#taehyung breakup


007 solace

genre: angst, fluff

word count: 1438

summaryBright.  Sunny. Easy. Amazing. Spontaneous. That’s how life was when you had Taehyung. That’s how life was when you had the most amazing boy in your grasp. That’s how it was when you were in love, and you were loved back. Dull. Dreary. Colorless. Dismal. That’s how life is now. That’s how life is now that Taehyung isn’t here anymore. That’s how it is now that everything is ruined. Taehyung doesn’t love you anymore. 

a/n: i wrote this in an hour and it’s kinda shitty enjoy - teri

       To be fair, you always knew that Taehyung would do anything to achieve his dream. You knew that no matter how much he loved someone, his dreams always came first. You first met before BTS debuted, but now that they’re making it big, he chose them over you.

      Taehyung would tell you that BTS is his dream, but you’re there also. You’re his dream, too. However, since he chose the music over you, you’re not sure how true the latter is.

      It was a Sunday, the boys always had Sundays off to spend with friends or family or just to relax. You always looked forward to Sundays, the one day you could be with Taehyung without any complications. He would come home early in the morning, and you’d be waiting with open arms and a warm breakfast in the kitchen. The Sunday everything went wrong, though, he didn’t come home early in the morning. He called you around 10, telling you that he’d be home soon, and that he needed to talk to you about something. You were worried, being with Taehyung was always so easy and effortless and he usually left butterflies in your stomach but now all he left was anxiety and dread.

      He opened the door half an hour after he called you, and you walked down the stairs quickly, taking his bag from him to set it on the ground and hug him, like you usually did. You wrapped your arms around him, but were met with nothing in return. “What’s going on, Tae?”

      He sighed, motioning for you to sit on the couch. He wanted you to be sitting when he told you this. “Y/N, I want you to know something.”

      You were now terrified. Taehyung couldn’t even look you in the eyes, it’s as if he was too scared to meet your gaze. He was never like this, you thought to yourself. “Okay, tell me.”

      “No, I need you to know this.” He sighed, finally meeting his eyes with yours as he sat on the ottoman in front of you. “I needyou to know that you didn’t do anything wrong. I need you to know that this is all me, Y/N.”

      You didn’t need him to continue. In fact, it was the last thing you wanted. You already knew what he was going to say. Though you knew what he was going to say before he said it, it didn’t lessen the blow or make it hurt any less. “Please don’t.” You whispered subconsciously. It was a kind of trust you had with him. You’d been together for so long, you didn’t expect anything like this. “Don’t say it, please.”

      Taehyung could hear the somber in your voice, he could tell that you were close to tears. That in turn made him just as upset. He hated that he had to do this. “I think that we should break up.”

      The words hurt even more than you thought they would. You didn’t think it was real, it didn’t feel real. It felt like you were in a nightmare. Wake up, wake up, wake up, you told yourself. You clenched your eyes shut, trapping the tears behind your lids. “Tae,” You started, tears escaping when you opened them. “Why are you doing this?”

      Taehyung didn’t think of this part. He choked back sobs as he got up from his seat, grabbing the bag by the door. “I just had to. I’m sorry.” He felt like the biggest moron in all of history. Taehyung /was/ the biggest moron. “I’ll be back later this week to get my stuff.”

         And he was gone, and the world was suddenly black and white. The house felt empty, despite all his things still being there. By the end of the night, you were sure you had cried as much as you could. The cushion next to your head was stained with tears and you couldn’t feel anything.

      That’s how it stayed for a while.

      It was sixteen days before you heard anything from Taehyung. You missed his voice, you missed his touch, you missed the jokes and the silly faces. You missed how genuine he was. You just missed him. He texted you early that morning. The vibration of your phone awoke you at five in the morning.

[5:12AM Taehyung]: Will you be home today?

      He called it home. You felt a pang in your heart, but you decided to ignore it.

[5:13AM You]: yeah i’ll be here. are you coming to get your things?

[5:13AM Taehyung]: I’ll be there around noon. Go back to sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you.

      You scoffed as you locked your phone. As if he actually cared, you thought to yourself. You sighed. There was no way you’d be getting back to sleep now.

      You got up, took a shower, cleaned the house and by the time you got all that done, it was a quarter to noon. As you waited for Taehyung, you turned on the news. The only thing they’d broadcasted was about the breakup and BTS’ future as they get more and more popular. Though it hurt, you had to see Taehyung’s face. You just wanted to know how he was, it didn’t seem appropriate to ask him about his life as he stripped your house of his belongings and left you alone.

      The door opened and you were alarmed at first, forgetting that he had a key. Taehyung first noticed you on the couch, same spot you were sitting in when he broke your heart. He saw the TV on, his face currently on the screen. They were discussing the break up. “How can you watch this shit?” He called out.

      You didn’t turn around. You thought you might break down again if you did. “I had to live it Tae. Have to. A news broadcast can’t hurt me any more than I already am.” You couldn’t lie, you were trying to make him feel guilty for how he left things. Maybe he could just tell you he hated you and make things a little easier.

      “Y/N, I’m sorry.”

      “So you’ve said. I left some boxes upstairs if you need them for your things.” You said. You still hadn’t looked at him.

      “Can I see you?” Taehyung asked hopefully.

      “For what?” You answered, “What does it matter?”

      You felt a strong hand on your shoulder, an action that caused you to turn around and meet eyes with the man who’d broken your heart. “What?”

      “I didn’t come here to get my stuff, Y/N.” Taehyung started as you got up and finally met him face to face. “I came here for you.”

      You stayed silent, just in case this was a dream.

      “I didn’t break up with you because I wanted to. Trust me, that’s the last thing I wanted, Y/N.”

      “I don’t believe you. Sounds like bullshit to me.”

      “I love you. I’m in love with you. I’ve never been more afraid in my entire life. These past few weeks have been hell for me. All I wanted to do was call you and make things right.” He started, tears beginning to leave his eyes. Out of instinct, you brought your hand up to his face to wipe them away. “I… I didn’t leave because I wanted to. The PD scared me. He told me that you’d never want to marry a man who was constantly performing and going on tour. He said you’d never want to settle down with a celebrity. I thought he was right, and it terrified me.”

      Tilting your head, you brought another hand to his face to cup his cheek as the tears started to fall again. “I already have settled down with you, Tae. We live together. I don’t care that you’re famous. I know this is what you want, I know that you won’t always be around whenever I want you to, but all I want is for you to be happy. I want you to be happy with me.”

      Taehyung wrapped his arms around you and kissed your temple. “Marry me, and I’ll always be happy.”
