#tbb tech x reader



Clichéd Love-Chapter Two


Note: Hello everyone! I have to say I was blown away by the love and support everyone showed for this first chapter of this fic. You are all wonderful and amazing and your support means the world. I tired very hard to get this out for Tech Thursday and I hope you enjoy it just as much as you did the first chapter :)0

Summary: You and Tech deal with the aftermath of your drunken adventures, reflecting on your relationships and your unspoken desires.

Pairing: Tech x Reader

Warning:Explicit, Masturbation (male), Oral sex (fem receiving ), strong sexual content, drunk sex, angst, so much yearning

Word count: 3.5k

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THis is suuuuuper well written too. I love how the memories are out of order, giving glimpses of the night before. PERF. Love.


Trial and error

Pairing: Tech x f!reader

Summary: Left alone with the brainiest of the Batch after another successful mission, you find out that there’s one subject he’s not an expert in.

A/N:Happy Tech Tuesday lovelies. It’s my first time writing in this fandom, so of course, it had to be centred around my favourite nerd. That being said, please be gentle :’) I personally head-cannon Tech as being a little like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory, whether that comes across in this or not I don’t know, but here we go…

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Ravon’la 8

pairing : tech x f!oc

warnings : kidnapping, needles,

a/n : THE LAST CHAPTER IS HERE. also hi guys I missed you all sm, COLLEGE IS HARD MAN. i am swamped with work but writing this helped so much, I hope you all enjoy!!

Ravon’la 7


“Down to the last two upstairs,” Crosshair confessed to Athena through comms, “you think you can take those on the floor?”

The girl ducked and launched the blade through the Pyke approaching her. “Always.”

Over fifteen Pykes had shown up looking for the girl who threatened some random man for spilling his drink on Tech. As well as the twelve separatist bounty hunters showed up looking for the republic spy. It turned out there had been some information leaked from republic files about a certain undercover operative. Not just that, but there was now a bounty on Athena. A bounty of multiple thousand credits for anyone who returned the girl dead or alive-the bounty was anonymously placed and could only be contacted when there was proof that they had the target.

Athena sent all of Clone Force 99 with Fives and told them to get off world and she’d meet them soon, just to get Fives to safety. Tech argued vigorously that she was being too selfless and that they would all stay and protect her, to which she gave him (something he adored) this soft look when she lifts her head up to meet his and her features soften, and he instantly caved. Crosshair stayed behind to try and help her fight them off-which the two had done incredibly well. The sniper jumped into the speeder bike and drove down to Athena, grabbing her hand and pulling her onto the bike as she quickly made sure there was nobody else around to attack them. Both of them were grinning ridiculously with glee. Athena’s bond with Crosshair was a difficult one to explain, but the two had such a great aspect of humour and sarcasm between the two whilst being incredibly skilled-meaning that they were a perfect pair.

As they made it to the ship, Tech looked up from his datapad to the girl. He hadn’t known what to say to her, so he didn’t say a thing. The clone made his way over to her-smiling sympathetically as she grinned and laughed with his brother who gave back handed compliments to one another. Fives had gone to the back of the ship to sit by himself in silence, which meant this would be much easier for Tech and he wouldn’t face extreme backlash from the regular clone. He handed her a cup of steaming hot tea which made her smile. Athena took a sip thoughtlessly, having let her guard down, but instantly became drowsy. Her eyes widened as she tried to stay awake-but whatever Tech had made the tea with, made her incredibly sleepy in his arms. He hadn’t used anything illegal, he had given her some sleeping herbal tea to make sure she would sleep and he would be able to take her some place safe until he solved the issue that had presented itself.


Athena sat up in the small, bright white sterile room as her eyes widened. Her hands fumbled to grasp onto the walls as Tech kneeled before her, hands extending to her which caused Athena to calm down and throw herself in his arms, allowing herself to be vulnerable.


“There we go my darling, hush, you’re okay, I’m right here. I’d never let anything happen to you, would I?” His tone of voice caused Athena to look up at him with curious eyes. However, as soon as his hands cupped her cheeks and he brushed her hair out of her face, placing his forehead against hers, all of those feelings faded as she closed her eyes and sighed in comfort at his embrace. “That’s my girl.”

