

(Surrogate Special Chapter #2)


I just saw this gif and thought this is better than just using Kun’s gif. I do feel that this is lacking and super fast paced but I wanted to move on from Surrogate. Ideas for this special chapter are given by the readers. 

word count: 4.5k words
genre: fluff, smut
summary: Everything is perfect in your life until a miracle happened.
warnings:being naked in the bathtub, grinding, kissing, oral (female receiving), penetrative sex (but not too explicit), multiple orgasm, breeding (?), mentions of cursing, mention of cheating, punching Yuta multiple times, pregnancy, giving birth, a change in POV

taglist:@meowniee@aiforyuu@roohnyk@a-bts-world@thetwinkrenjun@multiyuta@destinyg237@freshtaledonut@sunshinetaetaev@baehaechannie@ytzvivi​ ​ @yujaesbestiee​​@what-sarah​​@foreverabrunette​​@a-place-filled-with-random​​@anonjyxd​​@joepomonerof​​@iwannabreathetosetmefree​​@brightestmark (These are the users tagged on Surrogate)

You thanked the cab driver after handing him the fare then closed the door gently. It’s a long day from the theater with all the practices for the new Broadway play and you just wanted to get home and relax. You pushed the keys to the house, surprised that the door was open. Your mom is out of the country, hanging out with her friends from your hometown. And it’s impossible that Kun is home. It’s a Tuesday night. 

But as you stepped inside, seeing the small candles lit in the hallway, you realized that it might be him. There were flower petals on the floor as faint jazz music could be heard. Wait. What date is it today? It’s Tuesday, right? 

“Happy Anniversary!” Kun greeted. The dimples on both his cheeks popped as he held a large bouquet of red roses. Oh my God!How stupid Y/N? Why would you forget your anniversary with your husband? You immediately leaned on his chest, muttering an apology. He chuckled, rubbing the back of your head. “It’s my job to always remind you anyway.”

You smiled at him, apologizing again, but he only shook his head and then kissed your lips. “Busy day?” You nodded and he kissed your forehead as if wanting the tiredness to go away. “I hope you didn’t have dinner yet.” 

Kun pulled the chair for you to sit on, taking the napkin to place on your lap. “Are you supposed to be the waiter now?” He laughed as he took the dish from the kitchen. The steak looks so good, it’s mouth-watering. “Did you cook this?” He nodded while slicing the steak into small pieces. “When did you have time to make this?” 

“I had a day off in the hospital today.” You felt bad once again. Why would you even forget your anniversary? And here is your husband who prepared everything just for this day. “Eat first. I’ll just turn off the candles.” 

You smiled then nodded. He outdid himself this year. This is all so romantic: the candles, the flower petals, the bouquet, the candlelight dinner. Kun preparing all of this is much more romantic. You don’t deserve him. 

“Is the steak well-cooked?” You nodded. It was so tender, so juicy. He’s such an amazing cook. You gave him a bite and he smiled, humming that it was cooked well. Kun rubbed the back of your head affectionately while standing up, “Eat lots. I’m going to prepare the bath for you.” 

He’s even going to prepare the bath for you? You feel like a queen now. It’s supposed to be your anniversary, not your birthday. You cannot buy him a gift, it’s too late. So maybe you can share the night with him. “Love,” you called and he hummed from the bathroom. “Do you want to bathe with me?” 

You honestly thought that by the time you marry Kun, nights with sexual interactions would become lesser. You heard it from your customers before how doctors have a busy job and less arousal to their wives, since they see naked bodies all of the time. And it doesn’t help that your husband is an obstetrician. You were worried that he might be so used to seeing women’s vaginas that he wouldn’t like yours. 

But Kun is an attentive husband. He makes sure to give in to your needs. So even if you both have a problem reproducing, intimate moments are still not lost in your everyday life. It isn’t that awkward that you were seated on his lap in the tub, naked from head to toe. “Sorry, I forgot our anniversary.” You whispered, leaning on his chest as he rubbed the shampoo on your hair. “I feel so bad when you do all of these." 

Kun chuckled, his chest vibrating against yours. "It’s alright. I’m not mad or anything. Instead, I’m worried.” You stared at him in confusion before he continued, “You’re too busy. I’m worried you aren’t taking enough care of yourself." 

You returned to your original position, hugging him. "I’m fine. We’re just getting ready for a new production so there’s a lot of preparation. Sorry if you have to worry about me." 

"Are you having fun with your work?” You nodded. This is your dream. 

Along with the stable family you have now. 

