

 Graças a um pequeno potão chamado “pause” e muito tempo livre, algumas pessoas conseguem por coincidência, ou não, ver algumas coisinhas que passam despercebida por nós. Para algumas produtoras como a Disney, algumas dessas escorregadas são para o lado negro da força, o que já custou à empresa alguns pequenos grandes processos.

Durante o filme de O Corcunda de Notre Dame enquanto Quasimodo canta “Out There”, quando temos a vista de Paris da torre do sino, é possível notar outros personagens de filmes da Disney ao fundo. A mais óbvia é a Bela (A Bela E A Fera) caminhando usando seu vestido azul e, claro, lendo um livro. Olhos mais atentos também conseguem perceber Pumba (O Rei Leão) sendo carregado por dois homens, um vendedor sacudindo o tapete mágico do Aladin e até um satélite em cima de um telhado. No clipe você precisa prestar atenção a partir dos 02:45.

Em Pocahontas é possível encontrar várias vezes a palavra “sexo”. No clipe abaixo esse trabalho já foi feito pra você – alguns são bem obscuros, mas outros são muito fáceis de ver e evidências bastante convincentes das intenções inclusas no desenho. Começa pra valer a partir do 1:06

Umas das mensagens subliminares mais famosas da Disney, é a da Pequena Sereia. O rumor é que um rancoroso artista que estava perdendo seu emprego desenhou um objeto fálico num castelo d’A Pequena Sereia como forma de protesto. Contudo, o artista disse que não estava prestes a ser demitido, mas foi forçado a desenhar rapidamente porque seu prazo já havia esgotado e ele nem notou a forma exata que tinha desenhado a torre. Isso pelo menos até o dia em que um jovem membro da igreja que ele frequentava entrou em contato dizendo que tinha ouvido falar da historia toda. Obviamente, a última versão do filme já teve a forma infame e inspiradora removida do desenho.


Continuando com A Pequena Sereia, outra acusação popular veio quando alguém percebeu uma outra forma estranha protuberante na região pélvica do padre durante a cena em que Ursula (usando nome de Vanessa) tenta se casar com o principe Eric usando a voz de Ariel. Porém conforme vão passando as cenas e pode-se notar que o padre tem pernas curtinhas, portanto a dita “ereção” podem ser os joelhos do personagem.


Outro muito popular. Muito se debateu sobre a nuvem de poeira d’O Rei Leão. Na cena antes do Simba encontrar Rfiki, ele se joga no chão perto de um precipício e uma nuvem de poeira se levanta e em questões de segundos pode-se ler a palavra “sex”. O debate é que o time de efeitos especiais na verdade queria acrescentar a sigla “SFX” para deixar sua marquinha no desenho.


Personagens da Disney e da Warner Brothers interagiram pela primeira vez em 1988 no filme “Uma Cilada Para Roger Rabbit” e os fãs de desenhos adoraram. Durante “The Ink & Paint Club”, Donald e Patolino fazem um dueto no piano e a relação dos dois fica feia quando Donald discretamente chama Patolino de “nego”. Qualquer um que já viu o desenho do Donald sabe que as vezes é bem dificil entender o que ele fala mas pense em você ouvindo Donald grasnar: “Céus seu nego estupido” (God damn stupid nigger). E não é a primeira vez que Donald é repreendido por suas falas. Em 1995 Wal Mart vetou um vídeo do Mickey em que Donaldo gritava alto “foda-se” num episódio chamado “Limpadores de Relógios”

A cena de Aladin e Jasmine onde o herói está tentando se esquivar do tigre Rajah na sacada do quarto da princesa, parece que se pode ouvir o moço dizendo “bons adolescentes tiram as roupas”. O roteiro diz que a fala é a seguinte: “bom gatinho, vá embora”. No vídeo parece que outra pessoa, e não Aladin, suspira a outra frase, mas não importa quem realmente foi o autor da pérola, essa alegação deixou a Disney cheia de problemas com a Liga Americana Pela Vida que costuma banir filmes da Disney, alegando que eles tem usado linguagem sexual para as crianças durante anos.