“Tech, what did you do?”

“What do you mean, my dear? I haven’t done a thing.” He smiled in a cocky manner-it was almost a smirk as Athena’s eyes widened looking up at him. “Come on darling.”

The girl pulled herself out of his embrace, jumping to her feet and reaching to grab the blade she had hidden in her waist and pointed it at the clone. Tech found his feet and held his hands up to show he meant no harm but there was no belief from the girl. Her eyes scanned the room for quick escape and only found the door-the window was far too small for her to fit through and she very well wasn’t about to tear up the floor and jump out into the oceans of where she gathered was Kamino.

“Fives-where’s fives? Is he safe? I need-”

Tech nodded. “We’re setting him up somewhere safe, I’ve made sure he’s got a completely new identity and he’ll be safe. Put the blade down and come here my love, can you do that?” Athena sheepishly put her dagger back behind her to hide it as she ran over to tech. “There’s my good girl.” He soothed as he ran his hands through her hair. “You’re okay, it’s safe here-”

Athena broke into combat mode, kicking Tech away from her whilst he removed the dagger from her waist. He threw it to the side before the ex operative ran at him, tackling him to the floor before making a move for the door. Tech hadn’t anticipated this reaction from the girl he had at least thought she’d hear him out first. His hands grabbed her ankles and pulled her back to the floor, making his way back up her body. “Get off me!”

Her feet launched into his chest, creating a fair distance between the two as she managed to open the door to an empty, thin corridor which would lead to the main corridor. Tech was gaining on Athena as she ran, looking back at the goggled clone who was telling her ever so calmly that she had to come back for her own safety. She saw the door to the main corridor in the distance and she gave a wide smirk-she was going to make it out of here. Her sense of freedom was a few feet away from her, slowly inching towards her, and she scrambled as Crosshair stepped out in front of her, stunning her with his blaster. But it’d take more than that to take Athena down.

Her feet swept underneath his and she forced him to the floor, jumping to the door-fingertips reaching just to the handle as Crosshair grabbed her by her waist and launched her backwards towards Tech. Why?

“I don’t know what kind of fucked up fantasy you two are having but get off me!” Athena kicked out her legs once more to make Crosshair stumble, her finger nails curling into Tech’s gloves as he winced but never let go of his grip on her. “Tech-tech please what’s this about?” The goggled clone wrapped his fist around both of her wrists, glaring at her as Crosshair forced the two into the room. He sat her on the bed at the very back of the room which left Crosshair by the door with his blaster set to stun in case she tried to escape once more. “Please, tech, what’s going on?”

The clone sat down before her, nodding softly as he held her hands to soothe her. “There’s a bounty on you, from the separatists. Six thousand credits.” Her eyes widened, letting out a very quiet ‘kriff me’ in shock. “And the chancellor has accused you of being a deserter, meaning the republic have also placed a wanted alive bounty on you for the same amount.”

“I can’t stay on Kamino!! Tech, tech, hey.” Her hands lifted to his face. “It’s not safe here, i need to get out of here but I need your help. Please.”

“This is the safest place for you. Everyone, no matter their intentions in this war, is after you, my darling. So this is the safest place for you, there’s enough food to last you an incredibly long time, no windows so nobody can blast through, this is through three different corridors that are out of use. This is the safest place for you.” Her eyes widened as he spoke so calmly, realising that he was being completely serious-that he would keep her here for as long as necessary.

“But-but tech. H-how long for?”

“Forever. And only we know where you are darling, so you’ll be safe-”

Athena pressed her lips against his to keep him quiet, the sniper scoffing and smirking to himself. Tech placed his hand on the back of her head-the other hand underneath her chin holding her head up to his whilst hers tugged in his hair (knowing he’d allow himself to be distracted and indulge in his desires). The second he let out a groan against her lips-she grabbed the two blasters from his hilts and jumped back, pointing one at each of the clones.

“I’m not staying here, both of you move. Let me go.”

“Athena, we can’t do that. I cant do that.”

