#taehyung one shot


You could´ve been nicer (BTS)

Summary: How do the boys react to you saying “I think you could´ve been nicer to me today?” y´all probably know this trend from social media lolol


Kim Seokjin

You´ve been sitting on the couch in his office while he was working on a project his manager had sent him. Since he´s been working the whole day, you found yourself different kinds of activities to keep yourself busy but as time was passing by you got bored. You were scrolling through your social media when one particular trend caught your eye and made you look up at Jin. “Jin?” you called him carefully trying to sound insecure. “Hmm?” he answered without looking up and you rolled your eyes. “Can we talk for a second?” you asked while putting your phone away. “Sure what´s up?” he answered while he kept working and you sighed audibly pulling at all your acting skills. That sound made him finally look up and he searched for your eyes. He raised his brows trying to understand what was happening. “You know what, forget about it. You´re busy,” you said and he scoffed. “Babe, that´s not how we play,” he said getting up from his seat and joining you on the couch. “What´s wrong?” he asked and all his attention was now on you. Suddenly you felt nervous and tried really hard not to burst out laughing. “I know you´re really busy right before you guys start touring.” you started and looked down on your hands, avoiding his gaze so you wouldn´t break character. “I just think you could´ve been nicer to me today,” you said with a tiny voice and his confusion grew by the second. Yes, he has been busy the last days but he wasn´t aware that he treated you harshly. “I´m sorry I made you feel that way. I wasn´t trying to hurt you.” he apologized taking your hand carefully into his and you felt bad immediately. “Hey,” he said putting his other hand under your chin and made you look up. He was looking really sorry and you could see him working his brain about how he could make it up to you. “I was joking” you burst out because you couldn´t hold back anymore. His changing features made you laugh out loud and you cupped his face. “I´m sorry! I´m sorry.” you apologized immediately while cupping his face with your hands and he rolled his eyes. “ I saw this trend where people prank their loved ones to see how they react.” you tried to explain but he closed his eyes and pushed you away by your shoulders, so you rolled back while laughing and holding your belly. 

“You´re such a child,” he said while getting up and walking back to his chair. His annoyance was playfull and made you smile even more. “I was really worried for a sec.” he admitted and you chuckled while walking up to him and hugging him from the back. You placed a kiss on the crook of his neck and pressed your cheek against his. “I love you, baby. I wanted you to loosen up a bit because you looked so tense the whole day.” He turned his chair around to look at you and he had a smug smile on his face. “There are other ways for me to relax you know,” he said suggestively while resting his hands on the sides of your thighs and moving them up and down and you rolled your eyes swatting his hands away. “Shut up. Go back to work.”

Kim Taehyung


You were on your drive back home. You´ve been to Taehyungs parents house for dinner and he´s been tense the whole day trying to make it enjoyable for everyone. You loved his parents and they returned the same feelings. But Tae was still afraid that you could feel unwanted somehow. He was quiet the whole ride home, probably overanalyzing everything that happened. To pull him out of his thoughts you decided to pull a prank on him. As soon as he parked he looked at you and you smiled at him. “How was it?” he finally asked and you chuckled. “Your parents were really sweet. Your mom even asked me if you were treating me right.” you said and got ready to act. “I told her everything she wanted to hear, and you are usually the best but..” you started but he interrupted you immediately. “Wait, did something happen?” he asked worriedly and your heart missed a beat at his worried features. “I mean it isn´t a big deal and I know you were nervous but…” you stalled and he got impatient. “But what?”

“I think you could´ve been nicer to me today, Tae.” you lied and his widened at you words. “What did I do?” he asked now rethinking the whole day and trying to find the issue. “I don´t know you could´ve just been nicer.” you held up the act and he furrowed his brows. “Babe you need to tell me what I did, so I can change it. I wasn´t trying to be mean to you, I´m sorry. I was just so nervous and I wanted you to like my family and my family to like you. Maybe I did something trying to make everything perfect. I was just trying to…” he started rambling and you cupped his face to kiss him and made him shut up. “I was joking.” you smiled against his lips and he growled immediately and pulled away. “You were so tense the whole day and I had to show you how unnecessery it was.” you tried to explain but he was mad. “Oh come on. It was just a joke.” you chuckled and poked his side. “We got along very well. And you are treating me right. No doubt.” you said and nudged his shoulder with your nose and places a kiss on there. “Come on. You can pout over a nice bowl of bugae jjigae.” you said and patted his chest when he was not reacting to your words. You knew he lived for that. “Is it my moms?” he spoke up finally and you chuckled while opening the car door. “Yes she packed us some.” you answered while standing outside and he got out too. “Did the dinner really go well?” he asked over the top of the car and you rolled your eyes. “Yes Tae. Now shut up and come inside.” you said and walked over to take his hand and pull him inside.

