#take your heartz

rknetizens: * // [ NEWS ] HEARTZ 1/3 STOPS BY AT IDOL RADIO IDOL RADIO welcomed the lovely members o



IDOL RADIO welcomed the lovely members of HEARTZ 1/3 as today’s guests. The girl group is currently promoting their debut mini-album ‘LOVE&LIVE’ and its title track with the same name. The unit revealed their members through solo songs, and a full 12-membered group is expected to make their debut in 2021.


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@rkxjiyeon ( introducing p5 )

of course yuzu would jump at the opportunity to cosplay the female version of joker the first chance given to her. her eyes had lit up the moment they were told all stylists and designers of the company were at their mercy. trying to see who else would want to tag along for her tiny adventure of assembling the phantom thieves of heartz, she had found her first ally in jiyeon.

“so there are 9 thieves in total and 5 girls you can choose from! shall I let you read through their wiki pages or just give you a brief overview of everyone’s personality? i personally think queen or noir would match u lovely,” she muses, excitement clearly in her eyes.

considering jiyeon was her priestess, she’d technically have to give her queen but somehow seeing jiyeon as noir seemed more fitting for her. in the end it was all her eonni’s choice though, of course.


Luda was lost in thought when she felt the younger girl’s head lean onto her. Her lips pulled up into a soft smile, quite contrary to the chaos of emotions she felt. It was a welcome break from her own thoughts and she figured the others would be similarly nervous or at least excited.

“Didn’t sleep too well?” she asked, whispering so she wouldn’t bother the others too much in case any of them tried to sleep a little bit more. Surprisingly, she’d actually managed to sleep last night, maybe she’d been so nervous that it’d simply knocked her out, but now she was wide awake. Still pretty tired, though.

She tried shifting a little bit, so that her shoulder was a little bit lower and more comfortable to reach for Yuzu, though with her small height that may not be too much of a problem.

not really, the sleepy female murmured, grateful when luda shifted so she could get more comfortable. falling asleep like that sounded about just perfect to her in that moment but she figured with how much adrenaline was still rushing through her veins, she’d do better to just talk to luda a little.

y’seem pretty fit- I guess y’had better luck sleepin’? it’s a genuine question. at least some of them had to look more awake and fit for their debut stage. 

the rest of the girls seems to be doing moderately fine as well. or maybe they were just good at looking calm. all of them had been used to being in the spotlight one way or another. eunbi as a child actress, jiyeon from being a trainee for so long, luda as a former kt rookie and seungah from being on the supernova show. only yuzu was from a completely different branch. 

[12.10.20] LIVE NOW : CHOI YENA 1ST SOLO VLIVE Yuzu is a little nervous as soon as she goes live. Sh


Yuzu is a little nervous as soon as she goes live. She had done this several times but vlive was a whole different platform she had to familiarize herself with first before being able to make it work as naturally as she did with twitch. Making sure her connection was stable and the frame well captured, she continued to hold on for several seconds, double checking everything and watching people pour in. “I feel so naked without my load out-,” she muttered under her breath in English, spotting most of the chat consisting of fans that had found their way here through her announcement on twitter.

She didn’t know how many fans of heartz would actually join this stream and it was a shame she had to talk in Korean for the most part through it even though her fanbase consisted mainly of international fans but she would have to work with the limited options she’s been given.

When she was sure that there was a good amount of people in the audience she leaned back and clapped her hands together after inhaling a deep breath. Sup everyone, this is Choi Yuzu and yer not watching Choi’s Choice, the ex-streamer joked, a laugh escaping her lips. Before we begin- my vlives will be mostly in Korean. With me being an idol in the korean industry now, I have to re-shift my focus. To those who don’t understand Korean- do not worry. Each of these streams will be equipped with English subtitles eventually and I can read and translate your comments if you want to be a part of the life audience. Sadly, this is the most I can do as of now, I apologize, she announces, her hands still folded together as she bows her head. When she looks up again, there are already comments pouring in from sad emojis to people saying they understand and some confused Koreans asking what the heck was going on and why she was talking in English. So Yuzu went ahead and really kicked off her first vlive als Heartz’ Yena.

