#tao xu



Credits: @federicocesaris



TAOXU + 3 best character traits you can give (insp)

Tao: Did you know Charlie was dating Nick?

Isaac: I didn’t know for certain, but it seemed like a reasonable assumption?

Tao: And you never thought to tell me about it?

Isaac: Charlie’s our friend. If he didn’t tell us about it, that’s his business.

Tao: Then it was just me in particular who got left out. When we went for milkshakes, everyone but me knew about it.

Isaac: What.

Tao: Charlie, Nick, me, Elle, and Elle’s friends from Higgs went out for milkshakes before the orchestra concerts.

Isaac: You went out for milkshakes… and I wasn’t invited?

some heartstopper characters doodles <3

Darcy: You know, sometimes I think Nick might be an actual golden retriever

Charlie: Why do you say that?

Darcy: oh, I don’t know, he’s blonde

Tao: He always makes you smile

Aled: He tried to sit on my lap by accident once

Tara: He really likes playing rugby and catching the ball
