#tag game thursday


Thank you so much for the tags, @onthepageoftears and@wordspin-shares!

Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!

My writing folders are actually organized on a probably-ridiculous level, so I feel like these names speak for themselves in some ways, but still feel free to send me some asks! A lot of these are things I’ve never posted about, so I would certainly have plenty to talk about! :D  

In my Fanfiction folder:

  • Daughters of the Nile
  • Secrets of the Unknown
  • Spanish Treasures
  • Fast&Furious story idea
  • Rose of Gondor
  • To X the Light SW Idea
  • Corpus Callosum
  • Composing Astra
  • Metamorphosis
  • A Stranger to Command
  • Fire & Flame Chronicles
  • Legacy
  • The Black Flame
  • Crosshairs

In my Originals folder:

  • Fade
  • Hand of Justice
  • Jewel of Tharros
  • Letters from Everie
  • The Triad Chronicles
  • Shifters story idea
  • The Sock Collector Dryer Monster Short Story Idea


I was tagged by the always wonderful @wordspin-shares! Thank you for the tag, Effie!

I’m getting into the spooky/holiday season mood, so my boring fact is that I played the part of a lightbulb in my Kindergarten Christmas play.

Shockingly, I have not broken into the Hollywood spotlight for my acting skills! :P

Tagging:@darknightfrombeyond,@howdy-writes,@bad-carrot,@lnevada,@viragosouls, & anyone else who feels like playing! :)

I was tagged by @wordspin-shares. Always wonderful to play these games with you, friend! :D

Challenge: Post a fun section from a WIP you are writing.

From the second chapter of my SPN WIP Legacy:

“Good morning to you, too, Dean,” Sam greeted warmly. He then cocked his head to the side, confusion furrowing his brows. “Are you…eating gumbo for breakfast?”

“Yeah, so? Got a problem with it?”

“Nope.” Sam lifted his hands in surrender as he recognized his brother’s morning grouchiness. He glanced at the room’s third party as if hoping for help. “I’m sure Erica is happy you liked it so much. Maybe she’d even give you the recipe?”

“I would, if not for the fact that it came from a lady who considered herself bona fide Louisiana Cajun,” Erica pointed out, her expression thoughtful. “She told me it was a secret family recipe and she’d hex me if I shared it with anyone. At the time, I thought she was kidding. After finding this place? I’m not so sure.”

Sam crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the kitchen island, curiosity softening his features. “If it’s supposed to be secret, how did you convince her to give you the recipe in the first place?”

Erica shrugged. “I was dating her daughter at the time.”

Wracking coughs echoed through the kitchen as Dean choked on his gumbo. Several seconds of undignified hacking, thumping on his chest with his fist, and gulps of hot coffee later, the hunter found the ex-soldier watching him, a single, finely shaped brow arched high and lips pressed in a thin line.

“Is there a problem?”

“Nope, no problem,” Dean averted his eyes to his food. “The gumbo is a little spicy, is all.”

Legacy Taglist: @wordspin-shares,@ocfairygodmother,@foxesandmagic


Takethis quiz as your muses and find out how they need to be loved; tag a few friends.

I was tagged by @wordspin-shares. Thank you so much! <3

I’ll be doing this for my two main OCs, as well as two others I have on the back burner that have been poking around and begging for attention lately.

Rimiriel Denethoriel|The Lord of the Rings|Rose of Gondor

Carefully, like a gentle rain on dry Earth - You’ve been left beaten down and by someone you really trusted and loved, so now love doesn’t come easy for you. You want it to. You want to love and be loved, but you’re not sure you remember how. So you need someone else to take the lead. They have to be gentle and sweet and patient. They have to watch out for you, and make sure you’re doing okay, because most days you feel a little fragile, if not totally shattered. But someone will come along who will put those pieces back together again.

Erica Winchester|Supernatural|Legacy

Carefully, like a gentle rain on dry Earth - You’ve been left beaten down and by someone you really trusted and loved, so now love doesn’t come easy for you. You want it to. You want to love and be loved, but you’re not sure you remember how. So you need someone else to take the lead. They have to be gentle and sweet and patient. They have to watch out for you, and make sure you’re doing okay, because most days you feel a little fragile, if not totally shattered. But someone will come along who will put those pieces back together again.