Alright. Here I go- Let me introduce myself properly-, she begins in korean, her head nodded once. My name is Choi Yena, I’m the October girl and final member of Heartz 1/3! I used to be a streamer in the gaming and variety field and trained under Samsung for about a year prior to debut. I was born on the 29th September 1999, blood type A, going by the nickname Yuzu. So dun hesitate to call me that! Born in Daegu, been to primary in Japan and middle school in Canada. I came to seoul ‘bout two years ago, straight after High School. I love Games and all sorts of performing. I speak Japanese, Korean and English. It’s a pleasure to meet y’all. Please look after me well,she introduces herself, tossing the most important facts back at her new audience right after.

I believe I got… all important things done…, she murmurs, looking down at her checklist before gazing back towards the chat to see the comments pouring in. People greeting her, calling her cute and funny made the girl smile a little and grin to herself. Heh. Oh- the other members? I think they went back to the dorm already. I stayed behind to go live… eh?Right as she says that the door slides open, revealing Luda ( @rkxluda ) who tiptoed her way into the room with a box of food. Eonni? For me? I thought you’d gone back- ye I’m already live, she informs the other with a grin in her voice, waving her in and tugging her over. Before y’leave say hi, real quick! The two girls wave at the cam together, Yuzu chuckling at how embarrassed Luda seems to be for interrupting her solo vlive. So she lets the elder female scurry away quickly and looks at what she had left the streaming girl. Oh…. this… I love this- eonni brought me one of my fav foods ‘cause she knew I’d stay back to stream. Opening the lid carefully Yuzu tilts her head back in bliss after inhaling the beautiful, yummy scent. Woah… hold on I gotta do this properly-, she declares, placing her chop sticks down before rolling the sleeves of her jacket up and then putting her cap the other way around to have her face free of any possible disturbance. 

Only then she picks her chopsticks back up and claps her hands together. Temporary mukbang intermission. I’ll eat well~, the girl sing sungs before digging in carefully, the hot noodles tasting amazing but still hot in her mouth. Hmm so hot- but so good. Struggling through the first bite, she takes a moment to swallow the bite before she pokes her chopsticks into her noodles again. Luckily the eonnis can cook well- I’m a huge mess in the kitchen. The closest to a good cook I am is playing overcooked, she admits, a smile widening across her lips before she munches down another mouthful. While chewing she goes back to check the comments, one of them making her smile.

FoxyIrishka ( @rkirina ) : when are you buying me a box of premium grade beef

Soon. I ain’t forget, Irishka. Dunno when I’ll have time now but it’ll happen, the ex-streamer promises to her gamer buddy, holding up her pinky to seal the promise. Irina isn’t the only of her friends she sees in the chat and it warms her heart. Especially Chaewon ( @chaewonrk ) makes her almost snort out her next mouthful again. Instead she smiles, hamster cheeks on full display as they remain puffed up with food. I see ya Chaewonnie~ This girl’s an amazing guitarist. We played in a band together- right! I forgot to talk ‘bout 6tunes! The female sits up with a start, grabbing her own phone and pulling up one of the few original songs they released. I used t’play in a band as drummer n’ vocalist. We released a few original songs before we had to disband. Chaewonnie was there- n’ my big brother too- Sungmin Oppa ( @rksungmin ) … he’s- ah there he is! I saw you in the chat earlier, hi oppa~, she greets, waving at the camera with a chuckle. 

Yeees I’m eatin’ well- see,she holds up her half finished dinner before looking through her library for a 6tunes song. When she finally found one, she held the cover to the lens, making sure people could see it properly. If y’wanna give it a listen, go and check it out! Not certain if she was allowed to play music not made by samsung artists she decided to not play it for now and instead continued on. On the topic of music it’s then she spots her namesake.

(@rkyena)“hi yena-ya it’s yena unnie~ congrats on your debut!! will you sing a song you’ve enjoyed lately?”

Ah- Yena eonni, thank you-, she can’t help but chuckle. This still is so weird- people ain’t ever gonna find me with how popular Yena eonni is, she states with a chuckle before munching down another bite. Luxe sunbaenim is too powerful… eonni is it ‘kay if I tell my fans t’ tag my posts with Yuzu instead- otherwise I ain’t ever find ‘em if I wanna go lookin’, she asks the idol, an amused smile on her lips while she continues to eat. Receiving an okay in return she pretends to breathe a huge sigh of relief. You heard her guys- Yuzu it is! T’get back to yer question doe eonni, she continues, reaching for her phone again. I’ve been listenin’ to convex new release a lot lately. I really like Jinwook ( @rkjinwook ) sunbaenim’s solo ‘Simple’! It’s a really nice song- I love it a lot. 