Uma personagem destruidora de corações, Jessica Rabbit, tem ajudado durante anos muitos meninos a se tornarem homens. Então os desejos se tornaram realidade quando desenhistas malandrinhos esconderam, em alguns quadros, a ruiva sem calcinha durante a cena em que a moça e Bob Hoskins estão num taxi e batem num poste. Quando ela é jogada do carro, seu vestido vermelho se levanta revelando sua, aparente falta de roupas de baixo. Em alguns casos é tradição dos animadores esconderem em frações de segundos algumas sequencias “especiais”, mas para os jovens hormônios masculinos que tanto assistiram pausadamente essa cena, para observar as pernas de Jessica, acabaram descobrindo algo mais. 


Em 1999, Disney anunciou que estaria fazendo um lançamento da animação caseira, originalmente de 1977, Bernardo & Bianca por causa de alguns milisémos de segundos que continham uma “insinuante imagem ao fundo”. Durante a cena em que os ratinhos heróis voam pela cidade numa lata de sardinha (depois de cerca de 38 minutos de filme) uma foto de uma mulher nua pode ser vista em uma das janelas do prédio ao fundo. O fato foi confirmado por um porta voz da Disney que disse pura e simplesmente que o vídeo “foi feito há mais de vinte anos…” e a companhia recolheu 3,4 milhões de cópias do vídeo que tinham sido vendidas.

Na animação d’A Bela E A Fera pode-se ver várias referências ao sexo, mas também algumas outras satânicas. Preste uma atenção especial ao clipe acima lá pelos 02:55 minutos para ver alguns símbolos do mal como uma caveira e o que parecem ser dois chifres. Mais tardiamente no vídeo o narrador trata de questões morais e, mesmo que forçando muito a barra, é interessante assistir.

I drew Cinderella, then decided to take requests for other princesses. Here’s the end result! I shouI drew Cinderella, then decided to take requests for other princesses. Here’s the end result! I shouI drew Cinderella, then decided to take requests for other princesses. Here’s the end result! I shouI drew Cinderella, then decided to take requests for other princesses. Here’s the end result! I shouI drew Cinderella, then decided to take requests for other princesses. Here’s the end result! I shouI drew Cinderella, then decided to take requests for other princesses. Here’s the end result! I shouI drew Cinderella, then decided to take requests for other princesses. Here’s the end result! I shouI drew Cinderella, then decided to take requests for other princesses. Here’s the end result! I shouI drew Cinderella, then decided to take requests for other princesses. Here’s the end result! I shou

I drew Cinderella, then decided to take requests for other princesses. Here’s the end result! I should do more simple fun like this more often

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Day 16 is “Compass”Made me think of this scene from Pocahontas. Or as close to it as I could get fro

Day 16 is “Compass”

Made me think of this scene from Pocahontas. Or as close to it as I could get from off the top of my head.

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klaushargreeveses: Come run the hidden pine trails of the forestCome taste the sun sweet berries of klaushargreeveses: Come run the hidden pine trails of the forestCome taste the sun sweet berries of klaushargreeveses: Come run the hidden pine trails of the forestCome taste the sun sweet berries of klaushargreeveses: Come run the hidden pine trails of the forestCome taste the sun sweet berries of klaushargreeveses: Come run the hidden pine trails of the forestCome taste the sun sweet berries of klaushargreeveses: Come run the hidden pine trails of the forestCome taste the sun sweet berries of klaushargreeveses: Come run the hidden pine trails of the forestCome taste the sun sweet berries of klaushargreeveses: Come run the hidden pine trails of the forestCome taste the sun sweet berries of


Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sun sweet berries of the Earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once, never wonder what they’re worth.

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ellievhall:Jamestown cannibalism victim = Scholastic children’s book cover girl? Does anyone els


Jamestown cannibalism victim = Scholastic children’s book cover girl?

Does anyone else find it strange that I choose to wax poetic about Disney’s Pocahontas and then a few days later archaeologists discover evidence of cannibalism at Jamestown?

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When I was a child, my favorite Disney movie was probably Pocahontas. And why? Because the people in it were people who actually existed. (Yes, I know the movie isn’t historically accurate. I was a child then and I am an adult now.)

