#tangled series

Just felt like Cass needed some attention

Just felt like Cass needed some attention

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Guess who finally binged the whole of the Tangled series and has a new best girl can’t believe it took me 4 years to finally watch it, disgusted with myself

Check my art insta for more @zoeekar ♥

Here’s some more from my Vault of Designs on Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure. This time I’m showcasing Eugene’s Swashbuckling best friend Lance Strongbow! (Yes, he started out as a nod to Lando). As you can see what little development work I did on Lance was done on post its, note cards, and note book paper mostly done while in other meetings for the show. I find it helpful to jot down quick rough ideas over a period of time so when I sit down to draw the real thing I’m already slightly loosened up with the design. Final color on Lance was cooked up by Alison Jota.

Aside from Co-Executive Producing “Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure” I also serve as one of the character designers. Here’s one of the designs I’m most proud of, Adira. My good friend David Pimentel alway whines at me that I don’t post enough “rough” artwork so here are all the dirty scribbles, doodles, and thoughts that led to Adira’s final design. (Whose final color was done by Alison Jota). A big thank you to Bosook Coburn whose knowledge and passion of Korean Culture helped lead me down this path to figuring out Adira’s look. I was especially thrilled when the Tangled fans discovered that Adira’s Braid Clips and Earing are designed to mirror the “Brotherhood” symbol on her hand and belt! (“Repetition with variation” as my wise design teacher Leo F. Monahan taught me).

Thank you so much for 7k in my instagram!! This is my open collab, more information información my Instagram @lintushadow.art

First archive in JPEG and second one in PNG