Watching the reactions she kind of pursed her lips together when various people asked her to sing the song right now. Inhaling and exhaling a long breath, she couldn’t help but feel like it was a request she should fulfill. Ah- I can sing a little… I’ll do the chorus-, she gives in, pulling the lyrics up and deciding to do a simple accoustic version solely because her voice was too soft to keep up with the instrumental and jinwook’s voice in the background. Towards the end of the chorus she gets shy at people calling her voice lovely and beautiful. She spots Xiao among them and immediately feels soft again how she can seemingly transition from one field to another and still keep some of her faithful fans. Hiding her smile behind her phone she can’t help but chuckle shyly. Ah lleexiao ( @xiaoxrk ) enough y’gonna make me blush, she admits cheekily, waving the compliments off before hunching her shoulders up as she cringes a little. 

She’d have to learn to get used to these kind of compliments.

Leaving people to gush about her a little longer she decides to finish her food and just peeks at the comment section once in a while. It’s during one of those times she sees Kiwi in the chat as well, his request causing her to snort internally. Of course he would. KingKiwi ( @rkxkikwang ) - please do a kda cover… okay. I’ll get to that. Got just the person in mind I could ask t’help me with that. Keep a look on insta, the idol teases, wiggling her brows. Next she spots Wendy ( @rkwendy ) as well among those commenting on her voice, praising her for her progress and that she was proud of her debuting at last. Ahw eonni- thank u so much. Still got long ways t’go compared to u doe, she tags on immediately. Wendy eonni is such a great vocalist- Androma is full of so many beautiful n’ talented girls- if you’re not a fan of them- go check ‘em out right after this stream, okay?! Insisting on this she points her finger to the camera, narrowing in on it before backing away once more to finish her food. Okay, cool.

I’m planning to actually do more vlives if I manage to find the time… one of the series I’d like to get kicking is actually related to gaming and I’ll have an androma girl with me for those, the ex-streamer continues to tease as she wraps up the empty box and her used chopsticks. So y’can look out for that too! Drinking a sip of soda the female comes quiet while she reads more comments. Among her friends still being noisy and her old streaming fans yelling about more gaming content she can see some new names and comments being tossed her way. One of them catches her interest in particular.

zuzuruhanyu: say “maganda ako" 

The female furrows her brows, head tilting to the side. “What does that mean? Can I even say that on a live broadcast?” For a second she ponders over it, typing the words into a google translator to see what it would spit out at her.

I’m beautiful- is that what it means? Won’t that be a little vain of me to say, she inquires with a chuckle. I’m tempted to call someone who I know knows Tagalog to confirm Google Translate isn’t failing me-, she wonders out aloud. In the end she sends him a quick message beforehand, just to warn him and ask if she could call him really quick to ask something. If she was already boosting her connections, she may as well continue to go and do that. With the okay given Yuzu calls up Johnny’s ( @rkjohnny ) number and puts him on speaker. She grins when he picks up and some people seem to actually get a clue who she just called.

Johnny Oppa? You know Tagalog, right? Does ‘maganda ako’ mean I’m beautiful? A grin on her lips she listens to him chuckle and confirm the information she dug up via google translate. Replying with a simple hum as he inquires if the chat asked her to say it, she lets the smile widen across her lips as he reassures her that she can say it live without getting into trouble.

Ahh okay oppa, thanks! Before she can hang up the call though, Johnny requests of her to do the ‘dalagang pilipina’ pose which leaves the female confused all over. What’s that? A pic of Johnny doing it along with an explanation follows not too long after and Yuzu can’t help but laugh. Can I pleaaaase show this pic to the viewers, she asks with a chuckle in her voice. When Johnny gives a confirmed chuckle right back she turns her phone to show it to the camera, still chuckling away. Doesn’t he look like the perfect maiden? 

Cackling at her own wording she turns her phone back to herself. Are y’watchin’ the vlive right now? I’mma do it, she announces before going ahead and doing it, wiggling her brows for extra added effect. this good? am I doin’ this right? When Johnny chuckles out a confirmation, Yuzu feels herself grinning back proudly. Alright cool. I’mma hang up then now, ye? Thanks again, Oppa. Bye!

Looking back at the chat and having people wonder how she knew all these idols, Yuzu had to think twice how she wanted to go about this. She had wanted to avoid being compared to Jieun but not wanting to look like she was flexing and flaunting all her connections right upon reveal she had to explain somehow.