When the movie came out, I had just turned seven. I can remember laying on my younger cousin’s bed, feverishly reading that book that came with the tape and listening to the soundtrack on my walkman, all the while thinking, “holy shit these people were real, they lived here, they walked this land and these were the songs that they sang” (these were not the songs they sang). I would daydream about driving down to Jamestown and walking the woods, perhaps stumbling upon my own raccoon companion. Mostly, though, I imagined myself staring at old buildings and touching their foundations, because people had lived here once and now they don’t. If I had known exactly which direction the library was in, I probably would have walked myself over there and took out some children’s history of the colonization of Virginia.

I always find it funny that my favorite Disney movie was based on history and not… I don’t know, which movie had the best sing-a-long songs, or whatever normal people base these things on. I mean, granted I had a lot more Little Mermaid toys that anyone on God’s green earth, but my attachment to Pocahontas as a child was more than how much memorabilia I could accumulate. I get this feeling sometimes when I think about things in history where my chest hurts, because I’m so overwhelmed by the fact that things happened 200 years ago and I can’t handle it. The first time I ever felt that way, I was probably like five or six and my parents had taken us to Athens where a lady told us that an oracle stood on this spot thousands of years ago. (THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO!!) The second time I remember feeling that way it was with Pocahontas, because apparently my life is just a string of me having feelings about dead people.

My boyfriend remembers leaving a movie theatre when he was like six and being obsessed with how pretty the music was, so it makes sense that he grew up to be a musician and I grew up to be someone who comparison shops presidential strands of hair on eBay.

#witchtober piece number 15 (maybe the last one ), Pocahontas ! She’ll hex your colonialist bu

#witchtober piece number 15 (maybe the last one ), Pocahontas ! She’ll hex your colonialist butt straight out of Virginia  

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 The pumpkins and the gourds are my brothersThe spiders and the bats are my friendsAnd we are all co

The pumpkins and the gourds are my brothers
The spiders and the bats are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never, ever, ever, ever, ever ends

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Power Princesses (aka Disney Princess Avengers)

Would love fanart or gifset of this.


  • Snow White - Siren Song
  • Cinderella - Transfiguration
  • Aurora - Dream Weaving

1st Gen:

  • Ariel - Aquamancy
  • Belle - Enhanced Intelligence
  • Jasmine - Terramancy
  • Pocahontas - Aeromancy
  • Mulan - Martial Arts

2nd Gen:

  • Tiana - Animal Shifting
  • Rapunzel - Mystic Healing
  • Merida - Archery
  • Moana - Spirit Summoning
  • Anna - Enhanced Endurance
  • Elsa - Cryomancy


  • Esmeralda - Pyromancy
  • Megara - Illusion Manipulation
  • Jane - Animal Telepathy
  • Kida - Electromancy
  • Boo - Monster Summoning
  • Lilo - Alien Technology
  • Giselle - Teleportation

Patron: Mary Poppins

Homebase AI: EVE


  • Ariel, Jasmine, and Pocahontas are at their strongest when Esmeralda joins them. But she’s barely around because as a gypsy she prefers to roam.
  • Tiana’s problem when morphing is nobody understands her when she talks. That problem is mended whenever Jane is around to help.
  • Anna and Elsa can only use their powers when they’re in close proximity. Anna acts as Elsa’s knight, like a “shield”. Imagine her indestructible Ice form with the Ice sword she grabs in FII.
  • Giselle’s teleportation extends through dimensions, planets, and timelines.
  • Merida looks up to Mulan as a mentor. They spar frequently, compete in archery, and take Khan and Angus to race. Belle occasionally joins them with Pilippe when she’s not burying herself in library books. Belle and Mulan are primarily in charge of team tactics.
  • Kida transforms to pure energy whenever she uses her powers. But she becomes a danger to anyone near her since her powers are difficult to control. Only Rapunzel can help get her out of her energy state if ever she goes too far.
  • The reasons why honorary members aren’t formally part of the team: Esmeralda doesn’t like being tied down to one place. Megara isn’t a team player. Jane is busy working on other projects. Kida’s powers are too dangerous, she’d rather not join. Lilo and Boo are too young. Giselle is a visitor from a different dimension.