Kim Namjoon


You were watching Tv with Namjoon and Yoongi in the livingroom. They were both looking at the Tv when you decided you would pull a prank on them. “I think you could´ve been nicer to me today.” you said into the room and both of them looked up at you. “Who? Me?” Namjoon asked and you nodded. “You could´ve been a little nicer.” you said again and Yoongi was visibly uncomfortable which almost made you laugh. “How?” Joon asked and sounded really sorry without even knowing what he did. “Nevermind.” you pressed out because you had a hard time surpressing the smile that was creeping up. “You brought it upon yourself with choosing him as your boyfriend” Yoongi joked trying to save the situation and you looked down because you couldn´t hold back your smile anymore. “No, shut up.” Namjoon said to his elder and sounded really serious while Yoongis eyes widened at how he was treated by his friend. “Don´t say that. What did I do?” he asked and turned towards you. You couldn´t hold back your laugh anymore and burst out while holding your belly. “I´m sorry. I was just joking!” you howled and both of them looked annoyed immediately. Before Namjoon could say anything back, Yoongi turned to Namjoon and glared at him. “Did you just tell me to shut up?” he growled and you could see Namjoon getting nervous which made you laugh even harder. “Hyung…” he started but Yoongi just turned his head away. “The audacity…” he said and crossed his arms over his chest. “He´s right. You could´ve been a little nicer to him.” you said now laughing uncontrollably and Namjoon glared at you. “Oh, shut up.”

A/N:Part 2 with the other members will follow. How did you like it? Part 3

A/N: I just watched their argument with Tae and it kinda broke my heart. So here is an imagine about it lol I ain’t taking any sides please don’t come for me dvjdbd


You’ve heared about it before you’ve seen Jin that day. Somehow they let this tiny topic grow into something personal and the tension in the suite was almost visible. You couldn’t be there with the boys while they talked it over because the crew was filming which probably didn’t help the two. When everybody left to go to their rooms you walked by a sniffling Teahyung. Even though you were on your way to Jin you stopped in your tracks. “Hey, wait a sec.” you said and put your hand gently against his shoulder before going towards Jin. You glanced around the corner and saw him sitting there with his eyes fixed on the floor. You knew he wasn’t feeling good but you also knew how hard Tae was taking these things and your older sister feelings didn’t let you leave him.

“Alright. Let’s go.” you said after checking on Jin and went to Tae’s room. He had a full on crying session and didn’t seem to be able to stop so you just embraced him in a big bear hug until he was only hiccuping from crying too much. “I know I should’ve told him in a better manner but I was never once trying to offend him!” he tried to explain while blowing his nose into the napkin you gave him. “Tae I’m not going to say who was right and who was wrong. I wasn’t there with you guys. Also it doesn’t matter who did what if both of you felt hurt.” you tried to explain. “I know what you were aiming at but with Jin you have to see that he has his own insecurities as you do yourself. And today you kinda put salt in some of his wounds. I know you did it unwillingly and with good intention but it happens. That’s just how we work as humans.” you said and pat his head. “I just don’t want him to dislike me. I just wanted the show to be perfect for our fans.” he said and his voice broke towards the end and he started sobbing again. “Oh come on Tae. I thought you agreed on going out together to grab a drink. It’s not the end of the world and he could never dislike you. He could dislike me but not you belive me.” you joked and he rolled his eyes but you managed to draw a little smile from him. “You’re his brother. Siblings fight and forget about it. Just don’t act like nothing happend, talk about it with him.”

“Thank you, noona.” he said and stood up to give you a hug. “Sleep well. Tomorrow things will be less bad I promise.” you said and pat his back before pulling away and leaving his room.

Back in Jin’s room you saw him lying in bed with his back facing the door. Only the bedside lamp was filling the room with a dimm light. “Jin?” you whispered to see if he was asleep. “Aren’t you going to sleep in his room?” he asked with an icy voice and your breath catched in your throat. You had to swallow your pride big time and it took you all your willpower to not just walk back out. “If you’re trying to hurt me, congrats you did. Now do you want to talk or sleep?” you asked but he didn’t answer. He knew what he said was over the line. Especially since you had nothing to do with the problem. He was just upset that you went to comfort Tae before him. He knew he was being childish but he couldn’t help it. You walked over to his side of the bed and sat down on the floor to be eyelevel with him. His eyes were closed and he wasn’t moving an inch. You blew gently into his face so his bangs were flying back and he opened his eyes after blinking a few times. “Hi there grumpy.” you smiled at him and he avoided looking into your eyes. “I’m sorry.” he mumbled and you chuckled while putting your palm against his cheek. “Apology accepted.” you assured him and he turned his head to kiss the inside of your hand. “How’s he?” he asked after a moment of silence and glanced up to look into your eyes. “He thinks you don’t like him anymore.” you whispered with a tiny bit of amusement in your voice and he groaned while sitting up and pulled at his hair. “He drives me crazy.” he said and looked up at the ceiling. You got up from the floor and sat down next to him.



“You need to stop using your age as an excuse when it comes to people critisizing you.” you said carefully and you felt immediatly how he went into defensive mode.

“Are you taking his side?” he said and sounded really offended.

“No, Jin. I’m not taking anybodies side. I wasn’t there.” you tried to explained yourself but he cut you off.

“Then don’t comment on it.” he snapped and you chewed the inside of your cheek. You had to try and not get offended by this. You didn’t want to throw this out of proportion. “He is younger. He should know how to talk to me.” he mumbled and that made you get up from the bed. “Forgive us your highness.” you said and bowed infront of him to show him how ridiculous ge was acting. You raised an eyebrow and he rolled his eyes.

“Jin.” you started again. “I know he hit some sensitive spots but he wasn’t trying to. He was nervous and wanted the show to be perfect.”