I know most of them from before they were idols through my cousin, Song Jieun. She used to be a Samsung trainee and her connections are crazy. She told people to look after me when I first came to Seoul ‘cause she was worried ‘bout me. Everyone’s been really kind to me and looked after me well, so I feel very spoiled and grateful. A smile on her lips she nods her head calmly. 

She comes quiet again as she reads more comments, smiling at the reactions and responses she gets even if some of them call her out for riding on her cousin’s connections. To avert the topic she jumps at a comment from whom she knows to be her boyfriend ( @rkohsehun ) lurking on an alias that she admittedly has to sigh at internally. she really did love her stupid noodle.

seahoney says: congrats on your debut !!! any new / laid back games you’d recommend?

hmmm, she tilts her head, leaning back to think for a second. with debut preparations and promotions I haven’t had much time to game much. I really do like the fall and halloween update for animal crossing new horizons but genshin impact has also been my go to game when I’m in the car headin’ to schedules. ‘s got everythin’ put together from what you’d love ‘bout open world games. the gacha ‘s a little annoyin’ but that’s gacha games for ya. the breath of the wild feel makes it a whole lotta different to any gacha I played doe. the controls are also easy to manage so that’s a plus as well, she reviews with a smile on her lips, grinning as some people say they wish they could see her play. 

maybe I’ll see if any of my friends plays it n’ once we all reach high enough levels we can coop and I could stream. at the mention of friends she also spots yoojung ( @yccjungrk ) in the chat and can’t help but grow soft immediately. yoojungie~ maybe it’ll be a game for ya too? I haven’t given up on tryin’ to find one we can game together besides ddr, the gamer laughs. She wishes she could express how much she misses her old roommate and best friend but not wanting it to seem like she was ungrateful, she comes quiet instead.

A gaze at the clock does tell her that it’s rather late already and the staff member supervising her also looks ready to pass out in their chair so Yuzu slides an extra soda over towards them before turning back to her comment section.

You guys are gems… I wanna stay around longer n’ talk to everyone more but I’ll be back soon. For now I gotta head back to the dorm too and get more sleep. Please look out for us and allow me to meet you at music shows. I would love, love, loooove to see you all and show y’all my appreciation for supportin’ heartz and our first unit 1/3. We got lots of great things planed ahead for the future and are ready to gear up good, so please anticipate the future girls as well, she concludes, hands folded together as she tilts her head to the lens, gaze soft and adoration in her eyes.

That’s all from me for today- Yuzu aka Heartz’ Yena over n’ out! With a salute she squints her eyes, striking a cool pose that breaks with her exhaling a chuckle before the screen does turn black at last.

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rknetizens: * // [ NEWS ] HEARTZ 1/3 VISITS SBS SUPER K-POP RADIO On today’s broadcast of SBS POWER



On today’s broadcast of SBS POWER FM the guests were none other than the members of recently-debut group HEART 1/3. The five-member unit had their first-ever release only a couple of days ago with their first mini-album ‘LOVE&LIVE’ and title track of the same name. They talked about their feelings on debut and got to introduce themselves to the public.


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✞* sk8r boi  ╯

[ … ]

at least maybe he’ll get the embarrassment out of the way quickly. he’ll try to enjoy even this too, laughing through any awkwardness until they can execute the scene to the standards of the director. he wants to do well. he wants his own music video debut to be successful– not to be a new running joke on the internet like he became on last year’s season of the mgas. more than anything, he wants this to be something yena can be proud of. he doesn’t want to embarrass her, even if she was the one to laugh this time.

one of the producers tells them to go again, and daniel nods, obediently going off to the side to start his walk back up to the counter again. he does the same as he did before– taps on it, looks at yena expectantly –but this time he’s the one to smile, reminded of yena’s laughter only moments prior on top of his own giddiness. this time it’s his turn to say “sorry,” genuinely sheepish

noooo, she whines, hanging her head low as she collapses forward onto the table while her traitorous shoulders shake with laughter. this is just so awkward, yuzu explains, hiding her face behind her book again. daniel didn’t know she had a boyfriend whom she’d have a much easier time acting this out with but alas- she wasn’t supposed to have one and especially the company wasn’t supposed to know any of that. 

at least her and daniel were comfortable enough to be joking like this. 

okay… I got myself this time… come at me, she declares, regaining herself and exhaling a deep breath to stop the onslaught of laughter still wanting to bubble out of her. 

rinse and repeat. this time when he taps onto her book she manages to keep the grin of her lips and the awe in her eyes but as soon as daniel is the one to smile this time, she can’t help but deflate back into her chair once more. ahhhh daniel-ssi~,she scolds him jokingly. they really would be here for quite some time, huh?

sphereent​:              [ ● ] HEARTZ 1/3 (하르츠 1/3)  “LOVE&LIVE”                             


             [ ● ] HEARTZ 1/3 (하르츠 1/3)  “LOVE&LIVE”  

                                        available in stores now!
                                                    the hotly anticipated first mini-album!