“Kun,” he hummed in response, “You are the best thing that happened to me.” You leaned closer to hug him, arms wrapped around his neck. Kun’s hands were rubbing your back in comfort. “I don’t know what will happen to me if I didn’t meet you, love.” 

A chuckle can be heard as you felt a vibration on his chest, “You are my greatest dream, Y/N.” He had always said those words to you. And by now, you knew where this conversation will head to. “You have no idea how thankful I am to meet you again and had a chance to hold you like this.” Words that would always make you swoon. “I’m sorry I cannot give you a child. Everything will be better if…”

“It’s not.” You claimed, hushing him up by putting a finger on his lips. “I’m still happy to be your only baby.” He smiled in that dimpled smile of his, sending butterflies in your stomach. “And it’s been so long since we last had the house to ourselves,” You whispered in a low, erotic voice. “…daddy.” 

Kun pulled you closer, lips placed on top of yours. Your fingers tugged on his hair as he sucked your bottom lip. His nails dig on your skin and a small moan escaped your lips when you felt his hardness rubbing along your thigh. He took this as a chance to slip his tongue inside you, eagerly rubbing himself on you. 

But having sex in the bathtub is a complete no-no. You learned that a hard way when you both slipped because of all the soap suds. He might have noticed your hesitance when he pulled out of the kiss and stared at you with a lot of want in his eyes. “Let’s take you to bed.” 

Kun had always been a people pleaser. With everything he does, he has to succeed and make the people around him proud. It was the same reason that you found, while dating him in New York, his kink. He loves giving head. 

He didn’t care where. Even if it is in the bedroom, the bathroom, even the kitchen, or the living room, he’ll make sure to get you on first by licking and sucking your core. He even gave you head in the backstage of the theater once, then in the dressing room. Even the piano on the stage wasn’t saved. He licked your insides in his office and even when you were lying on the hospital bed with your legs apart.

And you love it. If his fingers were good, his lips were better. You love how he sucks your wetness, how he presses soft kisses after making out with your labia, and how he thrust his tongue inside. You’ll surely orgasm whenever he would suck on your clit. And when he flicks his tongue during your release, a scream would just escape your lips. 

Your husband will always wrap your legs around his head, holding your waist if you’re sitting or your breasts whenever you’re lying down. He makes sure to give you an immense pleasure that would make you squirt on his face. He would always look at you after sucking your soul out of you, dimples on his cheek with your juice shining on his lips and chin. An image that would turn you on immediately, as if he hasn’t given you an orgasm just yet.  

Kun is a gentle person. You have never seen him raging in anger before, he would just hiss whenever he’s annoyed and then smile as if nothing happened. Your friends were scared that one day your husband will just explode all the anger he was hiding inside but it’s been years since you started dating him and his patience is off the hook. His voice is always so calm, whoever he was talking to.  

But that is not the Kun you knew in the bedroom. 

Kun is a beast in bed. Probably all his pent-up anger and emotions were released whenever he let go of himself. He would make loud groaning sounds and curse like there was no tomorrow. He would hold you so close that bruises would start appearing on your hips. An image of him that only you can see. A side of your husband that is exclusively for you. And you wouldn’t mind crying while shaking in orgasm in his arms. 

“Are you alright, love?” he asked in his gentle voice, pushing the hair out of your sweating face. “Am I too rough again?” You shook your head, rolling on your side. He leaned in to kiss your lips, slipping his tongue inside your mouth as he pulled you closer to his nakedness. 

A giggle escaped your lips as you felt him getting hard once again. “Seriously Kun?” He chuckled at the question. “I can still feel your cum dripping out of me." 

"More reason to do it again." 


You had always hated hospitals. The only time that you go to a hospital is your yearly check-up or when you visit Kun, but you prefer to be in the lobby all the time. It’s actually nauseous to think that you’re lying in a hospital bed after fainting from practice. It’s nothing. You have been feeling really bad since the morning and even if your mom told you to skip musical practice today, you insisted to go. Your doctor husband was beside you, still wearing his white gown, holding your hand tight. “Are you my doctor?” 

Kun smiled while shaking his head, kissing your forehead. “I am your husband.” He sat on the chair beside your bed, brushing the loose hair away from your face. “Did you eat breakfast?” You nodded, moaning weakly. “Why didn’t you call me if you’re feeling bad?” 

“I’m fine. I think I’m just tired.” 

The door opened and in came a female doctor wearing the same gown as him. He introduced her as a family medicine doctor and she gushed at how long she had wanted to meet you because Kun cannot stop talking about you. A chuckle just escape your lips, thanking her for all the compliments she threw at you. “We did a series of tests and I think I’m not the doctor who should check you,” She claimed then handed the tablet to Kun. “She’s yours, Dr. Qian.” 