“And I didn’t?” he said pointing at himself. You sat back down beside him and took his hands into yours. “I know that you always try to cheer the boys up. I know you’re insecure about your age and you’re afraid that you won’t fit in anymore. You’re afraid of not being enough. And someone critisizing you just feeds those fears. I know.” you say and cup his face with your hands. His eyes filled with tears unwillingly and a single tear escaped the corner of his eye. You wiped it away with your thumb and smiled at him knowingly. “Siblings fight.” you said and placed a butterfly kiss on his nose. “Just don’t let this get to you. And definetly don’t let this get in between you two.” You gave him a kiss on his lips and when you pulled away he had a soft smile on his lips.


The next morning you woke up in an empty bed. There was a note put on the pillow next to you. “Went to grab a drink with Tae.” it read and you smiled to yourself. You streched your limbs before getting up and walking to the bathroom. You were standing right infront of the bathroom door when the door flew open suddenly and Jin and Taehyung screamed in your face making you jump. You shrieked and pressed your hands against your chest out of fear. You didn’t open your eyes until your heartbeat came down again and your breathing calmed down. Both of them were laughing their ass off when you opened up your eyes and glared at them. “Are you out of your fucking mind?!” you yelled at them and hit both of them on the back of their heads. But they were unfazed and kept laughing in unison. “I’m not talking to either of you. You were being a big dick yesterday even though I did nothing.” you said and pointed at Jin who’s laughter died down immediatly,”and you cried the whole night for what? This?! Next time I’ll let you fight each other to death. I don’t care.” you said and pushed past them into the bathroom and locked the door.

“Noona it was just a joke. We wanted to thank you.” you heared Taehyung yell from the otherside of the door while knocking gently. “Babe come on. It was funny.” Jin begged while also knocking but you ignored them. You weren’t really angry at them. Not at all. You were happy that they got over it. So you kept brushing your teeth with a big smile while they tried to make it up to you.

A/N: I don´t know what this is lol In which you fight with Tae and y´all are salty but also fluffy end Enjoy! short lil drabble

“Can you turn the volume down?” you asked Tae who was gone into the TV Show he was watching. You’re migrane was starting and loud noises and too much light was triggering it even more. Tae did’t seem to hear you since he didn’t move an inch. The laughter coming from the TV was like needles being shoved down your brain so you got up and left the room without disturbing him more. You went into your bedroom and sat down on your bed, resting your back against the headboard. It was too early to take your migrane meds so you tried everything lese to loosen up a bit. You had your eyes closed trying to shut down when the door flew open and banged against the wall which made you flinch and caused your headaches to worsen. “The fuck?” you cursed and glared at Taehyung who was standing in the doorframe. “Sorry.” he apologized and put on a tiny smile. He was a little confused why you overreacted like that but he brushed it off. “Do you want to go out and eat?” he asked but you closed your eyes again trying to move and speak as little as possible. “No.” “Oh…’kay.” he said and when you didn’t move he closed the door and left the room.

When your neck pain started you got up to take a shower and saw that the house was empty. He must´ve left to get himself something to eat. You didn´t think anything of it until your phone rang and a very loud Taehyung met your ear. “Babe do you want anything?” he yelled because the background noises were hella loud. “Taehyung I really don´t need anything.” you answered annoyed, not at him but at your headaches. The problem was that he didn´t now about that.

When he came home you were lying on the couch dozing off and woke up to him entering the house. “I´m home!” he yelled through the halls and you wanted to punch yourself. “Let´s eat something and then we can go out with the boys. The want to go to a karaoke…” 

“Can you be quiet just for once!” you interrupted him and were not aware of how mean you sounded. You were suffering really bad and just wanted to be alone. “What?” he said totally baffled and walked over to you. You were now sitting with your head inbetween your hands. “I don´t want to eat out, I don´t want to go out singing with the boys! I just want to be alone, don´t you get that?” you said and he watched you in disbelief. “Why are you being a bitch about it?” he said and was obviously hurt. “Excuse me?” you said now mad because he called you a bitch and got up from where you were sitting. “Can´t you just tell me what´s going on without snapping at everything I say?” he said and you huffed. “I told you several times. But you keep pushing me to do something.” you answered him trying not ot yell at him because it made your head aches worse. “Sorry for wanting to spent time with you. Won´t be doing that ever again.” he said and turned away from you. “You know that´s not what I meant. I just needed to be alone. I still do.”

“I´m leaving then.” he said after a minute of tension filled silence. “Whatever.” you said because you didn´t have the strength to fight with him. As you went into the bedroom you heared the front door slam shut. 

Later that night, after midnight, you were standing in the kitchen and drinking a glass of water when he came back. He stood in the doorframe and looked at you. His feelings were still hurt, really hurt. But he was worried why you were hurting and acting this way. He was a little tipsy but not drunk. He just wanted to hug you and forget about it but you still seemed tense. “Are we still fighting?” he asked into the silence and you didn´t look at him. “Yes.” His shoulders slouched at your answer and he walked into the living room and crashed on the couch. 

It was only a few hours later when you stumbled out of the bedroom. The headaches turned into an unbearable pain and you decided to take another migrane pill. Suddenly it felt like thunder strikes were exploding in your head and your knees gave in. You crouched down and pulled your head inbetween your knees whimpering because of the pain. “Tae.” you tried to call him but your voice wasn´t loud enough. 