                ↱         track listing
                                         01. Into the New Heart
                                         02. Love&Live
                                        ●  03. You and Me Together
                                        ●  04. Fairy Tale  


               This edition comes with a 45-pagephotobook (1 out of 2 covers,
               contents the same) and one random photocard (1 out of 5).

                                        Release Date: 2020-10-08
                                        Language: Korean
                                        Disc Format(s): CD
                                        Publisher: Sphere Entertainment

                                                                                                   …  buy yours today!

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sphereent: ●  [MV] 하르츠 1/3 (HEARTZ 1/3) “지금, 좋아해(Love&Live)” spheretubePublished on October 8, 2


●  [MV] 하르츠 1/3 (HEARTZ 1/3) “지금, 좋아해(Love&Live)”

Published on October 8, 2020
0:00 - 4:31

[MV] 하르츠 1/3 (HEARTZ 1/3) “지금, 좋아해(Love&Live)“ 
The Mini-Album “Love&Live”
Available on Spotify, iTunes, and Apple Music

Copyrights 2020 ⓒ Sphere Entertainment. All Rights Reserved

This video is uploaded to Sphere Entertainment’s official YouTube page at 6PM on October 8th.

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@rkxluda (debut morning)

yuzu was a mix of adrenaline, caffeine and exhaustion the moment she got into the car. head immediately falling into luda’s shoulder the moment they were all buckled up and on their way to their first music show appearance. it was their first schedule. they were about to have their debut stage.

to say yuzu was nervous would be a vast understatement.

she grumbled as she tried to get comfortable on luda’s shoulder, hoping the soothing scent of her eonni would help calm her down a little to at least get a bit of rest. with so much nervous energy thrumming through her veins, anxious of screwing up steps she knew she could dance in her sleep by now, yuzu knew she had to try and find something to help put her at ease.

gaming had helped her fall asleep last night but now? 

sphereent:            [ ● ] SPHERE ENT @sphereent • Oct 7             You are the only one       


            [ ●]SPHERE ENT @sphereent • Oct 7

            You are the only one
            You are my miracle
            #HEARTZ #하르츠

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sphereent:            [ ● ] SPHERE ENT @sphereent • Oct 7             하나하나씩            풀어보고 싶어   


            [ ●]SPHERE ENT @sphereent • Oct 7

            풀어보고 싶어

            #HEARTZ #하르츠 #Yena #예나

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@rkwxnb (debut stage time)

yuzu stared back at her reflection as the stylist added the last touches to her hair. for a moment she stares back at a person she barely recognizes. this is heartz’ yena now. she was no longer choi yuzu, the quirky streamer. she was about to be an idol. something didn’t sit well with the way she was separating those two when yuzu had always been a person very adamant on staying true to herself.

she is however also a teamplayer. feeling like a pinball in a kicker machine she had bumped and swung herself up and down within the comfiness of her head to try and figure out the best way to go about all of this. 

it was unfair how especially now her insecurities came to foster, years of her parents telling her she was nothing like a girl should be coming to the surface right this instant. 

but yuzu did what she always did best: play it off, run from it and focus on someone else. nervous? the one she diverts her attention to is eunbi who sits beside her, looking equally as dolled up as she did.

@rksuas ( dated to early september )

it’s been a month since yuzu had moved but so far she hadn’t made much progress to feeling at home in this dorm. the constant awareness of 4- now 5 other girls around her she could potentially upset with just being herself keep her more quiet, more thoughtful, more avoidant of them solely out of fear for stepping onto anyone’s toes. 

now that she has not one but two roommates, the unwillingness of her brain to rest and just sleep was even greater and she wondered if she would ever call this place her home.

patting into the kitchen at the woo hours in the morning, she’s surprised to find sua there. how out of it was yuzu to not even have noticed the female missing from her bed. “hey eonni,” she greets the other sleepily, brushing her hair back casually. “what ya doin’ up?”

sphereent: ●  [Preview] 하르츠 1/3 (HEARTZ 1/3) Mini Album “Love&Live” spheretubePublished on Octob


●  [Preview] 하르츠 1/3 (HEARTZ 1/3) Mini Album “Love&Live”

Published on October 6, 2020
0:00 - 1:00

[Preview] 하르츠 1/3 (HEARTZ 1/3) Mini Album “Love&Live" 

Copyrights 2020 ⓒ Sphere Entertainment. All Rights Reserved

This video is uploaded to Sphere Entertainment’s official YouTube page at 12PM on October 6th.