“Hey, pretty boy-“ She looked over at the sniper. “Loth Cat, Cmon, we all know I can take care of myself!!”

“Be thankful we care.” Was all he responded with. “I don’t wanna stun you but I will.”

“I can’t stay here! I’ve got so much I wanna do! I can take care of myself.” The googled clone was still in disbelief how she had kissed him to distract him, but didn’t know how to acknowledge it. “Tech, please. I’ve been monitored my whole life, I’ve never had a private moment in my life aside from when I’ve been with you, please, even if you never let me leave the ship I can’t stay on Kamino. Please I can’t stay on Kamino”.

Crosshair scoffed and pulled the trigger down on the blaster, stunning the girl as her body slumped onto her knees-but never dropped how she pointed both blasters at them. “How many is it gonna take for you to go, hmm?”

Tech walked over to Athena, ever so peacefully as he nodded at the blaster she had pointed at him. The girl placed it on the floor (keeping the other pointed at Crosshair) as Tech knelt before her. “Okay, Athena.”

“Please I can’t stay here. I’ll go anywhere I’ll do anything, whatever you want, please just don’t make me stay here I can’t stay here please te-”

“Alright, my love, it’s okay, shhh.” He nodded, taking her into his arms as her hands nervously shook. “I’m sorry my darling.” Athena gasped as she felt a prick in her arm, looking up at Tech and holding onto him tighter. “You’re alright, my love, it’s just going to calm you down okay?”

“Don’t-dont touch me.” She panicked, scurrying away from him on the floor-backing away into Crosshair without looking. “Please don’t, please loth cat, tech, please I can’t. Please, please I’ll do anything. Tech don’t.”

“We’re sorry, Athena. But this is to keep you safe.” The goggled clone picked her up swiftly as she tried to work her way out of his arms. “Hey, you’ll be okay.”

With a sharp pain in her upper arm, Athena squirmed and whined at the injection in her arm-grasping onto Tech to try and stay up. Speech slurring, she groaned “tech, tech it hurts, hurts, s stop it.”

His eyes softened as he placed her down on the bunk. He knew what he had done was completely wrong-but brushing her hair back, laying her down in the bunk with the blanket over her-he knew she would be safe. And that was all he wanted. Tech didn’t care if she would grow to resent him, whether she would be furious with him and never want to hear his name spoken galaxy wide again, his top and only priority was Athena’s safety. His hands lifted to brush the stray strands of hair from her face as he knelt down, knowing Crosshair had left the room to allow his brother to say goodbye.

Leaning in to place a kiss upon her head, he muttered, “I am sorry Athena, but I must keep you safe. Stay here until the time is right.” He pulled away from the kiss as she moved closer into him, her head nestling into his chest plate. “I must keep you safe darling, nobody else can. Only I can keep you as safe and protected as you need to be my love.”

The republic special operative spy awoke the next morning, groggy and angered from the events of last night. She was bested-by a clone. The rage that boiled inside of her was fresh and raw, she wanted to scream, the have one of her “sessions” to deal with the sudden emotional change. This was the first time Athen had been bested. By a clone of all. Her hands balled to fists as she found the letter on the floor next to the bed.

Dearest Athena,

You may be mad at me, or rather us, for our actions. But it is with great sorrow I had to do that. I’d sacrifice my position in the GAR for you my darling, and I did without thought. There isn’t a single thing I wouldn’t do for you my love-the actions I took to protect you did not come with any malicious intent but rather out of a place of warmth, tenderness and affection for one another. To protect you, I am keeping you safe here. There are monitors that you should press on the datapad I left you to alert me of anything you need. Say the word and I will be back on Kamino to help with whatever it is. When it’s safer, when I know i can find the two of us some place safe (if you’ll have me that is), I will come back within a heartbeat and take you to our safe haven. To our utopian, to our home. Until that time, please, stay safe my darling. Stay here.”


The Bad Batch all sulked in the brig after the failure of the mission, Tarkin accused them of treason for “conspiring with Saw Gerrera”. That was not how it went, but the arrogant Imperial would not see it that way. Crosshair had been taken from them, for reasons unknown some troopers had taken him from the cell. Omega, wanting to find an escape, had somehow managed to climb up into the ventilation system.