Tae didn´t wake up to your voice but to the loud thud of a body slamming on the floor. He blinked a few times because he was a little disoriented when he found himself in the livingroom. He stretched his limbs and that was when he heared your whimpers. “Tae..” your voice was tiny and barely audible. “Y/N?” he called out your name and got up from his place. He almost stumbled over you while he went to switch on the light. The way he found you turned on his protector mode on immediatly. 

“Babe?” he said and tried to stay calm while turning you onto your back. You were knocked out. He picked you up immediatly and carried you over to the bathroom and put you inside of the shower. He put on the cold water while holding you in his arms because you were overheating. “I shouldn´t have left.” he mumbled to himself and brushed his fingers through your hair to keep them out of your face. As your body temperature came down you regained consiousness and woke up to a soaked worried looking Tae. “Hey, can you hear me?” he asked immediatly as he you you blinking. You groaned as an answer and grabbed his soaked shirt. “Cold.” you managed to press out and he acted immediatly. He pulled you out of the shower and undressed you to your underwear and wrapped you inside of a towel. He sat you down on the toilet gently and got rid of his own wet clothes. After that he guided you towards the bedroom and searched up some comfy clothes for you to put on. You let your head fall forward onto his shoulder as he was putting on your socks. “I´m sorry.” you mumbled against his chest and you felt him shaking his head. “Shh. Lay down.” he said and put his hand on your neck to guid you to the pillow. He put you down gently and you must´ve knocked out right after because you don´t remember anything after that. 


Tae called your doctor and he explained to him that your symptoms were normal for someone who suffered from migranes. You needed rest. When you woke up in the morning you could already smell the coffee which was weird because you were the only one drinking coffee in this houshold. Your whole body felt sore as if you had run a marathon. You picked yourself off the bed and walked slowly towards the kitchen. There he was in standing at the kitchen counter with his back facing you in his flannel pants and a grey tshirt hanging from his shoulders. His hair was haning into his face and had lost it´s poof since he must´ve played with it a lot - which he did when he was nervous. You walked over to him on your tipy toes and hugged him from behind, wrapping your arms around his middle and resting your cheek against his shoulderblades. “Good morning.” you greeted him carefully. He let out a deep breath and you guessed that he was still mad at you which made you chew your bottom lip. “Are we still fighting? I´m sorry I snapped at you like that. I didn´t know how to handle myself and I took it out…”

“I´m so glad you´re okay. You fucking scared me last night.” he interrupted you and turned around in your arms to hug you back. You looked up into his brown eyes and he was glancing through his fringe. You pushed his hair out of his face t have a better look at him and stood on your tippy toes to give him an apologizing kiss on his lips. “I´m sorry.” you apologized against his lips after you pulled away. “I´m sorry.” he answered and leaned his forehead against yours. 


A/N: In which he thinks you´re a sasaeng fan and it leads to a bad outcome. Or does it? sjcjsdb It´s a little jumpy written sorry ´bout that 

You were running towards the elevator because you saw the door open and wanted to reach it before it closed again. Getting the elevator in this hotel was a pain in the ass since it had 35 floors. As soon as you reached the elevator you stuck your hand out and stopped the doors from closing. You were breathing heavily when you stepped in and apologized immediatly. “Sorry everyone.” you said out of breath and when your eyes met the ones from man standing inside the elevator you swallowed hard. It was Kim Taehyung. You turned away immediatly and stared at the closed doors the whole time not looking at him on purpose. You glanced at the numbers and thanked god as you saw the 24 already glowing. Being a celebrity must suck, you thought while keeping your gaze glued to the door. Everybody always approaching you and the lack of privacy…gruesome. The elevator climed all the floors until it reached 24. A loud ping echoed through the tiny room and the heavy doors opened to a well lit hallway. The artist stepped out first since he was standing in front and you followed him. When he turned the same corner as you things got a little awkward because it looked like you were following him. Until he reached his door and you walked past him. Your room was at the end of the hallway and as soon as you reached your door you went inside. You let go your breath you didn’t even know you were holding. That was extremely nervewracking. To be honest though: He was a really handsome man. Even more handsome in person.


This elevator crap happened four times the following week and things got weirder everytime. You two did not greet each other and he kind of seemed annoyed all the time which was understandable considering his hectic lifestyle. It was a thursday afternoon and you went back to your hotel after you set last things in your gallery. You still had a few things to do to be prepared for your art exhibition tommorow. But you had all evening to do them. You walked to the elevator and pressed the button. As soon as the doors opened you stepped in and stood in the back. When you noticed that no one was coming you stepped forward to press 24 when the man himself walked in. You almost bumped into his chest but both of you froze in place. “Sorry.” you mumbled but he ignored it and stood in the back of the elevator. You moved along to press the button and the doors closed. Through the reflection of the metallic doors you saw him take out his phone and text something. You relaxed a little thinking that he forgot all about you when he spoke up.

“Hey, you.” his deep voice cut through the air like a sword. Your whole body tensed up when you heard his icy voice. “Pardon?” you said and turned around not believing that he just called you with “Hey you.”.

“What are you doing here?” he asked again as if he was entitled to something and your nervousness turned into something else. “Excuse me?!”

“There is no excuse for what you are doing no matter how much you like us. If you think that we’ll be flattered you’re wrong..”

“What are you…?” you tried to interrupt him but he just went over you like it was nothing.

“I tried to ignore you. But whenever I get into this elevator you’re here and you follow me to my floor. I guess I shouldn’t have gone to my floor the first time we met.”