Catherine Samuels|The Walking Dead|Crosshairs

Casually, the same way you love to breathe - You want someone who will see your favorite flower and will give it to you, without even thinking about it. You want someone who will remember all the little details about you, the things so seemingly unimportant but that matter more than you thought they did. You want someone who will still be there, thirty years down the line, holding your hand while the two of you do two separate things. You want the intimacy of being known by someone who makes you feel safe. You don’t want expensive dinners or grand proposals. You want someone who will love you consistently.

Lana Orayos|Star Wars|To Foster the Light

Deeply, like the vastness of the sea - You are a very passionate person. You feel everything so intensely, and that definitely includes love. You need someone who will match that passion, that intensity. You need someone who will care about you as much as you care about them, but you have a hard time finding that. You’re usually the one who loves more, and it’s sad sometimes, but it’s okay. But you will find someone who loves you just as much as you love them.

This was an interesting quiz! I definitely didn’t expect Rimiriel and Erica to get the same result, but it kinda fits with some reflection–though in different ways for each of them. Definitely intriguing!


I was tagged by @wordspin-shares​, thank you SO Much, Effie! :D 

Post ten GIFs of movies you loved as a child, then tag ten people. Optional: Tell us why you love(d) the films you picked.

1. The Aristocats

This is probably the first film I ever loved! My mother says she watched like a hawk for the day it came out on VHS so that she could get it for me. My dad used to sing “Everybody Wants to be a Cat” with me…luckily for both of us, this was before social media. XD I could still quote this movie by heart!

“You’re not a lady…you’re nothin’ but a sister!”

2. Land Before Time

These movies were a cornerstone of my childhood! We watched every. single. one. of these when they came out. The original is still my favorite, though!

3. The Fox and the Hound

Does anyone have to explain why they love Fox & the Hound? It’s an absolutely beautiful story of both friendship and found family. I still cry every time Todd gets left in the woods! :’(

4. Jurassic Park

Ah, the days when my brother and I both swore we wanted to be paleontologists! We read very dinosaur book our library had to offer after this movie came out! We watched it so many times the tape busted…then we taped it back together and watched it some more! XD

5. Star Wars

My father grew up with these movies and was so excited to share them with his children! I watched the first one when I was 4 and fell in love. When The Force Awakens hit theaters, I cried from the nostalgia of the opening scrawl…when I first saw that yellow text scrolling up the screen, my dad had to read it to me because I couldn’t read yet! These movies still hold a place near and dear to my heart.

6. Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone

I was THAT kid in school. The Harry Potter fanatic that was the first to read all of the books as soon as they came out. The first movie is still my favorite and is such a faithful adaptation of the book. This series marked my first major foray into fandom and fanfiction, and so will always hold a special place in my heart…even if JK Rowling is a bitch.

7. Mulan

I still watch this movie when I’m having a bad day. Beautiful animation, catchy songs, and a lovely story of doing what is right and struggling to find your true self. Disney at its best!

8. Beauty and the Beast

Another nostalgic childhood fave. I saw so much of myself in Belle as the bookworm and town oddity who wanted more than the simple life society had allotted for her. The animation and music are also stunning!

9. Pocahontas

90s Disney was the best Disney. Hands down. Even though this story couldn’t be much further from the truth of history, I still love it for having a strong, courageous heroine…as well as one who chooses her people over her fella at the end!

10. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

I LOVED horses as a kid and this is definitely one of the best horse movies! I didn’t even notice as a kid how little dialogue it has for the most part. The animation is beautiful and Bryan Adams crafted a killer soundtrack! My dad didn’t even mind me watching this one on repeat!


I was tagged by @odysseywritings. Thank you so much! :D

Answering 17 questions and tagging 17 people…only probably not really because I don’t wanna be a bother!

