

Take all the time you need.

Self care. We often put it off, ignore it, or simply never do it. But it’s essential to being the be

Self care. We often put it off, ignore it, or simply never do it. But it’s essential to being the best you, so that you can be the best for those around you - whether that’s at work, your family, your friends, etc.
Lately I’ve been feeling stressed, sore, generally overwhelmed, and constantly questioning whether I’ve been pushing myself too much, or not enough. Whenever I get to that point it’s usually a slippery slope where I end up getting sucked down into a routine of sleeping a lot and not being productive.
Instead, I took a moment to accept that I AM stressed out, and that I needed and deserved time for myself so that I can be better for myself and others overall. Today that simply meant sleeping in an extra few hours and going for an easier morning yoga routine. It made a world of difference for my mental and emotional health and prevented me from derailing a daily routine I’ve worked really hard to establish for myself.
So yes. I wanted to take a moment to remind you to take time for you. Please! YOU DESERVE IT. And you will be better for it. I love you and I hope you have an amazing week.
#personalpost #selfcare #justbreathe #taketimeforyou #positivity

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