“Are you out of..” you tried again but he wasn’t listening at all.

“Look nobody likes sasaeng fans. Nobody. You’re invading our privacy and that’s annoying. “

If the elevator wasn’t reaching your floor anytime soon you would jump this idiot and rip him to pieces. You glanced at the numbers and thankfully you were already at 23.

“Excuse me but..”

“No! There is nothing to excuse. I texted my manager and he called the cops.” he said and turned away from you and stepped forward.

“Wait what are you…?”

Ping! The doors opened and two men in black suits escorted him out while two police officers grabbed you by your arms and held you back from stepping outside.

“Excuse me! Let me go! I didn’t do anything!” you yelled now but there were looking unfazed. “Yeah yeah, they never do.”


“Sir please let me go. I have an exhibtion tommorrow and there are things I need to finish before I can open up my gallery. Please.” you tried to explain yourself at the station while the police officer was checking your data.

“I have a room on the same floor. I never followed him anywhere. I’m not even a fan I just know that they make good music. Please I have to go.” you practically begged and as time passed you stopped talking because there was no chance you would make it in time.

After they checked everything and found out that you were telling the truth it was 4am in the morning. You were mad, you were exhausted and you were angry as fuck. “We’re so sorry.” a higher ranking police officer, you assumed by his stars on his shoulders, stopped by and apologized in everyones name. “You just did your job sir. I won’t be able to hold my exhibtion tomorrow. I’ll send you an invitation if I ever get the chance again.” you said and faught back the tears.


It was 6am when you reached your hotel room and everthing in you told you to step down his door and punch him in the face. You told everyone in charge that you were not able to hold the exhibtion tomorrow and that you’d meet up with everyone to clear things up. You found a card on your desk with the logo of the hotel.

“We are very sorry for everything that happened. Please try to understand and forgive us. -BigHit Managemet.” was written on it. The card was attached to a bouqet of flowers and a basket of fruits. The miserable apology wasn’t even from him. They were fucking with the wrong woman.

You grabbed the phone and dialled the number of the reception.

“I have a message for room 2425. It’s really urgent and I advise you to tell them immediatly. If I don’t have an apology by tomorrow afternoon by the resident of the room himself, I will press charges and go to a newspaper. Have a nice morning.” you said and hung up.


You didn’t sleep at all. You cried the whole time thinking about your destroyed work and dreams to hold an exhibtion at the most famous galery in Korea. You must’ve cried yourself to sleep because when someone knocked on your door you jumped up from your bed. The clock beside your bed showed 1pm. You were totally disoriented and walked over to the door to open it. There he was with a bouqet of flowers in his hands nervously stepoing from one foot to the other.

“Hi.” he said with a tiny voice, all arrogance vanished. You didn’t answer him and walked back inside leaving the door open for him to walk in. You opened up the curtains and one window to let in a little fresh air. “Sorry for the mess. I came home at 6am.” you said while sitting down in the chair. He had walked in and closed the front door and now he looked like a lost puppy infront of you. “Take a seat.” you said while pointing at the couch infront of you.

Tae felt awfull. He could see how exhausted you were and you must’ve cried because your eyes looked puffy. He sat down and fumbled with the flowers he bought. “Look, I’m really sorry for what happened yesterday. I thought you were a Sasaeng-Fan. I got creeped out and overreacted. I’ll pay for another week in the hotel.” he offered thinking that he was doing something good.

“I was going to hold my first ever art exhibtion today t the most valued venue in Korea. But I couldn’t finish up because you got me arrested so I had to cancel everything. There is no way I’ll get that venue ever again.” you explained very calmly and looked into his eyes. His eyes went wide and horror went over his features as he realized what he did.

“I don’t need to stay another week, thanks for the offer though. I was very angry yesterday. If I had seen you, you would’ve had a reason to get me arrested believe me but there is no point in that. I just wanted you to know what you did. You might be famous and have good connections. Next time just talk to people before doing something so dramatic.” you said and got up from your chair. He did the same and put the flowers on the table because he was afraid that you would turn them down. “I’m really sorry.” he added and wiped his hands on his pants. “Is there anything I can do for you?” he asked but you shook your head.

“Greet your mates for me. Y’all are doing a great job.” you said and put on a polite smile while bringing him to the door.


Taehyung went back to his room and he could punch himself in his face. His bandmates were waiting for him in his room and when he explained everything he could see the disappointed faces. “Damn you fucked her over big time.” Hoseok said and Tae pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know.”

“I don’t think an apology does the trick here.” Namjoon said and Tae rolled his eyes. “I offered help but she refused and practically kicked me out.” “You can be happy that she didn’t push you out the window.” Jin said and Taehyung groaned. “I think I have an Idea.” Yoongi said and everyone looked at him. “Do we have plans for tomorrow?”


It was 8pm and you were standing behind the curtains at the venue to host your own exhibition. The manager called around 3pm to tell you that he had a free evening tomorrow night because someone cancelled last minute. Of course you took the chance and jumped at it. Now you were here, standing in black silky gown that brushed over the floor, with your heart pounding in your chest.

When you stepped out into the light you heared a round if applause and put on a very genuine smile. „Thank you for coming everyone!“ you started and prepared to give your speech.


