#sweetdevil sims

sweetdevil-sims:University Life Athletic Hip Hoodie mesh edit for adult malesThis is an edit similarsweetdevil-sims:University Life Athletic Hip Hoodie mesh edit for adult malesThis is an edit similarsweetdevil-sims:University Life Athletic Hip Hoodie mesh edit for adult malesThis is an edit similar


University Life Athletic Hip Hoodie mesh edit for adult males

This is an edit similar to previous ones I’ve done, in which I’ve attempted to make this item into something more presentable-looking.

  • Default replacement, requires the University Life EP!
  • For YA/A males. Categories, textures and presets not changed. If you want a stencil-less version, see below.
  • The “with stencils” version is only a GEOM edit, so it doesn’t conflict with recategorizers (which edit the CASP resource) or texture edits (which edit _IMG resources).
  • The “without stencils” version is a GEOM and _IMG edit, so it will conflict with other stencil removal mods but not with recategorizers. However, this isn’t a serious conflict since it’s just replacing the stencil images with blank ones, which is most likely what the stencil removal mods are doing too, so you can ignore it. But if that’s a concern, just get the version with stencils. This version also replaces the default thumbnails with accurate, stencil-less ones.
  • There’s also a blue preset that pops up when you click the top in CAS, but isn’t present among the rest of the presets. This is standard EA behavior.

Download (choose one, both are DR):

With stencils: SFS|Mega
Without stencils: SFS|Mega

Post link


So there’s this guy…

Keep reading

Replies below the cut, but first I just want to say thank you all so, so, SO much for your advice and support. I can’t even begin to express how much it means to me. I know this sounds corny as hell, but I would be lost without you guys.

@wannabecatwriter I think he seems pretty cool too, but that’s the problem, lol. I don’t know why such a cool guy would flirt with me of all people, especially when there are far more attractive women in our building. But thank you for the encouragement! It means a lot to me.

@hunterthewriterworld Thank you so much for the great advice. What you said about enjoying/exploring life is exactly what I needed to hear. All too often my anxiety takes over and tells me to hide from new experiences, but I made a promise to myself that this year I’d try to break out of my comfort zone. After all, what’s life without a little adventure? :D

@sweetpyxels I completely agree. It is tricky. I just don’t want to get hurt, and I haven’t dated in so long that I’m scared of reading him/the situation incorrectly. I was burned by some bad experiences when I was younger, and I’d since resigned myself to spinsterhood with my sims for company. XD I don’t know what his intentions are, but either way I think you are right. I should give it another date (if he shows any interest) before making a decision. Thanks for your response! ♥

@hula-zombie Very true! I love how phrased it too. :D Boundaries are important, but I think I’m going to just go with the flow and “lean into it” as you so brilliantly put it. Thank you for the comment. I really appreciate it! *hugs*

@suratan-zir I told you this already, but I just want to thank you again. Your words helped me see past my own insecurities, and I am so grateful to you for reaching out. *hugs*

@heavensims Thank you so, so much, heaven! ;-; The compliment is undeserved, but it means the world to me that you think so. I’m not sure if it’s going to end up being anything at all, but I’m genuinely touched by your support. Thank you again. <3

@nectar-cellar Surprisingly, I do enjoy the flirting, lol! I’ve never flirted much before, but I am beginning to see what the appeal is. :D But yes, your advice is absolutely on point. If he’s just looking for a fling, I will have to decide whether I am okay with that, and as you so aptly said honor my standards. I have a very, very bad habit of not being able to say no to people, mostly in terms of family obligations and work related things, but it’s gotten me into trouble in other areas of my life before as well. So definitely something I need to keep in mind. Thanks for the comment!

@simlicious Awesome advice, thank you so much for sharing! ♥ I did not realize that about Ryan Reynolds, but that’s an excellent point. The “judging a book by its cover” thing goes both ways, and I am definitely guilty of judging this man based on his appearance. And that’s just as unfair as him judging me. But yeah, I am going to try to follow your wise words and just enjoy the moment. And try not to stress about it too much, lol. Thanks again for the comment!

@technicallyswagpizza Haha! Either the start of a cheesy Christmas movie or the beginning of ones of those tragic made-for-TV horror movies. :P But you’re right. I don’t want to regret that I never tried. Thanks for your support. ♥

@drawing-way-outside-the-lines Absolutely. So, so true. Thank you for reminding me of that. All too often I let my anxiety take over my brain and drown out the big picture, but I need to remember to live for today. I really appreciate your encouragement. *hugs*

@batsheba Thank you, batsheba! Trying not to blush as I type this, but I think I am going to see what happens with him. :) (Also, I’m so happy that you’re around simblr again/still! You’ve always been such a bright spot in the community for me, and I’m so glad you’re here. *sends all the hugs*)

@lilidebergerac I’ve never succeeded at the whole having-fun-with-no-strings-attached thing either, but then again I didn’t go into those relationships with that as my frame of mind. But your advice is spot on. I need to figure out what I want/expect so that I don’t get too attached. Anyway, thank you very much for your response! You’ve given me a lot to think about.

@mysimsloveaffair Aw, thank you! I’m happy that it made you smile. :) I thought it was super sweet of him to leave me that note, lol. And so totally unexpected! But yeah, “just have fun” sounds like a good mantra for me. Anyway, I appreciate your advice. It means a lot to me!

@ktarsims You’ve given me so much to think about! Thank you so much for replying! I will have to keep all that in mind, for sure. It could get uncomfortable I suppose, but then again we’re not coworkers so it might be okay. But yeah, going to watch out for those red flags. Thanks again for your wonderful input! ♥

@pudding-parade I was so surprised by that note! I’m glad you think it’s sweet and not, like, the hallmark of a player or something, lol. But anyway, testing the waters is a great way to look at it. I do think that I will just go with the flow for now and try to enjoy myself. The attention is very flattering, so I may as well have fun with it. :D

@martinessimblr Martine! *hugs* LOL about Jim and Pam. What a comparison, haha! :D But thank you so much for the encouragement. It means a lot to me.

@asimplekindoflifestyle Aw, thank you!!! I truly appreciate your support. <3

@sweetdevil-sims Very true! I think that the pacing is going to be sorta critical. Like, if he pushes for too much too soon, well then I will know what he is after, lol. And also, major amen to your safety comment! I doubt it will go that far (because really, he’s so far out of my league…), but even so it’s important to keep it in mind. Thanks for the reply!