Power Princesses (aka Disney Princess Avengers)

Would love fanart or gifset of this.


  • Snow White - Siren Song
  • Cinderella - Transfiguration
  • Aurora - Dream Weaving

1st Gen:

  • Ariel - Aquamancy
  • Belle - Enhanced Intelligence
  • Jasmine - Terramancy
  • Pocahontas - Aeromancy
  • Mulan - Martial Arts

2nd Gen:

  • Tiana - Animal Shifting
  • Rapunzel - Mystic Healing
  • Merida - Archery
  • Moana - Spirit Summoning
  • Anna - Enhanced Endurance
  • Elsa - Cryomancy


  • Esmeralda - Pyromancy
  • Megara - Illusion Manipulation
  • Jane - Animal Telepathy
  • Kida - Electromancy
  • Boo - Monster Summoning
  • Lilo - Alien Technology
  • Giselle - Teleportation

Patron: Mary Poppins

Homebase AI: EVE

40yroldgoth would invite Hunter S. Thompson, Carl Sagan and Charles Bukowski.

candieaftersunsetwould choose Pochaontas, Jim Morrison & George RR Martin for a weed party in the hills of Tuscany.

redheadedfemme would want “the most devout of the Popes, Stephen Hawking, and Socrates at a party talking theology and philosophy.”


I would invite Varg, Euronymous and Dead just to listen to them bicker. 

I hope I can magickally understand them tho, because my Swedish isn’t -that great, and my Norwegian is near to nonexistent. 

I’d probably serve sushi at this dinner just to see if they can figure it out. I’m sure at some point Varg’s chopsticks will need to be taken from him, lest he try to stick them in Euro’s eyesockets and lobotomise him like that guy did in Session 9.

Dead would eat the sushi, not because he necessarily liked it, but because he’d hope eating something raw would gross the other two out.


I’d invite Sarah Kane (playwright), Rachel McKibbens (performance poet) and Jonna Lee (swedish musician) to a whiskey and Pictionary party because, odd and interesting as they are, they’d have the strangest ways of drawing things I’m sure. Also, when drunk later we could get into heated discussions about anything and everything, Kane brings the intellectual viscosity, McKibbens the emotional sucker-punch and Lee the creative originality. One would leave inspired for life.

Let me know if I missed anyone’s responses. Sometimes reblogs fail to show up in the notes, or messages are not received.

Photo: A garden party given by Governor Rawson for the Officers of the American Fleet at Cranbrook, Sydney, 1908.

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? My new Pocahontas piece for the Disney Wonderground GCan you paint with all the colors of the wind? My new Pocahontas piece for the Disney Wonderground G

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

My new Pocahontas piece for the Disney Wonderground Gallery releases this weekend September 13, 2014! I will be signing from 11am-1 pm.

The original framed painting, limited edition framed canvas giclees, deluxe prints and postcards will be available for purchase.

Info here.

If you are not in the LA area and would like to buy artwork from the gallery you can place an order by emailing Merchandise Guest Services at [email protected] or 
call Merchandise Guest Services at 877-560-6477 (select option 2) For prints. Leave a voice mail if they don’t answer.
WonderGround Gallery is located in the Downtown Disney® District at the Disneyland® Resort in Anaheim, CA.

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Listen with your heart, you will understand.Get these original Modern Mouse Ears at ModernMouseBou

Listen with your heart, you will understand.
Get these original Modern Mouse Ears at ModernMouseBoutique.com (Link in bio)!
And remember to follow @network1901 if you’re a Disney animation fan because I have a video coming out this Tuesday analyzing her personality!
#Disneybound #waltdisneyworld #disneyland #fashionblogger #disneyfashionista #disneyfashion #disneystyle #thedisneybound #disneybounding #disneylook #minniestyle #getyourearson #shareyourears #shareyourearsmmb #disneylandootd #dressedindisney #disneyears #disneybounder #disneyparks #mickeymouse #minniemouse #pinupgirlclothing #disney #geekchic #geekstyle #pocahontas #pocahontascosplay #meeko #disneyprincess #disneyhistory (at Walt Disney World)

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