„Damn she is beautiful.“ Yoongi whispered and Tae watched you from afar, how you talked to your clients with a sweet smile on your face. The dress was hugging your body in all the right places and your face was glowing from happiness. His heart ached at the picture of you in your hotel room that he caused. The boys entered the venue around half past ten so the main event could be over. They didn‘t want to draw all the attention and when they arrived everybody was already a little tipsy and admiring her art with their champagne glasses in their hands talking to each other in hushed voices.

Nevertheless when some people started recognizing the boys the conversations of your clients caught your attention. „Wow! What are they doing here?“ „Do they know the artist?“ You excused yourself from the people at your table and went to greet the newcomers. When you saw who it was you stopped in your tracks and watched them come towards you. All seven men were dressed in nice tuxedos and it was a celebration for your eyes. The tallest one reached out his hand as soon as they were close enough. „Nice to meet the artist behind all of this great work. I‘m Kim Namjoon.“ he inteoduced himself and gathered yourself together quickly because everyone was looking at you. As soon as you grabbed his hand to shake his hand a flash of light filled the room and a hundred photos were taken. You thanked god that you kept the reporters to a minimum. „It‘s an honour to habe you here.“ you answered with a polite smile and Taehyung immediatly saw that your smile didn‘t reach your eyes. „I hope you‘ll enjoy our evening. You can always approach me if you have questions about the pieces.“ you said and bowed your head before excusing yourself and leaving towards your table again.

„Oh man, she seems pissed.“ Hobi said as soon as you were far away enough and Jungkook nodded. „She‘s a clever woman. She added one and one together.“ Namjoon said and watched you explain one of your pieces to a tall man in an south african gown.

You were standing in the corner and tried looking relaxed when your asisstend rushed over to you and leaned in to whisper something into your ear. „The biggest piece is sold.“ „The name and phone number for the delivery.“ she added and gave you a card.


3 years later you were not only a succefull artist in Korea but your fame started spreading around the globe. You had fix art galleries in seven different countries. The venue you started at had your first art piece hanging in their lobby to greet their new clients.

You shuffled in bed as you slowly woke up and stretched your limbs. „Good morning.“ you heared a deep voice greet you from the other side of the bed and you turned your head around. There he was, hair tousled from sleep, eyes a little puffy from the late working hours but the happiest smile on his lips. „Morning.“ you said and leaned forward to place quick kiss on his lips. He wrapped his arms around you and pressed your body against his and rest his forhead against the crook of your neck. „When did you come in?“ you asked while brushing your fingers through his messy hair. „Around 4am.“ he yawned and you placed a kiss onto his hair while chuckling at how clingy he was. Your eyes scanned the room and you saw his stuff scattered around the room since he must‘ve changed in the dark to prevent you from waking up. When your eyes met the stupid painting at the wall the old feelings bubbled up inside of you and you pushed him away gently. He groaned and tried to pull you back but you didn‘t let him. „I told you a million times to get rid of that painting.“

„It‘s worth millions of dollars.“ he said without any emotion but you didn‘t care. „It‘s stupid and I hate it. I hate what it reminds me of.“ you said and he looked up at you. „It reminds me of our beginning.“ he pouted and you glared at him thinking of what happened. „Every newspaper talked about you guys going to an art gallery. You stole my show.“ you growled and he coughed into his fist and looked away. He wasn‘t getting out of this one. „You‘re art sold like crazy.“ he offered but that only made you cross your arms infront of your chest. „They said I took advantage of you and disregarded my hard work.“ you said and were getting more annoyed by the minute. „You didn‘t talk to me for a year. Even though I shot my shot several times.“ he with a raised brow. „I waited for the media to forget about our connection. I was not becoming the gold digger artist just because of you.“ you said and glared at the art piece.

„I hate it.“ you said and caressed you arm gently and placed a soft kiss against your skin. „If you hadn‘t gotten me arrested I would‘ve never had to try so hard to be recognized as an artist and not just „The artist BTS has visited“.“ you pouted and he smiled sheepishly.

„Yes but that would‘ve also meant that we would‘ve never met.“ he said and you rolled your eyes. „We had nothing to do with your success babe. It‘s all because of your talent. We just organized the venue.“ he let it slip and as soon as he said it he bit his tongue. „You did what?!“


You were putting the side dishes on the dinner table but for the boys it felt like you were throwing them at them. „Did we do something?“ Yoongi whispered towards Jin but he just shrugged his shoulders and looked at Tae. „Did you fuck something up?“ Jin asked him and he kept staring into his bowl until you came back from the kitchen. „If you ever mess with my life ever again, I‘ll make sure y‘all regret it.“ you said as you sat down and grabbed your chopsticks. „Now eat.“ you said and the discussion was over before it could start.


„Ugh..where are we going?“ you whined for a millionth time now and Taehyung smiled at your impatience. „You‘ll see.“

He parked the car in front of a big house and as you walked up the stairs you could see „Orphanage“ written on a sign. „What are we doing here?“ you whispered to Tae as you climbed the last stares. „Just wait and see.“ he said and led you inside of a room full of kids. They were all applauding as you came in and Tae lead you towards the stage where an old lady was smiling at you. Right behind you there was this big art piece of yours which had been hanging in your bedroom for the past two years. „I donated the painting to this orphanage. They can either keep it or sell it for however much they want.“ he whispered into your ear as you walked on stage and you looked up at him in disbelief. Your heart swelled with love as you watched this man infront of you. You spent the evening with the kids and they were totally oblivious to your fame. They were just happy to meet people who helped them.