  1. Nickname: I have many, but the most popular one is Gecko.
  2. Zodiac: I’m an Aquarius, but some Google sleuthing tells me that I’m a Taurus rising and an Aries moon…whatever that means :P
  3. Height: 5′7
  4. Hogwarts: Hufflepuff
  5. Last thing I googled: Most dog-friendly cities in Europe
  6. Song stuck in my head: Postmodern Jukebox’s rendition of Radiohead’s Creep
  7. Number of followers: I had to go look and apparently I’ve broken 100?? When did that happen? Shout-out to everyone for dealing with my sporadic updates! Y’all are the bomb.com
  8. Amount of sleep: Usually 7 hours or so
  9. Lucky number: I don’t necessarily consider it lucky, but the number 117 pops into my life a LOT!
  10. Dream Job: I wanted to be President when I was a kid, but I’d definitely settle for being a full-time writer <3
  11. Wearing: A lacy white shirt, ripped jeans, and black socks
  12. Favorite Song: It changes ALL the time!! But I will say I have had RAIGN’s cover of Knocking on Heaven’s Door on repeat lately!
  13. Favorite aesthetic: Light Academia
  14. Favorite Author: Edgar Allan Poe
  15. Favorite Instrument: I dig the violin, but I play the piano and the harmonica
  16. Favorite animal sound: Anything cute, but I could particularly listen to kittens ALL DAY!
  17. Random: Uhh…hmm…I collect tiny things? Like I have a jar of jam my brother bought me that is literally the size of the tip of my thumb. I just think tiny things are cute! ^.^

Tagging:@wordspin-shares,@the-fandom-trash-fairy,@lnevada,@viragosouls,@bad-carrot,@ocfairygodmother,@randomfandoming1,@randomestfandoms-ocs,@darknightfrombeyond,@iron-parkr,@a-song-of-quill-and-feather, and anyone else that wants to give it a go! :)

I was tagged by @wordspin-shares. Thanks so much, friend! :D

You can tell a lot about someone by the type of music they listen to.

Make a new post, hit shuffle on your media player and write down the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping!

  1. Slide - The Goo Goo Dolls
  2. Dream - Imagine Dragons
  3. Here’s to Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
  4. Passenger Seat - SHeDAISY
  5. Mockingbird - Eminem
  6. Torn in Two - Breaking Benjamin
  7. Human - Christina Perri
  8. One, Two Step - Ciara ft. Missy Elliott
  9. Awake and Alive - Skillet
  10. The Reason - Hoobastank

Tagging:@the-fandom-trash-fairy,@howdy-writes,@lnevada,@bad-carrot,@foxesandmagic,@randomestfandoms-ocs,@randomfandoming1@viragosouls,@v-snippets, and anyone else that wants to play! :)

Still catching up with all the awesome tags from @wordspin-shares! Thank you, Effie! :) @darknightfrombeyond also tagged me in this one. Thank you, friend! :)

Last song: Down South Jukin’ – Lynyrd Skynyrd

Last movie: Hocus Pocus(1993)

Currently watching: Supernatural

Currently reading: 11/22/63 – Stephen King

Currently craving: Soup. It’s probably what’s for dinner!


I was tagged by the always-amazing @wordspin-shares! Thank you, love!

Favourite comfort food: chocolate, ice cream, or soup depending on the mood

Favourite alcohol (or hot drink!): rum for alcohol and hot chocolate for hot drinks

Favourite relaxing activity: snuggles with Molly! ^.^

Favourite fluffy/feel-good fic: I like fluffy moments, but I don’t really read fics that are full fluff so I don’t think I have one!

Favourite calming scent: hmm…I love the smell of coffee, but I don’t know if that counts as relaxing XP

Favourite relaxing (or uplifting) song: Carry You - Ruelle & Fleurie

Favourite white noise: rain

Favourite book to get lost in: SO many! But I reread Lord of the Rings at least once a year so that would probably be the top pick.

Favourite chill-out TV show: Avatar: the Last Airbender

The best advice you’ve ever had: From a professor during my first week at my current university: “At this level, we’re all smart. If you really want to distinguish yourself in a way that matters, be kind.” <3

