

happy one year chuckle sandwich

sorry im not active anymore, my interests have kinda moved away from chuckle sandwich (the podcast not the guys still love the guys)

i really like the 80s now esp the movies with the brat pack theyre so good

the schlatt ram pillows should be called schlakimakura

oh my lord how did i forget schlatts birthday hes literally my favorite chuckle sandwich member. happy belated 22nd big guy

is schlatts first name really johnathan… his mom looked at him pussy fresh and decided to curse him with an old man name


i literally can’t get over this pic he looks like hes boutta go trick or treating. “mom i wanna be a milk man for halloween” headass

whenever schlatt feels extreme emotion he starts slav squatting

love it when i get follows from blogs with absolutely no posts. who are they

mr j. schlatt is a homosexual

i fed the ai behind inferkit a list of all chuckle sandwich podcast episodes that do not have guestsand made it generate new titles. think of this as the high-tech version of that generator i made

all titles under the cut because it’s long as hell

Breaking News About Schlatt’s Foolishness

Ted and the Bear Fist

Schlatt’s Lonely Origin Story

Don’t Download the Podcast!

My Dad Is a Liberal

Let’s Go to Detroit

Schlatt Is My Friend

Macabre Consequences

Ted, Baby!

The Mythical World of Charlie Slimecicle

Ted’s Multiple Fatalities

Charlie is a Serial Killer

We Just Died and Now We’re All Dead

We Never Were In Charge

Schlatt’s Cold War in Russia

The Podcast Might Come to an End

All the best to our wonderful listeners. Thank you for being part of our show.

gonna be real with yall im not as invested as i used to be into keeping up with chuckle sandwich but i PROMISE yall when ted starts streaming again im gonna go fuckin monkey mode on yalls dashboards

“poor little meowmeow” is just “smol bean”/“cinnamon roll” for dreamsmp fans

charlie slimecicles hair is some iridescent holographic bullshit i cannot tell what color its supposed to be. in some pics its a dark blonde in some vids its brown-red in other vids its just brown. what is it supposed to be

reminder for my new followers: dont follow if you came to tumblr from twitter

i love it when people i dont recognize reblog my posts like hi thank you for letting me be a part of your blog im glad you like my posts

is charlie gonna drop more slimecicle plushies…

charlie has the vibes of a pokemon trainer, but like a really fucked up one

please stop calling ted nivison a “mcyter” he has A Vid centered around minecraft up on youtube and only did like 3-4 minecraft streams post-dsmp’s popularity pickup he’s not a minecraft youtuber
