#tag positivity



Does anyone have any tips for not feeling like garbage compared to your f/o’s love interest?

Dear and lovely hoomans,

I generally don’t comment much on posts because I feel like my interventions are not always that relevant or important, but I felt the absolute need to say something about this.

For anyone who struggles with this, I can’t stress enough how much I admire you all for dealing with those thoughts every step of your self shipping journey! Even so, remember that self shipping implies one unique universe in which only YOU (S/I) matter(s) and your F/O(s). It’s hard to ignore their canon interests, I know, but you chose to love them specifically for a reason, it didn’t just happen. Think about it: it could have been any other character and yet, here you are! :)

I like to believe there’s a connection, one that cannot be broken. Not even by canon. Because it’s yours and it comes from you heart, from the purest and loveliest intentions you could have!

Your F/O(s) will love you endlessly, your heart is the safest place in the world they could live in, and that will hopefully remind you that you’ll always have them with you. <3