Wait, what? You cannot be pregnant. But Kun’s face looked surprised as he kept looking at the gadget in his hand. “Congratulations on your baby!” 

Kun stared at you in question and you grew worried. All these years of trying and now, you’re pregnant? “Kun it’s been so long since I last saw Yuta and I don’t…” You tried to reason out, making sense of everything. “The anniversary. That was the last time I slept with someone and that’s you.” 

He sat on the edge of your bed, the other doctor excusing herself after your rants. “I know,” he said in a soft voice. “Can you stay for a while? I want to run more tests to confirm that you’re pregnant.” You nodded and he stood up to exit the room, leaving you in your own thoughts. 

Lightly, you touched your stomach. Is it possible that you are pregnant with Kun’s child? 

You should be ecstatic at the news, excited that the long-awaited child is here. But Kun’s face remained stoic as he put the apparatus for the ultrasound on top of your stomach. He was still gentle, asking you if you feel uncomfortable or if anything hurts, but his voice was in monotone. The appearance of a small white bean-looking image made you nervous. 

Ichika was once like that. 

There’s really a child inside you. 

Kun dropped the apparatus beside you and then held the edge of the bed, head bent down so that you cannot see his expression. Is he mad? You called his name but he only stared at you with a light smile on his face, eyes misty. “I’m sorry, I should be professional but I can’t help it.” He started then hid his face with his hand, sobbing. His other hand held your hand, squeezing tight. “I’ll do my best to protect you and our baby.” His voice choking as he said those words. “I promise I’ll do my best as a dad, Y/N.” 

You sat up from the bed, hugging him. He kept on sobbing on your chest, tears threatening to fall from your eyes as well. “And I promise to do my best to protect our baby, Kun.” 

It was your choice to quit the production of the musical. Kun kept on asking if you were sure but all that’s running through your mind is how to keep the baby safe. Your husband is so protective that even if you complain of just a simple headache, he would bring you to the hospital. This was also his reason why instead of him as your obstetrician, he transferred you to his senior doctor. You didn’t mind but it was worrying to see your confident husband being a mess because of his future child.

During the fifth month of your pregnancy, you finally decided that it is time to tell Ichika about the news of her new sibling. Although you talk to them all of the time, you never told them about your pregnancy. You don’t want Ichika to expect too much when you weren’t sure yet if you can keep the baby in your stomach. Kun was the supportive one who actually thought about you giving birth to where your future child’s sister is, reasoning out that he wanted Ichika to be there every step of your pregnancy.

The moment you landed at the airport, he immediately checked if you were feeling different. He kept on asking if he should book an appointment for the obstetrician you’re transferring to and you just laughed at how too protective he is. He volunteered to take the luggage and that he’ll just see you in the waiting area where Ichika and her dads are waiting. 

Your daughter was running when she saw you in the crowd, greeting you with a wide smile on her face. She seemed taller since the last time you saw her but she’s more cheerful. Immediately, you wrapped her in a tight hug muttering how much you missed her. “I’m so happy you’re here, mommy.” She said with a smile, “Where is daddy Kun?” You said that he’s getting the luggage and that he’ll be here. “How about grandma?” 

“She’ll come later.” You claimed just as you waved for Mark. “Daddy and I will stay here for a while.” 

Mark greeted you with a kiss on the cheek, “You look different.” He started, “But a good different though.” Do you? Yuta greeted you as well, asking where your husband is. 

“We were surprised when you said that you’re coming here,” Yuta claimed then waved at Kun. Ichika ran to him and he lightly lift her up. “What’s with the sudden visit?” 

Your husband came beside you, carrying your daughter in his arms. He gave you a knowing look before you started unbuttoning your large jacket and showing your growing bump. You saw how Yuta’s eyes widened and Mark’s lips formed a smile. He shouted an ‘Oh my Gosh’ and your daughter squirmed to get out of Kun’s arms. She stood in front of you, reaching her small hands in front and holding your stomach. “Mommy, you have a baby inside?” 

You nodded, smiling at her. “And your mommy is going to give birth here so you can see your baby brother or sister first.” Kun supplied and the younger girl cheered, shouting that she was going to have a baby sibling that earned looks from the crowd. Yuta had to hush her up and Mark just laughed, congratulating you and Kun. 

“Is Kun the dad?” Yuta asked and you punched his shoulder, blood suddenly boiling at the question. 