“Hey! Where’s the girl?” A clone trooper yelled at the remaining members of the Bad Batch. “Now!”

The doors opened swiftly, a cloaked and hooded figure sweeping into the holding facility as they kicked one of the three clone troopers in the back of the knee-forcing them to collapse. Their legs swept under the second clone troopers feet with such impact the clone troopers helmet cracked as he groaned weakly. The figure then took the blaster and set it to stun on the third clone, calming almost all of the competition as he collapsed. Yet, the first clone trooper grabbed the figures hood in an attempt to pull them backwards, which only meant their hand was grabbed and their wrist was bent backwards before a foot met their chest and they were stunned to the floor. The Batch all looked at each other curiously as Omega began to panic.

“We don’t have much time.” The figure lowered the ray shields on the brig doors, opening the door on the ceiling to signal to the girl. “Jump, I’ll catch you.”

“Who are you?” Echo asked, eyebrows raised.

Omega jumped out of the shaft and into the figures arms who caught her with ease, placing her on the floor and scanning her for injuries. “Is that you?”

“Like I said.” The figure took off the hood, causing the goggled clone to grin from ear to ear at the now short haired Athena who stood before him, and then the mask that covered her neck to nose. “We don’t have much time. Your stuff is in the hangar with the Marauder.”

“Athena. You’re alive. I though Tech was lying.” Hunter admitted, shock coursing through him.

“We can discuss technicalities later. Right now let’s get you to the hangar, I’ll take you the quietest way to get your armour then we head back for Crosshair.”

Echo yelled. “You’re the girl Tech has on his wall!”

With a relieved sigh, Tech waltzed over to Athena who instantly wrested her head in his chest. “Are you alright, my dear?”

“I’m not forgiving you just yet. Let’s go to the hangar, okay?” She nodded firmly-hiding the smile well but the gleefulness in her eyes was evident.

The group made their way to the hangar, despite Hunter leading the group by giving commands, it was Tech and Athena physically leading-giving directions and staying ahead of the group. Being one with the disguise and blaster, the ex undercover operative went first as Tech followed suit after having stolen a blaster from one of the unconscious troopers. Hunter, Echo, Wrecker and Omega all looked at the longing glances Tech gave the girl. The smile that spread wide across his face, the adorable shimmer in his eyes as he watched her mumble to herself about the route they could take to save Crosshair. Tech’s glances were not unrecognised either. Athena noticed them-even returning some on the extremely rare opportunities Tech’s eyes were not firmly on her and her alone, she would look up at the goggles clone with a look that read a variety of emotions. Anger, confusion, happiness yet above all, that sort of gleefulness that nobody had ever seen her display before. Almost like the childish grins she gave as she went sledding with him down the mountains and throwing snowballs with Crosshair.

As they all managed to get into their gear, Athena helping Tech set up the ship whilst she grabbed a few spare blasters for the rescue mission-the hangar doors opened. A single silhouette waltzed out, sniper rifle in hand and helmet tucked under his arm, toothpick in his mouth smugly as his new crew crowded into the hangar. The goggled clone ducked behind some boxes with the ex spy who was taking some incredibly deep breaths.

“Oh, Athena!” Her head snapped up, looking at Tech. “Come out, loth cat. I’ll only bite if you ask.”

“Do not.” Tech noticed how she slowly rocked on the balls of her feet, debating the matter as he held onto her wrists. “I have lost you once, I will not loose you again.”

“Oh Athena! Let’s not waste anymore time, hmm? Don’t be as pathetic as my brothers, you’re a smart girl, come out and we can fix this, the two of us.”

“Cros-” Tech instantly wrapped his hand around her mouth keeping her quiet. She raised her eyebrows in protest, being furious about what he had done. The goggled clone knew she wasn’t naive, she had more life experience than anyone in this hangar combined, but she believed she could help Crosshair and that was the one thing that would not work well for her.

