#tally hall


Arawi’s Awesome Automated Anime

Did another Mario Paint Composer cover (Time Machine)

Youtube link

this was a vent drawing but its just good so i felt better like immediately afterwards gdjhfgdjllyri

this was a vent drawing but its just good so i felt better like immediately afterwards gdjhfgdjl

lyrics from Hymn for a Scarecrow

Post link


Music you’ve probably or probably never heard before and I would recommend

Tally Hall: Band that basically made whatever they wanted until they stopped making music. really, they made hard rock, rap, and whimsical stuff all in one album. very Beatlesque.

Jellyfish: 90′s band i don’t know much about, but theyre similar to Tally Hall

Jack Stauber: The guy that made that Peppermint song and Buttercup(oh, I’ll do it sometime). he’s got a youtube channel with short little songs paired with claymation, vhs-type animation, irl video, all in one and more

I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: They’re an indie band with a new-wave type feel. got dire lyrics and catchy, fun tunes.

Tori Amos: Alternative and punk artist that started in the 90′s and is still going. she’s got a lot of slowish songs and some upbeat ones; I recommend “Raspberry Swirl.”

Bryan Scary (and the Shredding Tears): the man usually makes music ALL BY HIMSELF, and occasionally adds other people. he’s got the piano playing of Elton John and the voice of Billy Joel. sounds like 70′s pop.

Cosmo Sheldrake: like the more whimsical brother of Hosier.

Beach Bunny: girl who writes tumblr aesthetic songs; gives you nostalgia from when you were never alive.

Studio Killers: masters of party music. You’ve probably heard heard them before, just didn’t know who they were.

Lemon Demon: Heard one of his songs. So groovy, I melted. same guy that made potter puppet pals. genius.

MIKA: reincarnation of Freddie Mercury.

Mother Mother: Haven’t heard much of them. “Oh Ana” is good for you if you’re interested in cool chords and anorexia(i think that’s what it’s about).

*Exception* The Beatles: Yeah I know you’ve heard them before, but just don’t let their music die. (Edit: disregard this one, I was absolutely obsessed with them when I posted this listen to the Who instead)

Arlie: Beatlesish nostalgia feel.

Jade Bird: Awesome woman on guitar who writes 90′s-type hits and throws you back to the 70′s.

Listen to them all, even if it’s just one song. Any additions?

rob has a playlist and it’s just the entire good & evil album with 3 lemon demon songs included on it

“The Ghost and Molly McGee” Combines Music and Charm for a Worthy Successor to Classic Disney Channel Shows

If anything stands out in the first five episodes of new Disney Channel animated series “The Ghost and Molly McGee,” now streaming on Disney Plus, it’s that this show is absolutely in the style of beloved Disney Channel animated projects, while bringing its own style to the 2021 cartoon slate. 

The first episode, Curses, is available free on YouTube as well! 

Here are five reasons why we think “The Ghost and Molly McGee” should be mandatory screening this fall: 

  1. So Many Jokes: The well-written comedy is enhanced by the delivery of incredible leads Ashly Burch (Enid from “OK K.O.!”) and Dana Snyder (Gazpacho from “Chowder”).
  2. Great Songs: These songs, in a variety of styles, are going to stick with you. If you’re not already a fan of Tally Hall band member and Internet sensation “Actual Cannibal Shia LeBeouf” creator Rob Cantor, who writes the original music for the show, you will be.
  3. Beloved Character Tropes with a New Spin: Molly’s manic positivity brings the Thai-American character a Star Butterfly — or even Amphibia’s Sprig as a teen girl — vibe. It’s all the better when combined with Scratch’s spoil-sport commitment, like Phineas & Ferb’s Candace Flynn, and the cheating, scheming, grump of Grunkle Stan.
  4. Binge-worthy: The episodes are a tight 11-minutes each and easy to watch one after another.
  5. Weird, Great Family: More than just a small family unit of Molly’s parents and brother, the show includes a vibrant, ridiculous community that fills out the heart of the stories.

Please don’t just laugh and clap right now

This is serious

I’m not delirious

I’ve waited very patiently

Just to let you know

Who should run the show

Cause we all know these are the facts

Nothing to retract

Nothing too abstract

Concluding in the song

I’ll say that

No one’s better than you


when juno is mad and knows he’s been had