You thought the pregnancy is different from when you had Ichika, you didn’t have any morning sickness or any cravings. But what didn’t change is the annoyance you have whenever you see Yuta. You love to punch him, even bite him. Mark would always laugh, saying how the two of you used to be like that when you were pregnant with your daughter. Whenever Yuta would pick up Ichika from school and send her to your home address, he had to rush outside before you could see him. Or else he’ll end up having another bruise before he could come home. 

Ichika is the most excited person about your pregnancy. The same as Kun, she was super protective that she would always make sure that you take your vitamins and eat your meals. During the ultrasound, she was sitting properly beside Kun and just rubbing your hand in comfort. Her eyes lit up at the image on the screen, your husband pointing the baby’s limbs and head. "The baby is a boy.” The obstetrician announced and for the second time in your life, you saw Kun tearing up at the news.

“I’m having a baby brother!” Ichika announced once you arrived at Yuta and Mark’s place. The younger immediately gave you a hug, congratulating you. Yuta had to hug you as well then congratulated Kun for what he claimed as the start of the busiest and most stressful moment in his life. Of course, you had to punch Yuta’s shoulder again which only made both your husbands shake their heads.

Your daughter is a frequent visitor in your home, always keeping you company whenever Kun had to be in the hospital. She would always share things about what happened in her school and even sing songs that they learned in class. Ichika would always read stories to her little brother in her animated voice. “You know daddy Mark is like that when I was pregnant with you,” You shared which made the younger girl confused and wide-eyed. “He always read stories for you and you would always kick inside me.” 

“I did?” She asked and you nodded. “Did that hurt? I’m sorry.” A giggle escaped your lips. She’s so cute. “Will the baby hurt you like that also?” 

You hummed in response, nodding at her. “But it means the baby is healthy so mommy is fine.” You explained as she started rubbing your stomach. “Do you want to talk to the baby?” 

“Will he hear me?” You nodded. The younger leaned into your stomach, her warm hand caressing your stomach as she whispered, “Hi baby.” You smiled affectionately, brushing her hair. “I’m excited to see you. Please come out healthy, my baby brother.”  

Her eyes widened seeing a bump appear on your stomach which made her move away from you and stared at you worriedly. “The baby kicked.” You claimed. Ichika stared at your stomach again, “Can you call him again?” 

“Baby brother,” Another kick. “Mommy, the baby kicked again.”

“The baby likes you.” The glistening eyes of your daughter made you smile. Deja vu. Yuta was the same as before. “You know papa also has that expression the first time he saw you kick.” Ichika blinked her tears and you giggled while pinching her chubby cheeks. 

“You are really Yuta and Mark’s daughter.”   


The moment you gave birth, Ichika backed out from staying inside the emergency room because of the sight of too much blood so it was Mark who came inside with you and Kun. It was another different experience. You were holding Kun’s hands as Mark kept on telling you that you were doing a great job with your breathing and pushing the baby out. When the baby started crying, Kun told Mark to hold the baby first. “I held Ichika first and I felt bad that time.” You giggled at his reasoning. 

But it was Mark who whispered that you were so lucky in marrying Kun when he held the young boy in his arms and he started tearing up. You only nodded watching your baby boy calm down in his father’s arms. “Thank you for being healthy, Theo.” Kun glanced at you then leaned in to kiss your forehead. “I love you, Y/N.”, he whispered. “Thank you for keeping our miracle safe.” 

Theo. God-given. It was Ichika who saw the name in the book and suggested it to Kun. Your little miracle. 

Ichika’s eyes didn’t leave her younger brother when he was brought inside the room for breastfeeding. She was just seated in front of you, looking intently at the smaller boy. “Do you want to hold him?” The younger girl looked surprised then stared at Kun sitting beside her asking if she can do that. Your husband nodded, laughing at her innocent question. 

You kneeled on the bed, gently placing the baby in Ichika’s arms. “What if I break him?” You giggled while shaking your head. The baby started crying and she panicked, eyes darting to you and the baby in his arms.  

Kun suggested calling his name and Ichika followed, whispering “Theo, don’t cry.” The cries become softer so she continued, “Noona is going to protect you, my baby brother.” Then he stopped crying making your daughter smile widely. “He stopped crying.” 

“Theo likes you,” Kun exclaimed and she smiled widely, lightly rocking her little brother to sleep. 


“Mommy!” Ichika called running to where you are, “Papa!” Since Kun is needed in the hospital as a guest speaker, you came with Yuta to pick Ichika up for school. It’s so boring at home although your days are always filled with Theo’s crying. Besides, you promised your daughter that you’ll bring her brother to her school one day. “Theo!” she called cooing at the younger boy inside the stroller. 

