

I’m currently wallowing in HZD nostalgia again, so I thought it was time to give Inutai a new updated sheet. Her outfit hasn’t changed much since her first design, just a few tiny details.

She was Aratak‘s mate and the mother of his three children. She died in a battle during the Red Raids years prior to Frozen Wilds.

I have a whole story about the events called ‚Song of the Red Snow‘ which is readable on wattpad.

I really love her, one of my very favorite OCs!

❄️ Gift of the Blue Light ❄️

I re-outlined and finally colored this picture from two years ago!

I remember me saying that I was never going to color this, that’s why I did the old B/W version and left it like this. But I just loved the picture so much and it deserved to be finished. So I spent two days doing new lines and coloring it…and now it’s done!! ❤️

But yes, here is the Banuk family! Aratak, Inutai and their daughter Aranai, the only child who will live to see the defeat of HADES (where she reunites with her father).

A shame Inutai dies years before, so she will never see their daughter grown up

Still, I’m happy Aratak and her found eachother again.

Inutai is my OC, Aratak belongs to Guerrilla Games

♦️ Spring Days ♦️I wanted to draw something with flower crests and spring meadows So I used the poss

♦️ Spring Days ♦️

I wanted to draw something with flower crests and spring meadows So I used the possibility to draw a single picture of Yonviagain!

This was before her mother died and before she went sick and Roderick forbid her to leave the castle.
She always enjoyed riding out, enjoying nature and collecting flowers. She never really wanted to understand why Roderich kept her locked up in the castle later on…even though he only did it because he was scared for her.

This picture is based on a painting of Alexandre Cabanel (1823 - 1889)

(Arro von Spey & Ellyonvi are my OCs from my story ‚VOGELFREY‘)

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♦️ ♦️ Jester ♦️Drawing Arro without his signature jester head reaaally gives me a strange feeling xD

♦️ ♦️ Jester ♦️

DrawingArro without his signature jester head reaaally gives me a strange feeling xD

But it’s nice to see him without from time to time haha!

The chance of seeing him without hat is the same chance as winning the lottery. He totally lives his jester self, and no matter how silly that stupid hat looks, he loves wearing it.

Becoming a jester saved him from dying on the streets, so it simply became an important part of him. ❤️

…as well as smearing coal on his lips and eyes. Stupid clown

(Arro & Yonvi are my OCs from my story ‚VOGELFREY‘)

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Quick cute Aloy doodle ❤️

Portrait of my Horizon Zero Dawn OC,Inutai!

A shame that my little Banuk huntress dies in the Red Raids and doesn’t live during Forbidden West. But that doesn’t stop me from drawing her though.

(Inutai is my HZD OC)

A quick sketch of Inutai in her chieftain outfit! She only wears it for a short period, but I actually really love it.

That is not her hair btw, it’s fur

If you’re interested in Inutai‘s story - I have posted a few chapters on wattpad! Just DM me.

(Inutai is my HZD OC)

 Arro rocking the night with some catchy yet very questionable songs! Some people asked if this was

Arro rocking the night with some catchy yet very questionable songs!
Some people asked if this was ‚undead‘ Arro… well, maybe hehe. What if Corvus is actually holding the strings?

I really enjoyed drawing the trash clown again! ❤️ And I love the way he came out!!

(All characters are my OCs from my story ‚VOGELFREY‘ ©️) #vogelfreyjesters

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New year’s illustration of my Banuk huntress, Inutai! ❄️

(Inutai is my HZD OC)

These two really deserve a moment of peaceful togetherness without having to think about all the danger that awaits them in every corner. They barely sleep in taverns and try to stay away from towns, so the best places for them to spend the night in are basically abandoned barns, shacks and ruins. Sometimes they even sleep under the bare sky. But snuggling up against eachother in the hay is a welcome blessing. And a good way to get rid of wet clothes …

They both know that they basically don’t have anything. But their love and bond gives them a strength that never fades. ❤️❤️

I just live for drawing fluff with these two ahh! ClaudiusandYonvi deserve it so much!

I’ve been drawing on this since a week step by step, due to being on a trip with my dad. But I really love how it turned out!

It’s so warm and cozy!

(All characters are my OCs from my story ‚VOGELFREY‘ ©️) #vogelfreyjesters

A dancing scene by the bonfire at the time Yonvi and Claudius travel with a Roma group. That’s why they’re also wearing different clothing. I really love Claudius embracing his roots ahh …

So they all sat together by the fireplace and as the music began to play they also started dancing. Just look at them - they really lose themselves into this very moment and just enjoy every second of it. At this time they already went through a lot together and their bond had become unbreakable, just like their love! ❤️

(All characters are my OCs from my story ‚VOGELFREY‘ ©️) #vogelfreyjesters

My HZD OC Inutai facing an ‘old friend’ who has turned into an enemy. Now she has questions and they better be answering them…

Just a concept WIP of a scene from my story 'Song of the Red Snow’. It’s readable on wattpad (German only).
