what had happened to him, it must have been monumental or highly painful for a change like that.
But the younger archangel did not get an answer–

Michael’s jaw clenched, his eyes seemed to fill with pain the more Lucifer’s did the opposite, their reactions went in exact opposite directions, the more the devil easied into the idea of his brother not fighting him, the more he filled with hope, the more heartbroken and sorrowful the Holy Prince would get.

– instead, Michael took a final step, too close to his little sibling to be considered normal, gazing into his eyes, this was way worse.. and more painful, but it was too late to turn his back on his own plan, eitherway, if this had to be this way, if he had to carry this burden, he might as well get one little last beautiful thing out of it, and give Lucifer just the same; leaning closer, a teardrop fell from eye as he closed them.

Lucifer’s hues had followed his movements carefully, silently, and now, he followed his motions, a tad bit spellbound, he loved his brother despite all the hate he had felt, he never stopped loving him, adoring him, which was part of what made it all so painfully angering. They were supposed to love each other, over everything, Lucifer might have loved him over their father, and he had expected just the same…

Back before the fall, it wasn’t odd for their graces to mix and twirl and wrap to each other, this was just a little taste of what it was, just with a vessel.
The commander’s lips brushed against his brother’s, and Lucifer then carried away by it, dropped his ward completely, now totally vulnerable before Michael, there was the mistake…

Suddenly a tear fell over Lucifer’s face and few words were mumbled against his lips.

__“I am sorry, little morning star.”

Lucifer’s eyes opened wide, attempting to struggle, move away but it was too late, Michael snapped his fingers, his Lance forming on his right hand out of thin air went straight through Lucifer stomach, stabbing his heart and the viceroy’s left arm went around the other’s body, moving his face apart from each other, now able to sense his own heart shattering as he observed his scared dying brother he let the tears form and fall from his green pained eyes.

_“There is no other way.”

Lucifer lips pressed together, Michael had betrayed him, lied to his face… tricked him and yet he could not longer feel hate burning within. teeth clenched, and eyes, full of heartbreak stared up at his weeping brother, as he slowly started to feel his knees weak, grace shone from his chest and gradually crawled up to his face, his hands grasped on his brother’s upper arms, his own eyes which flickered on a dim red shed a tear.


Too late maybe- but he understood that this hurt him as much as it hurt himself, this was their father’s fault, not Michael not his, he had made two brothers that loved and love each other do this, and Michael… he was trying to do the right thing, and he was suffering.

–“I… I forgive you..”

The last words struggled to left his lips which poured blood, and then- the brightness reached his face and exploded on a blast of light, Burning the light bringer’s wings on the grass beneath their feet;
the oldest archangel sunk to the ground with his little brother on his arms, tears had stopped by now, his arms clung to him tightly, pressing his vessel against his own chest, staying still as Lucifer wings burned over not only the grass but his body too, peeling his skin away and letting this grace shine. He didn’t understand why he had to do this.. and perhaps he wanted to die as well, but he could not, heaven depended on him. And maybe his punishment for this was that he was forced to live knowing that he had to kill the fledging he raised and loved so deeply.


“What if I fall?” asked Lucifer, his eyes teary. He really was afraid of falling. Michael smiled softly to his little brother. “Oh, my little Morningstar, but what if you fly?” Lucifer was young, his wings were still so smal. Lucifer looked down from the edge of heaven. “Will you catch me if I fall?” Michael spread his giant wings. “Always.” With that, Lucifer jumped. And, well, Michael was there to catch him.

“What if I fall?” asked Lucifer, his eyes teary. He really was afraid of falling. Michael’s eyes were filled with sadness and rage. “You will fall into a unholly place, to a cage ” Lucifer made a mistake, his wings were broken and his grace was wounded. Lucifer looked down from the edge of heaven. “You said you’s catch me if I fall. Always.” Michael raised his blade. “Not anymore” With that, Lucifer was cast out. And, well, Michael just stood and watched.


Lucifer fell in love with Dean… cause he’s Michael. The spitting image of Michael. The way he talks, the way he moves, his laugh, his everything, it was how Lucifer had always remember his beloved brother. It was heaven all over again, it was heaven before the humans were created. Lucifer and Michael were happy.

Dean was supposed to be Michael. The older brother who follows daddy, but in the end, he would choose not to fight Lucifer, not fight Sammy, cause he’s not a monster. Lucifer is Michael’s little brother. Michael would do anything to protect his baby brother.

Maybe Daddy was wrong, Lucifer didn’t love Him above all else, he loved Michael the most. It should’ve been him and Michael to fight against their fate. Lucifer had compared himself and his brother’s relationship to their vessels, Sam and Dean.

But the fallen angel was wrong, “You’re a monster, Lucifer,” Lucifer’s heart broke. No no no, Dean was supposed to say Yes and Michael would be the protective older brother. Not this. This vessel is wrong. So very wrong. Take it back. I’m not a monster. I’m your brother. I miss you so much, Michael.

It should’ve been Dean. It had to be Dean. Not some pathetic half-brother proxy who doesn’t even know what a brother’s love is.

Sam could feel it. Lucifer was also hurting inside. If only Michael could be like Dean, who stood up and fought against fate, maybe the Apocalypse would be averted. But the fallen angel was broken, beyond repair. Michael had his last chance to fix it and that was lost, Lucifer was all alone in this war…


Mornings in Heaven were always the best – waking up in Michael’s arms, their wings just brushing at the tips, sending tiny electric shocks rushing down Lucifer’s spine every time he moved. Leaning in to brush his nose against his older brother’s and watching for the warmth that filled his dark brown eyes as he slowly woke up. The small, private smile that curved the corners of his lips as he took in the sight of Lucifer laying beside him in the Garden, or wherever they had decided to stay the night.

None of that warmth is present in Michael’s eyes when he casts Lucifer out, and it’s pretty hard to hold onto a memory when you’re clearly the only one remembering it, so Lucifer lets it go, the same way he lets so much else go when he falls, and by the time he sees Michael again, wings burned and damaged beyond repair, he’s forgotten how it felt to be whole, and safe, and loved. 


why isn’t this more of a thing

also: God as a dick


Someone do this with meE

not gonna come back, just have no other place to drop this, so here, take this. I’ll jump back into

not gonna come back, just have no other place to drop this, so here, take this. I’ll jump back into the abyss

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