#self insert community



Does anyone have any tips for not feeling like garbage compared to your f/o’s love interest?

Dear and lovely hoomans,

I generally don’t comment much on posts because I feel like my interventions are not always that relevant or important, but I felt the absolute need to say something about this.

For anyone who struggles with this, I can’t stress enough how much I admire you all for dealing with those thoughts every step of your self shipping journey! Even so, remember that self shipping implies one unique universe in which only YOU (S/I) matter(s) and your F/O(s). It’s hard to ignore their canon interests, I know, but you chose to love them specifically for a reason, it didn’t just happen. Think about it: it could have been any other character and yet, here you are! :)

I like to believe there’s a connection, one that cannot be broken. Not even by canon. Because it’s yours and it comes from you heart, from the purest and loveliest intentions you could have!

Your F/O(s) will love you endlessly, your heart is the safest place in the world they could live in, and that will hopefully remind you that you’ll always have them with you. <3


there was a post talking about you cuddling with a stuffed animal and your f/o thinking it’s cute but where’s the post talking about you cuddling with your stuffed animal and your f/o being all jealous and huffy over a stuffed animal.

“all of my f/os hang out and are best friends!”

no. all of my f/os hate each other and if I ever put them in the same room they would battle royale it out for my hand in marriage

the trope where a pair of people go undercover as a married couple and have to do married couple things in public so as not to blow their cover, but then in private they start doing those same things and one of them eventually says. ‘you know we’re not actually married, right?’ and the other person’s entire world comes crashing down on them as they remember that fact because they enjoyed pretending to be married to that person > literally any other trope

Imagine you having a fear of storms and your f/o’s first instinct is to cuddle with you until you feel better.

the most romantic thing in the world is when your f/o is fluent in another language and the first phrase they teach you when you ask is ‘I love you’.

It’s late and you’re snuggling in with your f/o for the night. they notice that you choose not to place your head against their chest and they decide to ask you about it. though it’s not all that embarrassing, you still blush. most people find listening to someone’s heartbeat as they cuddle romantic, but you on the other hand…well, let’s just say that that is the opposite for you. constantly hearing someone’s heartbeat in your ear is sensory overload for you. when you explain this to your f/o, they don’t sneer or roll their eyes at you. they understand, and are always aware of their cuddling positions with you from then on.

ur f/os canon love interest isn’t real, have a great day

your f/o carrying you to your bed from your desk when you fall asleep because you were staying up late doing work ❤️

if you get periods, imagine being on your period while dating your f/os. Which f/os would be cool, calm, and collected, knowing that this is part of life, but still helping to alleviate your pain as much as they can and which f/os would act like you’re bleeding out your eyes, freak out, buy as many pads/tampons/chocolate/advil as they can, and constantly ensure that you’re not actually dying?

In the past few days, I’ve been hard at work designing a brand new self-insert for a video game franchise I’ve recently started to get back into thanks to a close friend of mine! The design of the S/I itself is about 95% done (All that’s left is to make some final color changes and draw key art for him), and now I’m working on getting some backstory and facts written out for when I eventually unveil him. I am super excited to show this particular self-insert off!

As for what said video game franchise is… let’s just say it’s had a fastresurgence after a certain film released not too long ago


Imagine you and your F/O(s) taking a nap together! Maybe it’s sleeping in a little extra in the morning, or an afternoon snooze, or accidentally dozing off with your F/O.. regardless of the time, know that they absolutely love getting to hold you or getting to be held by you.. just remember that they love you wholeheartedly and love falling asleep with you and waking up to your amazing face.


can we appreciate f/o’s who aren’t used to receiving the love that they deserve? the f/o’s who need to be kissed twice because they didn’t believe it the first time. the f/o’s who don’t know how to accept compliments so they just shyly look away - maybe they’re smiling and have rosy cheeks, but maybe they’re uncomfortable and not sure how to respond so they just avert their eyes. the f/o’s who put in so much work to internalize the love that they absolute deserve in their precious and important lives. here’s to f/o’s who are still learning to accept your love, but who are so appreciative of it every single day as they learn to show up for it.


imagine your f/o holding u so close before kissing the side of your face over and over again.