You were watching him the whole ride back home and when he parked the car infront of the house you grabbed his hand and stopped him from getting out.

„I love you.“ you blurted out and his eyes widened at you confession. He already said it a few times but you were always were too scared to say it. But right now felt like the best time. „What?“ he said totally baffled and you smiled.

„I love you Kim Taehyung.“ you said it again and a devilish smiled appeared on his face.

„I can‘t believe I had to donate the most expensive thing in our home for you to say that. Is your love buyable?“ he joked and you let go of him immediatly.

„You‘re a fucking asshole.“ you cursed at him and opened the door to leave.

„Oh come on! It was a joke.“ he yelled after you but you slammed the door into his face.

„I love you more than I love that painting! You‘re my number one!“ he yelled after you while dangling out of the window of the car.

He was a stupid asshole. But he was your stupid asshole.



• Here are some of my favourite Taehyung fics. Go through these recs and find something to nourish yourself with. Show your support for these talented authors by leaving a comment and sharing feedback on their works. For posting their fics on the internet, each and every author listed here deserves a big warm hug. Thank you to each and every one of these authors for their efforts, we really appreciate your content •

[ Fluff | Angst | Smut ( minors dni.) ]

- one shots:

Sleep sex by@gamergguk | S

overdue. by @amourtae | S/F

Tales of broken heartby@taegularitiesF/S/A


feelings caughtby@kimnjss | S 

all i want for christmas is youby@ladyartemesia | F/S

shutoutby@ughseoks | F/S/A 

breakfast in bedby@borathae |F/S f

10 musesby@sketchguk​ | F/S 

teaseby@caiuscassiuss | F/S 

soaring highby@taegularities |F/S 

sphby@venusjeon  | S/A 

flat tireby@ppersonna | F/S 

strings attachedby@bangtiddies |  F/S 

the holi-dateby@kpopfanfictrash | S 

dichotomyby@kpopfanfictrash | S

washed onby@ressjeon | S 

acquaintedby@dewykth | S/A

“are you sure?”by@cutechim | F/S 

just a tasteby@cutechim | F/S 

tempestuousby@ppersonna | S/A 

make you feel my loveby@rkiverse | F/A 

remember thisby@yoohtae | A

tattooed twoby@httpjeon | F/S ft. Jungkook

seventeen times 17by@cutaepatootie | F/S/A 

right amount of wrongsby@taegularities | F/S/A 

tomorrow, tonightby@ggukseoulcafe \ F/A 

guns & rosesby@chateautae | F/S 

work hard, play harderby@sugasbabiie | F/S/A 

dark chocolate snapby@jamaisjoons | F/S ft. Seokjin

kinktober ~ day 14 by@dreamescapeswriting |F/S 

spiceby@aquagustd | F/S/A 

do it betterby@yoon2k | S

flickerby@chimoona | F/S

sorrowby@jiminsfault | S/A

somebody elseby@jamaisjoons | S/Aft. Yoongi

bad alpha, sweet alphaby@helenazbmrskai | F/S/A 

(why) we got marriedby@ktheist | F/A

talk slowby@writtenwhalien | F/S/A 

- series :

(sweet devil: prequel: midnight snack,devil’s smile,devil’s nemesis ) by @sparklingchim| S

Ruinedby@taegularities | F/S/A.

enemyby@btssmutgalore| S/A ft. Hoseok

rotten angelcakeby@inkedtae | F/S/A f

cliff divingby@wwilloww | F/S 

the good boyby@jkeuphoriadreamland | S

coloursby@lovelytaes-blog | F/S/A 

kinda hotby@kimnjss​ | F/S/A 

the diary of a healing heartby@taegularities | F/S/A 

the president’s sonby@jimlingss | F 

salvageby@btssaysstudy | F/A ft. Jungkook

patient loveby@writtenwhalien | F/S/A 

heart of the flameby@chateautae | F/S/A 

seeing redby@borathae | F/S/A 

the art of touchby@chateautae | F/S/A 

play with meby@bangchanshehe | S/A 

007 solace

genre: angst, fluff

word count: 1438

summaryBright.  Sunny. Easy. Amazing. Spontaneous. That’s how life was when you had Taehyung. That’s how life was when you had the most amazing boy in your grasp. That’s how it was when you were in love, and you were loved back. Dull. Dreary. Colorless. Dismal. That’s how life is now. That’s how life is now that Taehyung isn’t here anymore. That’s how it is now that everything is ruined. Taehyung doesn’t love you anymore. 

a/n: i wrote this in an hour and it’s kinda shitty enjoy - teri

       To be fair, you always knew that Taehyung would do anything to achieve his dream. You knew that no matter how much he loved someone, his dreams always came first. You first met before BTS debuted, but now that they’re making it big, he chose them over you.

      Taehyung would tell you that BTS is his dream, but you’re there also. You’re his dream, too. However, since he chose the music over you, you’re not sure how true the latter is.

      It was a Sunday, the boys always had Sundays off to spend with friends or family or just to relax. You always looked forward to Sundays, the one day you could be with Taehyung without any complications. He would come home early in the morning, and you’d be waiting with open arms and a warm breakfast in the kitchen. The Sunday everything went wrong, though, he didn’t come home early in the morning. He called you around 10, telling you that he’d be home soon, and that he needed to talk to you about something. You were worried, being with Taehyung was always so easy and effortless and he usually left butterflies in your stomach but now all he left was anxiety and dread.