“If you don’t come out, doll, I’ll just have to make you. You know you could join us, be much more valuable than my brothers here-“ There was a deliberate pause as Crosshair’s thumb pressed down on the speaker, a deafening sound echoing as Athena struggled in Tech’s grip, her cries being muted by the hand over her mouth. “There she is, attagirl. Tech, can’t keep her quiet forever.”

Tech had read about the contraption before, the small speaker button that led to the imbalance in Athena’s mind, that caused her chemical programming to freak out and collapse in turn. He knew this had the power to make her obey, to make her do whatever they said and there was no way around it-that he had discovered anyways. Her soft, glasses over eyes looked up at the clone as he instantly snuck into the marauder, leaving Hunter and Crosshair to discuss whatever they needed to. Whatever was going to play out would play out, he didn’t care, he grabbed some ear plugs and placed them in Athena’s ears to block the noise from affecting her further. She itched her hands until it turned red, bounced her legs anxiously until it became frictionless as she tried to stay calm.

What can I do to help’ tech mouthed to the girl, yet she could not even catch her breath.

Nap.’ She muttered under her breath. ‘Inject me again, calm down’ she nodded frantically as she began searching the ship for whatever it was, ensuring that the Marauder would be ready to leave while scouring for the injection he had once given her that rendered her unconscious. When he held it in his hand, Athena immediately nodded and held out her arm-almost as if she was begging him to. ‘I don’t know who I’ll be if this carries on hurry up tech please!’ She almost wailed silently in worry for his safety.

Tech, starting up the ship as his brothers were about to board, turned to the ex undercover operative and pressed his lips to hers. Her hands uncovered her ears to wrap around the back of his neck, one pulling at his hair. Her grasp on his hair became a tight one as the needle broke her skin, forcing her into a lulled, relaxed state of peace where she would soon fall asleep. The clone had been burdened by far too many things since he had last seen Athena. Having to do this when they were reunited was one of the last things he wanted for them. When he pulled away from the kiss, he noticed how her eyes seemed softer-how her expression was much more relaxed and less rigid. His arms wrapped around the girl to lay her down in his bunk, kissing atop her head before rushing to the cockpit.


The group landed the Marauder on J-19 (or rather, Salecuami), waking Omega and Wrecker up as everyone got ready to gather their things. Athena was still, somehow, out for the count. Tech had walked over and brushed her hair back from covering her face placing a soft kiss atop her head and she stirred-letting out a quiet yawn and peeking up to look at the clone.

“Are you alright, Athena?” The girl nodded as she sat up-yet felt the effects of the injection still when she stumbled backwards. Tech wrapped his arms around her instantly to catch her, steadying her in his grip as she inhaled sharply. “My dear? I’m here, you’re okay. Nothings going to happen to you.”

“Hey! You two!” Wrecker bellowed, storming to the back of the ship to see them and immediately pausing. “Oh uh sorry for charging in! We uh we’ll let you guys talk and meet you there!”

The two were then left in their awkward silence as tech’s arms remained wrapped around her. Athena had plenty of words, she’d been thinking about this for an incredibly long time, 180 sunrises she had watched hoping that he’d come back and she could yell at him, scream at him, yell at him then wrap her arms around him and tell him she missed him. All words befell her vocabulary, none of them existed as she thought about how to start the conversation.

Tech had always been mesermised by Athena, that was no secret, words could never match the feelings he had for her. And as he gazed into her eyes, awaiting some sort of reaction from her, he had began to panic. He could understand if she never wanted to see him again after what he had done. He was furious with himself for not doing more-but he knew she would be safer alone in a secluded place. Why would the republic look for a so-called deserter on their own Kaminoan base? They wouldn’t. It was safer for her. If she didn’t want to see him again, he could understand-but one thing he would never be able to cope with was the thought of Athena running off and being mad at him. Him never having the chance to explain himself, to tell her how he feels, to just look into her eyes in awe of how she’s there with him-the two of them together-just be in awe of her company blessing his day and making it brighter than it could ever possibly be.