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「  Heartz 1/3 Debut Stage 」
Heartz Oct 2k20 Schedule | +5 S ; +3 DB  
 ⇢ Yuzu behind the scenes of Mnet M!Countdown


“ she wasn’t nervous, no. not at all. absolutely not. ”

theoretically she should be prepared for this. had she been on camera? yes she had. had she performed for a somewhat large audience before? yeah, she had done that too. had she stood on a stage while doing so? also a check.

so why did she feel like her stomach was trying to perform a dry wash in her tummy?

from not sleeping well the night before to her brain constantly going over her lines and the movements she had to execute; yuzu was a nervous mess. as she tried to analyze where her nervousness came from she ultimately came to the conclusion that she just wanted to do well. that, as well as the fact she was a teamplayer now. if she stood out badly it would automatically reflect back upon the others and that was something she couldn’t have.

always the girl who no one ever expected to debut in a group like she had announced she’d try, she knew that many of her viewers had been just as torn about the news as yuzu had been herself. she was still blessed to receive support and bring in a fanbase about the size the other girls had gathered through their own activities. however after her fail at the mgas,yuzu hadn’t expected to make it into this lifestyle so quickly.

all in all, it was a lot to catch up to and her lack of preparation made her feel like she wasn’t fully equipped for this. to yuzu it felt like going into a dungeon quest she was technically under leveled for but wanted to see if she could challenge anyway.

only that yuzu had come to realize that the idol world was less forgiving to fuck ups than the gaming world. as a streamer it was all about making people laugh when she failed. something told her people wouldn’t find it so funny if she screwed up on stage here.

so getting ready to go up, her microphone secured, make up fixed, hair done and outfit in place, she couldn’t help but send one last tiny prayer to whatever god was up there to not let her slip or blank out. 

‘just entertain ‘em like ya usually do,’ she thought to herself, exhaling a long breath. she could do this. it was time to show the world that choi yuzu could shine just as bright as heartz’ yena.


[ … ]

the discomfort has been making it hard to sleep.  maybe she’ll have to get her brother to buy her a good mattress at the very least, because this bed in the dorm is just not cutting it for her.

maybe yuzu is the same, because she seems to be padding out of their shared room  -  or maybe she just came out to get a drink or something.  sua doesn’t pretend to know what’s going on in that girl’s head.  “ i can’t sleep.” she says finally, straightening her body as she tilts her head.  “ i could ask the same for you, though.”

in a way yuzu is relieved that she’s not the only one. first luda and now sua seem to be sharing her struggles to get adjusted to this dorm life. “me neither, she thus replies simply, walking up towards the water cooker and preparing some water to brew herself a cup of tea.

y’want a cup too? with how they both got up to chill in the kitchen, she recons they’ll be sitting here together for a while. even if yuzu isn’t sure sua wouldn’t prefer her privacy for a little while. for now she’d worry about the tea first and then figure out if they wanted to talk or if they wanted to just pretend to have some space for a while. taking out the tea box, she takes a peek inside. 

we got mint, green, chamomile and hibiscus.


[ … ]

the girl looked through the wiki pages, humming at the choices, personally the outfit for queen were quite boring not mention dark. “I am not huge fan of that outfit, it is quite dull no?” she said pointing at the queen persona costume. jiyeon scoffed when read the personality of this character, “well, I admit our personalities are very similar, from she’s mostly a kind person, she can also be very bossy and is harshly critical of those who don’t live up to her expectations, hah..alas I’m not fan of the outfit…such a shame~” she sighs softly before clicking on nori wiki page next, her eyes light up seeing the beautiful costume she instantly fell in love with. Not to mention her normal outfit would be something she happily wear in general too. 

