#teresa nielsen


I don’t play Magic: the Gathering.  I remember liking the art though from back in the 90’s when I was little.  Apparently, the collectable card game is still popular and has been taken over by SJWs. Now said SJWs are trying to end the career of one of the most famous artists, Teresa Nielsen, who has worked on the game for decades, just because she liked some conservative tweets and Twitter SJWs found out about it.  You can read more about it here:


Making it even more absurd, Teresa is a lesbian and has been married to the same woman for 25 years.  She was a Mormon who was given a really hard time about coming out and was completely ostracized from her community over it as she explained in her letter addressing the “controversy.”


I’m sure a lot of people can relate to that experience and know how much it sucks.  Yet, the fact she lived through that wasn’t enough for SJWs nor was her letter.  The the fact that she liked tweets by Fox News, Hannity, James O'Keefe, Alex Jones, etc. was enough for these people to demand that she be removed from Magic: the Gathering and have her fantasy art career destroyed.  You got that right.  It wasn’t for anything she said herself.  It was for liking tweets.  That’s it.   Liking tweets is now apparently enough to end someone’s job and livelihood over.

I just want to remind people that SJWs are not your allies, friends or anything else.  They don’t want more rights for LGBT people, which would obviously include the rights of free expression and the ability to form your own thoughts.  They want loyal pets and mind slaves to advance their own evangelical religion which is about fraudulent moral grandstanding and attacking, ostracizing, and destroying other people so they can feel high off of how badly the bullied someone else.  If you’re a minority and move off the plantation of their ideology, you’re now just as bad as the KKK and need to be burned at the stake.  Even apparently watching something as mainstream as Fox News is evidence that you are a fascist as bad as the Nazis to these people now.  They are bigots who call other people bigots and revel in the hypocrisy of it all like pigs rolling around in mud.

Never let SJWs into your fandoms either.  This is the perfect example.  No living person can meet their ever changing standards that keep sliding down the slippery slope.  They are in a never ending purity spiral, and like Don Quixote, will invent enemies when they run out of them to attack, even among people who you would assume would be naturally aligned with them.  Not only will they drive out most of the long time fans of the fandoms they get into, but they will try to attack and drive out the people who created the fandom in the first place like Teresa Nielsen.  The only thing you should do when SJWs start trying to exert political correctness on your hobbies is to tell them no and drive them out instead.  It’s the only way to protect your fandom.  Many people, sadly, are naive regarding SJWs and what they do and would rather not buck their ultra liberal orthodoxy because of the moral hectoring.  Then they act surprised when their fandoms have been lain to waste despite being warned.  Don’t be these people.