The little boy started smiling at his sister, making you smile. You hoped they could get closer like this even if they’re grown up. “Can I show Theo to my classmates?”   

“But make sure that we can still see you,” Yuta claimed and she nodded, leaving her backpack to her father and started pushing the stroller to where her friends are. “She wouldn’t stop talking about how cute her brother is.” He complained and you only chuckled at that. 

From afar you can see how her classmates were huddling in the stroller and Ichika kept on saying, “This is Theo, my younger brother. Isn’t he the cutest?” 

A sigh escaped your lips that made the guy beside you lightly nudge your shoulder, “What’s wrong? You’re thinking deeply.” 

“Well, Kun and I had to go back to New York with Theo. I’m just worried about how Ichika will take it.” You confessed then crossed your arms on your chest, letting out a heavy sigh once again. “Should Theo and I just stay here for Ichika?” 

“And leave Kun alone in New York?” Yuta asked which made you nod. “Your work is also in New York.” Again, you nodded. You just took a leave because you gave birth but the production had already contracted you for the next musical.  

Yuta laughed lightly, “This is supposed to be a surprise but Mark and I had been considering moving to New York.” You had to stare at him in surprise. They’re moving to New York? “Ichika already seemed a New Yorker and it’s closer to Canada, Mark can go visit his family anytime.” He reasoned out, “There are also more flights to other parts of the globe so business is easy.” 

“Are you sure?” 

He nodded, smiling. “When Mark tells you about this, pretend that you’re surprised. He’ll get mad at me for spoiling the surprise.” 

“Yuta,” He hummed as an answer. “I love you.” 

Yuta stared at you with a smile. That lovely smile that always makes you swoon. “I know, Y/N. Don’t overreact.” You punched his shoulder once again making him laugh. “I love you too. So stop punching me, I swear my bruises cannot heal because you’re too violent.” 

You laughed and he rubbed the top of your head, “Call your children, let’s go home.” 


With the last note resonating through the air, I bowed to the applause of the audience. Standing up, I saw how they were all cheering and clapping their hands while standing up. A perfect ballet performance. A dream happening before me. 

I glanced at the people who became my source of inspiration. The people who made everything possible. 

Mommy. Papa. Daddy Mark. Daddy Kun. Theo.

“You were so cool, noona!” My younger brother claimed as he handed me a bouquet of pink roses. “You are better than mommy.” 

Our mom glared at the younger boy which made me laugh. Daddy Mark handed me another bouquet of sunflowers, “You look so pretty on stage, princess. I bet a lot of guys would fight for you.” 

I chuckled before taking the bouquet of carnations from Daddy Kun, “But don’t get a boyfriend yet. You’re still young.” 

“I’m going to shave all your hair if you get a boyfriend without our permission,” Papa claimed while taking the bouquets from my hand which made me laugh. Where did they get all these ideas? 

Mom had to slap Papa’s shoulder which made me and Theo laugh. She held my cheeks, smiling widely. “Don’t listen to them and just enjoy, baby.” From my peripheral vision, I saw how daddy Mark nodded at that. “You are the prettiest.” 

“That’s unfair, I look like you.” She laughed and I beamed at her. 

The person I always look up to. The person I wanted to be ever since I was young. “I’m very proud of you, my daughter.” Tears spring from my eyes at her words. It feels touching hearing those words from someone that you always adored. Theo had to whine, telling me to stop crying because it will make me ugly so I hugged him tight making the four adults laugh at the two of us. 

“Miss Ichika Nakamoto,” a photographer called and they gave me space to talk to him. “Can I take your photo for the local paper?” I nodded, quickly facing my mom to ask if I still look alright and she nodded, assuring that I’m still the prettiest.   

Once done with the photos, I noticed his polaroid camera. It would be good to have a picture of the six of us. “Can you take a polaroid picture of my family?” I asked and he nodded. Immediately, I ask them to stand beside me so we can take a family photo. The photographer looked surprised, telling me that I should pose with my mom and dad first but I shook my head. “There are six of us in the family. Thank you for taking a picture of us.” 

The paper looked so small in my hands, the first complete family picture that we have. A surrogacy baby and a miracle baby together with their three dads and one mom. 

Our inconvenient yet perfect family.

Interested in becoming a surrogate with Canadian Fertility Consulting? This handy infographic will g

Interested in becoming a surrogate with Canadian Fertility Consulting? This handy infographic will get you started with everything you need to know!

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