as read more about haru she fell in love with the character, “oh she is sweetheart, I love that she was trying to be a “heroine of justice”, having grown up admiring female superheroes she watched on TV. She loved them for always fighting to protect others and being happy, desiring to be just like them someday….I think I can relate to this type of character more…she even encourage silly behaviour…well that I know that very well-” she gave yuzu a look knowing exactly what she meant from the squad behaviour to yuzu chaotic personality too. 

you think so? generally yuzu saw queen as an underappreciated character but she could see where jiyeon was coming from. she’s a super bad-ass rider but compared to the others she may seem a little plain, yuzu muses, fingers on her chin. she still did love the character regardless. even if 90% of her iconic-ness came from her persona being a motorcycle. 

alas it’s fine though. depending who you interact with and what kind of face you show to them, a person can have more than one major arcana, yuzu explains like the fangirl she is, not even sure if any of her game knowledge applied to the actual way of reading tarot. perhaps that was something she could ask one of her friends about.

in the end though yuzu was just glad that at least noir seemed to be a character that sparked her eonni’s interest. already seeing herself with the full thieves assembled for the halloween party, she couldn’t help the excitement dancing in her eyes. wha- hey. are yer talkin’ bout me?! I’m not silly at aaaaall.


Her gaze followed the other’s up to the sky as she enjoyed the air, wondering if she would ever get to see a cloudless, star-filled sky. Seoul surely wasn’t a good starting point and she’s only been to one place where it would’ve been possible, hadn’t she been too busy training.

So, compared to Yuzu, she’s never really been anywhere outside of Korea before the Heartz Project. For her, wanderlust was much more relatable, though, of course, she didn’t know how the other felt. She couldn’t read minds, after all.

“Hmm,” she hummed nodding, getting the feeling that she shouldn’t continue asking about it, so she quietly sighed instead, eyes lowering to wherever they were walking to instead. The girl didn’t mind silence when around friends, but with anyone she didn’t know as well, it was easy to feel a little awkward.

“I wonder where they’ll send us for the unit filming,” she said eventually, finding that she liked travelling a bit more than staying at the dorm, feeling a little bit more free than when they were stuck inside.

in a way yuzu feels bad. she knows luda is trying her best to be open and welcoming but the female can’t bring herself to open up quite yet. known to be someone who much prefers to be there for people rather than have people care for her instead, she doesn’t know how to fit into a dorm that has 90% older girls. 

so the change of topic is a welcome distraction. at least it gives her something she has easy answers to. y’think they gon’ send us off again? yuzu wasn’t sure how she’d feel about that. of course it’d be exciting to travel but thinking back to how she was alone in a new dorm while everyone else was touring- she would feel bad for the new girl being added next month. 

I dunno where I’d wanna go. I’d dig headin’ back to canada but I ain’t mindin’ any place as long as it’s outside seoul, the ex-streamer muses, stifling a yawn by pressing her lips into a thin line.


— `, ● pressing matters .

All kinds of thoughts spin around in Yoorim’s mind when she decides to approach Yuzu after practice one day, she hopes for some advice in regards of what move she should make next. Well, that’s the excuse she used anyway, though aware that she doesn’t need to mask her intentions with the other—after all, they are friends from before the project. Still, Yoorim doesn’t necessarily want to impose, and she doesn’t want to take up too much of the other’s time now that she prepares to debut.

How she wishes to soon follow Yuzu’s footsteps, and to soon prepare for her own debut. That’s why she keeps asking the other trainees, why she keeps asking the other girls who are making their official appearance for help and guidance. So far, she believes that she has made good choices in regards of picking a song for her solo performances, but this time Yoorim finds herself indecisive. “Which do you think that I should go for? Want, or Eclipse?” Straight to the point, uncharacteristically so.

— ● a closed starter for @yuzurk.

She can tell the other is tense when approaching her. Yuzu expected a bit of- dare she call it jealousy- after being confirmed as a member of heartz but she’s glad that it doesn’t stop yurim from wanting to reach out for her opinion. If anything she’ll gladly help the younger girl out and give her advice in any way she’d want.

Damn… those are both great songs… eclipse is more on the rap and vocal  heavy side, while want is more about charisma and execution, right?Brows furrowed she ponders over the options seriously, not minding to sit down and take the time to help the girl out. She doesn’t call Yurim out for her brash approach but instead indulges her like she generally tends to do. Even if perhaps she didn’t understand the full extend of the other’s feelings, she could imagine the general gist to a point she understood to just go along with it.

What do you reckon is something you’d like to show more?