      He opened the door half an hour after he called you, and you walked down the stairs quickly, taking his bag from him to set it on the ground and hug him, like you usually did. You wrapped your arms around him, but were met with nothing in return. “What’s going on, Tae?”

      He sighed, motioning for you to sit on the couch. He wanted you to be sitting when he told you this. “Y/N, I want you to know something.”

      You were now terrified. Taehyung couldn’t even look you in the eyes, it’s as if he was too scared to meet your gaze. He was never like this, you thought to yourself. “Okay, tell me.”

      “No, I need you to know this.” He sighed, finally meeting his eyes with yours as he sat on the ottoman in front of you. “I needyou to know that you didn’t do anything wrong. I need you to know that this is all me, Y/N.”

      You didn’t need him to continue. In fact, it was the last thing you wanted. You already knew what he was going to say. Though you knew what he was going to say before he said it, it didn’t lessen the blow or make it hurt any less. “Please don’t.” You whispered subconsciously. It was a kind of trust you had with him. You’d been together for so long, you didn’t expect anything like this. “Don’t say it, please.”

      Taehyung could hear the somber in your voice, he could tell that you were close to tears. That in turn made him just as upset. He hated that he had to do this. “I think that we should break up.”

      The words hurt even more than you thought they would. You didn’t think it was real, it didn’t feel real. It felt like you were in a nightmare. Wake up, wake up, wake up, you told yourself. You clenched your eyes shut, trapping the tears behind your lids. “Tae,” You started, tears escaping when you opened them. “Why are you doing this?”

      Taehyung didn’t think of this part. He choked back sobs as he got up from his seat, grabbing the bag by the door. “I just had to. I’m sorry.” He felt like the biggest moron in all of history. Taehyung /was/ the biggest moron. “I’ll be back later this week to get my stuff.”

         And he was gone, and the world was suddenly black and white. The house felt empty, despite all his things still being there. By the end of the night, you were sure you had cried as much as you could. The cushion next to your head was stained with tears and you couldn’t feel anything.

      That’s how it stayed for a while.

      It was sixteen days before you heard anything from Taehyung. You missed his voice, you missed his touch, you missed the jokes and the silly faces. You missed how genuine he was. You just missed him. He texted you early that morning. The vibration of your phone awoke you at five in the morning.

[5:12AM Taehyung]: Will you be home today?

      He called it home. You felt a pang in your heart, but you decided to ignore it.

[5:13AM You]: yeah i’ll be here. are you coming to get your things?

[5:13AM Taehyung]: I’ll be there around noon. Go back to sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you.

      You scoffed as you locked your phone. As if he actually cared, you thought to yourself. You sighed. There was no way you’d be getting back to sleep now.

      You got up, took a shower, cleaned the house and by the time you got all that done, it was a quarter to noon. As you waited for Taehyung, you turned on the news. The only thing they’d broadcasted was about the breakup and BTS’ future as they get more and more popular. Though it hurt, you had to see Taehyung’s face. You just wanted to know how he was, it didn’t seem appropriate to ask him about his life as he stripped your house of his belongings and left you alone.

      The door opened and you were alarmed at first, forgetting that he had a key. Taehyung first noticed you on the couch, same spot you were sitting in when he broke your heart. He saw the TV on, his face currently on the screen. They were discussing the break up. “How can you watch this shit?” He called out.

      You didn’t turn around. You thought you might break down again if you did. “I had to live it Tae. Have to. A news broadcast can’t hurt me any more than I already am.” You couldn’t lie, you were trying to make him feel guilty for how he left things. Maybe he could just tell you he hated you and make things a little easier.

      “Y/N, I’m sorry.”

      “So you’ve said. I left some boxes upstairs if you need them for your things.” You said. You still hadn’t looked at him.

      “Can I see you?” Taehyung asked hopefully.

      “For what?” You answered, “What does it matter?”

      You felt a strong hand on your shoulder, an action that caused you to turn around and meet eyes with the man who’d broken your heart. “What?”

      “I didn’t come here to get my stuff, Y/N.” Taehyung started as you got up and finally met him face to face. “I came here for you.”

      You stayed silent, just in case this was a dream.

      “I didn’t break up with you because I wanted to. Trust me, that’s the last thing I wanted, Y/N.”

      “I don’t believe you. Sounds like bullshit to me.”

      “I love you. I’m in love with you. I’ve never been more afraid in my entire life. These past few weeks have been hell for me. All I wanted to do was call you and make things right.” He started, tears beginning to leave his eyes. Out of instinct, you brought your hand up to his face to wipe them away. “I… I didn’t leave because I wanted to. The PD scared me. He told me that you’d never want to marry a man who was constantly performing and going on tour. He said you’d never want to settle down with a celebrity. I thought he was right, and it terrified me.”

      Tilting your head, you brought another hand to his face to cup his cheek as the tears started to fall again. “I already have settled down with you, Tae. We live together. I don’t care that you’re famous. I know this is what you want, I know that you won’t always be around whenever I want you to, but all I want is for you to be happy. I want you to be happy with me.”

      Taehyung wrapped his arms around you and kissed your temple. “Marry me, and I’ll always be happy.”