“Athena I-”

“Can I talk first? please?” The clone immediately nodded. “I’m mad at you, I understand why you did what you did, but I’m mad at you. I wish you’d have told me before you and your brother dragged me kicking and screaming. We could’ve come up with a plan if you’d have told me. The past 180 rotations I’ve dreamt and thought about what I would say to you, and the only thing that comes to my head is how mad I am. How furious I was that you’d lie to me and leave me there, I felt like it was a mission all over again, isolated and alone with nothing to do.” The feeling of Tech’s heart in his throat made him feel incredibly panicked, sick. She hated him. The one person in the entire galaxy, the one person galaxy wide he never wanted to hurt or upset, was mad at him. His eyes glazed over and he prayed to the stars that she wouldn’t notice that, or how his hands slowly slipped from around her as his grip loosened. “How mad I am that you didn’t let me stay with you, how mad I am that I couldn’t even be furious with you because you checked in on me every single day, all day, even when you were on missions to make sure I was okay.” Her hands lifted to place them on his cheeks, lifting the goggles and wiping the tears away. “I can get over what you did, Tech.”

“Y-you can?”

“You were protecting me. Us.” She nodded and he instantly gave her the softest smile effortlessly. “But I uh need time to be mad at you, if that’s okay.”

“How long?”

“Like five minutes because truth be told, I really missed the feeling of your arms around me.” She rested her head against his chest as he tightened his grip around her, placing his chin atop her head and slowly beginning to sway. “I’m not mad anymore.”

“That wasn’t even five minutes my darling.”

“I can’t be mad at you, I had all that time to be mad at you. Now I just wanna be with you.”

The clone grinned, pulling his chin off and lifting hers up as he leaned down to her height. “If you want to be with me my love, im right here. Whenever, wherever, however.”

“Us against the galaxy.”

“Us against the galaxy.” And with that, the two embraced, Athena’s heart blooming with emotion as Tech picked her up in his arms-causing her to let out a laugh.




Handholds - Tech Drabble

NSFW 18+ Only

Word count: 1.3k

Tags: Hand holding / Oral sex (f! Receiving)

Notes: reader is AFAB but no description of her appearance is mentioned. Prompt based off of this SFW TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdTgEard/?k=1

It stared out innocently enough.

Just a simple quest to hold Tech’s hand while he was working. He doesn’t need both of them, c’mon! He is a king at multitasking, and able to keep working with the slight handicap.

You waited until he was done using his spanner to fix a small panel under the cockpit. Sliding underneath the panel with him, you grab the tool when he opens his palm to hand it to you…

and that’s when you strike.

In the same split second, you thread your fingers in between his and curl your knuckles until his hand is now clamped into yours. You can tell he hasn’t quite grasped what has happened, his fingers still slightly open like he was stuck in that position.

It wasn’t until he looked at you and then at his hand that the look on his face changed from his unbothered expression to that of surprise, to embarrassment, and then acceptance.

He gives a shy smile, allowing his own fingers to finally curl against your own, his thumb rubbing small circles against your own. His hands, calloused and scarred from years of service in the GAR, and his work now, acting as the team’s mechanic and brilliant technician….your technician. You can’t help but giggle at his shy demeanor, squeezing his hand placing a gentle kiss on his knuckles.

Yeah…It started off so innocently~

“Ahh…k-kriff Tech..hahhh-”

You feel like you’re beyond the clouds. Another languid and warm lick against your opening has your whole body trembling against the cold floor. You can barely breathe, the sheer ecstasy you were feeling from Tech eating you out was something indescribable.

You wanted to grab his head and pull him in more. Wanting to card your fingers into the soft dark curls of his hair, but you couldn’t.

Your hands were currently occupied…with his own.

Tech was insistent that he held your hands while he went down on you. As soon as he was able to finally rip off your undergarments, he immediately clasped his hands into yours again. Hitching your legs over his shoulders to keep them open while he toyed with your mons. Licking and nipping against the little pouch of skin before trailing down to the little bud of nerves he knew was pulsing with need.

“Mmmmm Tech– what’s gotten into you? T-this isn’t like you.” You jolt when he makes a small “o” shape with his lips and lightly sucks your pearl. Your fingers squeezing his and him responding likewise.

“On the contrary darling, I am exactly as I have always been.” Tech lets your clit go when he responds, making you whimper at the loss of contact.

You can’t help but roll your eyes at his matter of fact phrasing. Giving you a quizzical look, Tech still has a tight grip on your hands, once again dipping his head when you don’t respond and going back to licking you.

Not only 10 minutes ago he was acting all shy about your willingness to hold his hand, now he’s the one making such suggestive moves and sounds while he slurps up your arousal as it continuously leaks out of your clenching hole.

You bite your lip, trying to keep the squeaks and moans to a minimum, you’re alone in the Marauder, but you could be walked in on any minute if you make too much sound.

Tech can tell you’re trying to hold back, and the very notion is unappealing to him, so he doubles down on his ministrations. Lapping up your folds and sucking your clit simultaneously, his brows knitted in concentration, and his own body gently rutting against the durasteel floor.

You let out a cry when he speeds up, lapping furiously against your clit and only stopping to dive his tongue as deep as it could go into your pussy. Every move his tongue made against you felt like a passionate flame, burning through your whole body and releasing into the ship’s open frame.

Instinctively, you grasp his hands tighter, almost digging your fingernails into his skin from the intensity of the coil that has been slowly getting tighter in your belly.

Tech, with his brilliant mind working well, shifts himself up slightly. His body sliding a bit closer to you making your lower half curl upwards to accommodate his face, still latched on to your nether region. His own grip on your hands is solid, almost doubled in size, palms brushing against yours.

“Mmmm-Tech..I’m soo close–ah!” You keep shifting your body, trying to escape his open maw fully assaulting your sensitive bud, but he doubles down with his grip. Pushing his face deeper into you and holding you down by bringing your clasped hands over your hips.

“I am well aware cyar’ika, stop squirming.” Tech responds against your heated skin, nipping around your core to calm you down, before going back to eating you out like a starved man. Your mind is going blank, all you can think about now is how good it feels when Tech engulfs your pussy into his open mouth. Sucking and lapping at you fervently like you were the last meal he will ever get to enjoy.

The coil is breaking inside you, all common sense of being quiet has been shooed from your mind as you wail and writhe in his firm grasp. The lewd sounds of slurping and his deep moans against you, vibrate through your whole body.

‘T-tech I’m gonna..I’m gonna cum–” You pretty much were drooling on your words. So drunk with euphoria you could feel the ground move beneath you, Tech’s tongue still prodding through your hole.

“Go on then darling, cum for me.” Tech mouths against your clit, staring directly into your eyes as he continues to drive your orgasm out of you.

You can’t hold back now, your whole body jolts and spasms when the coil finally snaps. Your vision goes white, feeling the rush of your climax finally escape and permeate through the cockpit. As your body is trembling, Tech’s hands are embracing yours so tightly you register a slight pain in between your fingers. You don’t mind it however, the notion of him clasping your hands while he continues to drink up your orgasm, is a showcase of his affection for you.

You try to wiggle your way out, the brink of your orgasm now turning into oversensitivity and you loosen your own grip on his hands.

Tech releases one of them to massage your hip and stomach. Moaning when he feels your free hand scratch his hair and tug slightly to pull him off of you. He finally releases your clit with a small “pop”, his mouth slightly open and his face completely covered from nose to chin in your release.

“T-Tech, that was…” You see a bright smile form on his face, leaning over your spent, half-naked form, he brushes a few strands of hair from your sweat soaked forehead and places a soft kiss to it.

“Yes yes my love, I know, Unfortunately, as much as I would love to decompress, we don’t have much time to get you cleaned up.” Tech, with his other hand still glued to yours, pulls you up and steadies you against his broad chest. Your legs are still a bit weak from the spread out position he held them out for.

You giggle at the state you’re in. Noting that Tech was still very much dressed fully in his armor apart from his helmet. You reach up to re-adjust his goggles which shifted slightly and pull him down for a quick peck on the lips.

“All right dear, let’s get you cleaned up, and myself to a certain extent.” You chuckle at his little joke, following him into the ship’s refresher.

Hand still tightly woven into his.
